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Dynamics of horizontal and vertical motions of East European GNSS stations has been studied at the GNSS Data Analysis Center, Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAO NASU). The GNSS station coordinates have been estimated from regional processing and reprocessing performed with the Bernese GNSS Software ver. 5.2 at the GNSS Data Analysis Center, MAO NASU. The velocity values have been computed for 42 GNSS stations, 15 of them located in Ukraine. Global and local offsets of the horizontal and vertical motions of the GNSS stations have been determined.  相似文献   

We show that the Auger Air Shower Array has the potential to detect neutrinos of energies in the 1019 eV range through horizontal air showers. Assuming some simple conservative trigger requirements, we obtain the acceptance for horizontal air showers as induced by high energy neutrinos by two alternative methods and we then give the expected event rates for a variety of neutrino fluxes as predicted in different models which are used for reference.  相似文献   

We compare completely independent vector magnetic field measurements from two very different polarimetric instruments. The Marshall Space Flight Center's imaging vector magnetograph is based on a birefringent filter, routinely measuring all four Stokes parameters integrated over the filter bandpass (1/8 Å) which is tunable across the Fei 5250 line in 10 mÅ steps. The Haleakala Stokes Polarimeter of the Mees Solar Observatory (MSO) is based on a spectrometer, routinely measuring all four Stokes parameters of the Fei 6302.5 line simultaneously and then spatially scanning to build up a vector magnetogram. We obtained active region magnetic field data with both the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and MSO systems on five days during June 1985. After interpolating the MSFC vector fields onto the more coarse spatial grid of MSO we make a point-by-point comparison of the two vector fields for data obtained on two of these days (June 8 and 9). From this comparison we conclude: (1) the spatially-averaged line-of-sight components agree quite well; (2) although the MSO spatial grid is coarser, the quality of the MSO image is better than that of the MSFC data because of better seeing conditions; (3) the agreement between the transverse magnitudes is affected by the poor image quality of the MSFC data; and (4) if the effects of Faraday rotation caused by including line-center linear polarization in the method of analysis are taken into account, the azimuths show good agreement within the scatter in the data caused by the averaging process.National Research Council Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

《Solar physics》1995,162(1-2):233-290
The Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer is designed to probe the solar atmosphere through the detection of spectral emission lines in the extreme ultraviolet wavelength range 150 – 800 . By observing the intensities of selected lines and line profiles, we may derive temperature, density, flow and abundance information for the plasmas in the solar atmosphere. Spatial and temporal resolutions of down to a few arcseconds and seconds, respectively, allow such studies to be made within the fine-scale structure of the solar corona. Futhermore, coverage of large wavelength bands provides the capability for simultaneously observing the properties of plasmas across the wide temperature ranges of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

The Boulder 1 breccias are similar in composition to other Taurus-Littrow massif samples and therefore probably derived from the same source, undoubtedly the Serenitatis basin. However, they are substantially different in texture from other Apollo 17 massif rocks, indeed are very nearly unique among the rocks returned by all Apollo missions. The boulder is set apart by its content of dark, rounded inclusions or bombs, up to several tens of centimeters in dimension, consisting largely of very fine, angular, mineral debris, welded together by a lesser amount of extremely fine-grained material that appears to be devitrified glass. To account for these uncommon structures, a phase of the basinforming impact event is sought that would produce relatively small amounts of debris and deposit them on or near the basin rim. It is suggested that the components of the boulder might represent very early, high angle ejecta from the Serenitatis event, and that the dark breccia inclusions are accretional structures formed from a cloud of hot mineral debris, melt droplets, and vapor that was ejected at high angles from the impact point soon after penetration of the Serenitatis meteoroid. This small amount of early high-angle ejecta would have remained in ballistic trajectories while the main phase of crater excavation deposited much larger amounts of deeper-derived debris and melt-rock on the rim of the basin, after which the early ejecta was deposited as a cooler (~450°C) stratum on top. The matrix of this breccia gained its modest degree of coherency by thermal sintering as the capping stratum cooled. The boulder is a fragment of this layer, broken out and rolled to the foot of the South Massif ? 55 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

The possibility of investigating the sky region near the Galactic center with instruments of the INTEGRAL orbital astrophysical gamma-ray observatory by the method of its occultation by the Earth and the Moon is considered. Existing engineering constraints on the observing conditions, such as the admissible orientation of the INTEGRAL satellite relative to the direction to the Sun and the performance of measurements only outside the Earth??s radiation belts, are taken into account. Long time intervals during which the lunar occultation center passes at angular distances of less than 2° from the Galactic center have been found. Such events occur under the adopted constraints two or three times per year without any correction of the INTEGRAL satellite orbit. The orbit can be corrected to reduce the angular distance between the Moon and the Galactic center in occultation events. The required velocity impulses do not exceed several meters per second. The possibility of the Galactic center being occulted by the Earth has been analyzed. In this case, to perform measurements, the admissible (in radiation exposure) height of the working segment of the orbit should be reduced to 25 000 km, which can be problematic. At the same time, part of the Galaxy??s equatorial region is shadowed by the Earth for a time long enough to carry out the corresponding experiments.  相似文献   

The Spin-X wide-field X-ray monitor of the Spectrum-X-Gamma astrophysical observatory, which is based on the principle of a coded-aperture telescope, is designed to detect and localize cosmic gammaray-burst (GRB) sources; to survey large areas of the sky in search of new transients; and to carry out long-term observations of bright Galactic sources, including X-ray bursters. The monitor consists of two noncoaxial identical modules, Spin-X1 and Spin-X2, which together cover 6.8% of the sky. The high-apogee, four-day orbit of the Spectrum-XG satellite allows the instrument to be in observing mode more than 50% of the time. Having simulated the rate of GRB detection by Spin-X, we show that extrapolating BATSE 50–300-keV average data on the number of GRBs, their duration, and their mean energy spectrum to the X-ray energy band leads to disagreement with the observed detection rate of GRBs in the X-ray band. The number of GRBs that can be detected and localized with an accuracy r≤3′ (3σ) (the error-circle radius) by Spin-X is estimated to be ten bursts per year. We present data on the Spin-X sensitivity achievable during long-term observations of persistent and transient sources and on its sensitivity to X-ray bursts from Galactic sources in the 2–30-keV energy band.  相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1979,3(4):349-371
Using the results of our latitude and time programs obtained with the impersonal astrolabe (OPL No. 30) of the Peking Observatory, we have calculated the corrections to individual star positions and the systematic corrections Δαδ and Δδδ to catalogue positions.  相似文献   

It appears possible to establish a preliminary geological model for the origin and evolution of the breccias of Boulder 1 at Station 2 in the Valley of Taurus-Littrow based on firm and probable geological constraints. The crystallization of plagioclase and other ANT-suite phases now present as clasts appears to have occurred in the lunar crust about 4.5 b.y. ago during the ‘melted shell stage’ of lunar history as that history is presently modeled. The original rocks containing these phases, which now make up the gray competent breccias of Boulder 1, were greatly modified by impact processes during the ‘cratered highland stage’ and the early part of the ‘large basin stage’, up to about 4.0 b.y. ago. About 4.0 b.y. ago, pigeonite basalts with KREEP affinities appear to have been intruded into the pre-Serenitatis crust from which the light friable breccias of Boulder 1 were later derived. During the large basin stage, three major dynamic events profoundly influenced the present character of the Boulder 1 materials. These events probably occurred as follows: (1) formation of gray competent breccia containing ANT-suite clasts in the hot ejecta blanket of an old large basin event, such as Tranquillitatis, that took place about 4.0 b.y. ago; (2) rebrecciation and redeposition of the gray competent breccia, mixed with light friable breccia and pigeonite basalt, in a relatively cool ejecta deposit, possibly produced by the northern Serenitatis event; (3) uplift and exposure of the Boulder 1 materials in the South Massif by the southern Serenitatis event about 3.90 b.y. ago.  相似文献   

The Delaunay-Similar elements of Scheifele are applied to the problem of an Earth satellite that is perturbed by the Sun, Moon andJ 2. All three effects are assumed to be the same order of magnitude. Since the external body terms depend explicitly on time, the time element appears as an additional angle variable. Also, the eccentric anomaly is used as a noncanonical auxiliary variable. A solution to the first Von Zeipel equation allows simultaneous elimination of short and intermediate period terms. The canonical transformation to mean elements is defined by a generating function that is a series involving Bessel coefficients.  相似文献   

About 1500 observations from 46 observing stations were used to determine the orbit of Cosmos 307 rocket (1969-94B) at 25 epochs spread throughout its nine-month orbital life. The determination was made using the RAE computer program for the refinement of orbital parameters, PROP.  相似文献   

ESA's Infrared Space Observatory [ISO], scheduled for launch within the next 2–3 years, will place a complement of powerful infrared imagers and spectrometers into high orbit, with an operational life anticipated to be about 18 months. During this time, numerous scientific investigations of every conceivable astrophysical target will be made. The purpose of this paper is to consider the instrumental complement in terms of specific observations of Vega-like systems with cold, infrared excesses, in order to investigate problems relating to the evolution of planetary systems, and to optimize the scientific results possible with ISO on such topics.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Edison is a proposed large-aperture, radiatively-cooled space observatory planned to operate at wavelengths between 2 and 130m or longer. Current estimates for the telescope allow an aperture of 1.7 m which will achieve a final equilibrium temperature of about 30 K, although use of cryocoolers may permit temperatures below 20 K.Edison will be a powerful tool to investigate our Solar System, as well as planetary material around distant stars. At near- and mid-infrared wavelengths, where planetary material emits most of its radiation,Edison will be the most sensitive photometric and spectroscopic observatory under current consideration by the space agencies. With its large aperture,Edison will be able both to resolve the structure in nearby circumstellar Vega disks and to discriminate faint IR emission in the crowded environment of the galactic plane. With its long lifetime,Edison will allow extensive follow-up observations and increase the likelihood of catching transient events. We proposeEdison as a precursor to elements of a future space-based IR interferometer.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

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