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The adjustment of airflow across sea-surface temperature changes is examinedusing aircraft eddy-correlation data. Major features of the observed flow adjustmentare not included in the theory of internal boundary layers. However, the data samplesize and coverage are not sufficient to accurately quantify the additional influences.With flow from warm water over cooler water, substantial turbulence intermittentlydevelops above the newly formed surface inversion layer. The corresponding,spatially-averaged, downward momentum flux is stronger than that close to the surface.With stably stratified flow over modest increases of sea-surface temperature, areduction of stratification can trigger episodic shear generation of turbulence. Inthese cases, the primary role of increasing surface temperature in the downwinddirection is to induce shear generation of turbulence. With larger increases ofsurface temperature, upward heat flux generates turbulence, warms the air and generates a significant horizontal gradient of hydrostatic pressure. This contributionto the pressure field appears to strongly modify the flow. Major inadequacies inexisting data and future needs are noted.  相似文献   

The dispersion of heavy particles subjected to a turbulent forcing is often simulated with Lagrangian stochastic models. Although these models have been employed successfully over land, the implementation of traditional LS models in the marine boundary layer is significantly more challenging. We present an adaptation of traditional Lagrangian stochastic models to the atmospheric marine boundary layer with a particular focus on the representation of the scalar turbulence for temperature and humidity. In this new model, the atmosphere can be stratified and the bottom boundary is represented by a realistic wavy surface that moves and deforms. Hence, the correlation function for the turbulent flow following a particle is extended to the inhomogenous, anisotropic case. The results reproduce behaviour for scalar Lagrangian turbulence in a stratified airflow that departs only slightly from the expected behaviour in isotropic turbulence. When solving for the surface temperature and the radius of evaporating heavy water droplets in the airflow, the modelled turbulent forcing on the particle also behaves remarkably well. We anticipate that this model will prove especially useful in the context of sea-spray dispersion and its associated sensible heat, latent heat, and gas fluxes between spray droplets and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Stable internal boundary layers form when warm air isadvected over a cooler surface, a common occurrence incoastal areas. The internal boundary layer deepenswith distance along-wind, eventually reachingequilibrium with the surface and becoming a fullydeveloped marine boundary layer. We presentobservations of the late stages of internalboundary-layer evolution made bythe U.K. Meteorological Office'sC-130 Hercules research aircraft over the Persian Gulfin April 1996. Northwesterly winds brought warm dryair from the surrounding desert landmass across thecooler waters of the Gulf. Loss of heat to the surfaceresulted in the formation of a shallow, stableinternal boundary layer downwind of the coast. The aircraftmeasurements were made several hundred kilometresdownwind, by which point the original deep convectiveboundary layer had been eroded away and the internalboundary layer was well developed, effectively a newmarine atmospheric boundary layer. Throughout most ofits depth the boundary layer was statically stable anda downward heat flux of approximately 15 W m-2was observed; however, an exceptionally strong latentheat flux, in excess of 250 W m-2 near thesurface, was sufficient to overcome the downwards heatflux and maintain weak buoyant convection in the lower30–50% of the boundary layer.Scaling of boundary-layer turbulence statistics usinglocal similarity theory produces results in agreementwith previous studies. Because of the strong humiditycontribution to the buoyancy flux, however, care isrequired with the definition of the similarity scales.It is usual for either the sensible heat or buoyancyflux to be used in the definitions of both thetemperature and length scales; the latter being usedover water where humidity plays a significant role indetermining stability. In the present case we findthat while the buoyancy flux is appropriate in thedefinition of the length scale, the temperature scalemust be defined in terms of the sensible heat flux.  相似文献   

An urban canopy model is incorporated into the Nanjing University Regional Boundary Layer Model. Temperature simulated by the urban canopy model is in better agreement with the observation, especially in the night time, than that simulated by the traditional slab model. The coupled model is used to study the effects of building morphology on urban boundary layer and meteorological environment by changing urban area, building height, and building density.It is found that when the urban area is expanded, the urban boundary layer heat flux, thermal turbulence, and the turbulent momentum flux and kinetic energy all increase or enhance, causing the surface air temperature to rise up. The stability of urban atmospheric stratification is affected to different extent at different times of the day.When the building height goes up, the aerodynamic roughness height, zero plane displacement height of urban area, and ratio of building height to street width all increase. Therefore, the increase in building height results in the decrease of the surface heat flux, urban surface temperature, mean wind speed, and turbulent kinetic energy in daytime. While at night, as more heat storage is released by higher buildings, thermal turbulence is more active and surface heat flux increases, leading to a higher urban temperature.As the building density increases, the aerodynamic roughness height of urban area decreases, and the effect of urban canopy on radiation strengthens. The increase of building density results in the decrease in urban surface heat flux, momentum flux, and air temperature, the increase in mean wind speed, and the weakening of turbulence in the daytime. While at night, the urban temperature increases due to the release of more heat storage.  相似文献   

Data from the Öresund experiment are used to investigate the structure of the stably stratified internal boundary layer (SIBL) which develops when warm air is advected from a heated land surface over a cooler sea. The present study is based on a theory developed by Stull (1983a, b, c). He proposed that the turbulence and the mean structure of the nocturnal boundary layer is controlled by the time-integrated value of surface heat flux and that the instantaneous heat flux is of less importance.Dimensional arguments are used to define simple, physically consistent, temperature, velocity and length scales. The dimensionless surface heat flux has a high value immediately downwind of the shoreline and it decreases rapidly in magnitude with increasing distance from the coast. Farther away, it is essentially constant. The dimensionless potential temperature change exhibits an exponential profile. It is estimated that turbulence accounts for 71% of boundary-layer cooling while clear-air radiational cooling is responsible for the remaining 29%.Finally it is found that theoretical predictions for the height of the SIBL are in a good agreement with observations.  相似文献   

夜间近地面稳定边界层湍流间歇与增温   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
钱敏伟  李军 《大气科学》1996,20(2):250-254
在夜间晴空条件下,近地面大气湍流表现出很强的间歇性,这种间歇现象导致夜间气温短时的急剧下降,随后大幅度增温。近地面大幅度增温表明此时存在着很大的湍流热通量散度,常通量层的概念这时不存在。从各高度层温度和风速变化的曲线上分析,我们发现湍流大多在距离地面较高一点的高度上发生发展,然后向下层传递,尽管上层的湍流可能是由于下层的某一触发机制向上传递而引起的。湍流偶尔也出现自下向上传递的过程,但这一过程较少发生。湍流的这种上下传递说明稳定边界层大气经常处于非平衡状态,在运用相似理论研究稳定边界层大气结构时要特别注意这一情形。  相似文献   

Previous laboratory and atmospheric experiments have shown that turbulence influences the surface temperature in a convective boundary layer. The main objective of this study is to examine land-atmosphere coupled heat transport mechanism for different stability conditions. High frequency infrared imagery and sonic anemometer measurements were obtained during the boundary layer late afternoon and sunset turbulence (BLLAST) experimental campaign. Temporal turbulence data in the surface-layer are then analyzed jointly with spatial surface-temperature imagery. The surface-temperature structures (identified using surface-temperature fluctuations) are strongly linked to atmospheric turbulence as manifested in several findings. The surface-temperature coherent structures move at an advection speed similar to the upper surface-layer or mixed-layer wind speed, with a decreasing trend with increase in stability. Also, with increasing instability the streamwise surface-temperature structure size decreases and the structures become more circular. The sequencing of surface- and air-temperature patterns is further examined through conditional averaging. Surface heating causes the initiation of warm ejection events followed by cold sweep events that result in surface cooling. The ejection events occur about 25 % of the time, but account for 60–70 % of the total sensible heat flux and cause fluctuations of up to 30 % in the ground heat flux. Cross-correlation analysis between air and surface temperature confirms the validity of a scalar footprint model.  相似文献   

The structures of mean flow and turbulence in the atmospheric surface boundary layer have been extensively studied on Earth, and to a far less extent on Mars, where only the Viking missions and the Pathfinder mission have delivered in-situ data. Largely the behaviour of surface-layer turbulence and mean flow on Mars is found to obey the same scaling laws as on Earth. The largest micrometeorological differences between the two atmospheres are associated with the low air density of the Martian atmosphere. Together with the virtual absence of water vapour, it reduces the importance of the atmospheric heat flux in the surface energy budget. This increases the temperature variation of the surface forcing the near-surface temperature gradient and thereby the diabatic heat flux to higher values than are typical on the Earth, resulting in turn in a deeper daytime boundary layer. As wind speed is much like that of the Earth, this larger diabatic heat flux is carried mostly by larger maximal values of T*, the surface scale temperature. The higher kinematic viscosity yields a Kolmogorov scale of the order of ten times larger than on Earth, influencing the transition between rough and smooth flow for the same surface features.The scaling laws have been validated analysing the Martian surface-layer data for the relations between the power spectra of wind and temperature turbulence and the corresponding mean values of wind speed and temperature. Usual spectral formulations were used based on the scaling laws ruling the Earth atmospheric surface layer, whereby the Earth's atmosphere is used as a standard for the Martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

应用城市冠层模式研究建筑物形态对城市边界层的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
文中将城市冠层模式耦合到南京大学城市尺度边界层模式中,通过模拟对比发现,耦合模式对城市地区气温模拟结果更接近于观测值,尤其是对城市地区夜间气温模拟的改进.运用改进耦合模式通过多个敏感性试验的模拟,从城市面积扩张、建筑物高度增加、建筑物分布密度变化等角度研究城市建筑物三维几何形态变化对城市边界层及城市气象环境的影响,试验结果表明:(1)城市面积扩张使得城市下垫面的热通量增大,热力湍流活动增强,动量通量输送增强,城市湍能增大,湍流扩散系数变大,城市气温升高,且对不同时刻城市区域大气层结稳定度均有不同程度的影响.(2)建筑物高度增加增大了城市下垫面的粗糙度和零平面位移.同时也增大了城市街渠高宽比.城市建筑物越高,白天城市地区地表热通量越小,城市上空大气温度越低,平均风速减小,湍能减小;夜间由于高大建筑物释放储热比低矮建筑物要多,其热力湍流相对活跃,地表热通量增大,使得城市区域气温较高.(3)建筑物密度增大,会减小城市下垫面的粗糙度同时增强街渠对辐射的影响.建筑物密度增大在白天会减小地表热通量和动量通量,使城市气温降低,平均风速增大,城市湍流活动能力减弱;夜间城市释放较多储热使得气温较高.  相似文献   

The mean structure calculated by a three-dimensional numerical model of a heated planetary boundary layer, in simulation of DAY 33 of the Australian Wangara data, has been previously described. The present study supplements it by describing properties of the calculated turbulence.A major finding is the importance of entrainment upon turbulence statistics relating to specific humidity, relative to those for potential temperature. The variances, skewness and spectra of velocity, temperature and humidity are presented, as are budget equations for kinetic energy, temperature and humidity variances and heat/moisture fluxes. These are interpreted with regard to the relative importance of the surface flux vs the flux due to entrainment at the top of the mixed layer, and in regard to the structure which would occur if the entrainment were to vanish.The Rotte-type closure assumption is tested for the correlation between the pressure fluctuation and the vertical gradient of vertical velocity, potential temperature, or specific humidity, and found to be qualitatively correct except near the top of the mixed layer.NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (U.S.A.).  相似文献   

Turbulence, Radiation and fog in Dutch Stable Boundary Layers   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The effect of longwave radiation on the structure the clear stable boundary layer (SBL) is examined. Special emphasis is given to radiative cooling near the surface and the top of the boundary layer and its impact on the heat flux profile. Further, the formation, growth and dissipation of fog in the SBL are studied both from observations and from a one-dimensional ensemble averaged turbulence closure model. The model is compared with detailed observations that were made for both a shallow (about 30 m) radiation fog and a deep (about 200 m) fog layer at the 200-m tower at Cabauw in the Netherlands. The model describes adequately the most important mechanisms occurring during the fog evolution. In this study special attention is given to the parameterization of the vegetation, which is important for a good representation of the (minimum) air temperature. The influence of turbulence transport, longwave radiative cooling and gravitational droplet settling on the fog evolution is described. The study demonstrates the need for more accurate measurements of turbulence quantities, especially the master length scale, in a variety of SBLs.  相似文献   

Results of large-eddy simulations of shallow, quasi-steady, shear-less convection in the Martian boundary layer are presented and discussed. In the considered three cases, turbulence is forced by the radiative flux divergence, prescribed as given functions of height, and the strength of the surface heat flux. It is constrained by the temperature inversion at the boundary-layer top. The resulting convective boundary layer exhibits horizontal cellular structures. The presence of radiative heating causes dimensionless statistics of turbulence to depend on the parameter F, defined in terms of the integrated radiative and turbulent heating rates in the boundary layer.  相似文献   

The unmanned semi-submersible vehicle(USSV) developed by the unmanned surface vehicle team of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics is an unmanned, rugged, and high-endurance autonomous navigation vessel designed for the collection of long-term, continuous and real-time marine meteorological measurements, including atmospheric sounding in the lower troposphere. A series of river and sea trials were conducted from May 2016 to November 2017, and the first rocketsonde was launched from the USSV. Real-time meteorological parameters in the marine atmospheric boundary layer(MABL) were obtained, including sea surface temperature, and vertical profiles of the pressure, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed,and wind direction. These data are extremely useful and important for research on air–sea interactions, sea surface heat and latent heat flux estimations, MABL modeling, and marine satellite product validation.  相似文献   

A diagnostic model for the determination of similarity profiles of turbulence and mean-wind gradient in the planetary boundary layer is developed. Vertical profiles of a turbulence length scale and the flux Richardson number are formulated through the extension of the relationships for the constant flux layer. These profiles together with a turbulence energy equation and a similarity profile empirically determined for heat or momentum flux are used to compute the turbulence energy. Relationships previously derived from a turbulence closure model are used to compute second moments of turbulence.  相似文献   

We present a simple but effective small unmanned aerial vehicle design that is able to make high-resolution temperature and humidity measurements of the atmospheric boundary layer. The air model used is an adapted commercial design, and is able to carry all the instrumentation (barometer, temperature and humidity sensor, and datalogger) required for such measurements. It is fitted with an autopilot that controls the plane’s ascent and descent in a spiral to 1800 m above ground. We describe the results obtained on three different days when the plane, called Aerolemma-3, flew continuously throughout the day. Surface measurements of the sensible virtual heat flux made simultaneously allowed the calculation of all standard convective turbulence scales for the boundary layer, as well as a rigorous test of existing models for the entrainment flux at the top of the boundary layer, and for its growth. A novel approach to calculate the entrainment flux from the top-down, bottom-up model of Wynagaard and Brost is used. We also calculated temperature fluctuations by means of a spectral high-pass filter, and calculated their spectra. Although the time series are small, tapering proved ineffective in this case. The spectra from the untapered series displayed a consistent −5/3 behaviour, and from them it was possible to calculate a dimensionless dissipation function, which exhibited the expected similarity behaviour against boundary-layer bulk stability. The simplicity, ease of use and economy of such small aircraft make us optimistic about their usefulness in boundary-layer research.  相似文献   

This paper extends previous large-eddy simulations of the convective boundary layer over a surface with a spatially varying sensible heat flux. The heat flux variations are sinusoidal and one-dimensional. The wavelength is 1500 or 4500 m (corresponding to 1.3 and 3.8 times the boundary-layer depth, respectively) and the wind speed is 0, 1 or 2 m s-1.In every case the heat flux variation drives a mean circulation. As expected, with zero wind there is ascent over the heat flux maxima. The strength of the circulation increases substantially with an increase in the wavelength of the perturbation. A light wind weakens the circulation drastically and moves it downwind. The circulation has a significant effect on the average concentration field from a simulated, elevated source.The heat flux variation modulates turbulence in the boundary layer. Turbulence is stronger (in several senses) above or downwind of the heat flux maxima than it is above or downwind of the heat flux minima. The effect remains significant even when the mean circulation is very weak. There are effects too on profiles of horizontal-average turbulence statistics. In most cases the effects would be undetectable in the atmosphere.We consider how the surface heat flux variations penetrate into the lower and middle boundary layer and propose that to a first approximation the process resembles passive scalar diffusion.The research reported in this paper was conducted while the first author was on study leave at Colorado State University.  相似文献   


The effects of small‐scale surface inhomogeneities on the turbulence structure in the convective boundary layer are investigated using a high‐resolution large‐eddy simulation model. Surface heat flux variations are sinusoidal and two‐dimensional, dividing the total domain into a checkerboard‐like pattern of surface hot spots with a 500‐m wavelength in the x and y directions, or 1/4 of the domain size. The selected wind speeds were 1 and 4 m s‐l, respectively. As a comparison, a simulation of the turbulence structure was performed over a homogeneous surface.

When the wind speed is light, surface heat flux variations influence the horizontally averaged turbulence statistics, including the higher moments despite the small characteristic length of the surface perturbation. Stronger mean wind speeds weaken the effects of inhomogeneous surface conditions on the turbulence structure in the convective boundary layer.

Results from conditional sampling show that when the mean wind speed is small, weak mean circulations occur, with updraft branches above the high heat flux regions and down‐draft branches above the low heat flux regions. The inhomogeneous surface induces significant differences in the turbulence statistics between the high and low heat flux regions. However, the effect of the surface perturbations weaken rapidly when the mean wind speed increases. This research has implications in the explanation of the large‐scale variability commonly encountered in aircraft observations of atmospheric turbulence.  相似文献   

A fast-response chemiluminescent ozone sensor was mounted in an aircraft instrumented for air motion and temperature measurements. Measurements of the vertical flux of ozone by the eddy correlation technique were obtained after correcting for time delay and pressure sensitivity in the ozone sensor output. The observations were taken over eastern Colorado for two days in April, one a morning and the other an afternoon flight. Since the correlation coefficient of ozone and vertical velocity is small compared to, for example, temperature and vertical velocity in the lower part of the convective boundary layer, an averaging length of the order of 100 km was required to obtain a reasonably accurate estimate of the ozone flux. The measured variance of ozone appeared to be too large, probably mainly due to random noise in the sensor output, although the possibility of the production of ozone fluctuations by chemical reactions cannot be dismissed entirely. Terms in the budget equation for ozone were estimated from the aircraft measurements and the divergence of the ozone flux was found to be large compared to the flux at the surface divided by the boundary-layer height.Part of this work was carried out while a visitor at Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Nocturnal Boundary-Layer Regimes   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
This study analyzes turbulence data collected over a grassland site in the nocturnal boundary layer. Examination of the dependence of the nocturnal boundary layer on stability suggests three regimes: a) the weakly stable case, b) a transition stability regime where many of the variables change rapidly with increasing stability and c) the very stable case. The value of z/L where the downward heat flux is a maximum defines the stability boundary between the weakly stable and transition regimes, where L is the Obukhov length. In the present analysis, the downward heat flux reaches a maximum at z/L approximately equal to 0.05 for 10 m, although comparison with other data indicates that this is not a universal value. For weaker stability, the heat flux decreases with decreasing z/L due to weaker temperature fluctuations. In the transition stability regime, the heat flux decreases rapidly with increasing stability due to restriction of vertical velocity fluctuations by the increasing stratification.For weakly stable conditions, the variances scale according to Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. For very stable conditions, the variances are contaminated by non-turbulent horizontal motions and do not follow the scaling laws. An alternative length scale based on variances is developed which explains more of the variance of the transfer coefficients compared to the Obukhov length.  相似文献   

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