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We derive a conservative coincidence time window for joint searches of gravitational-wave (GW) transients and high-energy neutrinos (HENs, with energies ?100 GeV), emitted by gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The last are among the most interesting astrophysical sources for coincident detections with current and near-future detectors. We take into account a broad range of emission mechanisms. We take the upper limit of GRB durations as the 95% quantile of the T90’s of GRBs observed by BATSE, obtaining a GRB duration upper limit of ∼150 s. Using published results on high-energy (>100 MeV) photon light curves for 8 GRBs detected by Fermi LAT, we verify that most high-energy photons are expected to be observed within the first ∼150 s of the GRB. Taking into account the breakout-time of the relativistic jet produced by the central engine, we allow GW and HEN emission to begin up to 100 s before the onset of observable gamma photon production. Using published precursor time differences, we calculate a time upper bound for precursor activity, obtaining that 95% of precursors occur within ∼250 s prior to the onset of the GRB. Taking the above different processes into account, we arrive at a time window of tHEN − tGW ∈ [−500 s, +500 s]. Considering the above processes, an upper bound can also be determined for the expected time window of GW and/or HEN signals coincident with a detected GRB, tGW − tGRB ≈ tHEN − tGRB ∈ [−350 s, +150 s]. These upper bounds can be used to limit the coincidence time window in multimessenger searches, as well as aiding the interpretation of the times of arrival of measured signals.  相似文献   

The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) has confirmed the standard solar model and neutrino oscillations through the observation of neutrinos from the solar core. In this paper we present a search for neutrinos associated with sources other than the solar core, such as gamma-ray bursts and solar flares. We present a new method for looking for temporal coincidences between neutrino events and astrophysical bursts of widely varying intensity. No correlations were found between neutrinos detected in SNO and such astrophysical sources.  相似文献   

We present a multifractal analysis of GRB time series used to quantify the variability of the light curve. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of multifractal analysis, including sensitivity to noise, and burst intensity, and present results for a few sample bursts.  相似文献   

How structures of various scales formed and evolved from the early Universe up to present time is a fundamental question of astrophysical cosmology. EDGE (Piro et al., 2007) will trace the cosmic history of the baryons from the early generations of massive stars by Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) explosions, through the period of galaxy cluster formation, down to the very low redshift Universe, when between a third and one half of the baryons are expected to reside in cosmic filaments undergoing gravitational collapse by dark matter (the so-called warm hot intragalactic medium). In addition EDGE, with its unprecedented capabilities, will provide key results in many important fields. These scientific goals are feasible with a medium class mission using existing technology combined with innovative instrumental and observational capabilities by: (a) observing with fast reaction Gamma-Ray Bursts with a high spectral resolution. This enables the study of their star-forming and host galaxy environments and the use of GRBs as back lights of large scale cosmological structures; (b) observing and surveying extended sources (galaxy clusters, WHIM) with high sensitivity using two wide field of view X-ray telescopes (one with a high angular resolution and the other with a high spectral resolution). The mission concept includes four main instruments: a Wide-field Spectrometer (0.1–2.2 eV) with excellent energy resolution (3 eV at 0.6 keV), a Wide-Field Imager (0.3–6 keV) with high angular resolution (HPD = 15”) constant over the full 1.4 degree field of view, and a Wide Field Monitor (8–200 keV) with a FOV of ? of the sky, which will trigger the fast repointing to the GRB. Extension of its energy response up to 1 MeV will be achieved with a GRB detector with no imaging capability. This mission is proposed to ESA as part of the Cosmic Vision call. We will outline the science drivers and describe in more detail the payload of this mission.  相似文献   

一种新的多变量时间序列数据异常检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种通过建立多变量时间序列数据相似度矩阵,对相似度矩阵进行转换以最大化数据之间的相关性,并采用随机游走模型计算数据点之间的连接系数来检测数据点上异常的方法。该方法充分利用了数据之间的相关性,有效减少了数据中不同程度噪声对异常检测的影响,检测过程中的漏报率和误报率明显减少,通过仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Recent observations of the environments of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) favour massive stars as their progenitors, which are likely to be surrounded by gas and dust. The visibility of the optical and UV emission of a GRB is expected to depend on the characteristics of both the dust and the GRB emission itself. A reasonable distribution of surrounding dust is capable of absorbing all the optical and UV emission of the optical flash and afterglow of a GRB, unless the optical flash has a peak isotropic luminosity L peak≳1049 erg s−1 . This means that dark bursts should exist and these bursts will have to be studied at infrared rather than optical wavelengths. In this paper details will be given about the infrared GRB dust emission. The reprocessed dust emission peaks at a rest-frame wavelength of about 8 μm. Forthcoming space telescopes, in particular the IRAC camera on board the Space Infrared Telescope Facility , could detect this emission out to a redshift of about two. However, an accurate position of the GRB afterglow must be provided for this emission to be identified, because the light curve of the reprocessed dust emission does not vary on time-scales less than several years.  相似文献   

We selected a sample of 33 gamma-ray bursts detected by Swift , with known redshift and optical extinction at the host frame. For these, we constructed the de-absorbed and K -corrected X-ray and optical rest-frame light curves. These are modelled as the sum of two components: emission from the forward shock due to the interaction of a fireball with the circumburst medium and an additional component, treated in a completely phenomenological way. The latter can be identified, among other possibilities, as a 'late prompt' emission produced by a long-lived central engine with mechanisms similar to those responsible for the production of the 'standard' early prompt radiation. Apart from flares or re-brightenings, that we do not model, we find a good agreement with the data, despite of their complexity and diversity. Although based, in part, on a phenomenological model with a relatively large number of free parameters, we believe that our findings are a first step towards the construction of a more physical scenario. Our approach allows us to interpret the behaviour of the optical and X-ray afterglows in a coherent way, by a relatively simple scenario. Within this context, it is possible to explain why sometimes no jet break is observed; why, even if a jet break is observed, it is often chromatic and why the steepening after the jet break time is often shallower than predicted. Finally, the decay slope of the late prompt emission after the shallow phase is found to be remarkably similar to the time profile expected by the accretion rate of fall-back material (i.e.  ∝ t −5/3  ), suggesting that this can be the reason why the central engine can be active for a long time.  相似文献   

A generic dynamical model of gamma-ray burst remnants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conventional generic model is considered to explain the dynamics of gamma-ray burst remnants very well, no matter whether they are adiabatic or highly radiative. However, we find that, for adiabatic expansion, the model cannot reproduce the Sedov solution in the non-relativistic phase, and thus it needs to be revised. In this paper a new differential equation is derived. The generic model based on this equation is shown to be correct for both radiative and adiabatic fireballs, and in both ultrarelativistic and non-relativistic phases.  相似文献   

We analyze preliminary Lunar Prospector gamma-ray spectrometer data. Al-Mg and Fe-Mg petrologic maps of the Moon show that Mg-rich rocks are located in Mare Frigoris, the South Pole Aitken basin, and in some cryptomaria. Analysis of distances of Lunar Prospector pixels from three end-member plane in Mg-Al-Fe space reveals existence of Ca-rich, Al-low small-area anomalies in the farside highlands. An Mg-Th-Fe petrologic technique can be used for estimation of abundances of ferroan anorthosites, mare basalts, KREEP basalts, and Mg-rich rocks.  相似文献   

The gamma-ray burst (GRB) 021211 had a simple light curve, containing only one peak and the expected Poisson fluctuations. Such a burst may be attributed to an external shock, offering the best chance for a unified understanding of the gamma-ray burst and afterglow emissions. We analyse the properties of the prompt (burst) and delayed (afterglow) emissions of GRB 021211 within the fireball model. Consistency between the optical emission during the first 11 min (which, presumably, comes from the reverse shock heating of the ejecta) and the later afterglow emission (arising from the forward shock) requires that, at the onset of deceleration (∼2 s), the energy density in the magnetic field in the ejecta, expressed as a fraction of the equipartition value  (ɛ B )  , is larger than in the forward shock at 11 min by a factor of approximately 103. We find that synchrotron radiation from the forward shock can account for the gamma-ray emission of GRB 021211; to explain the observed GRB peak flux requires that, at 2 s,  ɛ B   in the forward shock is larger by a factor 100 than at 11 min. These results suggest that the magnetic field in the reverse shock and early forward shock is a frozen-in field originating in the explosion and that most of the energy in the explosion was initially stored in the magnetic field. We can rule out the possibility that the ejecta from the burst for GRB 021211 contained more than 10 electron–positron pairs per proton.  相似文献   

时间尺度的连续性要求对原子钟信号进行必要的预测,预测的实质是建立一个模型来逼近原子钟的信号,前向神经网络具有良好的副近非线性 函数的能力,用神经网络模型来预测原子钟信号,并与AD模型的预测结果作了比较。  相似文献   

This is an analysis of certain aspects of using the CLEAN algorithm for Fourier analysis of short segments of time series and of time series consisting of short segments of length ΔT separated by very long irregular gaps. It is assumed that the time series contain a harmonic component of amplitude A with a period longer than the length of the longest of the segments of the time series plus white noise with dispersion N2. Reliability plots are constructed for determining the ranges of the parameters (ν, ϕ) for which the CLEAN procedure can be used to determine the values of ν, the frequency, and ϕ, the phase of the harmonic component, with a given accuracy. The results of this analysis are used to search for harmonic components in the variation of the Hβ line profile in spectra of the triple star δ Ori A obtained in 2004 with the BTA telescope at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 281–297 (May 2007).  相似文献   

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