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ImODUcrIONThetermphlorotanninswascoinedbySattlerinl974(dtalinRagan&Glombiha,l986)forthebrownalgalpolyphenoIshavingcheAncalcharacteristiesoftannins.Later,theirstmCturalunitwasprovedraaganandGlombitsa,l986)tobephlorogludnol(i.e.l,3,5-trihydroxybename).OginoandTaki(l957)notalthattheaqueousextraCtSoffreshthalliofSargassumringgoldianumhavetanninproperties(tumingbluishorreddishvioletafteradditionofironsaltS,astringenttaste,andabilitytopredpitategelatin).HighmolecularweightpolyphenoIsfromAsco…  相似文献   

After being degreased with acetone, the female gonad ofChlamys (Azumapecten) farreri was extracted with water, and then subjected to DEAE—cellulose column chromatography and purified by Sephadex G-100 chromatography to obtain a pure female gonad glycoprotein (FGGP). The IR spectra, electrophoresis and chemical analysis of FGGP indicated that it was a kind of acid glycoprotein and that the content of total protein and sugar were 54.8% and 40%, respectively. Pharmacological tests showed that FGGP could inhibit (inhibition rate of 40.87%) the growth of Sarcoma 180 of mice.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of high molecular-weight phlorotannins from Sargassum thunbergii(STP) on ADP-induced platelet aggregation and arachidonic acid(AA) metabolism in New Zealand white rabbits and Wistar rats.The inhibition of STP on platelet aggregation was investigated using a turbidimetric method,and the levels of the terminal products of AA metabolism were measured using the corresponding kits for maleic dialdehyde(MDA),thromboxane B2(TXB2) and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1α(6-keto-PGF1α) by colorimetry an...  相似文献   

The effects of environmental Na+/K+ ratio on the gill ion-transport enzyme activity, plasma osmolality and growth of Cynoglossus semilaevis juveniles were investigated. The results showed that, plasma osmolality was similar among flounder adapted to different Na+/K+ ratios of saline groundwaters (P>0.05), while the growth, gill Na+, K+-ATPase and HCO3 -ATPase activities were affected by Na+/K+ ratio significantly (P<0.05). The gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity reached its maximum on day 3, then decreased gradually from day 3 to day 9 and remained constant from day 9 to day 15. The peak values of gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity were detected on day 3 for all Na+/K+ ratios of saline groundwaters, then the enzyme activities descended, and on day 9 the enzyme activities achieved steady state, and the gill HCO3 -ATPase activity increased rapidly and achieved steady state after one day. During steady state, the gill Na+, K+-ATPase and HCO3 -ATPase activity of Na+/K+ ratios 20 and 40 treatments were significantly higher than those in the control group (Na+/K+ ratio 27.5), while there were no significant differences between the Na+/K+ ratio 30 treatment and the control group; the gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity of Na+/K+ ratio 20 and 40 treatments were significantly higher than that for ratio 30 treatment, but there were no significant differences of gill HCO3 -ATPase activity among these treatments. At the end of the 15-day experiment, the weight gain (%) and specific growth rate (SGR) of flounders maintained in seawater were significantly higher than those in groundwaters; significant differences also occurred among the treatments; Na+/K+ ratio 30 treatment had the highest values (33.7% and 1.94 respectively), which were significantly higher than those under Na+/K+ ratios 20 and 40 treatments. Therefore, for the saline groundwater used in this experiment, it is suggested that the Na+/K+ ratio be adjusted to approximately 30, i.e., as close to that of natural seawater as possible in the culture of flounder.  相似文献   

Three new species of Batrachospermum Roth (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) from China are described in this paper. B. yunnanense sp. nov. has long-cylindrical trichogynes with long stalks and is diagnostic of section Virescentia. Within this section, B. yunnanense is similar to B. helminthosum Bory emend. Sheath et al., but it is dioecious and has curved carpogonial branches, while the latter is monoecious and has straight carpogonial branches. It is also similar to B. transtaganum Reis, but it differs from the latter in long carpogonia,big carposporophytes and carposporangia. It is considered that B. nothocladoideum sp. nov. is assigned to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because its carpogonial branches are twisted and gonimoblast filaments are loosely agglomerated. This new species similar to B. iriomotense Kumano, but with short fascicles, long-ovoid or subpyriform cells, numerous terminal hairs, long-ellipsoid trichogynes, big carposporophytes and small carposporangia. The plant is quite tough and cartilaginous and similar to Nothocladus in gross morphology, but its carposporophytes are compact instead of diffuse. This shows that it may be a transitional species between section Contorta and genus Nothocladus. So, B. transitorium sp. nov. should belong to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because of its curved or twisted carpogonial branches and loosely agglomerated gonimoblast filaments, with globose or subglobose cells in fascicles similar to B. spermatiophorum Vis et Sheath, but no colourless spermatiophores. In terms of small and numerous carposporophytes, B. transitorium sp. nov. is similar to some species of section Batrachospermum. However, their other features are unique, indicating its transitional nature between section Contorta and Batrachospermum.  相似文献   

A small amount of heavy metal binding protein, identified by BioRad Protein Assay, has been isolated from the adult brine shrimp,Artemia franciscanus. This protein has an apparent molecular weight between 6000 to 9000 dalton. a UV absorption peak at 260 instead of 280 nm like most proteins; and has high affinity towards binding with radioactive labeled109Cd. These characteristics are similar to that of metallothioneins reported for many vertebrate and invertebrate, marine and terrestrial animals. After the brine shrimp is exposed to a small amount of Cd2+ for 24 h, a large amount of metallothionein can be isolated, showing the inducibility of this detoxifying protein in the adultArtemia in a short period of time.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of salinity fluctuation frequency on the osmolarity, Na+-K+-ATPase activity and HSP70 of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis with initial wet body weight of 1.460 g ± 0.091 g. The salinity in the control group (D0) was 28 throughout the experiment, whereas treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 were subjected to different salinity fluctuation frequencies of 2, 4, 6 and 8 d, respectively. The salinity in treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 was kept at 28 for 2, 4, 6 and 8 d, respectively, decreased abruptly to salinity 24, lasted for another 2 d, and then was raised to its initial value 28. This was a complete salinity fluctuation cycle that afterwards repeated itself. After 32 days, the osmolarity in treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 was significantly lower than that in treatment D0 (P<0.05). There were significant differences in both muscle and eyestalks HSP70 expression among groups. The HSP70 expressions in muscle and eyestalks in group D4 were 61.4% and 57.0% higher, respectively, than that in the control group D0 (P<0.05). There were, however, no significant differences in gill or hepatopancreas Na+-K+-ATPase activity between the treatments and the control.  相似文献   

Results of the experiment of northward transplantation ofPorphyra haitanensis showed that intercrop ofP. haitanensis with Bay Scallop is feasible because the growth duration of both of them is about the same in August–December. Full use of cultivating area, lowering its cost and increasing its product per unit area as well as improving the ecological environment are realized during intercrop. Contribution No. 2152 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature, salinity and light intensity on growth rates of Gracilaria lichenoides and G. tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia were tested. Eight to ten levels of each factor were first tested separately. The best growth rate was obtained under the conditions of 32°C, 30 and 240 μmol/(m2·s) for G. lichenoides, and 24°C, 20 and 200 μmol/(m2·s) for G. tenuistipitata, respectively. Then a uniform design was used to evaluate the optimal combinations of the three factors. The best conditions for the highest daily specific growth rates (% increase in wet weight) are determined to be 31.30°C, 32.10, and 287.23 μmol/(m2·s) for G. lichenoides (16.26%/d), and 25.38°C, 21.10, and 229.07 μmol/(m2·s) for G. tenuistipitata (14.83%/d), respectively. Supported by the 908 Special Program (908-02-04-07), the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, No. 2006CB400608), and K. C. Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University  相似文献   

The viral discase of penaeids is indistinet but highly dangerous because their symptoms are often masked by some secondary ones. In order to gain knowledge on how to prevent the occurrence and spread of this viral disease, diagnostic studies on the early phase of the hepatopancreatic parvo-like viral (HPV) disease of culturedPenaeus chinensis was conducted using ummuno-serological techniques. The purification of HPV was successfully done by density gradient ultracentrifugation of cane sugar.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Tinocladia Kylin, T. gracilis sp. nov. and T. microsporangii sp. nov,, are described. T. gracilis is characterized by its slender frond, variable size, infrequently branched medullary filaments, and short assimilating filaments with 2 - 7 cells. T. microsporangii is characterized by its medullary cells which are slightly larger than sub-cortical ones; narrow sub-cortical layer, usually consisting of 4- 6 cells and very small unilocular sporangia. The holotypes are deposited at the Herbarium of the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China.  相似文献   

Monthly investigations were mae on the population of Chinese freshwater crab,Sinopotamon yangtsekiense Bott, 1967 from April, 1984 to March, 1985. The data on 4413 specimens show that the growth was affected mainly by temperature. During the April to November growth period, the crabs' major development occurred from June through October. One year was required for a fine white oocyte to develop into a mature egg. The reproduction period was June–October. Females bearing eggs were taken from June–August, and crabs with young were found from July–October. The females reproduced once a year but could for more than one year. The number of eggs carried by a female varied greatly according to the size of the crab, ranging from 30 to 100 eggs. New-born crabs become mature after 1–2 years. The sex ratio was approximately 1∶1 in the overall population. However, the larger crabs are predominantly male. The age distribution ofS. yangtsekinese was estimated from size frequency histograms. There were more adult crabs (over 70%) from June to October and more immature crabs (over 50%) from November to May.  相似文献   

The 5.8S ribosomal DNA sequences (5.8S rDNA) and their flanking regions, internal transcribed spacer 1 and spacer 2 (ITS1 and ITS2) of three new isolates in genus Alexandrium (Alexandrium sp. qd1, Alexandrium sp. qd2, Alexandrium sp. gz) from China were amplified, sequenced, and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Alexandrium sp. gz and Alexandrium sp. qd1 were grouped with high bootstrap values with four strains/species, i.e., A. catenella South Korea strain, A. catenella Japan strain, and two from China, Alexandrium sp. AC03 and Alexandrium sp. AN01 being proposed to be A. catenalla in a previous study. Then Alexandrium sp. gz and Alexandrium sp. qd1 were identified as Alexandrium catenella. As A. catenella was isolated from Qingdao and Guangzhou sea areas, it supposedly distributed at least in these two areas and was genetically different. Alexandrium sp. qd2 differed greatly from species in Alexandrium. It clustered with Symbiodinium californium, Symbiodinium sp. G15 and Gymnodinium sp. Zhao 01 with 100% bootstrap value; so Alexandrium sp. qd2 affiliates to genus Symbiodinium, and is probably a free-living Symbiodinium species.  相似文献   

This paper describes a rapid procedure for diagnosis of penaeid viral disease using the immune serological method. The SPA (Staphylococcal Protein A) coagglutination test in early diagnosis of penaeid viral disease has yielded satisfactory results. This is the first time SPA is used in China for diagnoses of viral diseases of marine invertebrates, especially penaeid shrimp. The SPA early diagnostic method is characterized by accuracy, rapidity, simplicity and convenience, low cost, high specificity, strong sensitivity and micro-detectability, and easy dissemination and adaptability in prawn farms.  相似文献   

The construction of enrichment library proves to be one of the efficient approaches for isolating microsatellites in this study. The genomic DNA of sea cucumber was digested with HaeIII and size-selected DNA fragments (250–700 bp) were ligated to an adaptor. Microsatellite-containing sequences were captured by using a combination of GA and CA probes, which were attached to a nylon membrane. The microsatellite enrichment library constructed in this study consisted of approximately 700 clones. Two hundred and thirty-two clones reacted positively after the library screening procedure. Of the 50 clones sequenced, all contained at least one microsatellite and one duplicate clone was found. Approximately 86% of the sequenced fragments permitted to design primers for sequence tagged microsatellite site (STMS).  相似文献   

This experiment on the effects of fishes (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Channa argus, Cyprinus carpio) on growth and survival of juvenile Chinese mitten crab,Eriocheir sinensis was conducted in cages placed in Bao'an Lake. T-tests showed that effects of fishes on the carapace width growth were not significant as compared with the control (no fish). But the effects of these fishes on crab survival were negative. The causes of negative effects of fishes on crab survival were simply discussed on the basis of food habits. This research was financially supported by the Department of Agriculture (96-008-02-03), P. R. China, and Chinese Academy of Sciences (Key Project: KZ951-A1-102).  相似文献   

A 21-d laboratory experiment was conducted to study, the phosphorus (P) utilization of two different diets by redlip mullet Liza haematocheila T. & S. Sand-filtered water in salinity 30 and temperatare 25℃ was used. Twenty-nine fish individuals were divided into three groups: 11 to group 1 (G1) fed on diet 1, 11 to group 2 (G2) fed on diet 2, and 7 to contrast group. Diet 1 was a commercial feed, more valuable in nutrition than diet 2 that similar to natural detritus. The results show the intake phosphorus (IP) of G1 was significantly higher than that of G2, and both increased linearly with body size at a certain amount of diet. The retention phosphorus (RP) in fish of G1 was lower than G2. The relationship between retention phosphorus and body size was positive and stronger in G2. Significant difference in faecal phosphorus (FP) was found between G1 and G2. Body size significantly impacted the excretion phosphorus (EP) in G1 but G2. The loss of intake phosphorus in G1 was 10.83-20.27 mg per g fish weight gain, higher than that in G2 for 6.63-9.56. Of the phosphorus, about 10% was allocated into growth, 50% in faeces, and the rest lost in excretion. The main part of phosphorus was lost in faeces but excretion. The phosphorus budget of the fish could be described as 100IP = 7.40RP + 47.39FP + 36.63EP (Diet 1) or 100IP = 11.93RP + 56.64FP + 21.76EP (Diet 2).  相似文献   

Two new species of the genusTinocladia Kylin (1940)T. eudesmoides Ding et Lu sp. nov. andTinocladia zhangii Ding et Lu sp. nov., are described.T. eudesmoides is mainly characterized by its longitudinally and transversely produced sub-cortical filaments from the medulla, its short uniseriate assimilating filaments, usually composed of 6–10 cells with slightly swollen and narrow ultimate cells, and its unilocular sporangia (60–115)×55–70μm, variable in size.T. zhangii is mainly characterized by its very solid frond, not rip apart by hands, its evident longer primary branches, its short and slender secondary branches, with very evident sub-cortical layer, and filaments divided repeatedly, and its large and small unilocular sporangia, with the latter borne on an evidently swollen pedicel. Project B80981816 supported by the NSFC. Contribution No. 4443 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China.  相似文献   

Prepared in this experiment were six groups of diets, i.e. VC0, VC1, VC2, VC3, VC4 and VC5 with the contents of vitamin C (VCmg(100 g)−1 diet) of 0, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1200 respectively. It was found that vitamin C increased the concentrations of immunoglobulin-like (IgG-like, IgA-like and IgM-like) substances in the serum of Penaeus chinensis after a feeding period of 3 weeks. The differences among groups were significant (P<0.01), but there was no difference in the contents of complement3-like and complement4-like substances in the serum (P>0.05). Phenoloxidase (PO) activity in the serum of VC3 group shrimps was higher than that of VC0 and other groups, but no significant difference was observed between VC0 group and other groups. Furthermore, bactericidal activity of the serum to Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimps fed with the VC1 diet was higher than that in the other groups (P<0.01), while no difference was demonstrated among all groups for the bactericidal activity to Vibrio alginolyticus (P>0.05). It is, therefore, suggested that vitamin C (100–400 mg(100 g)−1 diets) could be used as an immunostimulant of P. chinensis.  相似文献   

The interspecific interactions between the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and two harmful algal blooms (HAB) species were investigated experimentally by single culture method. B. plicatilis population and the growth of the two algae were compared at different algal cell densities. The results demonstrated that the B. plicatilis obtained sufficient nutrition from Prorocentrum donghaiense to support net population increase. With exposure to 2.5×104 cells mL−1 of P. donghaiense, the number of B. plicatilis increased faster than it did when exposed to other four algal densities (5, 10, 15 and 20 ×104 cells mL−1), and the increase rate of B. plicatilis population (r) at this algal density was 0.104 ± 0.015 rd−1. Cell densities of P. donghaiense decreased due to the grazing of B. plicatilis. In contrast, Heterosigma akashiwo had an adverse effect on B. plicatilis population and its growth was largely unaffected by rotifer grazing. In this case, B. plicatilis population decreased and H. akashiwo grew at a rate similar to that of the control.  相似文献   

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