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Mineral processing operation at the Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper mine has produced huge quantities of tailings materials containing sulphide minerals in particular pyrite. These tailings materials were geochemically and mineralogically characterised to assess pyrite and chalcopyrite oxidation, acid mine drainage generation, and trace element mobility to lead development of a proper remediation plan. Five vertical trenches up to 4.2 m deep were excavated from the tailings surface, and 70 solid samples were taken in 0.3 m intervals. The samples were first mineralogically analysed. Pyrite was the main sulphide mineral found in the tailings. The gangue minerals include quartz ± muscovite–illite ± chlorite ± albite ± orthoclase ± halite. The samples were geochemically analysed for total concentrations of 62 elements, paste pH, SO4 2?, CO3 2?, and HCO3 ?. The maximum concentrations of SO4 2? (1,300, 1,170, 1,852, 1,960 and 837 mg/L) were observed at a depth of 0.9 m in profiles A, B, C, D and E, respectively. The tailings have a high acid-producing potential and low acid-neutralising potential (pyrite 4–6 wt %, calcite 1 wt %). Fe2(SO4)3, CuSO4, MgSO4 and MnSO4 were the dominant secondary sulphate minerals in the tailings. The lowest pH values (2.9, 3 and 3) were measured at a depth of 0.3 m in the profiles A, B and C, 3.9 at a depth of 0.6 m in the profile D and 3 at a depth of 0.9 m in the profile E. The upper portions of the profiles C (1.8 m) and D (2.1 m) were moderately oxidised, while oxidation in the profiles A, B and E did not extend more than 1.2, 1.2 and 1.5 m beneath the tailings surface. Zn, Pb, Rb, U, Hf, Nd, Zr and Ga show almost a constant trend with depth. Cd, Sr, Th, La and Ce increased with increasing depth of the tailings materials while, Co, V, Ti, Cr, Cu, As, Mn, Ag, Mo and Ni exhibit initially a decreasing trend from tailings surface to the depths that vary between 0.9 and 1.2. They then remained constant with the depth. The results show pyrite and chalcopyrite oxidation at surface layers of the tailings and subsequent leaching of the oxidation products and trace elements by infiltrated atmospheric precipitation.  相似文献   

Sungun mine is the largest open-cast copper mine in northwest of Iran and is in the primary stages of extraction. The influence of mining activity on the quality of regional groundwater has been taken in to consideration in this study. Accordingly, sampling was done from 22 springs in the study area. The concentrations of major anions and cations as well as Al, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, and Zn were determined for all 22 spring samples in mid-August 2005. The results showed that the concentrations of most of these elements were below the USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits; however, Al and Fe concentrations are considered to be more than limits in a couple of samples. Despite the fact that geological formations are highly weathered and fractured, the dissolution of minerals within the study area is low. This may be justified by the relatively high alkalinity of local underground water which keeps metals in solid phase and does not let them enter dissolved phase. Additionally, this may be attributed to the high velocity of groundwater flows, which do not give enough time for minerals to dissolve. Correlation coefficients among water chemistry components were determined and the weighted-pair group method was chosen for cluster analysis. Accordingly, high correlation among Al, Fe and Cr, Cd ,and Cu, sodium absorption ratio (SAR) and Na as well as total hardness (TH), Ca, and Mg were observed. The chemical characteristics of water compositions on the basis of major ion concentrations were evaluated on a Schoeller and Piper diagram. Accordingly, the dominant type of water in the region is considered to be Ca-HCO3 (calcium-bicarbonate type). However, this type of water is also rich in Na, K, and especially Mg. Regarding Schoeller diagram, the current status of local underground water is good for drinking purposes. By commencing mining excavation with designed capacity in near future, the minerals will come into contact with air and water resulting in dissolution, especially in ponds, which, in turn, will increase the concentration of toxic metals in groundwater. Considering future uses of this water including for drinking, irrigation, industrial purposes, etc., precautions must be taken in to consideration.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data were gathered throughout the last 12 years from 57 sampling stations in the drainage basin of the Sarcheshmeh copper mine, Kerman Province, Iran. The mean values of these data for each sampling station were used to evaluate water quality and to determine processes that control water chemistry. Principal component analyses specified the oxidation of sulfide minerals, dissolution of carbonate and sulfate minerals and weathering of silicate minerals as the principal processes responsible for the chemical composition of water in the study area. Q-mode cluster analysis revealed three main water groups. The first group had a Ca-HCO3–SO4 composition whereas the second and third groups had Ca–SO4 and Ca–Mg–SO4 composition, respectively. The results of this study clearly indicated the role of sulfide minerals oxidation and the buffering processes in the geochemical evolution of water in the Sarcheshmeh area. Due to these processes, extensive changes occurred in the chemical composition of water by passage through the mining area or waste and low-grade dumps, so that the fresh water of the peripheral area of the pit evolved to an acid water rich in sulfate and heavy metals at the outlet of the pit and in the seepages of waste and low-grade dumps.  相似文献   

Secondary copper enrichment in tailings at the Laver mine, northern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
 Field and laboratory studies of the sulphide-bearing tailings at Laver, northern Sweden, show that the present release of metals from the tailings is low, especially with regard to Cu. A large part of the Cu released by sulphide oxidation is enriched in a distinct zone just below the oxidation front. The enrichment zone occurs almost all over the tailings area except in areas with a shallow groundwater table. The Cu enrichment is caused by formation of covellite and adsorption onto mineral surfaces. The transport of Zn, Co, Cd, Ni and S seems to be controlled mainly by adsorption. No secondary zone or secondary minerals containing these metals have been found. Just below the groundwater table, metals are released into solution when the enrichment zone reaches the groundwater due to the low pH. An increased release of metals, especially Cu, can be expected in the future, since the enrichment zone is moving towards the groundwater table. Received: 4 December 1997 · Accepted: 17 December 1998  相似文献   

The abandoned Kilembe copper mine in western Uganda is a source of contaminants, mobilised from mine tailings into R. Rukoki flowing through a belt of wetlands into Lake George. Water and sediments were investigated on the lakeshore and the lakebed. Metal associations in the sediments reflect the Kilembe sulphide mineralisation. Enrichment of metals was compared between lakebed sediments, both for wet and dry seasons. Total C in a lakebed core shows a general increment, while Cu and Co decrease with depth. The contaminants are predominant (> 65%) in the ≤ 63 μm sediment size range with elevated Cu and Zn (> 28%), while Ni, Pb and Co are low (< 18%) in all the fractions. Sequential extraction of Fe for lakeshore sediment samples reveals low Fe mobility. Relatively higher mobility and biological availability is seen for Co, Cu and S. Heavy metal contents in lake waters are not an immediate risk to the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

A laboratory-based assessment of copper remobilization from Cu-rich mine tailings exposed to anoxic, sulfide rich waters was performed. The results from incubation experiments, conducted over a 20 day period, were compared to thermodynamic modelling calculations of copper speciation in sulfidic waters. The tailings materials were observed to react rapidly with added sulfide, consuming 159 μmol HS g−1 (dry wt) within a 24 h period. The consumption of sulfide was attributed to a two stage process involving the reduction of Fe-hydroxy phases by sulfide followed by reaction with available Fe2+ and Cu2+ resulting in the formation Fe- and Cu-sulfide phases. During incubation experiments, the dissolved copper concentrations in the absence of sulfide were approximately 0.31 μmol l−1, whereas in the presence of sulfide (0.5–5 mM) concentrations were typically 0.24 μmol l−1. The experiments did not indicate enhanced solubility owing to the formation of soluble copper sulfide species. The predictions (based on the most recent thermodynamic data for aqueous Cu-sulfide and Cu-polysulfide species) did not accurately explain the laboratory observations. Model predictions were greatly influenced by the assumptions made about the oxidation state of copper under anoxic conditions and the solid sulfide phase controlling copper solubility. The study emphasizes the limitations of modelling copper speciation in sulfidic waters and the need for laboratory or field verification of predictions.  相似文献   

Comparison of decreasing total copper content and increasing pH of an abandoned copper mine drainage stream to the stability fields of malachite, tenorite, and cupric hydroxide indicates that soluble copper is not lost by precipitation but by sorption on the stream sediments.  相似文献   

某铜矿尾矿砂力学特性研究和稳定性分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
张超  杨春和  孔令伟 《岩土力学》2003,24(5):858-862
在揭示某铜矿尾矿坝坝体材料空间分布状态及其力学特性的基础上,利用自动搜索的电算程序STED,分析计算了尾矿坝的整体与局部稳定性,得出一些结论,可为治理方案提供科学依据和技术指导。  相似文献   

High As contents in groundwater were found in Rayen area and chosen for a detailed hydrogeochemical study. A total of 121 groundwater samples were collected from existing tube wells in the study areas in January 2012 and analyzed. Hydrogeochemical data of samples suggested that the groundwater is mostly Na–Cl type; also nearly 25.62 % of samples have arsenic concentrations above WHO permissible value (10 μg/l) for drinking waters with maximum concentration of aqueous arsenic up to 25,000 μg/l. The reducing conditions prevailing in the area and high arsenic concentration correlated with high bicarbonate and pH. Results show that arsenic is released into groundwater by two major phenomena: (1) through reduction of arsenic-bearing iron oxides/oxyhydroxides and Fe may be precipitated as iron sulfide when anoxic conditions prevail in the aquifer sediments and (2) transferring of As into the water system during water–acidic volcanic rock interactions.  相似文献   

通过尾矿砂微波加热硫酸溶解新方法的实验,研究了硫酸浓度、液固比及反应时间等因素对尾矿砂酸蚀率的影响。结果显示,在无需搅拌的情况下,微波加热实验的最佳条件酸浓度5mol/L、液固比5.0mL/g都较传统水热法有优势,在反应时间上,微波加热15min就能达到传统水热法2~3h的效果。在酸蚀率相同的情况下,微波加热所用时间仅为传统水热法的1/6,而所用的酸浓度、液固比都较传统水热法小很多。先对尾矿砂直接微波辐照一段时间,然后再加入硫酸进行微波辐照加热溶解,能够促进尾矿砂的溶解,提高尾矿砂的酸蚀率。微波加热条件下,尾矿砂在硫酸浓度8mol/L、液固比5.0mL/g条件下无需搅拌,反应1h后,除透闪石没有完全溶解外,绝大部分的矿物被溶解。与传统加热方式相比,微波加热可显著提高尾矿砂酸溶解速率。  相似文献   

Copper contamination in soils and vegetables in the vicinity of an abandoned copper mine in China was investigated. The Cu concentrations of 93 soil samples ranged from 30.4 to 3,191 mg kg−1 soil for a mean of 816.8 mg kg−1 soil. Among 15 samples from a 0 to 20-cm soil layer used for the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) test, the highest value of Cu-TCLP was 133.8 mg kg−1 soil and the TCLP values were positively correlated with the total Cu content of the soils. The sequential extraction of soils in the 0–20-, 20–40-, and 40–60-cm soil layers showed that Cu existed mainly in the Fe–Mn oxide fraction, sulfide/organic fraction, and residual fraction. The copper contamination of 21 species of vegetables from in situ sampling was also examined. Cu concentrations in the edible portions of Brassica chinensis and Solanum melongena were higher than the FAO/WHO standard (40 mg kg−1 DW). The health risk of copper for local inhabitants from consuming these vegetables was assessed on the basis of the target hazard quotient. Enriched concentrations of copper were also found in situ in eight cultivars of B. chinensis planted in the fields, with two levels of Cu concentration. The results showed that there is severe copper contamination in this mine area, and the pollutant in soils show a high risk of leaching into the groundwater and diffusing through the food chain.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the artificial groundwater recharge effect of high-infiltration basins. For this purpose, the hydrogeological parameters of the study area are collected to construct a conceptualized physical model. The TOUGH2 numerical simulation software is then used to simulate the infiltration behavior of an artificial recharge into an underground aquifer. Four wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4) are observed at the field site, after which the groundwater levels are compared with the simulation results. It is found that good agreement exists between the observed and numerical data for MW-1 and MW-2. However, the observed groundwater level in MW-3 is higher than the simulated level. We also find that MW-3 is at the edge of the artificial recharge lake, and that the high groundwater level may well be the result of a portion of the infiltration load following the well border into the well screen. Conversely, the groundwater level in MW-4 is found to be lower than in the simulated well due to local permeability in the well location. Finally, the numerical results predict that the groundwater level will attain a steady state at approximately 47 h after the onset of infiltration.  相似文献   

The Kouh-e Zar mining area with iron oxide-rich types of Cu–Au (IOCG)-type gold mineralization is located in a fractured zone between two main “Darouneh” and “Taknar” faults in 35 km northwest of Torbat-e Heydarieh. In this study, the hydrogeochemistry and water quality of groundwater were examined for irrigation uses. Totally, 11 groundwater samples were collected in semi-arid area surrounding the mine. According to the irrigation water quality indices such as sodium absorption ratio, sodium percentage, residual sodium carbonate, residual sodium bicarbonate, potential salinity, salinity index, salinity hazard, permeability index and magnesium hazard, the water resources were appraised suitable to unsuitable. Na+ was a dominant cation and HCO3? was a dominant anion in the water samples. Fortunately, SO42? content is low (<?250 mg/L) in the water samples because of low-sulfide content mineralization in this mine. Water–rock interaction was defined as the controlling process on groundwater chemistry based on the Gibbs diagram. Calculated saturation indices revealed that the anion and cations in groundwater originated from dissolution of minerals and evaporation process. In the case of dominant Ca2+ and Mg2+, they were originated by dissolution of carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite and aragonite. Na+ was likely originated by plagioclase weathering in the brecciated volcanic rocks. Though the sulfidic mineralization is not so high in the Kouh-e Zar area, however, considering the existence of metalogenic mineralization in the Kouh-e Zar area, there is also a risk potential of release of toxic elements into the groundwater on which further deep investigation is ongoing in the area.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(10):1760-1780
Sulfide-rich mine tailings in Adak that are exposed to weathering cause acid mine drainage characterized by low pH (2–4) and high SO4 (up to 800 mg L−1). Surface water, sediment and soil samples collected in this study contain higher concentrations of As, Cu, Fe and Zn, compared to the target and/or intervention limits set by international regulatory agencies. In particular, high As concentrations in water (up to 2900 μg L−1) and sediment (up to 900 mg kg−1) are of concern. There is large variability in trace element concentrations, implying that both physical (grain size) and chemical factors (pH, secondary phases as sulfides, Al-oxides or clay minerals) play an important role in their distribution. The low pH keeps the trace elements dissolved, and they are transported farther downstream. Trace element partition coefficients are low (log Kd = 0.3–4.3), and saturation indices calculated with PHREEQC are <0 for common oxide and sulfidic minerals. The sediment and soil samples indicate an enhanced pollution index (up to 17), and high enrichment factors for trace elements (As up to 38,300; Zn up to 800). Finally, leaves collected from different plant types indicate bioaccumulation of several elements (As, Al, Cu, Fe and Zn). However, some of the plants growing in this area (e.g., Salix, Equisétum) are generally resistant to metal toxicity, and hence, liming and phytoremediation could be considered as potential on-site remediation methods.  相似文献   

The given work focused on solving the problem of environmental geochemistry related to investigation of element speciation, their mobility, and migration in polluted areas. The purpose was to describe quantitatively migration, distribution, and redistribution of heavy metals by the example of the old tailings (Talmovaya sands) of the Lead Zinc Concentration Plant (Salair, Kemerovo region, Russia) and technogenic bottom sediments of the Malaya Talmovaya river. Contents of elements in the sulfide tailings range in the following limits: Zn: 1,100–27,000 ppm, Cd: 1.3–240 ppm, Pb: 0.01–0.81 ppm, Cu: 220–960 ppm, As: 15–970 ppm, Fe: 19,000–76,000 ppm, and Ba: 80,000–1,00,000 ppm. Element concentrations in the river sediment are proportional to the element contents in the sulfide tailings. Element speciations in the sulfide tailings and technogenic bottom sediments were investigated by the modified sequential extraction procedure. Chemical forms of heavy metals in pore water and surface water were calculated by WATEQ4F software. Principles of heavy metal migration in the sulfide tailings and technogenic bottom deposits were established. The obtained results about element species in the sulfide tailings and sediment explain the main principles of element migration and redeposition. In the mine waste and technogenic bottom deposits, there is vertical substance transformation with formation of geochemical barriers.  相似文献   

本文对杨金沟钨矿区水文地质特征进行分析,在今后开采过程中对矿山的影响进行了研究。在系统搜集矿区矿井物探、钻探资料和抽水试验资料的基础上,对矿区下古生界变质岩含水层的不同层段岩性、厚度、富水性进行了研究,对比邻近生产矿山水文资料,划分矿床开采技术条件复杂程度。  相似文献   

Tailings-derived mine drainage water that is neutral in character, has a high electrical conductivity and contains elevated sulphate, chloride and nickel concentrations, has caused deterioration in groundwater and surface water quality in the mining area of Hitura in Western Finland. This deterioration, and thereby the location of the contaminant plume, was recognized in the water chemistry in the form of a gradual change in ion composition from Ca-HCO3-type water towards a Mg-SO4-rich type. It was possible to define the extent of the pollution by using cluster analysis to distinguish between hydrochemically different regimes and performing an electrical sounding survey. The results indicated that contamination is most intense close to the tailings impoundment and is related to an esker complex running across this area. Nevertheless, the water in the eastern and southern parts of the area upgradient of the hydraulic head is uncontaminated and suitable for water supply purposes.  相似文献   

 Past mining and smelting of sulphide ore (pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite) at the abandoned Gulf Creek mine has resulted in a stream highly contaminated by acid mine drainage (pH: 2.2–3.4), as well as degradation of local soil and vegetation. Physical dispersion of secondary metal-bearing minerals from abandoned ore and waste dumps into Gulf Creek and adsorption and coprecipitation of dissolved metals and metalloids in the stream bed cause elevated Ag, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn values in stream sediments. The bioavailability of individual heavy metals to freshwater organisms changes downstream, however, selective bioaccumulation processes in algae reject readily bioavailable Zn and concentrate less bioavailable Cu. Polluted soils in the vicinity of the mine and smelter sites are subject to continuing soil erosion and either support no vegetation, or a depauperate flora with certain species showing bioaccumulation of metals and resistance to high metal contents. Rehabilitation of disturbed areas should involve covering and sealing sulphidic mine waste or removal of ore and waste dumps, installation of a physical and chemical plant or construction of a wetland environment (plus anoxic lime drains), and import of topsoil and planting of local, metal-tolerant plant species. Received: 17 March 1998 / Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   

  Time-of-flight laser-ionization mass spectrometry was applied to study the chemical composition of mineral particle surfaces in a sulphide-rich mine-tailings impoundment. This surface-sensitive technique provides chemical information from surfaces of irregularly shaped mineral particles (both conductive and insulators) less than 100 μm in diameter, which are considered to be representative of particle surface coatings in the tailings pile (after drying). In addition, depth profiles in the mineral particles were obtained. The combination of speed of analysis (1 min), small beam-diameter (2–4 μm), surface sensitivity (2–10 nm), trace-element sensitivity, and capability to analyze rough surfaces makes this method useful as a complement to studies of pore-water geochemistry and tailings mineralogy. As an example, the behavior of Pb and As in the Kidd Creek tailings dam near Timmins, Ontario, Canada, was studied, using a combination of surface analyses, and pore-water geochemical data. Received: 22 February 1995 / Accepted: 6 January 1996  相似文献   

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