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Relatively old ages of chondrites(normally around 4.5Ga)suggest that their parent bodies did not experience any mely-fractionation under high temperature and high pressure conditions pertaining to the interior of terrestrial plaets.Therefore,it is reasonable to take chondrites as starting materials in the study of the chemical evolution of the early earth.The sillicate phase in the Jilin chondrite (H5)was chosen for this purpose because it possesses a chemical composition similar to that of the primitive mantle.The melting experiment was carried out at 20-30 k bar and has rsulted in a product which contains1-5% melts in addition to solid cryustal phase.The chemical composition of the melt phases and the partitioning of various elements between the coexisting silicate melts are geochemically similar to those of anatectic rocks on the earth.This can thus serve as the basis for discussing the chemical evolution of the early upper mantle.  相似文献   

The paper studies CO2 degassing and controlling factors under the condition of contact metamorphism in the Shuangshan area, southern Tan-Lu fault belt and the method of calculating the amount of CO2 degassing. The results show that the amount of CO2 degassing is controlled by the characteristics of the country rocks, including the thermal conductivity, penetrability, porosity and connectivity. Compositions, size and depth of intrusive rock also have an important influence on CO2 degassing, i.e., they generated numerous cracks in the country rocks, and thus allowed the easy flow and accumulation of fluids. The amount of CO2 flux in contact metamorphism is calculated quantitatively based on the metamorphic reaction and time-integrated fluid flux. The value (0.729- 2.446×10^4 mol/cm^2) of CO2 flux suggests that CO2 was provided mainly by the contact metamorphic reaction. The generation and releasing of CO2 are positively correlated with the degree of metamorphism, and XCO2 in fluids gradually increases from dolomite zone to calcite zone, but in the zone of grossular, fluid flux is the largest and XCO2 sharply decreases due to involvement of magmatic water. This study presents evidence that a large amount of industrial-scale CO2 can be produced during contact metamorphism. On the basis of theoretical and practical studies, a cone model has been proposed to response CO2 degassing for the contact metamorphism, and it can be used to explore CO2 accumulations beyond the oil-gas basins. This model can also be applied to the study of inorganic genesis of CO2 accumulations.  相似文献   

本文报道了华北克拉通南缘豫西鲁山下汤地区古元古代片麻状花岗岩和黑云角闪斜长片麻岩的全岩地球化学和锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成.岩石呈包体形式存在于中元古代花岗岩中.片麻状花岗岩具深熔特征,岩浆锆石年龄为2.30 Ga;岩石高SiO2和K2O,低∑FeO、MgO和CaO,具稀土总量较高(∑REE=165.8×10-6)、轻重稀土分离较强[(La/Yb)n=37.8]及弱负铕异常(Eu/Eu(*)=0.76)的稀土模式;εNd(t)(t=2.30 Ga)=-0.75; tDM(Nd) =2.66 Ga.黑云角闪斜长片麻岩变质原岩为辉长闪长岩,捕获锆石年龄为2.25 Ga;岩石低SiO2 和MgO,高Al2O3和P2O5,具稀土总量高(∑REE=373.4×10-6)、轻重稀土分离不强[ (La/Yb)n=9.4]及较强负铕异常( Eu/Eu*=0.44)的稀土模式;εNd(t)(t=2.25 Ga)=-1.21;tDM(Nd) =2.75 Ga.片麻状花岗岩和黑云角闪斜长片麻岩都记录了1.94 Ga变质锆石年龄.片麻状花岗岩的岩浆锆石组成域的εHf(t)(t=2.30 Ga)=-6.71~0.38,tDMI(Hf) =2627 ~2910 Ma,tDM2(CC)(Hf)=2823 ~ 3255 Ma.黑云角闪斜长片麻岩的捕获锆石组成域的εHf(t)(t=2.25 Ga)=-19.58~ -1.73,tDM1 (Hf) =2664~3360 Ma,tDM2(CC)(Hf)=2968 ~4011 Ma.结合前人资料,得出如下结论:华北克拉通南缘豫陕晋结合部地区存在—规模较大的约2.3 Ga地质体分布区;华北克拉通南缘很可能存在规模巨大的>2.7 Ga基底;中部造山带与孔兹岩带具有类似的古元古代晚期构造热事件演化历史.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic calculation of dehydration reacton suggests very low activity of H2O during metamorphic peak of the Archaean granulite complex in the region studied.The αH2O values for Al-rich gneiss and hypersthene biotite gneiss-granulite in the Taipingzhai region are usually between 0.10 and 0.20,and those in the Louzishan region are 0.15-0.25.The fugacity of O2 in terms of lgf O2 in whole region ranges form-8to-14.The average coefficients of (δμH2O/δHMg^Bt)and(δμO2/δXMg^Bt)in the Taipingzhai region are-0.293 and-1.60 respectively,and those in the Louzishan region are-0.364and-1.420.The activity of H2O is very low in the whole region,but its values and other data mentioned above are considerably constant from place to place within a given region,even in rocks of dirrerent lithological characters.However,they show a certain gradient between different regions.Such characteristics are compatible with the genetic mechanism known as“carbonic metamorphism” put forward by Newton et al.,i.e.,the α H2O during the peak stage is controlled by permeation of pervasive CO2 influx of the mantle source,and shows features of external buffering.  相似文献   

The garnet(Grt)and biotite(Bt) from gneisses of the Ji‘an Group are characterized by diffusion zoning at the rim,but equilibrium composition of metamorphic peak is usually remained in extensive interior area.Garnet with growth zoning is also found in the kyanite zone.In the light of microarea compositional variation of Grt and Bt,the temperature and pressure at the progressive,peak and post-peak metamorphic stages are determined by correctly using Grt Bt thermometer and GASP barometer.On this basis,a counterclockwise P-T-t path can be constructed,which reflects the closing process of an ensialic rift belt in this region during the Early Proterozoic.  相似文献   

 A one-dimensional model for coupled heat flow, fluid flow, and mineral reaction predicts the identity and spatial and temporal distributions of mineral assemblages produced during contact metamorphism of siliceous dolomite. Results are compared to mineral distributions predicted by transport models for fluid flow along steady-state temperature profiles and to mineral distributions observed in contact aureoles to assess whether a detailed analysis of heat flow is required to extract meaningful information of fluid flow history from field data. Results identify several mineral assemblages whose interpretation in terms of fluid flow is dependent on an understanding of their thermal history. Certain key mineral assemblages, however, are sensitive records of the geometry and amount of fluid flow but are insensitive to thermal history. The presence or absence of these mineral assemblages constrains the history of fluid flow during contact metamorphism of siliceous dolomite regardless of the details of heat flow. Occurrences of the key assemblages record both magmatic fluid flow in the direction of decreasing temperature (Alta, Elkhorn aureoles) and metamorphic fluid flow in the direction of increasing temperature (Beinn an Dubhaich, Kasuga-mura aureoles) during contact metamorphism. Time-integrated input fluid flux averages on the order of 100 mol/cm2 with a range of ±1 order of magnitude. Received: 13 October 1995 / Accepted: 20 March 1996  相似文献   

New data on the U, Pu, and P distributions in less metamorphosed H-chondrites (type 3–5), coupled with literature results, permit a provisional picture to be assembled of the chemistry of these elements and for the rare earth elements in ordinary chondrites and the changes brought about by chondritic metamorphism. Preferential associations of phosphates with metals and/or sulndes in all chondrites strongly indicate an “initially” siderophile or conceivably chalcophile character for P in ordinary chondrite precursor materials with phosphate subsequently formed by oxidation. This oxidation occurred prior to or during chondritic metal-silicate fractionation. Uranium is initially concentrated in chondrule glass at ~ 100 ppb levels with phosphates (primarily merrillite) in H-3 chondrites being essentially U-free (<20 ppb). As chondrule glass devitrified during metamorphism, U migrated into phosphates reaching ~ 50 ppb in Nadiabondi (H-5) merrillite and 200–300 ppb in merrillite from equilibrated chondrites but “froze out” before total concentration in phosphates occurred. Relative 244Pu fission track densities in the outer 5 μm of olivine and pyroxene grains in contact with merrillite and with chondrule mesostasis in Bremervörde (H-3) give Pu(mesostasis)/Pu(merrillite) <0.01, implying total concentration of Pu in phosphates. Similarly, no detectable Pu (<0.1 ppb) was found in chondrule mesostasis in Tieschitz and Sharps; whereas, direct measurements of tracks in phosphates in H-3 chondrites are consistent with high (?10 ppb) Pu concentrations. Thus, a strong Pu-P correlation is indicated for ordinary chondrites. There is variable Pu/U fractionation in all chondritic phosphates reaching an extreme degree in the unequilibrated chondrites; therefore, the Pu/U ratio in phosphates appears relatively useless for relative meteorite chronology. Literature data indicate that the REE are located in chondrules in unequilibrated chondrites, most likely in glass; thus there may also be strong Pu/Nd fractionation within these meteorites. Like U, the REE migrate into phosphates during metamorphism but, unlike U, appear to be quantitatively concentrated in phosphates in equilibrated chondrites. Thus relative ages, based on Pu/Nd, may be possible for equilibrated chondrites, but the same chronological conclusions are probably obtainable from Pu concentrations in phosphates, i.e., on the Pu/P ratio. However, Pu/P chronology is possible only for ordinary chondrites; so there appears to be no universal reference element to cancel the effects of Pu chemical fractionation in all meteorites. Available data are consistent with — but certainly do not prove-that variations in Pu/P represent age differences, but if these age differences do not exist, then it is conceivable that the solar system 244Pu238U ratio, important for cosmochronology, is still lower than the presently accepted value of 0.007.  相似文献   

The degrees of thermal metamorphism of 10 CM chondrites and of the Allende CV3 chondrite were evaluated from the viewpoint of “graphitization” of the carbonaceous macromolecular matter by means of flash pyrolysis-gas chromatography (GC). The unheated chondrites, Yamato- (Y-) 791198, Murray and Cold Bokkeveld, yielded larger amounts and wider varieties of pyrolyzates than the chondrites strongly heated in the parent asteroids, Y-82054, Y-86695, and Belgica- (B-) 7904, and Asuka- (A-) 881334 (more strongly heated than Y-793321, which has been weakly heated, but lesser than the other strongly heated meteorites). The weakly heated chondrites, Y-793321 and A-881458, showed intermediate features. The data indicate that graphitization of the carbonaceous matter is most extreme in the strongly heated chondrites and that during graphitization, the matter has lost its labile portion, which can generate pyrolyzates such as naphthalene. In order to establish a new method for the evaluation of the degree of graphitization of chondritic carbonaceous matter, a diagram was developed to show the relationship between the total amounts of pyrolyzates with retention times later than 5 min (=SRT>5) and the ratio of the amount of naphthalene, a pyrolysis product, to SRT>5 (=SN/SRT>5). The diagram indicates a possible evolutionary pathway of graphitization of the carbonaceous matter in carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

The behaviour of trace elements in various metasediments and associated basic igneous rocks around a granite pluton has been studied. From these studies it has been found that the nature of chemical changes is different, both in magnitude and order, in the different groups of rocks. It is suggested that the nature of granitization has chiefly been controlled by the original composition of the rocks which has been responsible for setting up a chemical gradient across the contact under the influence of which the movement of cations has taken place.
Zusammenfassung Das Verhalten von Spurenelementen wurde in verschiedenen Metasedimenten und benachbarten mafitischen Magmagesteinen um einen Granitpluton herum untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, daß die chemischen Änderungen ihrem Gehalt und ihrer Anordnung nach in den unterschiedlichen Gesteinsgruppen verschieden sind. Der Granitisationsprozeß ist hauptsächlich von der ursprünglichen Zusammensetzung der Gesteine abhängig, welche das chemische Gefälle erzeugen. Die Mobilisation der Kationen geht vom Kontakt aus.

Résumé Nous avons étudié le comportement des éléments différents dans les métasédiments différents et dans les roches pyrogènes et basiques associeés autor d'un pluton granite. Nos études montrent que la nature des changements chimiques diffère en magnitude et en ordre dans les groupes différents des roches. On a suggéré que la nature de granitisation est principalement controlée par la composition originale des roches qui a produit un gradient chimique le long du contact. Le mouvement des cations a été influencé par ce contact.

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The role of the fluid phase during regional metamorphism and deformation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Evidence from rock microstructures, mass transfer and isotopic exchange indicates that substantial quantities of aqueous fluids are involved in low- and medium-grade regional metamorphism. Similar conclusions are drawn from many retrograde environments, whereas high-grade metamorphic fluids may be melt dominated. The mobile fluids play essential roles in metamorphic reactions, mass transport and deformation processes. These processes are linked by the mechanical consequences of metamorphic fluid pressures (Pf) generally being greater than or equal to the minimum principal compressive stress. Under such conditions metamorphic porosity comprises grain boundary tubules and bubbles together with continuously generated (and healed) microfractures. Deformation results in significant interconnected porosity and hence enhanced permeability. Lithologically and structurally controlled permeability variations may cause effective fluid channelling.
Simple Rayleigh-Darcy modelling of a uniformly permeable, crustal slab shows that convective instability of metamorphic fluid is expected at the permeabilities suggested for the high Pf metamorphic conditions. Complex, large-scale convective cells operating in overpressured, but capped systems may provide a satisfactory explanation for the large fluid/rock ratios and extensive mass transport demonstrated for many low- and medium-grade metamorphic environments. Such large-scale fluid circulation may have important consequences for heat transfer in and the thermal evolution of metamorphic belts.  相似文献   

The strong negative correlation between the temperatures and melt H2O contents of granitoid magmas implies that the crustal melting reactions that produced the magmas were strongly buffered, with T and aH2O co-varying within a narrow band. This observation can only be explained if the partial melting reactions that created the magmas were either fluid-absent from the outset or evolved toward this condition as melting progressed. Since these melting reactions occur during upper amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism, it is reasonable to conclude that metamorphic events responsible for the generation of granitoid magmas generally occur in the absence of excess pervasive fluid.  相似文献   

Non-dimensional solutions to the equations for the combined advective and diffusive one-dimensional transport of heat and solute in a layer are derived for fixed temperature/concentration on the boundaries and initial conditions of a linear gradient across the layer or a step function at the lower boundary. The solutions allow distinction of regimes in which advective or diffusive transport of either heat or solute predominate as a function of fluid flux, time and a length scale. The much lower diffusive coefficients for solute than heat results in a significant range of length scales and fluid flux rates characterised by advection of matter and diffusion of heat. The advective velocity of a component is a function of its fluid:rock partition coefficient. The most rapidly transported tracers which partition largely into the fluid phase, such as He, will travel orders of magnitude faster than heat or compatible solutes such as oxygen. Geochemical profiles in boundary layer regions where both advective and diffusive transport are significant are shown to be particularly informative as to properties of the rocks related to fluid flow such as porosity, permeability, time scales and fluid flux rates. The importance of advection can be directly estimated from the asymmetry of the geochemical profiles across individual layers.  相似文献   

石超  张泽明 《岩石学报》2007,23(12):3180-3200
中国大陆科学钻探主孔位于江苏东海县,苏鲁超高压变质带的南部.该钻孔的0~2050m深度获取了六种不同类型的榴辉岩和少量石榴石辉石岩岩心,它们是典型的基性超高压变质岩,为研究大陆深俯冲过程中的元素地球化学行为提供了非常好的样品.本文对各种超高压变质矿物的微量元素成分进行了系统的原位微区分析,结合全岩化学成分和矿物主量元素成分,深入地研究了超高压变质岩的微量元素赋存特征、分配规律、控制因素,及其对变质条件和流体.岩石相互作用的限定意义.结果表明,超高压榴辉岩中的LREE和Sr主要赋存在磷灰石、帘石和单斜辉石中,HREE赋存在石榴石中,Ba、Rb和Cs等LILE赋存在多硅白云母中,Ti、Nb和Ta等HFSE主要赋存在金红石、钛铁矿中,V、Sc、Co和Ni等元素大多赋存在石榴石和单斜辉石中.研究表明,全岩化学成分和矿物组成、及其含量的变化明显控制着超高压矿物的微量元素含量和分布形式.本研究也获得了如下重要的认识超高压变质矿物之间的微量元素分配达到了化学平衡,并具有与地幔榴辉岩矿物之间类似的分配系数,表明榴辉岩的峰期变质温度很可能达到900℃~1000℃.部分高Ti和高Fe-Ti榴辉岩中的石榴石和绿辉石有明显的稀土元素成分环带,表明超高压变质岩经历了快速折返过程.金红石的Zr含量明显受到全岩成分和退变质作用影响,并不仅仅与形成温度有关,不是可靠的温度计.在超临界流体的作用下,榴辉岩中金红石的Nb、Ta发生了明显的分异,导致其Nb/Ta比值增大,由此推测俯冲到地幔深处的大量榴辉岩是地球内部高Nb/Ta比值的物质源区.在榴辉岩的不同程度退变质阶段,参与变质反应的流体具有不同的来源、成分和流体活动规模.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT There is no significant difference in the diffusion profiles across albite-adularia bicrystals that were simultaneously deformed at a strain rate of 10-6S-1 and those from hydrostatic experiments at the same conditions (1500 MPa and 1000°C for 156 h). This indicates that the bulk alkali diffusion rate, which is the sum of lattice diffusion (D, 1) and dislocation pipe diffusion (Dp), is not significantly enhanced by dislocations at these conditions, and that the maximum value for the ratio of Dp/D1 is about 105. This is equal to the value previously reported for‘oxygen’diffusion in albite. If this ratio is independent of temperature, the contribution of either static (pre-deformed) or moving (syn-deformed) dislocations to the bulk diffusion rate of alkalis is probably minor at all metamorphic conditions. For Al and Si diffusion the ratio of Dp/D1 may be larger if D1 is lower. Thus a significant contribution from dislocations to bulk diffusion cannot be ruled out, especially during simultaneous deformation.  相似文献   

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