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Vertical datum definition is identical with the choice of a potential (or height) value for the fundamental bench mark. Also the connection of two adjacent vertical datums poses no principal problem as long as the potential (or height) value of two bench marks of the two systems is known and they can be connected by levelling. Only the unification of large vertical datums and the connection of vertical datums separated by an ocean remains difficult. Two vertical datums can be connected indirectly by means of a combination of precise geocentric positions of two points, as derived by space techniques, their potential (or height) value in the respective height datum and their geoid height difference. The latter requires the solution of the linear geodetic boundary value problem under the assumption that potential and gravity anomalies refer to a variety of height datums. The unknown off-sets between the various datums appear in the solution inside and outside the Stokes integral and can be estimated in a least squares adjustment, if geocentric positions, levelled heights and adequate gravity material are available for all datum zones. The problem can in principle also be solved involving only two datums, in case a precise global gravity field becomes available purely from satellite methods.  相似文献   

On symmetrical three-dimensional datum conversion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 3-D similarity transformation is frequently used to convert GPS-WGS84-based coordinates to those in a local datum using a set of control points with coordinate values in both systems. In this application, the Gauss-Markov (GM) model is often employed to represent the problem, and a least-squares approach is used to compute the parameters within the mathematical model. However, the Gauss–Markov model considers the source coordinates in the data matrix (A) as fixed or error-free; this is an imprecise assumption since these coordinates are also measured quantities and include random errors. The errors-in-variables (EIV) model assumes that all the variables in the mathematical model are contaminated by random errors. This model may be solved using the relatively new total least-squares (TLS) estimation technique, introduced in 1980 by Golub and Van Loan. In this paper, the similarity transformation problem is analyzed with respect to the EIV model, and a novel algorithm is described to obtain the transformation parameters. It is proved that even with the EIV model, a closed form Procrustes approach can be employed to obtain the rotation matrix and translation parameters. The transformation scale may be calculated by solving the proper quadratic equation. A numerical example and a practical case study are presented to test this new algorithm and compare the EIV and the GM models.  相似文献   

尹雪英 《测绘科学》2012,37(5):43-45
高程基准是高程测定的依据,由于一些客观原因的存在,目前定义的高程基准只具有局部性特征,而不是全球统一的高程基准.本文针对目前高程基准不统一的现状,分析了现有高程基准统一的几种方法,对其原理进行系统阐述,同时进行了详细评价,指出几种方法的优劣以及适用范围,以期为实际应用提供参考.  相似文献   

Robust estimation of geodetic datum transformation   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
Y. Yang 《Journal of Geodesy》1999,73(5):268-274
The robust estimation of geodetic datum transformation is discussed. The basic principle of robust estimation is introduced. The error influence functions of the robust estimators, together with those of least-squares estimators, are given. Particular attention is given to the robust initial estimates of the transformation parameters, which should have a high breakdown point in order to provide reliable residuals for the following estimation. The median method is applied to solve for robust initial estimates of transformation parameters since it has the highest breakdown point. A smooth weight function is then used to improve the efficiency of the parameter estimates in successive iterative computations. A numerical example is given on a datum transformation between a global positioning system network and the corresponding geodetic network in China. The results show that when the coordinates are contaminated by outliers, the proposed method can still give reasonable results. Received: 25 September 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1999  相似文献   

It is shown that also in a rank deficient Gauss-Markov model higher weights of the observations automatically improve the precision of the estimated parameters as long as they are computed in thesame datum. However, the amount of improvement in terms of the trace of the dispersion matrix isminimum for the so-called “free datum” which corresponds to the pseudo-inverse normal equations matrix. This behaviour together with its consequences is discussed by an example with special emphasis on geodetic networks for deformation analysis.  相似文献   

王鹏  吕志平  陈正生 《测绘工程》2010,19(3):7-9,13
从平差基准角度,在法方程层面对最小二乘平差模型做了统一,证明重心基准空间是自由法矩阵空间的正交补空间,并进一步对平差基准问题做了几何解析。通过水准网实例,验证法方程层面平差计算及基准转换的可行性。  相似文献   

针对我国陆海垂直基准不统一的问题,该文提出借鉴美国垂直基准转换的方法,通过介绍美国使用的正高基准、潮汐基准和三维基准等垂直基准的定义和实现情况,详细说明美国垂直基准转换的技术路线、关键技术以及转换的实际精度,总结出对美国垂直基准转换的认识和给我国垂直基准转换的启示。研究结果以期为相关领域提供参考。  相似文献   

全球或区域性高程基准面的统一始终是大地测量学研究的主要内容之一 ,对于构建“数字区域”和“数字地球”及研究全球或区域性环境变化具有重要的科学意义和现实意义。本文利用全球重力场模型EGM 96和WDM94及GPS水准数据 ,确定了香港主要高程基准面与我国 195 6黄海高程基准面的重力位差。计算结果表明 ,这两个基准面的重力位差为 (8 36 6± 0 76 5 )m2 s-2 ,表明香港主要高程基准面平均低于我国 195 6黄海高程基准面 (0 85 5± 0 0 78)m2 s-2 。本文的计算结果有助于本地区高程基准面的统一  相似文献   

介绍了日本曾采用了百余年的大地基准TD1918,阐述了它不能适应当前日本的经济、社会和军事发展的需求,日本于2002年开始采用新的地心三维大地基准JGD2000.概要介绍了JGD2000大地系统的定义及其框架,最后给出了这两个新老大地基准的转换.  相似文献   

以沿海某测区绝对重力和相对重力网数据处理为例,详细描述了弱基准重力网平差的方法,绝对重力和相对重力先验权的确定,用抗差等价权来调整相对重力的权、重力仪参数的取舍。结果表明,弱基准能有效地提高整网的精度;抗差估计能有效地探测并降低异常数据的权。重力点平均中误差为13.6×10-8 ms-2,偶然误差检验符合正态分布。  相似文献   

The international ellipsoid, 1924, was locally fitted to the Indian geoid in 1927. An attempt is here made to obtain the initial values for the Indian geodetic datum (I.G.D.) in absolute terms by gravimetric method using the available gravity material. The values obtained independently by the author’s least-squares solution technique, making use of the available astrogeodetic data in India, were also utilized in the results of the present determination.  相似文献   

Determination of Geopotential of Local Vertical Datum Surface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 IntroductionEachcountryoreachgroupofcountriesselectsmeansealev elatadefinedtidegaugeoratagroupofgaugesforitsverti caldatumsurface .Itisrealized ,however,thatthelocalmeansealevelisusuallydepartedfromthegeoid ,whichshouldbetheidealdatumsurfaceforheight,ow…  相似文献   

CORS维持陆海一体化空间基准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周立  谢宏全  董春来  史建青 《测绘科学》2012,37(6):19-20,31
针对海洋测绘基准的特点,本文讨论陆海空间基准现状及存在问题:提出了直接采用CORS网络构建和维持陆海一体化空间基准,创建了基于CORS的陆海一体化现代高精度三维测绘基准模型,初步构建了连云港海域基准服务CORS工作基点网,并尝试建立新一代国家三维地心大地坐标系统(CGCS2000)空间框架结构体系.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on studying logn distance transference of height datum across seas by combining ellipsoidal height derived from GPS with gravimetric geoid height. The Yellow Sea Height Datum is transferred to Yangshan Island which is 30 km away from Luchaogang in Shanghai. The stations heights derived in this way are compared with those determined from two independent sets of the tidal observations taken in two years, and the difference values are 1.0 cm and 6.0 cm, respectively. Moreover, the derived height differences between two sections on the island are also compared with the values derived from precise leveling with respect to the same section. The result shows that the inconsistencies are only 0.2 cm and 0.7 cm, respectively.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThestudyoflongdistancetransferenceofheightdatumacrossseashaswidelyattractedtheattentionsofthegeode sistsinoceaniccountriesforalongtime .Generally,therearefourmethodsintheheighttransferring :hydrostaticleveling ,dy namicleveling ,GPS/levelinga…  相似文献   

Deformation estimates from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) are relative: they form a ‘free’ network referred to an arbitrary datum, e.g. by assuming a reference point in the image to be stable. However, some applications require ‘absolute’ InSAR estimates, i.e. expressed in a well-defined terrestrial reference frame, e.g. to compare InSAR results with those of other techniques. We propose a methodology based on collocated InSAR and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements, achieved by rigidly attaching phase-stable millimetre-precision compact active radar transponders to GNSS antennas. We demonstrate this concept through a simulated example and practical case studies in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

The North American datum of 1983: Project methodology and execution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new adjustment of the geodetic control networks in North America has been completed, resulting in a new continental datum—the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83). The establishment ofNAD 83 was the result of an international project involving the National Geodetic Survey of the United States, the Geodetic Survey of Canada, and the Danish Geodetic Institute (responsible for surveying in Greenland). The geodetic data in Mexico and Central America were collected by the Inter American Geodetic Survey and validated by the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center. The fundamental task ofNAD 83 was a simultaneous least squares adjustment involving 266,436 stations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. The networks in Greenland, Hawaii, and the Caribbean islands were connected to the datum through Doppler satellite and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations. The computations were performed with respect to the ellipsoid of the Geodetic Reference System of 1980. The ellipsoid is positioned in such a way as to be geocentric, and its axes are oriented by the Bureau International de l'Heure Terrestrial System of 1984. The mathematical model for theNAD readjustment was the height-controlled three-dimensional system. The least squares adjustment involved 1,785,772 observations and 928,735 unknowns. The formation and solution of the normal equations were carried out according to the Helmert block method. [Authors' note:This article is a condensation of the final report of the NAD 83 project. The full report (Schwarz,1989) contains a more complete discussion of all the topics.]  相似文献   

Motivated by the existing theory of the geometric characteristics of linear generalized inverses of linear mappings, an attempt is made to establish a corresponding mathematical theory for nonlinear generalized inverses of nonlinear mappings in finite- dimensional spaces. The theory relies on the concept of fiberings consisting of disjoint manifolds (fibers) in which the domain and range spaces of the mappings are partitioned. Fiberings replace the quotient spaces generated by some characteristic subspaces in the linear case. In addition to the simple generalized inverse, the minimum-distance and the x 0-nearest generalized inverse are introduced and characterized, in analogy with the least-squares and the minimum-norm generalized inverses of the linear case. The theory is specialized to the geodetic mapping from network coordinates to observables and the nonlinear transformations (Baarda's S-transformations) between different solutions are defined with the help of transformation parameters obtained from the solution of nonlinear equations. In particular, the transformations from any solution to an x 0-nearest solution (corresponding to Meissl's inner solution) are given for two- and three-dimensional networks for both the similarity and the rigid transformation case. Finally the nonlinear theory is specialized to the linear case with the help of the singular-value decomposition and algebraic expressions with specific geometric meaning are given for all possible types of generalized inverses. Received: 11 April 1996 / Accepted: 19 April 1997  相似文献   

The height datum problem and the role of satellite gravity models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional height systems do not refer to a common equipotential surface, such as the geoid. They are usually referred to the mean sea level at a reference tide gauge. As mean sea level varies (by ±1 to 2 m) from place to place and from continent to continent each tide gauge has an unknown bias with respect to a common reference surface, whose determination is what the height datum problem is concerned with. This paper deals with this problem, in connection to the availability of satellite gravity missions data. Since biased heights enter into the computation of terrestrial gravity anomalies, which in turn are used for geoid determination, the biases enter as secondary or indirect effect also in such a geoid model. In contrast to terrestrial gravity anomalies, gravity and geoid models derived from satellite gravity missions, and in particular GRACE and GOCE, do not suffer from those inconsistencies. Those models can be regarded as unbiased. After a review of the mathematical formulation of the problem, the paper examines two alternative approaches to its solution. The first one compares the gravity potential coefficients in the range of degrees from 100 to 200 of an unbiased gravity field from GOCE with those of the combined model EGM2008, that in this range is affected by the height biases. This first proposal yields a solution too inaccurate to be useful. The second approach compares height anomalies derived from GNSS ellipsoidal heights and biased normal heights, with anomalies derived from an anomalous potential which combines a satellite-only model up to degree 200 and a high-resolution global model above 200. The point is to show that in this last combination the indirect effects of the height biases are negligible. To this aim, an error budget analysis is performed. The biases of the high frequency part are proved to be irrelevant, so that an accuracy of 5 cm per individual GNSS station is found. This seems to be a promising practical method to solve the problem.  相似文献   

国家北斗动态基准服务产品精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的快速发展,利用北斗卫星导航系统维持国家动态坐标基准已成为国家基准维护一项基本任务。该文利用中国测绘科学研究院北斗分析中心(CGS)自主研发的多系统GNSS数据处理软件(GPAS),结合国家北斗基准站数据,对动态基准服务产品进行了全面深入的分析。结果表明,利用北斗基准站数据生成的各类动态基准产品,可以满足变形监测等事后毫米级、导航定位亚米级精度需求。  相似文献   

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