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A tracer test was conducted to characterize the flow of groundwater across a permeable reactive barrier constructed with plant mulch (a biowall) at the OU‐1 site on Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma. This biowall is intended to intercept and treat groundwater contaminated by trichloroethylene (TCE) in a shallow aquifer. The biowall is 139‐m long, 7.3‐m deep, and 0.5‐m wide. Bromide was injected from an upgradient well into the groundwater as a conservative tracer, and was subsequently observed breaking through in monitoring wells within and downgradient of the biowall. The bromide breakthrough data demonstrate that groundwater entering the biowall migrated across it, following the slope of the local groundwater surface. The average seepage velocity of groundwater was approximately 0.06 m/d. On the basis of the Darcy velocity of groundwater and geometry of the biowall, the average residence time of groundwater in the biowall was estimated at 10 d. Assuming all TCE removal occurred in the biowall, the reduction in TCE concentrations in groundwater across the biowall corresponds to a first‐order attenuation rate constant in the range of 0.38 to 0.15 per d. As an independent estimate of the degradation rate constant, STANMOD software was used to fit curves through data on the breakthrough of bromide and TCE in selected wells downgradient of the injection wells. Best fits to the data required a first‐order degradation rate constant for TCE removal in the range of 0.13 to 0.17 per d. The approach used in this study provides an objective evaluation of the remedial performance of the biowall that can provide a basis for design of other biowalls that are intended to remediate TCE‐contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

A method is presented to evaluate ground water residence time in a zero‐valent iron (ZVI) permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using radon‐222 (222Rn) as a radioactive tracer. Residence time is a useful indicator of PRB hydraulic performance, with application to estimating the volumetric rate of ground water flow through a PRB, identifying flow heterogeneity, and characterizing flow conditions over time as a PRB matures. The tracer method relies on monitoring the decay of naturally occurring aqueous 222Rn as ground water flows through a PRB. Application of the method at a PRB site near Monticello, Utah, shows that after 8 years of operation, residence times in the ZVI range from 80 to 486 h and correlate well with chemical parameters (pH, Ca, SO4, and Fe) that indicate the relative residence time. Residence times in this case study are determined directly from the first‐order decay equation because we show no significant emanation of 222Rn within the PRB and no measurable loss of 222Rn other than by radioactive decay.  相似文献   

The potential for trichloroethene (TCE) biodegradation in a fractured dolomite aquifer at a former chemical disposal site in Smithville, Ontario, Canada, is assessed using chemical analysis and TCE and cis‐DCE compound‐specific isotope analysis of carbon and chlorine collected over a 16‐month period. Groundwater redox conditions change from suboxic to much more reducing environments within and around the plume, indicating that oxidation of organic contaminants and degradation products is occurring at the study site. TCE and cis‐DCE were observed in 13 of 14 wells sampled. VC, ethene, and/or ethane were also observed in ten wells, indicating that partial/full dechlorination has occurred. Chlorine isotopic values (δ37Cl) range between 1.39 to 4.69‰ SMOC for TCE, and 3.57 to 13.86‰ SMOC for cis‐DCE. Carbon isotopic values range between ?28.9 and ?20.7‰ VPDB for TCE, and ?26.5 and ?11.8‰ VPDB for cis‐DCE. In most wells, isotopic values remained steady over the 15‐month study. Isotopic enrichment from TCE to cis‐DCE varied between 0 and 13‰ for carbon and 1 and 4‰ for chlorine. Calculated chlorine‐carbon isotopic enrichment ratios (?Cl/?C) were 0.18 for TCE and 0.69 for cis‐DCE. Combined, isotopic and chemical data indicate very little dechlorination is occurring near the source zone, but suggest bacterially mediated degradation is occurring closer to the edges of the plume.  相似文献   

Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) have gained popularity in recent years as a low-cost method for ground water remediation. However, their cost advantage usually requires that these barriers remain maintenance free for a number of years after installation. In this study, sediment cores were retrieved from a pilot-scale PRB consisting of a sand and wood particle (sawdust) mixture that has been in continuous operation for 15 years treating nitrate from a septic system plume in southern Ontario (Long Point site). Reaction rates for the 15-year-old media were measured in dynamic flow column tests and were compared to rates measured in year 1 using the same reactive mixture. Nitrate removal rates in the 15-year-old media varied, as expected, with temperature in the range of 0.22 to 1.1 mg N/L/d at 6 °C to 10 °C to 3.5 to 6.0 mg N/L/d at 20 °C to 22 °C. The latter rates remained within about 50% of the year 1 rates (10.2 ± 2.7 mg N/L/d at 22 °C). Near the end of the year 15 column test, media particles >0.5 mm in diameter, containing most of the wood particles, were removed from the reactive media by sieving. Nitrate removal subsequently declined by about 80%, indicating that the wood particles were the principal energy source for denitrification. This example shows that some denitrifying PRBs can remain maintenance free and be adequately reactive for decades.  相似文献   

This study presents a multiphase flow and multispecies reactive transport model for the simultaneous simulation of NAPL and groundwater flow, dissolution, and reactive transport with isotope fractionation, which can be used for better interpretation of NAPL-involved Compound Specific Isotope Analysis in 3D heterogeneous hydrogeologic systems. The model was verified for NAPL-aqueous phase equilibrium partitioning, aqueous phase multi-chain and multi-component reactive transport, and aqueous phase multi-component transport with isotope fractionation. Several illustrative examples are presented to investigate the effect of DNAPL spill rates, degradation rate constants, and enrichment factors on the temporal and spatial distribution of the isotope signatures of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon groundwater plumes. The results clearly indicate that isotope signatures can be significantly different when considering multiphase flow within the source zone. A series of simulations indicate that degradation and isotope enrichment compete with dissolution to determine the isotope signatures in the source zone: isotope ratios remain the same as those of the source if dissolution dominates the reaction, while heavy isotopes are enriched in reactants along groundwater plume flow paths when degradation becomes dominant. It is also shown that NAPL composition can change from that of the injected source due to the partitioning of components between the aqueous and NAPL phases even when degradation is not allowed in NAPL phase. The three-dimensional simulation is presented to mechanistically illustrate the complexities in determining and interpreting the isotopic signatures with evolving DNAPL source architecture.  相似文献   

It is often necessary to collect core samples that are not accommodated by standard sampling protocols, This paper describes innovative techniques using existing technology that enables researchers to collect samples at upgradient and downgradient interfaces from a zero-valent iron wall so that the most active zone of chromium remediation and biologic activity can be studied. It describes the methodology used and how the direct-push technology was adapted so that the desired samples could be collected. It also explains why new methods were needed and demonstrates the results of these efforts.  相似文献   

A field lest to evaluate the applicability of an oxygon-releasing compound (ORC) to the rernediation of ground water contaminated with benzone and toluene was conducted in the Borden Aquifer in Ontario. Canada. Benzene and toluene were injected as organic substrates to represent BTEX compounds, bromide was used as a tracer, and nitrate was added to avoid nitrate-limited conditions.
The fate of the solutes was monitored along four lines of monitoring points and wells. Two lines studied the behavior of the solutes upgradient and downgradient of two large-diameter well screens filled with briquets containing ORC and briquets without ORC. One line was used to study the solute behavior upgradient and downgradient of columns of ORC powder placed directly in the saturated zone. The remaining line was a control.
The results indicate that ORC in both briquet and powder form can release significant amounts of oxygen to conlaminated ground water passing by it. In the formulation used in this work, oxygen release persisted for at least 10 weeks. Furthemiore, the study indicates that the enhancement of the available dissolved oxygen content of at least 4 mg/L each of the ground water by ORC can support biodegradation of benzene and toluene dissolved in ground water. Such concentrations are typical of those encountered at sites contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons; therefore, these results suggest that there is promise for ORC to enhance in situ biodegradation of BTKX contaminants at such sites using passive (nonpumping) systems to contact the contaminated ground water with the oxygen source.  相似文献   

—The specific barrier model is used for the first time to simulate ground motion accelerations for the purpose of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses at sites near a dominant fault system. It incorporates the simulation of fault geometry and the relationship between the stress drop and seismic moment to estimate the number of cracks on the fault for the specific barrier model. Radiated direct shear waves are established following Boore’s (1983) procedure. The simulated peak ground accelerations (PGA) are then calibrated by strong-motion data. Basically, the model is of uniform source, and the directivity of the source is not taken into consideration. The results show that the calibrated PGA values are not sensitive to the relationship between the stress drop and seismic moment. However, the calibrated PGA values may increase about 20 percent for sites near the fault when the cut-off frequency,?f max?, is raised from 5 Hz to 10 Hz. The variability of the simulated ground motion is, in general, smaller than that of the empirical strong-motion data shown in the literature. This may be improved by adding randomness into the parameter of ?f max and uncertainties into the empirical relationships adopted in the model. The simulated attenuation curves may be used to judge which types of conventional attenuation equations are better at representing the attenuation of PGA for sites near the fault, especially for large earthquake events.  相似文献   

In this study totally 25 rotifer species, 3 cladocerus species, and 2 copepoda species were identified in Ova Stream. Among zooplankton rotifer species were dominant. Population densities of planktonic organisms were calculated as individual per cubic meter and the relationship of the planktonic organisms with physicochemical parameters was determined applying canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Also diversity index has been calculated according to the sampling stations. According to the results, the diversity index changes between stations and sampling time. The CCA results show that the rotifer species Keratella, Notholca showed negative correlation with the increasing chemical parameters and temperature but Brachionus, Mytilina, Colurella, and Testudinella have positive correlation with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

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