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We consider the plasma mechanism of sub-terahertz emission from solar flares and determine the conditions for its realization in the solar atmosphere. The source is assumed to be localized at the chromospheric footpoints of coronal magnetic loops, where the electron density should reach n ≈ 1015 cm?3. This requires chromospheric heating at heights h ? 500 km to coronal temperatures, which provides a high degree of ionization needed for Langmuir frequencies ν p ≈ 200–400 GHz and reduces the bremsstrahlung absorption of the sub-THz emission as it escapes from the source. The plasma wave excitation threshold for electron-ion collisions imposes a constraint on the lower density limit for energetic electrons in the source, n 1 > 4 × 109 cm?3. The generation of emission at the plasma frequency harmonic ν ≈ 2ν p rather than the fundamental tone turns out to be preferred. We show that the electron acceleration and plasma heating in the sub-THz emission source can be realized when the ballooning mode of the flute instability develops at the chromospheric footpoints of a flare loop. The flute instability leads to the penetration of external chromospheric plasma into the loop and causes the generation of an inductive electric field that efficiently accelerates the electrons and heats the chromosphere in situ. We show that the ultraviolet radiation from the heated chromosphere emerging in this case does not exceed the level observed during flares.  相似文献   

A study is made of several ATM flares, to investigate the effect of soft X-ray heating at chromospheric levels. It is shown that the amount of energy released in Ly and Lyman continuum emissions, and their spatial and temporal behavior, in compact flares correspond to what is expected from model calculations. An additional source of heating, which could be heat conduction, has to be postulated to explain ribbons of enhanced L and C ii 1336 Å emission in large flares. As expected, the effect of X-ray heating is more important in small compact flares than in large ones.  相似文献   

The results of measuring UV radiation onboard the CORONAS-F spacecraft during solar flares in 2001–2003 are considered. Some conclusions from the analysis of variations of solar-flare emission in several spectral intervals, namely, in soft X-rays, in the 10-to 130-nm range, and in the band near 120 nm, are discussed. The data were obtained by the VUSS-L and SUFR instruments. Time and energy characteristics of flares recorded onboard the CORONAS-F spacecraft are compared to the GOES measurements in the interval 0.1–0.8 nm and to the SOHO measurements of UV radiation in the 26-to 34-nm band. In particular, it is demonstrated that UV radiation is generated several (1–10) minutes before X-ray emission for most flares considered in the study. It is shown that the energy of flare emission in the extreme ultraviolet is usually not greater than ~10% of its preflare level and that energy fluxes in different wavelength ranges are related by a power law. Such an analysis makes it possible to better understand the mechanism of flare development.  相似文献   

The intensities of far ultraviolet emission lines from the solar corona are analyzed to determine relative coronal abundances for oxygen, silicon, and iron. Dielectronic recombination is included in the formulation of ionization equilibrium. Observations of solar radio emission are used to obtain abundances relative to hydrogen. The absolute coronal abundances appear to be in agreement with their respective photospheric values. General properties of the structure of the chromosphere and corona are deduced from the analysis of observed emission in the ultraviolet and radio wavelength regions.  相似文献   

The recent tentative identification of a chromospheric emission line at = 4097.342 Å with the Niii transition 3s 2 S 1/2 $#x2212; 3p 2 P 3/2 is discussed. It is shown that the observed intensity is inconsistent with the observed flux in the XUV resonance lines and considerably greater than the predicted intensity from the chromosphere-corona transition zone. Microphotometry of a plate shows that the line is a short interval of continuum between absorption lines.  相似文献   

Extreme ultraviolet observations of coronal holes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extreme-ultraviolet Skylab and ground-based solar magnetic field data have been combined to study the origin and evolution of coronal holes. It is shown that holes exist only within the large-scale unipolar magnetic cells into which the solar surface is divided at any given time. A well-defined boundary zone usually exists between the edge of a hole and the neutral line which marks the edge of its magnetic cell. This boundary zone is the region across which a cell is connected by magnetic arcades with adjacent cells of opposite polarity. Three pieces of observational evidence are offered to support the hypothesis that the magnetic lines of force from a hole are open. Kitt Peak magnetograms are used to show that, at least on a relative scale, the average field strengths within holes are quite variable, but indistinguishable from the field strengths in other quiet parts of the Sun's surface.Finally it is shown that the large, equatorial holes characteristic of the declining phase of the last solar cycle during Skylab (1973–74) were all formed as a result of the mergence of bipolar magnetic regions (BMR's), confirming an earlier hypothesis by Timothy et al. (1975). Systematic application of this model to the different aspects of the solar cycle correctly predicts the occurrence of both large, equatorial coronal holes (the M-regions which cause recurrent geomagnetic storms) and the polar cap holes.  相似文献   

Broadband sensors aboard the Naval Research Laboratory's SOLRAD 11 satellites measured solar emission in the 0.5 to 3 Å, 1 to 8 Å, 8 to 20 Å, 100 to 500 Å, 500 to 800 Å, and 700 to 1030 Å bands. Data from sixteen large flares show that the EUV emission is dominated by gradual emission which parallels the soft X-ray emission in duration and magnitude. The data are consistent with the separation of EUV and X-ray flare emission into two distinct components. A persistent component is made up of gradual EUV and gradual soft X-ray emissions. A brief component consists of hard X-rays, impulsive soft X-rays, and impulsive EUV emission.  相似文献   

The line profiles of L, Ca ii K and Mg iik were measured with the spectrometer of the Laboratoire de Physique Stellaire et Planétaire on board of OSO-8. The results of these measurements are presented.Mitteilungen aus dem Kiepenheuer-Institut Nr. 181.  相似文献   

The emission doublet 2800 Mgii of stellar chromospheric origin is always stronger than the emission in the Lα line of hydrogen. At the same time, the ratio of their fluxes,Q=F(Mgii)/F(Lα), varies over a wide range— from 2 up to 20 in stars of one and the same type. Assuming that both emission structures, 2800 Mgii and Lα, are excited in one and the same region of the chromosphere, an attempt is made to represent the ratioQ as a function from one physical parameter only—chromospheric electron temperature. Such an approach explains easily the observed behaviour of the ratioQ in different stars.  相似文献   

UARS SOLSTICE data have been subjected to Fourier and wavelet analyses in order to search for the signature of the solar rotation law in the disk‐integrated irradiance of UV lines. Lyman‐α, Mg II, and Ca II data show a different behaviour. In the SOLSTICE data there are significant temporal variations of the rotation rate of the UV tracers over 5—6 years. Often several distinct rotation periods appear almost simultaneously. Beside the basic period around 27 days there are signals at 32—35 days corresponding to the rotation rate at very high latitudes. For more than 5 years during another period of the solar cycle the rotational behaviour is quite different; there is an indication of differential rotation of active regions in these Ca II ground‐based data. The data contain a wealth of information about the solar differential rotation, but it proves difficult to disentangle the effects of the different emitting sources.  相似文献   

Extreme ultraviolet spectra of several active regions are presented and analyzed. Spectral intensities of 3 active regions observed with the NRL Skylab XUV spectroheliograph (170–630 Å) are derived. From this data density sensitive line ratios of Mg viii, Si x, S xii, Fe ix, Fe x, Fe xi, Fe xii, Fe xiii, Fe xiv, and Fe xv are examined and typically yield, to within a factor of 2, electron pressures of 1 dyne cm–2 (n e T = 6 × 1015 cm–3 K). The differential emission measure of the brightest 35 × 35 portion of an active region is obtained between 1.4 × 104 K and 5 × 106 K from HCO OSO-VI XUV (280–1370 Å) spectra published by Dupree et al. (1973). Stigmatic EUV spectra (1170–1710 Å) obtained by the NRL High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) are also presented. Doppler velocities as a function of position along the slit are derived in an active region plage and sunspot. The velocities are based on an absolute wavelength scale derived from neutral chromospheric lines and are accurate to ±2 km s–1. Downflows at 105 K are found throughout the plage with typical velocities of 10 km s–1. In the sunspot, downflows are typically 5 to 20 km s–1 over the umbra and zero over the penumbra. In addition localized 90 and 150 km s–1 downflows are found in the umbra in the same 1 × 1 resolution elements which contain the lower velocity downflows. Spectral intensities and velocities in a typical plage 1 resolution element are derived. The velocities are greatest ( 10 km s–1) at 105 K with lower velocities at higher and lower temperatures. The differential emission measure between 1.3 × 104 K and 2 × 106 K is derived and is found to be comparable to that derived from the OSO-VI data. An electron pressure of 1.4 dynes cm–2 (n e T = 1.0 × 1016 cm–3 K) is determined from pressure sensitive line ratios of Si iii, O iv, and N iv. From the data presented it is shown that convection plays a major role in determining the structure and dynamics of the active region transition zone and corona.  相似文献   

The chromospherically-active binary, V711 Tau, had been observed by using the American Very Large Array (VLA) at five bands from 1.4 to 15 GHz. During the observation, the source was undergoing an intense flare, its radio luminosity up to 1.8 × 1018 erg s–1 Hz–1. The degree of circular polarization in the phase of the most intense flare was very small. With the decaying of the flare the flux density decreased, spectral index became smaller, spectra steeper and reversal frequency lower; the degree of circular polarization increased and its direction was dependent on frequency. These observational facts support the conclusion that the emission during intense flare is synchrotron (or synchro-cyclotron) mechanism. The magnetic intensity is about 10 G near = 1, the average electron energy, 4 MeV, the electron density with larger than 10 keV, 3 × 104–9 × 104 cm–3 and the electronic energy spectrum index in power-law distribution 1.3.  相似文献   

The nebular emission lines expected to be observable in the satellite ultraviolet are quantitatively discussed. The strengths of the collisionally excited lines depend on the temperature, on excitation potentials and abundances which are known and on collision strengths, which in some cases are known and in other cases are calculated or else estimated on the basis of the limit theorem. The strengths of the recombination lines are estimated from available hydrogen-like computations, and except for He II are generally small in comparison with the collisionally excited lines except at the shortest wavelengths. The expected resonance-fluorescence lines and the expected continua are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the near-ultraviolet high-resolution LWR spectra of the stars Cas, And, Tau, Gem, Cru, Boo, and Peg, obtained with the aid of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. We have given here a list of the strongest and most prevalent emission lines in the near-ultraviolet spectra of Boo, KlIIIp, and Peg, M2.5II-III which have the same luminosity class and different spectral type. The near-ultraviolet continuum flux measurements and integrated emission line fluxes of these stars for the 2500–3200 Å region are presented in order to compare the variations in the appearance of the near-ultraviolet flux distribution with the temperature structure of their chromospheres for K and M giant stars. We also discuss differences between observed and calculated fluxes found from the Planck function.  相似文献   

P. Maltby 《Solar physics》1975,43(1):91-105
High-resolution filtergrams of a sunspot region observed at seven wavelengths in Hα with a resolution of 1/8 Å have been used to investigate the three-dimensional structure of the chromospheric Evershed flow and its time variation. The flow channels have the form of loops whose cross-section alters with height and distance from the spot. The loops probably reach a height of 5000 km. The presence of a compression shock is suggested by the observations. Many velocity channels appear to alter their direction with position in the line, giving the impression of a screw-like motion resembling a Beltrami flow. The flow channel alters with a characteristic time of 8±2 min. It is suggested that this relatively short time constant represents the characteristic time of perturbations of the flow channels and the superpenumbra fibrils. The lifetime of the flow channel istelf is estimated to be 70 min. The observations are discussed in terms of material moving inwards towards the spot along curved flux loops.  相似文献   

By comparison of photoelectric magnetograms with high resolution Hα pictures it is possible to formulate a set of rules by which the magnetic field may be derived directly from the filtergrams. This is possible because of the regularities of magnetic field configurations on the sun and because chromospheric morphology is determined by the magnetic field. Off-band pictures (preferably 0.5 Å red) show a well-defined enhanced chromospheric network, the boundaries of which coincide with the 5 G contour of longitudinal field on the Mt. Wilson magnetograms. The actual fields are presumably more concentrated along the dark structure of the network. Higher fields are marked by filled-in cells. Regions of predominantly transverse fields may be inferred from the absence of normal network structure and the presence of chromospheric fibrils. The quiet chromosphere is recognized by the presence of oscillatory motion and the absence of fibrils or strong network structure. Thus, the chromosphere may be divided into three types of regions: enhanced network, horizontal field, and quiet network. The polarity of the magnetic field may be recognized by plage-antiplage asymmetry; that is, the fact that only following magnetic fields show bright plage in the center of Hα.  相似文献   

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