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本文通过对大量文件和实例的分析,对防震减灾宣传政策的提出背景,形成和发展的历史,宣传及其政策在防震减灾事业和社会发展中的地位与作用等问题进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

利用小波变换研究地震勘探信号小波变换的过零点特性,本文提出了用小波变换的过零点特性和地震勘探信号相邻道的横向相关性提高信号分辨率和信噪比的新方法.该方法包括两个主要步骤:①利用相邻地震道信号具有很好相关性,而噪音相关性差的特点以及小波变换的过零点特性得到有效反射波同相轴随空间坐标的变化信息.②利用奇异值分解和最小二乘(SVD-TLS)方法沿同相轴对振幅进行多项式拟合去噪并增加信号高频提高信号分辨率.  相似文献   

利用小波变换研究地震勘探信号小波变换的过零点特性,本文提出了用小波变换的过零点特性和地震勘探信号相邻道的横向相关性提高信号分辨率和信噪比的新方法.该方法包括两个主要步骤:①利用相邻地震道信号具有很好相关性,而噪音相关性差的特点以及小波变换的过零点特性得到有效反射波同相轴随空间坐标的变化信息.②利用奇异值分解和最小二乘(SVD-TLS)方法沿同相轴对振幅进行多项式拟合去噪并增加信号高频提高信号分辨率.  相似文献   

Optimum filters can be computed using orthogonal coordinates obtained from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the autocorrelation matrix. The method is used to obtain unit distance prediction error filters. The output of a unit distance prediction error filter when applied to the input wavelet is an impulse at zero time. The effect on the output of added white noise is easily obtained using the approach through the orthogonal coordinates. The added white noise results in output wavelets which are no longer impulses at zero time. The decrease in time resolution gives a filter that does not increase undesirable high frequency noise as much as filters computed without white noise. Orthogonal coordinates with little signal energy can be omitted from the filter computation resulting in output wavelets resembling those computed using added white noise.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional seismic surveys, in general, do not need the same high degree of CDP coverage as 2-D surveys to achieve a certain signal-to-noise ratio after migration. This can be shown theoretically for Kirchhoff migration and laterally uncorrelated noise. More precisely, there exists a formal relationship between the multiplicity of CDP coverage of a 3-D survey and that of a 2-D survey with the same signal-to-uncorrelated-noise ratio. Frequency and aperture are parameters in the corresponding expression. Heuristically the relationship can be obtained by applying the concept of the Fresnel zone. Though the mathematics in this paper refer to laterally uncorrelated noise, the underlying concepts can probably also be used for weakly correlated noise, e.g., for multiple reflections and for the low-frequency remnants of surface waves.  相似文献   

The presence of the water layer in marine seismic prospecting provides an effective waveguide for acoustic energy trapped between the sea-bed and the sea-surface. This energy persists to large ranges and can be the dominant early feature on far-offset traces. On airgun records, there is commonly a lower frequency set of arrivals following the water-trapped waves. These arrivals are not as obvious with higher frequency watergun sources. By using a combination of intercept-time/slowness (τ—p) mapping on observational data and theoretical modelling, we are able to identify the origin of the events. If a very rapid increase in a seismic wavespeed occurs beneath the sea-bed sediments, a new waveguide is formed bounded by the sea surface and this transition zone. The low frequency waves are principally guided within this thicker waveguide. Numerical filtering in the τ—p domain followed by trace reconstruction is very effective in removing the low frequency noise.  相似文献   

It is shown that the so-called Kirchhoff-summation operator is of a very wide-band nature and even contains an evanescent part. As a consequence, discretization may cause serious aliasing errors, particularly for small extrapolation steps. It is proposed to use in all practical cases band-limited versions of the summation operator, the spatial cut-off frequency being determined by the spatial Fourier spectrum of the coherent noise.  相似文献   

A seismic source array is normally composed of elements spaced at distances less than a wavelength while the overall dimensions of the array are normally of the order of a wavelength. Consequently, unpredictable interaction effects occur between element and the shape of the far field wavelet, which is azimuth-dependent, can only be determined by measurements in the far field. Since such measurements are very often impossible to make, the shape of the wavelet—particularly its phase spectrum—is unknown. A theoretical design method for overcoming this problem is presented using two scaled arrays. The far field source wavelets from the source arrays have the same azimuth dependence at scaled frequencies, and the far field wavelets along any azimuth are related by a simple scaling law. Two independent seismograms are generated by the two scaled arrays for each pair of source-receiver locations, the source wavelets being related by the scaling law. The technique thus permits the far field waveform of an array to be determined in situations where it is impossible to measure it. Furthermore it permits the array design criteria to be changed: instead of sacrificing useful signal energy for the sake of the phase spectrum, the array may be designed to produce a wavelet with desired amplitude characteristics, without much regard for phase.  相似文献   

Generation of electrical power through the use of natural steam obtained from the Earth has the potential to be a significant source of pollution-free power. Successful future exploitation of geothermal power depends upon the development of cost-effective exploration techniques. A field experiment in the Imperial Valley of California indicates that there is a close empirical relationship between hot water deposits at depth and an anomalously high seismic background level at the surface. If this relationship proves to be a general one, it will serve as the basis of a simple and inexpensive method of geothermal exploration.  相似文献   

Comparison of both synthetic and field data shows that considerable suppression of correlation noise can be achieved with the Combisweep technique and with the Encoded Sweep Technique. In the first technique, the spectrum is shaped by superposition of linear sweeps with different frequency range; in the second technique, short sweeps of different polarity are combined to form the “alphabet” of a code.  相似文献   

Numerous electrodes, already used in geophysics or just perfected by us, have been compared by measuring the three main characteristics which interest the user: noise spectrum, temperature coefficient and polarization with its stability versus time. Among the most used unpolarizable electrodes, silver-silver chloride (Ag-AgCl) are the best ones. But a systematic research of all different possible metal-salt couples, have led us to use lead-lead chloride (Pb-PbCl2) for the following reasons: noise as low as the one of Ag-AgCl at 1 Hz and even lower for the low frequencies (0.4 μV at 1 Hz and 1.2 μV at 0.01 Hz for peak to peak value and ΔF=F), temperature coefficient about ten times weaker (?40 μV/°C instead of ?450 μV/°C) and also better long time stability of the polarization (1 mV/month instead of 2 at 10 mV/month). We have been using these electrodes since 1977 as “tube” electrodes which are very easy to use. They allow us to record correctly the fast variations thanks to their low noise, the very slow variations, their low temperature coefficient and their stability, and this with telluric lines only about 100 m long.  相似文献   

We present a new method for the extraction and removal of the source wavelet from the reflection seismogram. In contrast to all other methods currently in use, this one does not demand that there be any mathematically convenient relationship between the phase spectrum of the source wavelet and the phase spectrum of the earth impulse response. Instead, it requires a fundamental change in the field technique such that two different seismograms are now generated from each source-receiver pair: the source and receiver locations stay the same, but the source used to generate one seismogram is a scaled version of the source used to generate the other. A scaling law provides the relationship between the two source signatures and permits the earth impulse response to be extracted from the seismograms without any of the usual assumptions about phase. We derive the scaling law for point sources in an homogeneous isotropic medium. Next, we describe a method for the solution of the set of three simultaneous equations and test it rigorously using a variety of synthetic data and two types of synthetic source waveform: damped sine waves and non-minimum-phase air gun waveforms. Finally we demonstrate that this method is stable in the presence of noise.  相似文献   

A finite realization of a discrete random noise process may be considered as a one-sided energy signal. Its phase property can then be described by means of the center position. The samples of such a realization are the components of a random signal vector and the center position is therefore a random variable. A statistical analysis shows that the expected value of the center position equals half the time duration of the realization. This implies that the Z-transform of the realization may be expected to have an equal number of poles and zeros inside and outside the unit circle. The standard deviation from the expected value of the center position is shown to depend on the time duration of the realization and on the autocorrelation of the process. It follows that, for processes that can be described by the convolution of a white series and a disturbance wavelet, the center position is independent of the phase property of the wavelet. A conclusion based on these results is that the homomorphic technique of wavelet estimation through cepstrum stacking must give questionable outcomes. Another conclusion is that the super-position of a realization of random noise on a minimum phase wavelet will in general give a mixed phase resulting signal. It is pointed out that schemes for the derivation of deconvolution filters do not take account of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

小波变换及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小波变换是近年来发展起来的一门新的数学分支.它适宜于分析研究信号的局部性质,对于图象数据压缩、奇性检测、非卷积型算子的化简及取样插值定理等方面都有着重要的应用,在地震勘探、大气湍流、语声合成、图象处理等许多领域中都有着广泛应用的前景.本文介绍了小波变换及其正交基的基本概念,并对它的一些重要应用作了概括的介绍.  相似文献   

李庆忠 《地球物理学报》1987,30(05):514-531
信号内插与噪音剔除是相互有着有机联系的两个方面。首先讨论地震信号的内插方法,提出了一种“最佳内插算子”,从而导出了另一种“检噪算子”,它可以有效地把干扰波从记录中识别出来,并将其“剔除”出去。进而讨论空间域数据的内插问题——道内插问题。在一定的条件下,空间域数据内插与时间域内插是完全等效的,因此道内插也可以采用与时间域相同的“最佳内插算子”。地震记录上的干扰波其绝大部分表现为空间域的脉冲式干扰,所以用“检噪算子”在空间域作褶积,便能识别干扰,从而对干扰加以剔除。本文解决了一种迭代的剔除方法,取得了好的效果。  相似文献   

One of the main objectives of seismic digital processing is the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio in the recorded data. Wiener filters have been successfully applied in this capacity, but alternate filtering devices also merit our attention. Two such systems are the matched filter and the output energy filter. The former is better known to geophysicists as the crosscorrelation filter, and has seen widespread use for the processing of vibratory source data, while the latter is. much less familiar in seismic work. The matched filter is designed such that ideally the presence of a given signal is indicated by a single large deflection in the output. The output energy filter ideally reveals the presence of such a signal by producing a longer burst of energy in the time interval where the signal occurs. The received seismic trace is assumed to be an additive mixture of signal and noise. The shape of the signal must be known in order to design the matched filter, but only the autocorrelation function of this signal need be known to obtain the output energy filter. The derivation of these filters differs according to whether the noise is white or colored. In the former case the noise autocorrelation function consists of only a single spike at lag zero, while in the latter the shape of this noise autocorrelation function is arbitrary. We propose a novel version of the matched filter. Its memory function is given by the minimum-delay wavelet whose autocorrelation function is computed from selected gates of an actual seismic trace. For this reason explicit knowledge of the signal shape is not required for its design; nevertheless, its performance level is not much below that achievable with ordinary matched filters. We call this new filter the “mini-matched” filter. With digital computation in mind, the design criteria are formulated and optimized with time as a discrete variable. We illustrate the techniques with simple numerical examples, and discuss many of the interesting properties that these filters exhibit.  相似文献   

To be able to make use of all existing probe interpretation techniques, it is desirable that field resistivity observations be conducted in such a way that it is possible to construct an equivalent curve for the surface variation of potential about a point source. Further, the usual parallel layer interpretation will only be justified in as much as the observed potential curve is compatible with such a subsurface geometry. Thus, whilst a potential curve may be constructed from suitable finite potential differences obtained using a Wenner configuration of electrodes, it can be shown, using the tri-potential technique of measurements, that these potential differences may arise partly from lateral resistivity variations. In this paper, a ladder network technique is employed to display these lateral effects and an adjustment method proposed to reduce them. The adjusted potential differences obtained form a consecutive series suitable for summation to give the potential function. These values are subject to further minimum adjustments required for them to comply with slope and curvature conditions for a layered medium. After forming the potential curve by summation, a final numerical smoothing process is carried out. From this smoothed potential curve, corresponding Wenner and Schlumberger curves can readily be derived for interpretation. The method proposed thus attempts to extract from the observed data the maximum part which can be reconciled with a purely depth variation of resistivity. A method is also proposed for compounding the ‘errors of closure’ of the network to provide a Lateral Inhomogeneity Index which gives a measure of the departure of the observed data from the basic interpretation requirements. The method involves no great labour, but can readily be programmed for a computer if desired. Examples are given of the application of the method to field observations. In the interest of objectivity, the final smoothing has been confined to a single stage but in certain very extreme examples a further stage may prove desirable.  相似文献   

Radon变换的抽样取值与小波   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Radon变换在实际应用中必须考虑抽样取值的问题,通信理论中常用的Shannon取样定理在地球物理学等领域中并不适用,因为它要求函数是频谱有限的.本义介绍利用小波理论建立新的取样定理的方法,这一方法的优点在于可以根据具体问题的要求选取适当的基本空间V_0,从而获得较佳的抽样插值效果.  相似文献   

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