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【目的】探究海参酶解液对高糖高脂所致的斑马鱼抑郁样行为的改善作用。【方法】将斑马鱼随机分为对照组、模型组各1组,和海参酶解液高剂量(1.0m L/L)治疗组、低剂量(0.5m L/L)治疗组各1组。每天利用高浓度葡萄糖(质量分数2%)系统浸泡及高胆固醇(质量分数10%)饲料饲喂诱导斑马鱼高糖高脂模型,高低浓度海参酶解液浸泡治疗。14 d后进行新鱼缸潜水行为实验,取鱼体匀浆进行组织各生化指标的检测,包括葡萄糖(Glucose, Glu)、总胆固醇(Total cholesterol, TC)、皮质醇(Cortisol, Cor)浓度。【结果】新鱼缸行为实验中,与对照组相比较,模型组斑马鱼的行为学实验都有明显差异,其中焦虑型行为潜伏期、冻结次数和冻结时间等抑郁型行为增加,探究型行为顶部转移和顶部时间减少,而1.0 mL/L高剂量海参酶解液可以逆转这些变化。模型组葡萄糖、总胆固醇、皮质醇浓度相比对照组显著升高,而给予海参酶解液治疗后,高剂量治疗组对模型组的葡萄糖、总胆固醇及皮质醇浓度均有显著降低的作用。【结论】海参酶解液可以通过改善高糖高脂诱导的糖尿病模型中糖脂水平来改善抑郁样行为和应激激素。  相似文献   

【目的】比较二十二碳六稀酸(DHA)和二十碳五稀酸(EPA)改善慢性不可预测温和应激(CUMS)诱导的大鼠抑郁样行为的作用机制。【方法】应用糖水偏好实验测定糖水偏好度,强迫游泳实验测定不动时间,荧光定量PCR检测杏仁核脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)、其受体酪氨酸激酶受体(TrKB)和神经营养素(p75NTR)基因表达。【结果】与对照组相比,CUMS组大鼠糖水偏好度、BDNF和TrKB基因表达显著降低(P﹤0.05),而不动时间和p75NTR基因表达显著升高(P﹤0.05);给予DHA和EPA喂食治疗,可显著改善CUMS诱发的大鼠快感缺乏,绝望行为以及BDNF和TrKB的表达(P﹤0.05);DHA提高BDNF的表达作用显著优于EPA,而EPA对降低不动时间和p75NTR的表达作用显著优于DHA(P﹤0.05)。【结论】DHA和EPA通过调控不同基因表达改善CUMS诱导的抑郁样行为变化。  相似文献   

【目的】探索中药材海马改善慢性应激(Chronic unpredictable mild stress, CUMS)诱导的小鼠抑郁样行为的作用及可能机制。【方法】利用慢性轻度不可预测性应激建立小鼠抑郁模型,通过糖水偏好度、强迫游泳实验和旷场实验评价动物抑郁样行为,利用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA法)测定血清中皮质酮含量(Glucocorticoid,GC)和白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)含量,高效液相色谱法测定海马脑区中去甲肾上腺素、多巴胺和5-羟色胺的含量。【结果】与对照组相比,模型组小鼠糖水偏好度显著下降,强迫游泳不动时间显著延长,旷场中运动总格数和中心格进入次数显著降低,血中皮质酮和IL-1β含量明显升高,而去甲肾上腺素、5-羟色胺和多巴胺水平显著下降;应激同时饲喂海马可显著改善应激小鼠以上指标的异常(P0.05)。【结论】中药材海马可通过调节炎症和神经递质的变化而改善抑郁样症状的效果。  相似文献   

以慢性应激诱导的抑郁症为模型,通过测定大鼠蔗糖水偏好度、强迫游泳静止时间、肾上腺指数、血清皮质酮水平、巨噬细胞活性和吞噬能力,研究DHA的抗抑郁效果。结果表明:应激组与对照组相比,蔗糖水偏好度显著下降(P0.05),强迫游泳静止时间显著延长(P0.01),肾上腺指数、巨噬细胞活性和吞噬能力均显著增强(P0.05);长期喂食DHA可以改善蔗糖水偏好度和静止时间(P0.01),降低肾上腺指数、血清皮质酮水平、巨噬细胞活性和吞噬能力(P0.05)。慢性应激可引起外周炎症反应增强和应激激素水平升高,DHA可在一定程度上调节外周炎症反应和激素水平,改善慢性应激诱导的抑郁症状。  相似文献   

以Fat-1转基因小鼠和野生型C57BL/6小鼠为研究对象,经侧脑室注射脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)诱导中枢炎症模型,测定抑郁样行为糖水偏好度和悬尾实验、腹腔巨噬细胞活性及其吞噬能力、脑炎症小胶质细胞的标记物CD11b基因与蛋白的表达水平,用以研究Fat-1对LPS诱发的炎症和抑郁样行为的作用。结果表明:在野生型小鼠中,LPS降低小鼠糖水偏好度,延长悬尾静止不动时间,增加腹腔巨噬细胞的活性和吞噬能力,上调CD11b基因和蛋白表达水平;而LPS不能引起Fat-1转基因小鼠出现上述类似变化。侧脑室注射LPS可引起野生型小鼠炎症反应和抑郁样行为,而Fat-1转基因小鼠可通过脑内和体内合成n-3 PUFAs抵抗LPS诱发的上述抑郁样变化。  相似文献   

【目的】探究尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)微小RNA-155(miR-155)和SOCS5(Suppressor of cytokine signaling 5)的靶向关系,并研究其对无乳链球菌诱导的尼罗罗非鱼脑星形胶质细胞炎症反应的影响。【方法】通过实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)检测感染无乳链球菌后尼罗罗非鱼脑星形胶质细胞中miR-155、SOCS5及炎症因子表达变化规律,生物信息学方法预测miR-155与SOCS5的靶向关系,双荧光素酶报告基因实验进行靶基因验证,qRT-PCR方法分析过表达和敲降miR-155对SOCS5基因表达的影响和miR-155对SOCS5的调控机制。【结果】无乳链球菌诱导尼罗罗非鱼脑星形胶质细胞中miR-155表达量极显著上升(P <0.001),4 h达到最高值。SOCS5表达量极显著上升(P <0.01),6 h达到最高值。促炎症因子IL-1β、TNF-α表达显著升高(P <0.000 1),抑炎症因子IL-10、TGF-β表达显著下调(P <0.05)。构建尼罗罗非鱼SOCS5 3′UTR野生型...  相似文献   

Grading procedure in routine sea cucumber hatchery production is thought to affect juvenile sea cucumber immunological response. The present study investigated the impact of a 3-min mechanical perturbation mimicking the grading procedure on neuroendocrine and immune parameters of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. During the application of stress, concentrations of noradrenaline and dopamine in coelomic fluid increased significantly, indicating that the mechanical perturbation resulted in a transient state of stress in sea cucumbers. Coelomocytes concentration in coelomic fluid increased transiently after the beginning of stressing, and reached the maximum in 1 h. Whereas, coelomocytes phagocytosis at 3 min, superoxide anion production from 3 min to 0.5 h, acid phosphatase activity at 0.5 h, and phenoloxidase activity from 3 min to 0.5 h were all significantly down-regulated. All of the immune parameters recovered to baseline levels after the experiment was conducted for 8 h, and an immunostimulation occurred after the stress considering the phagocytosis and acid phosphatase activity. The results suggested that, as in other marine invertebrates, neuroendocrine/immune connections exist in sea cucumber A. japonicus. Mechanical stress can elicit a profound influence on sea cucumber neuroendocrine system. Neuroendocrine messengers act in turn to modulate the immunity functions. Therefore, these effects should be considered for developing better husbandry procedures.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the change of digestive physiology in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus(Selenka) induced by corn kernels meal and soybean meal in diets. Four experimental diets were tested, in which Sargassum thunbergii was proportionally replaced by the mixture of corn kernels meal and soybean meal. The growth performance, body composition and intestinal digestive enzyme activities in A. japonicus fed these 4 diets were examined. Results showed that the sea cucumber exhibited the maximum growth rate when 20% of S. thunbergii in the diet was replaced by corn kernels meal and soybean meal, while 40% of S. thunbergii in the diet can be replaced by the mixture of corn kernels meal and soybean meal without adversely affecting growth performance of A. japonicus. The activities of intestinal trypsin and amylase in A. japonicus can be significantly altered by corn kernels meal and soybean meal in diets. Trypsin activity in the intestine of A. japonicus significantly increased in the treatment groups compared to the control, suggesting that the supplement of corn kernels meal and soybean meal in the diets might increase the intestinal trypsin activity of A. japonicus. However, amylase activity in the intestine of A. japonicus remarkably decreased with the increasing replacement level of S. thunbergii by the mixture of corn kernels meal and soybean meal, suggesting that supplement of corn kernels meal and soybean meal in the diets might decrease the intestinal amylase activity of A. japonicus.  相似文献   

为研究不同添加量的包被壳寡糖对刺参生长和免疫的影响,在基础饲料中分别添加质量分数0.00%、0.75%、1.50%、2.25%及3.00%包被壳寡糖配制成实验饲料,养殖初始质量(5.03±0.03)g刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)60 d。结果表明:1.50%添加组刺参增重率和特定生长率高于对照组(P0.05),各添加组体壁水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分含量差异不显著(P0.05),1.50%添加组吞噬活性显著高于对照组(P0.05),1.50%添加组的呼吸爆发活力在各时间点较对照组有显著提高(P0.05),其体腔上清液LZM活性于实验60 d较对照组有显著提高(P0.05),体腔上清液SOD活性于实验50、60 d较对照组有显著提高(P0.05);各组ACP活性、NO活性、补体C_3活性和PO活性无显著性差异(P0.05)。饲料中添加1.50%包被壳寡糖能提高刺参生长性能,对刺参的免疫能力具有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

Dietary supplementation with sea cucumber saponins(SCS) and exercise have been confirmed to be effective in preventing the development of obesity and its related diseases. However, the combined effectiveness of these interventions has not been explored. Here, we studied whether the beneficial influences of exercise could be further enhanced by dietary supplementation with SCS in high-fat diet-fed KM(Kunming) mice. Mice were randomly divided into four groups, including the high-fat diet group(HF), the SCS group(HF-S), the exercise group(HF-E), and the combination of dietary SCS and exercise group(HF-S + E). There were eight mice in every group. The results demonstrated that the combination of dietary SCS and exercise could synergistically reduce fat accumulation. In particular, white adipose tissue decreased by 63% in the HF-S + E group compared with that in the HF group. SCS supplementation with exercise also improved peripheral markers, such as serum parameters and hepatic TG levels. Further mechanical testing indicated that the combined effects of dietary SCS and exercise on inhibiting fat accumulation might be attributed to the inhibition of lipid synthesis in the liver and the activation of lipolysis in white adipose tissue to increase energy consumption.  相似文献   

在强调幸福的时代,承压强度和旅游行为的关系是值得特别关注的问题。以减压作用明显的滨海旅游目的地为对象,用演绎方法确定压力层次结构,以指标层问题设计测试语句,采用问卷工具以抽样调查手段获得基础数据,通过德尔菲法结合层次分析法得到承压强度值,采用聚类方法得到承压强度的人群类型,利用单因素方差分析和多重变量的交叉列联表分析,发现3种承压强度的人群类型在出游动机、获取信息途径、开支预算、目的地偏好、交通类型5个方面存在显著分异,在出游方式偏好、旅游社选择、旅游住宿3个方面分异不明显。根据研究结论进行管理思考,得到了一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

The antineoplastic activity of polysaccharide was investigated in Stichopus chlorontus, Isostichopus badionotus, Stichopus horrens and Holothuria lessoni massin. Crude polysaccharide was prepared with enzyme hydrolyzation method and purified by anion exchange chromatography using DEAE-sepharose fast flow column. The effect of polysaccharide on cells apoptosis of SiHa and U87 was examined with cell counting kit-8 colorimetry method. Western blotting was used to analyze related proteins of cellular apoptosis including p53 and Bcl-2. Results showed that there were two main components in each sea cucumber polysaccharide, which could be eluted down by 1.0 mol/LNaCl solution. The four types of polysaccharide in the second component were named as SC-2, IB-2, HLM-2 and SH-2, respectively. They were used for comparing the antineoplastic activity. Results showed that SC-2, IB-2, HLM-2 and SH-2 could promote apoptosis of U87 and SiHa cells. SH-2 and HLM-2 were selected for the subsequent experiment to explore the additional effect of U87 and SiHa cells, The protein expressions of Bcl-2 and p53 decreased considerably with the increase of polysaccharide concentration in U87 cells. In SiHa cells, protein expressions of Bcl-2 and high dosage group of p53 decreased significantly, whereas no obvious decrease was observed in other groups. The polysaccharides are more effective in promoting apoptosis of U87 and SiHa cells from S. horrens and H. lessoni massin than from the rest species.  相似文献   

Monoculture of sea cucumber(pond S) and polyculture of shrimp with sea cucumber(pond SS) were established to evaluate the effect of shrimp on the environmental conditions of sea cucumber farming pond. Contributions of sediment organic matter(SOM2) resuspended from benthic sediment and the suspended particulate organic matter(SPOM) deposited from the water column to the precipitated organic matter(SOM1) collected with sediment traps were estimated with carbon stable isotope analysis. The results showed that the levels of SPOM and SOM2 in pond SS significantly decreased in comparison with those in pond S at the end of experiment(P 0.05), indicating that co-culturing shrimp in sea cucumber farming pond could purify the farming water. Carbon stable isotope analysis showed that the proportion of SOM2 in SOM1 in pond SS(84.97% ± 0.38%) was significantly lower than that in pond S(95.20% ± 0.30%)(P 0.05), suggesting that the resuspension of organic matter from benthic sediment into overlying water was reduced in polyculture pond. In contrast, the proportion of SPOM in SOM1 in pond SS(15.03% ± 0.38%) was significantly higher than that in pond S(4.80% ± 0.30%)(P 0.05), indicating that the sedimentation of SPOM from water column was enhanced in pond SS owing to the biodeposition effect of shrimp.  相似文献   

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