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珠江口东南近海海区污损生物研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为研究珠江口东南近海海区污损生物状况,于1986年5月至1987年6月,在香港东南约114和160km,水深为95和113m处布设了两个生物浮标站,并对距香港约172km,水深为115m处的Marex水文气象浮标上的污损生物群落进行调查.此次调查共采集和鉴定出污损生物78种,其中在浸海只有3个月的试板上,主要有柄蔓足类、水螅和藻类,优势种是细板条茗荷、茗荷和直杯螅.至于浸海时间达6~12个月的浮标(包括沉标)及锚链系统,其上还有相当数量的多种双壳类软体动物、无柄蔓足类和苔藓动物等硬性污损生物附着.在种类垂直分布方面,污损生物群落组成随深度发生明显变化.  相似文献   

1986年5月—1988年4月在海南岛西南部莺歌海水域布设4个浮标调查站,以了解该海区生物污着状况。结果表明,该海区污着生物群落的厚度及生物量主要取决于双壳类软体动物和无柄蔓足类等硬性污着生物,而海藻、水螅、苔藓虫及有柄蔓足类则是生物污着的重要种类。此外,随着离岸距离的增加,污着生物群落的种类组成及数量也发生相应变化。  相似文献   

南海北部沿岸污损生物中的苔藓虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李传燕 《台湾海峡》1992,11(1):61-68
作者于1979年9月至1989年8月,先后在广东、海南及广西沿岸港湾进行污损生物和人工鱼礁附着生物周年挂板试验,并调查沿岸港湾浮标、船只、码头、水产养殖设施及其他水下设施的污损生物,获苔藓虫3871号标本,经分析鉴定为88种,隶属3目30科。它们多数是高盐暖水种和广分布种。有少数河口低盐种,遍布于中国沿岸的有26种,黄、渤海已发表的有29种,东海31种,仅南海沿岸水域28种。南海北部沿岸苔藓虫终年都能繁殖附着,附着高峰期为冬春季节的低温月份。  相似文献   

DistributionoffoulingbryozoansinthenorthernSouthChinaSeaYanYan,YanWenxia,DongYu,WangHuajie,YanTaoandLiangGuanhe(ReceivedJune2...  相似文献   

Abstract-In order to understand the type and extent of marine fouling in offshore areas southeast ofthe Zhujiang (Pearl) River delta, within the period form May 1986 to June 1987, two biologicalbuoys were deployed at water depths of 95 m and 113 m located in 114 km and 160 km off the coast ofHong Kong, respectively. Moreover, the fouling community of a Marex hydrological buoy located in115 m depth water 172 km off Hong Kong was also surveyed. The results show that a total of 78species were collected and identified. The panels exposed for 3 months were mainly dominated bystalked barnacles Conchoderma hunteri and Lepas anatifera and hydroids Orthopyxis sp. As for thebuoys, including the subsurface buoy, and their mooring systems exposed for 6 and 12 months, respec-tively, some hard foulers such as common oysters, pearl oysters, acorn barnacles and bryozoans werealso found. The compositions of fouling communities also varied greatly with depth.  相似文献   

“东海高精度无线电定位系统”是地质矿产部在八十年代中建立起来主要用于物探的定位系统,也是东海海洋地质调查主要的定位手段。该系统精度的难证、工作方式、实际工作的资料统计结果进一步论证了该系统在东海的实用价值,随着海洋地质调查工作的发展和深化,对导航定位的要求越来越高,“东海高精度无线电定位系统”的设备也在不断更新和发展,以适应东海对外开放的需要。  相似文献   

珠江口以东近海水域污损生物的组成与分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
严涛  严文侠 《台湾海峡》1999,18(3):325-331
于1986年5月至1987年6月期间,在珠江口以东近海水域,距岸分别为15.7和71.7km、水深27和71km两处布设Z1和Z2两个浮标调查站,以研究该海区污损生物的组成及分布状况。结果表明,在相对近岸的Z1站,各水层的污损生物均以无柄蔓足类、海葵和双壳类及多毛类等华南沿岸海区常见种类为主,其中网纹藤壶占绝对优势;而远岸的Z2站,则主要是有柄蔓足类和水螅,且生物的种类和数量也远远低于Z1站。  相似文献   

吴正伟  周怀阳  吕枫 《海洋工程》2017,35(5):110-117
几乎任何固体构件物放入水中,都会不同程度地发生生物附着现象,这极大地限制了海洋观测设备的长期运行。目前有多种防生物附着方法,但没有一种方法是普遍适用的,其效果受到环境因素及被保护对象本身特点的影响。本文论述了生物附着的形成机制以及环境因素对生物附着程度的影响,并按照主动方式与被动方式的分类,介绍了几种常用防生物附着技术的特点及局限性。最后根据各类防生物附着技术及被保护对象的特点,推荐了典型海洋观测设备各部位的防生物附着策略,为实现海洋观测设备长期运行提供保障。  相似文献   

基于SPOT-6遥感影像的近海水深反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水深反演对于浅海地形调查、海岸带保护和开发具有重要的意义。本文选取南海东锣岛海域为研究区,采用SPOT-6 6 m高分辨率数据,基于SPOT-6多光谱数据和水深实测值分别建立蓝-绿、蓝-红等6个波段比值模型。结果显示,绿-红波段的比值模型精度最高,R2值达到0.706 4,这对于反演热带海洋地区水深具有一定借鉴意义。基于该模型的反演结果对不同水深范围内的平均相对误差进行比较,结果表明:0~5 m水深范围反演误差较高,主要由于该范围水体情况较复杂,5~10 m 水深范围内平均相对误差最小为13.62%,而随着水深的增加,反演的误差增大,分析误差的主要来源是海水中的悬浮颗粒物、黄色物质、叶绿素质量浓度等方面的影响。  相似文献   

Platforms Ⅰ and Ⅱ are steel structures located in offshore areas southeast of the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta, the northern South China Sea, in about 110 m water depth. The jackets, with aluminum sacrificial anodes for cathodic protection (CP) of the immersed zone, were launched in March 1995. In May 1996 a CP survey showed that, after almost one year of service, a low polarization level had been achieved and some extended unprotected zones existed, mainly in the deepest part of the Platform Ⅱ. Further to this, a joint activity was decided in order to assess the need of a possible retrofitting of the CP systems. The results of the activity carried out are dealt with, including technical and economical comparisons amongst several retrofitting options, both with sacrificial anodes and with impressed current systems. The adopted solution is illustrated and data are reported on the level of protection presently achieved.  相似文献   

Fouling was investigated on Marathon Kinsale Field Alpha and Bravo platforms in the Celtic Sea between June 1978 and June 1981. In shallow depths, algae dominated, chiefly Polysiphonia brodiaei and Ulva lactuca. Mussels formed the dominant fouling organism between 6 and 20 m depth, below which were zones of Metridium senile and Alcyonium digitatum, serpulids and the deep water barnacle Balanus hameri. In September 1979 mussels exceeded 2500 m−2 with a modal length of 42 mm. By June 1981, modal length had increased to 67 mm at −4 m and 73 mm at −18 m (maximum size 97 mm). Populations on Bravo were similar. Comparison is made with growth rates on North Sea platforms. On Alpha, percentage cover m−2 in March 1980 was much greater at −4 m than at −18 m, but mean thickness was similar. At −18 m mussels were a heavier fouler on Bravo than Alpha. On Alpha mussel weight did not show a linear relationship with percentage cover.  相似文献   

分析探讨了东海近海水质无机氮类测定中不确定度的影响因素。其中,考虑到海洋环境监测的一些特殊性,在建立评定不确定度分量的数学模型时,引入了重复性实验校正因子f,并选取2004年东海区海洋环境监测中不同海域的试样进行原始平行性测定资料,以A类方式评定量化重复性实验校正因子f的不确定度分量;同时,以A类或B类的方式对近海水质无机氮类测定中的其它各个不确定度分量进行了评定。结果表明,NH_4~ 测定的相对合成标准不确定度分量最大,重复性实验校正因子f是近海水质无机氮类测定不确定度的主要来源。在此基础上,计算了东海近海水质无机氮类(NO_2~-、NO_3~-、NH_4~ )测定中的相对合成标准不确定度分别约为0.080,0.034,0.10。  相似文献   

中国近海的天然气勘探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据最新勘探资料,在综合分析中国近海海域天然气勘探现状、资源潜力及其区域分布规律的基础上,分析了我国近海海域天然气勘探的有利区带及目前比较现实的勘探目标,展示了我国近海海域天然气勘探的良好前景。  相似文献   

为搞清我国陆架的孢粉、藻类分布规律,于1972年先后对黄海、东海、南海海底沉积物作了孢粉、藻类研究。结果表明,在黄海,东海表层沉积物中红树植物花粉主要由黑潮暖流北上携带而来,在南海沿岸的海湾和河流入海处沉积物中红树植物花粉含量高;水下古海岸线附近含量亦高,南海北部钻孔中的红树植物花粉系由海流搬运我国沿岸物质沉积而成;南部钻孔中的红树植物花粉主要是海流将马来西亚的菲律宾沿岸物质搬运沉积而成。  相似文献   

海上风电是一种清洁的可再生能源。本文简述了海上风电发展概况, 并介绍了广东省在南海北部建设海上风电场的进展, 同时描述了南海北部一些典型的海洋水动力过程及其现场观测研究存在的难题; 最后提出利用海上风电场构建海洋水文现场同步实时网络系统的观点, 指出利用这些长期定点的网络式观测数据对研究海洋中小尺度动力过程等的优势。希望能为促进海上风电与海洋科学研究的融合发展提供参考。  相似文献   

With the data observed from the Second SCS Air-Sea Flux Experiment on the Xisha air-sea flux research tower, the radiation budget, latent, sensible heat fluxes and net oceanic heat budgets were caculated before and after summer monsoon onset. It is discovered that, after summer monsoon onset, there are considerable changes in air-sea fluxes, especially in latent heat fluxes and net oceanic heat budget. Furthermore, the analyzed results of five synoptic stages are compared. And the characteristics of the flux transfer during different stages around onset of South China Sea monsoon are discussed. The flux change shows that there is an oceanic heat accumulating process during the pre-onset and the break period, as same as oceanic heat losing process during the onset period. Moreover, latent fluxes, the water vapor moving to the continent, even the rainfall appearance in Chinese Mainland also can be influenced by southwester. Comparing Xisha fluxes with those obtained from the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean, their differences may be obeerved. It is the reason why SSTs can keep stableover the South China Sea while they decrease quickly over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal aftermonsoon onset.  相似文献   

南海处于欧亚板块、印度-澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块的交汇处,地质作用十分复杂,至今未能建立一个普遍适用的演化模式,成为南海研究中亟待解决的问题。通过总结南海构造演化的主要模式,分析各模式建立的依据和存在的问题,发现通过一个动力源来研究南海的形成演化是片面的。从南海构造特征分析,结合国外有关大陆岩石圈破裂的研究成果,认为南海海盆主体经历了被动大陆张裂到海底扩张的演化过程。动力源主要是古南海向南俯冲的拖曳力,辅助于南、南东向的地幔流作用。南海北部陆缘广泛存在的高速层,可能是地幔流沿拉张减薄面底侵的结果,因而不同于地幔柱作用引起南海的打开。印度板块碰撞、楔入产生的地幔流,经太平洋俯冲板块的阻挡,最终发生南、南东向流动。印支地块的挤出则对南海西部的拉张具有重要影响。  相似文献   

:1 98 6— 1 995年在南海北部水域对 1 6个海洋结构物 (其中 1 2个生物调查浮标 ,2个Marex水文资料浮标和 2个固定石油生产平台 )上珍珠贝科 (Pteriidae)的水平和垂直分布进行了调查 ,共发现有珍珠贝科 2属 1 0种。文中讨论了它们的分布与该水域的海流特征、结构物离岸距离及珍珠贝幼虫发育的关系 ,并认为 ,企鹅珍珠贝Pteria(Magnavicula)penguin、短翼珍珠贝P .(Austropteria)brevialata和珠母贝Pinctadamargartifera、鹌鹑珍珠贝Pteria (A .)coturnix将分别为B2站、YM1站和Z1站海区未来海洋结构物污损生物的优势种。  相似文献   

Researches on the currents in the South China Sea (SCS) and the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas are reviewed. Overall seasonal circulation in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer with a few stable eddies. The seasonal circulation is mostly driven by monsoon winds, and is related to water exchange between the SCS and the East China Sea through the Taiwan Strait, and between the SCS and the Kuroshio through the Luzon Strait. Seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea Warm Current in the northern SCS and the Kuroshio intrusion to the SCS are summarized in terms of the interaction between the SCS and its adjacent seas.  相似文献   

何啸  贾村  孟静  刘娟  陈旭  杨小欣 《海洋科学》2023,47(3):1-14
内波是海洋中普遍存在的波动形式。内孤立波是典型的非线性内波,多发于陆架边缘海,如南海等海域,对陆架海域有重要影响。本文针对内孤立波在陆架地形上的传播问题,先基于弱非线性与全非线性数值模型,模拟了不同振幅、地形高度条件下内孤立波的演化的过程,探讨了动力系数对内孤立波演化过程的影响,对比了两模型的模拟结果在内孤立波演化过程、能量分配以及能量耗散的差异,后分析了南海的动力系数分布特征。结果表明,在内孤立波不发生破碎的情况下,弱非线性模型与全非线性模拟结果相近。当发生破碎过程时,弱非线性模型可准确模拟头波,但无法通过强非线性的破碎过程耗散能量,只能以裂变的方式辐射能量。在弱非线性模型中,随地形高度增加,频散系数减小到零,平方非线性系数由负转正,立方非线性系数绝对值增大一个量级,并主导陆架地形上内孤立波的演化过程。通过对比南海夏季与冬季非线性内波动力系数空间分布,发现内孤立波在传播过程由于夏季平方非线性效应、立方非线性效应与频散效应较强的影响,其在夏季更易发生陡化与裂变,波列发生频率高。  相似文献   

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