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The objective of the study was to determine which factors regulate zooplankton organisms along Lake Nasser. Temperature, pH, DO, conductivity, turbidity, nutrients, and zooplankton abundance were measured. Twenty-three species of zooplankton were recorded in Lake Nasser included in Copepoda, Cladocera and Rotifera. Copepoda represented the main bulk of the community. The lowest standing stock of zooplankton was noticed during spring due to the highest fish predation during this season associated with the lowest turbidity. Big difference in temperature in Lake Nasser along the year round is considered as a controlling factor related to range of tolerance of species. The oscillation of the lake water level and the different factors affect the standing stock of zooplankton in the lake. Thus, continuous monitoring of Lake Nasser biota should be undertaken to follow the changes in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

This research has been undertaken to determine the zooplanktonic fauna (Rotatoria, Crustacea) and their seasonal distribution in two lakes with different characters. Çavu?cu lake has a surface area of 1000 ha with a maximum depth of 4 m and is classified as an oligo-mesotrophic lake. Eber lake has a surface area of 5200…17000 ha with a maximum depth of 2.5 m and is classified as an eutrophic lake. Zooplankton samples have been collected seasonally between the period of 1990 to 1993 from three stations with a zooplankton net of 44 μm mesh size. From Çavu?cu lake totally 50 Rotifera, 2 Copepoda, and 7 Cladocera species; 49 phytoplankton genera and 5 macrophytes have been identified while, 37 Rotifera, 3 Copepoda, 5 Cladocera; 45 phytoplankton genera and 6 macrophytes have been identified from Eber lake. 13 new rotifer records for the Turkey were found, which were Brachionus diversicornis, Macrochaetus collinsi, Lecane stichaeta, Cephalodella sterea, Cephalodella auriculata, Trichocerca iernis, Encentrum saundersiae. Pompholyx complanata, Floscularia ringens, Conochilus natans, Filinia pejleri, Rotaria rotatoria, and Philodina megalotrocha.  相似文献   

Raul Primicerio   《Limnologica》2000,30(4):301-310
Zooplankton vertical distribution was studied in Lake Takvatn (69°07′ N) by discrete sampling of the water column during the open water season. Attention was focused on predation risk and competition to understand when, where and to what degree a given species should aggregate along the water column. Temperature profiles and phytoplankton abundance and composition were recorded to assess degree of heterogeneity and food availability in the pelagic zone. Vertical segregation was evident during thermal stratification. Rotifers partitioned the water column, with species less susceptible to predation (e.g. Conochilus unicornis) in the epilimnion, where they overlapped with the predators Asplanchna priodonta and Polyphemus pediculus, and species more vulnerable to these predators (e.g. Keratella cochlearis) in the hypolimnion. Cladocerans remained in the epilimnion, in a year when predation by fish was limited. The copepodites of Eudiaptomus graciloides and Cyclops scutifer maintained different depths staying respectively near surface and in the meta-hypolimnion. A broader distribution with increasing density was evident among rotifers and C. scutifer nauplii. Density-dependent habitat selection behaviour is considered as a mechanism explaining the observed distribution of predators and competing prey and promoting species coexistence.  相似文献   

广州市区越秀湖浮游纤毛虫群落的季节变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐润林  郑永利 《湖泊科学》2000,12(2):124-131
从 1997年 4月到 1998年 3月之间 ,应用定性观察和定量分析的方法对广州市的城市湖泊——越秀湖进行了浮游纤毛虫群落的种类组成、群落的生物多样性、丰度、生物量、优势种的种群季节变化等群落结构参数进行了研究 .共发现了 76种浮游纤毛虫 ;最大丰度为 6 9.1×10 3 ind.· L-1;最大生物量为 7.16 mg· L-1;群落中的优势种为大弹跳虫 (H alteria grandinella)、尾毛虫 (Urotricha spp.)、尾侠盗虫 (Strobilidium caudatum)、小侠盗虫 (Strobilidium humile)和膜袋虫 (Cyclidium spp.) ;群落的生物多样性指数在 2 .4到 3.0之间 .分析了这个湖泊浮游纤毛虫群落结构参数的季节变化 .通过与文献报道的比较、分析 ,从纤毛虫的优势种、总丰度和生物量确定了该城市湖泊的富营养状况为重度富营养化 .  相似文献   

以湖北保安湖为研究对象,分别于2021年4、7、10月和2022年1月采集表层水样,测定水体中微塑料丰度、粒径、形状、颜色和类型,探究浅水型湖泊表层水体中微塑料的时空分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,保安湖表层水体微塑料的年平均丰度为(16.20±2.23)items/L。微塑料丰度呈现明显的季节性差异,其中夏季(采样时间7月)平均丰度最低,为(1.40±0.09)items/L。在所有微塑料颗粒中,粒径0.064~1 mm占比最大,为82.57%;黑色和无色微塑料占主导地位,占比分别为36.16%和21.31%;纤维状微塑料分布最广泛,占比达40.01%;聚乙烯(PE)和低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)是最主要的微塑料类型,两者之和占比达46.05%,其次为聚苯乙烯(PS,占比17.2%)、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET,占比8.33%)和聚乙酸乙酯(PVAC,占比8.31%)。统计分析表明,微塑料丰度与湖水水质无显著相关关系。该研究揭示了长江中下游地区典型浅水湖泊微塑料分布现状,为评估类似湖泊微塑料潜在污染风险提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

于2009年2-11月对洱海轮虫进行月际采样,分析洱海轮虫的多样性及其群落结构季节动态特征.洱海作为一个高原湖泊,其轮虫种类组成仍然呈现出热带-亚热带的主要特征.本研究共鉴定轮虫68种,多数种类为广布性或暖水性种类,隶属17科25属,异尾轮属、腔轮属和臂尾轮属是种类最多的三个属,占鉴定轮虫种类的37%.Lecane arcuata和Tricho-cera inermis为我国新纪录种.轮虫生物量的季节分布呈"双峰型",并分别出现在休渔期的中期和捕鱼期前期.在休渔期中期,轮虫主要以前节晶囊轮虫为优势种;在捕鱼期前期,轮虫先以螺形龟甲轮虫和广生多肢轮虫为优势,后以前节晶囊轮虫为优势.季节性休渔不仅使鱼类对轮虫的捕食压力出现季节性变化,而且还通过影响枝角类的群落结构改变枝角类对轮虫的竞争压力.在捕食和竞争的双重作用下,轮虫主要以大型杂食性种类———前节晶囊轮虫为优势种类,并呈现"双峰型"的季节分布模式.  相似文献   

Rotifera density, biomass, and secondary production on two marginal lakes of Paranapanema River were compared after the recovery of hydrologic connectivity with the river (São Paulo State, Brazil). Daily samplings were performed in limnetic zone of both lakes during the rainy season immediately after lateral inflow of water and, in the dry period, six months after hydrologic connectivity recovery. In order to identify the factors that affect rotifer population dynamics, lake water level, volume, depth, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, suspended solids, nutrients, and chlorophyll-a were determined. Variations of water physical and chemical factors that affect rotifer population were related to the lake-river degree of connection and to water level rising after drought. The water lateral inflow from the river resulted in an increase in lake water volume, depth, and transparency and a decrease in water pH, alkalinity, and suspended solids. The lake with the wider river connection, more frequent biota exchange, and larger amount of particulate and dissolved materials was richer and more diverse, while rotifer density, biomass, and productivity were lower in both periods studied. Density, biomass, and secondary production were higher in the lake with the smaller river connection and the higher physical and chemical stability. Our results show that the connectivity affects the limnological stability, associated to seasonality. Stable conditions, caused by low connectivity in dry periods, were related with high density, biomass and secondary production. Conversely, instability conditions in rainy periods were associated to elevated richness and diversity values, caused by exchange biota due to higher connectivity.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution of submerged and emergent macrophyte species and the entire macrophyte community within and between five lake types (highland reservoirs, alkali lakes, large shallow lakes, small to medium sized shallow lakes, marshes) in the Pannon Ecoregion, Hungary. The lowest submerged, emergent and total species richness was found in alkali lakes. The highest submerged macrophyte richness was in small to medium sized lakes, while the highest emergent macrophyte species richness was in reservoirs, small to medium sized lakes, and marshes. The values of within-lake type beta diversity were generally lower than the values of alpha diversity, especially for submerged macrophytes, indicating between site homogeneity in species composition within the lake types. Emergent macrophyte communities contributed the most to within and between lake type diversity and total (gamma) diversity. Canonical correspondence analyses showed that the main environmental variables which influenced the distribution of submerged macrophytes were conductivity, Secchi transparency and water nitrogen contents. For emergent macrophytes conductivity, lake width, altitude and water depth proved to be the most influential variables. Our results contribute to the knowledge of large-scale distribution of macrophytes in the Pannon Ecoregion and to the identification of conservation value of lakes using macrophytes. The results support the importance of small lakes and artificial lakes in the conservation of macrophyte diversity compared to large and natural lakes in the Pannon Ecoregion.  相似文献   

通过连续9d(2010年7月24日至2010年8月1日)对太湖水体理化指标垂向分层的高频率观测,揭示太湖多指标垂向分层规律.观测表明:(1)太湖中各水质指标频繁出现分层现象,但不稳定;(2)分层的主要控制因素包含气温的日变化、蓝藻水华堆积与风浪扰动等;(3)气温和太阳辐射日变化影响水温分层,水温垂向变幅可达3.94℃,...  相似文献   

开展高原湖泊酵母菌多样性研究,能够为湖泊生态系统的保护提供理论依据,并为其中特殊酵母菌资源的开发及利用奠定基础.结合经典分类法及26S rDNA D1/D2区域序列分析,对分离自云南抚仙湖湖水中的553株酵母菌进行系统分类,运用SPSS 19.0软件比较不同区域酵母菌多样性,并采用多元统计方法定量分析酵母菌空间分布特征及其与理化因子之间的关系.结果显示:抚仙湖水体中分布22属52种和1个潜在新分类单元的酵母菌.理化因子差异性分析表明,北沿岸区总有机碳浓度明显高于南沿岸区.Pearson分析则表明,抚仙湖湖水总有机碳浓度与酵母菌丰度呈显著正相关.另外,酵母菌-环境冗余分析显示,抚仙湖酵母菌种群结构与总有机碳浓度存在明显相关.研究显示云南抚仙湖酵母菌资源比较丰富,人类活动对其中酵母菌空间分布具有一定影响.  相似文献   

Metacommunity research usually focuses on the structure of species assemblages and their influencing factors, chiefly environment and space. However, the temporal dynamics of metacommunities and their structuring processes are rarely investigated. Here, we analyze the temporal variations in a metacommunity of ostracods from temporary shallow lakes of the Iberian Peninsula. Our aims were to determine the variability of the ostracod assemblages throughout a hydrological cycle by means of partial triadic analysis (PTA), and to analyze the response of these communities to both environmental and spatial variables. The metacommunity was moderately stable through the study period, with larger variability between sites than between months. However, the metacommunity structure at the beginning of the hydroperiod was notably different from the rest of months. Species sorting was the predominant mechanism structuring the metacommunity through monthly samples, establishing a conspicuous separation between species that inhabit saline lakes and those preferring freshwater bodies. Spatial processes were negligible. Our results show the strength of a temporal approach in the study of metacommunities, against a single snapshot, stressing differences at the onset and the end of hydroperiod in temporary water bodies, but still surpassed by species sorting effects under a steep environmental gradient.  相似文献   

洱海是位于我国西南亚热带高原地区的重要淡水生态系统,在高强度的人类活动与气候变化的影响下出现了较为严重的水质退化与富营养化现象,其中北部湖区的问题最为突出。本文以北部湖区为对象,设置了喜洲等5个样点,于2020年3、6、9和12月对该湖北部的轮虫群落及环境因子进行了季节性调查,分析了轮虫群落的季节演替特征及主要影响因子。本次调查共检出26属48种轮虫,多数种类为广布种或暖水种,其中无柄轮属、晶囊轮属、胶鞘轮属、须足轮属、龟甲轮属、多肢轮属在4个季节均出现。异尾轮属的种类数最多,共计9种。螺形龟甲轮虫、长肢多肢轮虫和前节晶囊轮虫是主要的优势种类。其中,螺形龟甲轮虫在4个季节均为丰度优势种,而前节晶囊轮虫在4个季节均为生物量优势种。非度量多维尺度分析表明,洱海北部湖区轮虫群落结构存在显著的季节差异。这种季节差异主要反映了水温的直接与间接影响,后者主要表现为鱼类捕食压力与食物资源的季节性。冗余分析表明,透明度、温度和浮游植物丰度为解释轮虫群落结构变化的重要变量。群落的物种组成与季节变化反映了主要轮虫优势种类对水温和水质变化的敏感性。  相似文献   

为了揭示滇池不同湖区浮游动物群落稳定性及其驱动因子,于2020年对滇池草海、大泊口、外海3个具有一定空间分隔的区域,按季度进行4次采样调查。结果表明,大泊口区域的溶解氧、透明度指标显著高于外海,总氮、总磷、悬浮物、叶绿素a和化学需氧量等指标浓度显著低于外海,草海理化因子浓度介于大泊口与外海之间。研究期间3个区域共鉴定出浮游动物41属(枝角类12属、桡足类8属、轮虫21属),轮虫种类和密度均占较大比例。浮游动物年平均密度大泊口(7771.3 ind./L)>草海(2901.1 ind./L)>外海(634.8 ind./L);年平均生物量草海(3.72 mg/L)>大泊口(2.15 mg/L)>外海(2.09 mg/L)。非参数多元方差分析(PERMANOVA)与相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)结果表明,滇池3个区域间浮游动物群落结构差异极显著,导致大泊口与草海、外海群落结构呈极显著差异的属种为轮虫类群的种类,导致草海与外海群落结构呈极显著差异的属种为枝角类和轮虫类群的种类。此外,浮游动物群落稳定性与物种多样性呈显著的正相关关系,且经过生态修复后水质有所改善的湖区...  相似文献   

基于2013年3月-2014年2月的长寿湖浮游藻类以及水质的监测结果,分析浮游藻类物种组成、密度以及多样性指数的季节动态,利用非度量多维尺度和相似性分析检验不同季节浮游藻类群落差异,同时利用典范对应分析法确定影响不同季节浮游藻类群落结构的关键环境因子.结果表明:泽丝藻(Limnothrix sp.)、小尖头藻(Raphidiopsis sp.)、汉斯冠盘藻(Stephanodiscus hantzschii)、具尾逗隐藻(Komma caudata)、鞘丝藻(Lyngbya sp.)和马索隐藻(Cryptomonas marssonii)为长寿湖优势种群,不同季节间浮游藻类群落组成结构存在较大差异.浮游藻类群落结构以春季最为简单,夏季次之,秋、冬季最为复杂.不同季节影响浮游藻类群落结构的环境因子差异较大,水温和营养盐是影响浮游藻类群落结构最重要的环境因子,光照强度、高锰酸盐指数、氧化还原电位、溶解有机碳在秋、冬季节同样成为影响浮游藻类群落结构的关键环境因子.  相似文献   

The most conspicuous waterbodies in the Pampa region of Argentina are the so-called “lagunas”. A typical Pampean laguna may be described as a relatively large (100+ha), permanent, shallow lake. Here, we report the dynamics of laguna Chascomús, sampled weekly, from April 2001 to June 2003. During the period, the lakes experienced three consecutive floods waves that affected the concentration of major ions and the optical signature of the dissolved organic matter. Despite these hydrological alterations, laguna Chascomús was permanently limited by light. Transparency was to a great extent controlled by the incident photosynthetic available radiation irradiance. We hypothesize that wind contributes to the permanent mixing of the lake, as well as to lessen the sedimentation losses of photoautotrophs.  相似文献   

The feasibility of a potential bioindicator based on functional groups of microzooplankton tintinnids for bioassessments of water quality status was studied during southwest monsoon (June to September) along the coastal waters of Kalpakkam, India during 2012–2015. The work highlights the following features (1) tintinnid community composed of 28 species belonging to 11 genera and 9 families, revealed significant differences among the four study sites (2) maximum numerical abundance (2224 ± 90 ind. l? 1) and species diversity (H′ = 2.66) of tintinnid were recorded towards Bay of Bengal whereas minimum abundance (720 ± 35 ind. l? 1) and diversity (H′ = 1.74) were encountered in the backwater sites, (3) multivariate analyses [RELATE, Biota-environment (BIOENV) and canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP)] reveal that chl a, nitrate and phosphate were the potential causative factors for tintinnid distribution. Based on the results, we suggest that tintinnids may be used as a potential bioindicator of water quality status in marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

云南星云湖水质变化及其人文因素驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
星云湖目前存在水污染加重、富营养化进程加快、水体功能受损等问题.以星云湖为研究对象,根据星云湖2005-2015年的水质数据、社会经济统计数据和遥感影像图,运用目视解译、叠加分析、污染足迹模型及主成分分析法,分析了星云湖流域近10年以来水质变化趋势、入湖河流污染物污染足迹及其人文因素驱动力.结果表明:(1)水质数据趋势表明,从月变化看,3月份水质最好,9月份水质最差;从年变化看,2005-2015年间,2008年水质状况最好,2014年的水质状况最差,从2008-2014年水质持续变差,到2015年好转.(2)2015年有机物、氮和磷的污染足迹分别为583.26、705.88和494.11 km~2.污染足迹前4位的入湖河流依次为:大街河东西大河东河渔村河东西大河西河,占星云湖流域总污染足迹的66.21%.污染程度大的大街河、东西大河和渔村河周边土地利用类型为水田、旱地和村庄.(3)星云湖水质影响因素第1主成分(总人口、播种面积、农村人口、化肥使用量、农膜使用量、大牲畜存栏量)与农村生活和农业面源污染有关;第2主成分(人均GDP、第一产业产值、第二产业产值、第三产业产值)与社会经济发展有关.因此,星云湖流域水质变化的人文因素驱动力为农村生活和农业面源污染类和社会经济发展类,其中第1主成分的贡献率是84.389%,农村生活和农业面源污染是水质变化的主要驱动力.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates play a key role in freshwater lentic and lotic ecosystems. The macroinvertebrate benthic community of a shallow Mediterranean lake (Lake Pamvotis, NW Greece) was studied. The benthic assemblage was sampled monthly at five sites during a period of 1 year (Apr. 1998–Mar. 1999). In addition hypolimnetic water quality variables were monitored over the same period at each site.

The aim of the study was (a) to describe the intra-annual and spatial variability in benthic communities, (b) to relate possible community changes to environmental conditions and (c) to evaluate the responses of the lake's ecological status on community indices.

The benthic fauna of Lake Pamvotis was found to be very limited with a total of 10 species belonging to five taxonomic groups. The oligochaete community comprised 80% of the total benthic fauna with Potamothrix bavaricus as a new record for the Lake Pamvotis and Potamothrix hammoniensis, being the dominant benthic species represented more than 61% of the total benthic fauna. Chironomus plumosus was the most abundant chironomid species contributing with about 6% of the total benthic fauna, and Chaoborus flavicans with 19% was the important dipteran. Almost all benthic species showed the same intra-annual seasonal pattern, with peak population densities during spring and early summer except P. hammoniensis which predominated during the whole sampling period. Dissolved oxygen and temperature seemed to be the main environmental factors affecting community indices.

Benthic communities are affected by human disturbances in Lake Pamvotis shifting their composition to more tolerant taxa, reflecting also the eutrophic to hypertophic character of the lake.  相似文献   

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