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The formation of oil-suspended particulate matter aggregates (OSAs) results from the heteroaggregation between dispersed oil droplets and suspended particulate matter present in coastal waters. This process has been recognized by the oil spill remediation community to enhance natural cleansing of oiled shorelines and oil dispersion in the water column. While several studies have been conducted on the formation and characteristics of OSAs, few studies have addressed the kinetics of OSA formation. Operationally, this has left decision-makers lacking information on the time scale of this process and its significance to oil dispersion in real spills. A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the kinetics of OSA formation as a function of mixing energy and the sediment-to-oil ratio using the standard reference material 1941b. Results showed that formation of OSAs increased exponentially with the mixing time and reached a maximum within 4 h. When the shaking rate increased from 2.0 to 2.3 Hz, the maximum oil trapping efficiency increased from 20% to 42% and the required shaking time decreased from 3.7 to 0.7 h.  相似文献   

A laboratory study of the rheology of mudflows in Hangzhou Bay, China, is reported in this paper. Both the steady and oscillatory (dynamic) rheological properties are studied using RMS-605 rheometer. A Dual-Bingham model is proposed for analyzing flow curves and compared with Worrall-Tuliani model. It is found that Dual-Bingham plastic rheological model is easier to implement than Worrall-Tuliani model and can provide satisfactory representations of the steady mudflows in Hangzhou Bay and other published data. The dependence of the yield stress and viscosity on sediment concentration is discussed based on the data from Hangzhou Bay mud and other published data. For the dynamic rheologieal properties of Hangzhou Bay mud, empirical expressions for elastic modulus and dynamic viscosity are provided in the form of exponential functions of sediment volume concentration, and comparisons with other published data also discussed.  相似文献   

The settling of solid particles in a fluid is an important process that needs to be considered in many fields of research. For example, the interactions among particles and between particles and the surrounding fluid are important topics in studying suspended sediment transport and water clarification. In this paper, the settling processes and interactions of twin spherical particles released side by side were experimentally studied. The Reynolds number varied in the range of 1-300, which is wit...  相似文献   

The energy conversion between potential and kinetic energy and the generation of available potential energy are computed over North America. The relative contribution from each latitude belt within the region, for each field, have been discussed.  相似文献   

A laboratory simulation of salt weathering was used to ascertain the effects of sodium sulphate and sodium carbonate under ‘Negev’ conditions using a single immersion technique. Three main points were addressed: what are the grain size and textural characteristics of the debris liberated from limestones and a sandstone, what do scanning electron microscope observations of the weathered samples tell us about the decay processes involved, and how does the rate of debris liberation change during the course of 100 cycles? The grain size characteristics of the liberated debris tended to be multimodal and were related to the original petrological characteristics of the rock. Large amounts of fines were produced which are believed to be analogous to the ‘rock flour’ of arid areas. Blistering was also observed. Scanning electron microscope analysis revealed differences in the style of attack for different rock types and salt treatments, and revealed the pattern of salt crystallization in pores and the nature of cracking. The rate of debris liberation tended to decline or remain constant through time. The reasons for this remain obscure, but it is evident that diurnal cycles of temperature and humidity change can cause continuing rock weathering long after the initial input of salt to the rock has taken place.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea is a semi-enclosed inland sea with case-2 waters near the coast. A comprehensive set of optical data was collected during three cruises in June, August, and September 2005 in the Bohai Sea. The vertical profile measurements, such as chlorophyll concentration, water turbidity, downwelling irradiance, and diffuse attenuation coefficient, showed that the Bohai Sea was vertically stratified with a relative clear upper layer superimposed on a turbid lower layer. The upper layer was found to correspond to the euphotic zone and the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) occurs at the base of this layer. By tuning a semi-analytical model (24 and 25) for the Bohai Sea, we developed a method to derive water inherent optical properties and the depth of DCM from above-surface measurements. Assuming a ‘fake’ bottom in the stratified water, this new method retrieves the ‘fake’ bottom depth, which is highly correlated with the DCM depth. The average relative error between derived and measured values is 33.9% for phytoplankton absorption at 440 nm, 25.6% for colored detrital matter (detritus plus gelbstoff) absorption at 440 nm, and 24.2% for the DCM depth. This modified method can retrieve water inherent optical properties and monitor the depth of DCM in the Bohai Sea, and the method is also applicable to other stratified waters.  相似文献   

The magnetic fabric of rocks and sediments is most commonly characterized in terms of the anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS). However, alternative methods based on remanent magnetization (measured in the absence of a magnetic field) rather than induced magnetization (measured in the applied field) have distinct advantages for certain geological applications. This is particularly true for; (1) adjunct studies in paleomagnetism, in order to assess the fidelity with which a natural remanence records the paleofield orientation; (2) studies of weakly magnetic or weakly deformed rocks, for which susceptibility anisotropy is very difficult to measure precisely; and (3) quantitative applications such as strain estimation. The fundamental differences between susceptibility and remanence (and their respective anisotropies) are due to several factors: (1) susceptibility arises from all of the minerals present in a sample, whereas remanence is carried exclusively by a relatively small number of ferromagnetic minerals; (2) ferromagnetic minerals are generally more anisotropic than para- and diamagnetic minerals; (3) for ferromagnetic minerals, remanence is inevitably more anisotropic than susceptibility; and (4) a number of common minerals, including single-domain magnetites, possess an inverse anisotropy of susceptibility, i.e., they tend to have minimum susceptibility parallel to the long axis of an individual particle; remanence is immune to this phenomenon. As a consequence of all these factors, remanence anisotropy may generally provide a better quantitative estimate of the actual distribution of particle orientations in a rock sample.Contribution number 9102 of the Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

The results of particle size analyses by the low-technology pipette method and by the modern SediGraph, of a suite of fine lacustrine bottom sediment samples, are compared. Good correlations between the two data sets are observed, although the SediGraph consistently indicates finer grain sizes and better sorting of distributions. The QDa-Md method of environmental discrimination, originally established on the basis of traditional methods of size analysis, is found to be sufficiently versatile to accommodate the SediGraph data into the appropriate trend envelopes, despite the considerable differences in derived grain size parameters.  相似文献   




A three-dimensional ultrasonic modelling was used to study the Rayleigh waves reflected from a thin low velocity vertical layer and those transmitted through the same zone. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the Rayleigh waves have been calculated by an approximate method based on the Green function technique. Nonrigid contact boundary conditions were used for the low velocity layer modelling. A rather good correspondence between the theoretical and experimental absolute values of the reflection and the transmission coefficients was obtained. Some discrepancies between experimental and theoretical results, in particular with regard to phase shifts, may be explained by a certain inadequacy of the theoretical model to the low velocity layer investigated by the ultrasonic modelling.  相似文献   

Laboratory incubation experiments were carried out on sediment cores collected from Esthwaite Water, U.K., during April 1987, when the sediments displayed a characteristic surface (1.5 to 2 cm) oxide floc. The experiments were undertaken at 10°C, in the dark, under variable redox and pH conditions for periods of ~ 720 h (30 d). In some cases, realistic amounts of decomposing lake algae were added to simulate the deposition of an algal bloom. Pore waters and overlying waters were obtained from the incubated sediment cores at various time intervals and the samples analysed for pH and dissolved Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu by AAS. The results demonstrated that trace metal concentrations at the sediment-water interface can show rapid, pulsed responses to episodic events associated with controlling factors such as algal deposition and mixing conditions. The variations in dissolved Fe and Mn concentrations could generally be explained by their well known redox behaviour. Appreciable loss of Mn from solution under conditions of well-developed anoxia was consistent with adsorption of Mn2+ by FeS. Cu and Zn were both rapidly (24 h) released into solution during incubation of sediment cores prior to the development of anoxia in the overlying waters. Their most likely sources were the reductive remobilization of Mn oxides and the decomposition of organic matter. The addition of decomposing algae to a series of cores resulted in even higher interfacial dissolved concentrations of Cu and Zn, probably through acting as a supplementary source of the metals and through increased oxide dissolution. Switching from anoxic to oxic conditions also rapidly increased dissolved Cu and Zn concentrations, possibly due to their release during the oxidation of metal sulphides. The enhanced releases of dissolved Cu and Zn were generally short-lived with removal being attributed to the formation of sulphides during anoxia and to adsorption by Fe and Mn oxides under oxic conditions.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine the relation between source parameters and mechanical properties of the rock matrix in which the microseismic events occur. For this purpose, accurate geological, mechanical and seismological data were acquired on a gas field experiencing induced seismicity due to its reservoir pressure drop. More than 30 deep boreholes (depth greater than 4 km) are concentrated in a 10×10×5 km volume, providing core samples for both geological and mechanical assessment. In this study, we focus on induced seismic events recorded by the local seismic network, over a three-year-long period. Characteristics of the seismic sources were obtained using spectral analysis and a dynamic model of failure. Results point out correlation between physical parameters of the seismic sources and the geomechanical properties of the rocks involved. Maximal static stress drops are found to be associated with the mechanical strength of the geological strata where the rupture occurs. The fracture size, using a circular model of failure, is also found to be dependent on the geomechanical setting. It is found that the size of the seismic fractures is dependent on the layer thickness and the prefracturation of the medium, both factors influencing the extension of preexisting discontinuities. The parameters of the seismic sources also show important changes when the gas reservoir is reached. The reservoir unit experienced a 45 MPa pore fluid pressure drop over a period of 20 years.  相似文献   

Vegetation can have an important role in controlling channel planform, through its effects on channel roughness, and root‐reinforcement of bank and bar materials. Along the Platte River in central Nebraska, USA, The Platte River Recovery Implementation Program (PRRIP) has been tasked with managing the planform of the river to benefit endangered species. To investigate the potential use of planned short duration high flow (SDHF) events to manage bar vegetation, this study combined several approaches to determine whether flows of up to 227 m3s?1 through the central Platte River, could remove cottonwood, Phragmites and reed canarygrass stands of various ages and densities from in‐channel bars. First, fieldwork was carried out to measure the uprooting resistance, and resistance to bending for each species. Second, a set of flume experiments was carried out to measure the forces exerted on the three species of interest under different flow conditions. Finally, a numerical study comparing drag forces (driving) measured in the flume study, with uprooting forces (resisting) measured in the field, was carried out for each species to determine the likelihood of plant removal by SDHF events. Results showed that plants with more than a year of root growth, likely cannot be removed through drag and local scour alone, even at the 100‐year recurrence interval discharge. At most, a few cottonwood seedlings could be removed from bars through drag, scour and undercutting, where rooting depths are still small. The results presented here help us further understand the positive feedbacks that lead to the creation of permanent, vegetated bars rather than mobile braided channels. As such, the findings could help inform management decisions for other braided rivers, and the combined field, flume and modeling techniques used in this study could be applied to other fluvial systems where vegetation and planform dynamics are of interest. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The modelling of soil loss and investigation of urban hydrology and wet weather pollution in Malaysia requires the definition of rainfall parameters for the region. In this study, an inexpensive method was applied to establish the influence of raindrop diameter on kinetics and rain intensity in Skudai, Peninsular Malaysia, as a prelude to wider regional research. Raindrop sizes vary from less than 1.2 mm to as big as 7.0 mm, with median raindrop diameters of 2.51 mm and a mean diameter of 2.56 mm. The median raindrop diameter–intensity relationship correlates strongly using power and exponential equations, with coefficients of determination of 0.75 and 0.73, respectively. The kinetic energy–intensity relationship fits an exponential function and also a linear equation with R2 values of 0.49 and 0.34, respectively. An average rain kinetic energy of 30 J m-2 mm-1 was recorded. This research leads to an objective reclassification of rainfall intensities in the region.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   

Catchment scale hydrological process studies in southern Chile are of special interest as little research at this scale has been carried out in this region. In particular, the young volcanic ash soils, which are typical for this area, are not well understood in their hydrological behaviour. In addition, extensive land use changes require detailed knowledge of hydrological processes in disturbed as well as undisturbed catchments in order to estimate resulting risks of erosion, eutrophication, floods and droughts. This study focuses on data collection and experimental determination of relevant processes in an undisturbed forested catchment in the Andes of southern Chile. The here gained understanding of runoff generation can serve as a reference for comparison with sites subject to human intervention, improving estimation of the effects of land use change. Owing to the lack of long‐term data for this catchment it was necessary to replace long time series by a multitude of experimental methods covering as many aspects of the runoff generation process as possible. The methods used in this investigation include: measurements of streamflow, rainfall, throughfall, water chemistry, soil water dynamics, groundwater dynamics, soil physics, soil mineralogy, geo‐electrical sounding, and tracer techniques. Methods and equipment used during field campaigns are described and evaluated for usefulness versus expenditure (labour and financial costs). Selected results and the hypotheses developed from these findings are presented. The results suggest the importance of fast processes for rainfall runoff response on the one hand as well as considerable dampening effects of a large subsurface storage on the other hand. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seismic performance of underground reservoir structures depends on the properties of the structure, soil, and ground motion as well as the kinematic constraints imposed on the structure. A series of four centrifuge experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of site response, structural stiffness, base fixity, and excitation frequency on the performance of relatively stiff reservoir structures buried in dry, medium-dense sand. The magnitude of seismic thrust increased and the distribution of seismic earth pressures changed from approximately triangular to parabolic with increasing structural stiffness. Heavier and stiffer structures also experienced increased rocking and reduced flexural deflection. Fixing the base of the structure amplified the magnitude of acceleration, seismic earth pressure, and bending strain compared to tests where the structure was free to translate laterally, settle, or rotate atop a soil layer. The frequency content of transient tilt, acceleration, dynamic thrust, and bending strain measured on the structure was strongly influenced by that of the base motion and site response, but was unaffected by the fundamental frequency of the buried structure (fstructure). None of the available simplified procedures could capture the distribution and magnitude of seismic earth pressures experienced by this class of underground structures. The insight from this experimental study is aimed to help validate analytical and numerical methods used in the seismic design of reservoir structures.  相似文献   

溶解态有机质(DOM)是湖泊沉积物的重要组分,解析DOM的组成和来源对于深入理解湖泊有机质生物地球化学循环及控制水体富营养化具有重要意义。 本研究于2021年5月和8月采集了大庆市库里泡表层及柱状沉积物、泡内水生物(浮游藻类、挺水植物和沉水植物)、岸边土壤、陆生C3和C4植物、禽畜粪便以及城镇污水等样品,分析了样品DOM的稳定同位素(δ13C 和 δ15N)组成及三维荧光光谱特征,并利用IsoSource软件计算了不同来源样品对沉积物DOM的贡献率。结果显示:(1)库里泡内表层沉积物DOM的δ13C和δ15N组成存在季节性差异,5月δ13C和δ15N均值分别为-25.54‰和9.02‰,8月分别为-26.81‰和8.40‰。(2)库里泡内柱状沉积物DOM的δ13C和δ15N组成在垂直方向存在差异,表层(0~3 cm)δ13C和δ15N均值分别为-26.58‰和9.04‰,深层(3~30 cm)均值分别为-25.40‰和10.61‰。(3)表层沉积物DOM的三维荧光组分存在季节性差异。5月以类腐殖质荧光组分为主,占比为87.89%,HIX和BIX分别为6.27和0.67;8月蛋白类荧光组分占比为49.58%,HIX和BIX指数均值分别为1.72和0.87。(4)5月表层沉积物DOM外源输入占比为61%,以土壤(21.40%)和城镇污水(18.08%)为主;而8月内源贡献占比稍高(55.10%),且以挺水植物为主(48.68%)。(5)柱状沉积物(0~30 cm)不同深度DOM来源组成相近,主要为城镇污水、沉水植物/藻和挺水植物,贡献率均值分别为42.13%、25.07%和18.53%。整体上,库里泡沉积物DOM来源主要受到流域内人类活动及气候特征的影响,本文研究结果有利于加深对我国东北地区湖泊沉积物有机质迁移转化及累积规律的认识。  相似文献   

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