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连云港海相软土流变特性试验及双屈服面流变模型 总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10
为研究连云港海相软土流变特性,进行了三轴流变试验。根据对试验结果的分析,可以将连云港海相软土作为弹-粘塑性体来研究;将广义Bingham模型和椭圆-抛物线双屈服面模型相结合,建立了新的流变模型来描述其流变特性,得出了各参数,并验证了该模型的适用性。 相似文献
Mohamed A. Sakr Mohamed A. Shahin Yasser M. Metwally 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2009,27(1):105-113
This paper presents the results of geotechnical and mineralogical investigations on lime-treated soft clay soil from Idku
City, Egypt, where high organic matters of about 14% exist. Lime was added in the order of 1%, 3%, 5% and 7% by weight and
laboratory experiments after 7, 15, 30 and 60 days were conducted including the mineralogical and microstructural examinations,
grain size analysis, plasticity limits, unconfined compressive tests, vane shear tests and oedometer tests. The results indicate
that soft clay soil of high organic content of 14% can be stabilized satisfactorily with the addition of 7% lime. The results
also demonstrate that the changes in the mineralogical contents and soil fabric of high organic lime-treated soft clay improve
soil plasticity, strength and compressibility. 相似文献
分析了软土地基上预制桩承载力的时效性机理,介绍了几种研究承载力时效性的经验回归公式,结合工程说明应充分认识承载力时效性的科学性和利用这种规律潜在的巨大经济效益。 相似文献
P. Kallioglou Th. Tika G. Koninis St. Papadopoulos K. Pitilakis 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2009,27(2):217-235
The paper presents results from a laboratory investigation into the dynamic properties of natural intact and model organic
soils by means of resonant-column tests. The natural intact organic soils were sands, cohesive soils and peats with varying
content of calcium carbonate. The model organic soils were formed in laboratory by mixing kaolinite and paper pulp. The influence
of various soil parameters, such as strain level, confining stress, void ratio, plasticity index, organic content and secondary
consolidation time on shear modulus, G, and damping ratio, DT, is presented and discussed. The test results on natural organic
soils show that only high organic contents (OC ≥ 25%) have significant influence on G and DT at both small and high shear
strains. For the model organic soils, however, a significant influence of even lower values of organic content (5% ≤ OC ≤ 20%)
on G at small strains and DT at both small and high strains is observed. 相似文献
衡山紫砂陶土矿位于浏阳-衡东北东向断裂隆起带南西端,含矿层为中侏罗统跃龙组上部,属一近南北轴向冷水冲向斜的两翼,矿物以伊利石为主,化学成分Al2O3、Fe2O3含量较高,矿石可塑性好,干燥与烧成收缩较小,可单独成坯,适合开发紫砂陶,日用陶,化工陶等系列产品。 相似文献
随着能源短缺和人们环保意识不断提高,浅层地下空间的有限资源得到了快速开发利用,为高效合理使用地下有限热能,有必要研究岩土体的热物理参数变化规律。在北京平原区浅层地温能资源地质勘查项目岩土体热物理性质测试和土工试验的基础上,对粉质粘土和细砂的热导率影响因素进行数理统计分析。从统计结果来看,在天然含水率条件下,粉砂质粘土的平均热导率为1.74 W/(m.K),细砂的平均热导率为1.55 W/(m.K),两者的热导率均随天然含水率、天然密度、孔隙比的变化趋势明显:随着含水量的增大而热导率逐渐减小,随密度的增加而热导率增大,随着孔隙度的增加则热导率逐渐降低,粉质粘土含水量在20%左右热导率最佳,细砂含水量在15%左右热导率最佳;由于样品物质成分和微观结构差异影响传热方式组合,因而导致不同地区乃至相同地区热导率与含水量等因素拟合方程形式不尽相同,但变化规律趋势相似。 相似文献
确定土体动剪切模量的常用方法有规范法、Kumar法和自相关函数法,确定相应阻尼比的方法有规范法、Das and Luo法、Kokusho法、Kumar法和互相关函数法,为了分析不同方法所产生差异,实现定量化对比分析,笔者以福建标准砂(粒径为0.5~1.0 mm)为研究对象,采用不排水的应力控制动三轴试验,探讨不同的确定土体动剪切模量和阻尼比方法的差异性,并给出了不同土体条件建议选用的方法。结果表明:1)3种方法确定动剪切模量的结果有一定的差异,随剪应变的增大结果的差异逐渐增大,有效围压对结果的差异性有所影响,当剪应变为4×10-3,有效围压为100 kPa时,3种方法差异显著,相对误差最大接近20%;2)而5种方法确定阻尼比的结果差异显著,随着剪应变的增大,5种方法确定的阻尼比相对误差大体上均在迅速减小,只有规范法在有效围压为100 kPa时,其相对误差有较小的增大趋势;5种方法中,Kumar法确定的阻尼比最接近平均阻尼比,互相关函数法远高于平均阻尼比,Das and Luo法和Kokusho法确定的阻尼比基本一致但低于平均阻尼比。建议以后的工程应用中,加载方式为应力控制时,可采用自相关函数法确定动剪切模量,采用Kumar法确定阻尼比,二者确定的动剪切模量和阻尼比均最接近平均值。 相似文献
为了确定珊瑚砂的动剪切模量和阻尼比等分析岛礁场地稳定性的主要动力学参数,本文针对我国南海西沙群岛某岛礁珊瑚砂,利用共振柱-弯曲元系统,研究了围压、相对密实度及饱和度对该珊瑚砂动剪切模量和阻尼比的影响规律。研究发现:(1)在饱和状态下,该珊瑚砂样的最大动剪切模量(G0)与围压及相对密实度整体呈现正相关关系,并且随着围压的增高G0对相对密实度的敏感性逐渐降低;(2)在非饱和情况下,该珊瑚砂样的动剪切模量比的整体范围略高于饱和状态下的动剪切模量比,而其阻尼比略低于饱和状态下的阻尼比;(3)该珊瑚砂样出现最小阻尼比和最大G0的饱和度约为10%;(4)在同样的围压下,珊瑚砂的特殊结构导致建立在硅质砂相对密实度和孔隙比的G0经验预测公式在预测珊瑚砂G0时分别出现了偏高和偏低的情况,本文根据珊瑚砂G0随围压的变化规律,对珊瑚砂G0经验预测公式进行了修正。研究成果可为南海西沙岛礁珊瑚砂场地稳定性分析中动力学参数取值提供参考。 相似文献
分别开展砂土和粉质黏土两种典型土质条件下基坑悬臂式开挖离心模型试验,详细叙述试验过程中所要解决的关键问题,并提出合理的解决方案。通过对比分析两组试验结果,得到以下结论:非饱和土地基制备中参数控制困难,分层夯实法有待进一步改进,而砂雨法制备的砂土地基参数可控性更好;两组试验的结果有差异,砂土地基试验所呈现的土压力、地基变形、支护弯矩的变化规律更好,因此,岩土离心试验可适当考虑以砂土代替非饱和土;对于采用悬臂式支护结构的基坑,开挖引起的地表沉降曲线在砂土中呈指数型,而在粉质黏土中呈直线型;开挖引起的粉质黏土地基土体位移范围较砂土地基更大;开挖引起的砂土中挡墙弯矩较粉质黏土更大,砂土和粉质黏土中最大弯矩位置都随开挖逐渐下移;在砂土试验中开挖引起主动区土压力各处均减小,而在粉质黏土试验中开挖引起土压力在挡墙底有增大趋势。该基坑工程离心模型试验过程及数据处理方法可为进一步试验提供参考。 相似文献
在砂井地基固结度计算中,土的固结系数是一个十分重要的参数,土的固结系数通常通过室内试验求得,但室内取得水平向固结系数制样比较困难。利用软基处理过程中孔隙水压力监测资料来推算软土的固结系数,并和室内试验加以对比分析,总结出二者之间的相互关系及变化规律,可供同类工程设计借鉴。 相似文献
Mohamad Nor Omar Colin Peter Abbiss Mohd. Raihan Taha Khairul Anuar Mohd. Nayan 《Engineering Geology》2011,(4):259
This paper presents a method of calculating long-term settlement of a loaded pad on soft clay at Klang, Selangor, Malaysia where the soil model is treated as an anelastic material of viscoelastic property. Initially, an elastic shear modulus (G) value from shear wave velocity profiles of the seismic tests from spectral analysis of surface wave (SASW) and continuous surface wave (CSW) tests was obtained. A value of damping (D) at an equivalent elastic strain is then calculated from the hysteresis of the plate load tests corrected to equivalent strain using the Damping–Strain formula. The calculated elastic settlement and its equivalent damping are then used to calculate the long-term settlement by applying the generalised viscoelastic formula. Comparisons to traditional methods of settlement predictions were made and the viscoelastic formula has shown better agreement to the observed settlement. Further modification of the settlement formula is introduced to improve the settlement accuracy to 10%. 相似文献
珊瑚砂的物理力学性质与陆相沉积物有显著的差异。对南沙岛礁饱和珊瑚砂进行了不排水应变控制分级循环加载动三轴试验,研究了有效围压 和相对密实度Dr对饱和珊瑚砂动剪切模量和阻尼比特性的影响。通过与陆源砂砾土试验结果的对比发现:珊瑚砂与陆源砂砾土在最大动剪切模量Gmax、动剪切模量比G/Gmax曲线及其上下界、参考剪应变 、阻尼比? 曲线及其上下界等均存在显著的差异;珊瑚砂的Gmax比陆源砂的大,采用陆源砂Gmax的经验模型,珊瑚砂的Gmax将被低估约30%;珊瑚砂的非线性稍弱于陆源砂砾土,陆源砂砾土G/Gmax和? 的经验公式不适用于珊瑚砂。给出了珊瑚砂G/Gmax和? 的经验公式及相关参数。 相似文献
钙质砂物理力学性质初探 总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10
钙质砂是一种含CaCO3超过50%以上的粒状材料。其特殊的组构特征,导致了独特的力学和工程性状。文中综述了钙质砂在压缩、剪切等方面的表现及其机理,指出钙质砂力学及工程性能的研究必须综合考虑颗粒破碎、剪胀及颗粒重排列。 相似文献
Permeabilities of sand and shale differ by five to seven orders of magnitude. In the depositional pattern characteristic of the Gulf Coast, lenticular sand bodies occur randomly dispersed within a shale matrix, even though they can be grouped into stratigraphic sequences, contributing to net permeability of the sand-shale system and thus facilitating upward flow of pore water. In addition, a substantial lateral flow develops as fluid flow is directed toward sand bodies, thus concentrating fluid from a wide source area into sand bodies of limited lateral and vertical extent. Calculations reported here determine the effect of randomly distributed sands on both vertical and lateral permeabilities of composite sandshale systems. Effective permeabilities depend only on mean sand percent and local variance about the mean, because the effects of sand body shapes and their orientation and dip are not incorporated in the analysis. Results indicate that at a mean sand percentage of 20–50% a large lateral migration of fluid flow develops as sand bodies attract flow from a region two to seven times the radius of the sand body itself. For a mean sand percentage in excess of 50–60%, large vertical migration results and thus hydrocarbon trapping should not be expected for sand percentages in excess of 50–60%. Results of these calculations are in accord with observations that most larger oil accumulations on the Gulf Coast are found in regions having sandiness between about 20 and 50%. 相似文献
采用文献综述研究方法,梳理了红黏土研究成果并进行了评述,对红黏土的物理力学性质进行了归纳和总结,对红黏土的性能改良研究成果进行了汇总,指出红黏土的物理力学性能的差异性根源在于微观结构的个性差异存在,红黏土性能改良的困难在于红黏土的水敏性和热敏性,红黏土性能改良的关键在于控制其含水率。最后指出了研究不足在于普适性理论和知识体系没有构建,改良方法和技术探究应该加强,展望了红黏土性能改良的物理—化学—生物耦合作用的机理及复合技术开发和应用的研究。 相似文献
The Inference of Geo-Mechanical Properties of Soft Rocks and their Degradation from Needle Penetration Tests 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Needle penetration tests (NPTs) are used for inferring the uniaxial compressive strength of soft rocks, particularly in tunneling through squeezing rocks and foundations on weathered rocks in Japan. The device measures the applied load and the penetration depth of its needle. The ratio of applied load to penetration depth was originally called the needle penetration index (NPI). In this study, this device has been used to infer the geo-mechanical properties of soft rocks from Japan, Turkey, Indonesia, and Egypt. Various equations are presented to infer the geo-mechanical properties in terms of the NPI and compared with the experimental results. The possibility of evaluating the anisotropy of geo-mechanical properties is shown. Furthermore, the characterization of geo-mechanical properties of fault/fracture and slip (shear) surfaces is explained. Some additional equations are given to consider the degradation of geo-mechanical properties as a function of water content, weathering state, and number of cycles of freezing–thawing. Furthermore, the possibility of evaluating the time-dependency characteristics of soft rocks by needle penetration testing is discussed through experiments. It is shown that the effects of water content, weathering state, and number of cycles of freezing–thawing and time-dependency can be evaluated using the NPT technique. 相似文献
在洞庭湖漫滩阶地的冲湖积淤泥质软土上,分布着一些次级牛轭湖和季节性洪道成因的极软淤积物。在荷载作用下,该软土易产生较大的压缩沉降和顺坡蠕变沉降,当其与下部软土基层共同作用时,必将加剧建筑物的沉降和倾斜。利用生石灰砂桩能起到较好的抗滑止沉作用;根据软土的触变性和流变性,利用应力解除法能有效地矫正建筑物倾斜,从而达到纠偏加固的目的。 相似文献