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Inspection of recent spectra presented by Sivjee (1983) show evidence of the 0–4 and 0–5 bands of the N2(c41Σu+a1Πg) Gaydon-Herman system. In conjunction with earlier spectra, it is now possible that this band system is a significant auroral component, with an intensity approx. 7% that of the N2 2P system. The absence in aurorae of the potentially far stronger N2(c41Σu+X1Πg) system is discussed. It is that the O2(A3Σu+X3Σg) band system is indiscernible in Sivjee's auroral spectra, under conditio the foreground nightglow is expected to be clearly visible. On the other hand, at least one relatively strong O2(A3Δua1Δg) band appears to be present in these spectra.  相似文献   

Auroral luminosities of the main emission lines in the aurora have been calculated for excitation by an isotopic primary electron flux with spectra of the form J(E) = AE exp (−E/E1) + B(E2)E exp (−E/E1). The variation of emissions from O and N2+ with height are shown, as are the variations of column integrated intensities and pertinent intensity ratios with the characteristic energy E2, this leading to a method of estimating the electron spectrum from ground observation.  相似文献   

The existence of sidereal semidiurnal variation of cosmic-ray intensity in a rigidity region 102-103 GV has been reported by many researchers, but there is no consensus of opinion on its origin. In this paper, using the observed semidiurnal variations in a rigidity range (300–600 GV) with 10 directional muon telescopes at Sakashita underground station (geog. lat. = 36°, long. = 138°E, DEPTH = 80 m.w.e.), the authors determine the magnitudes (η1, η2) and directions (a1, a2) of the first- and second-order anisotropies in the following galactic cosmic-ray intensity distribution (j)
jdp = j0{1 + η1P1(cos χ1) + η2P2(cos χ2)}dp
, where Pnis the nth order spherical function and χn is the pitch angle of cosmic rays with respect to an. For the determination, the influence of cosmic-ray's heliomagnetospheric modulation, geomagnetic deflection and nuclear interaction with the terrestrial material and also of the geometric configuration of the telescopes are taken into account. Usually, the semidiurnal variation is produced by the second-order anisotropy. The present observation, however, requires also the first-order anisotropy which usually produces only the diurnal variation, but can produce also the semidiurnal variation as a result of the heliospheric modulation. The first- and second-order anisotropies are characterized with η1) > 0 and η2 < 0 have almost the same direction (a1 a2) specified by the right ascension ( 0.75 h) and declination (δ 50°S) and, therefore, they can be expressed, as a whole, by an axis-symmetric anisotropy of loss-cone type (i.e. deficit intensities in a cone). It is noteworthy that this anisotropy approximately coincides with that inferred from the air shower observation at Mt Norikura in the rigidity region 104 GV.  相似文献   

It is greatly expected that the relic neutrino background from past supernovae will be detected by Superkamiokande (SK) which is now under construction. We calculate the spectrum and the event rate at SK systematically by using the results of simulations of a supernova explosion and reasonable supernova rates. We also investigate the effect of a cosmological constant, Λ, on the spectrum, since some recent cosmological observations strongly suggest the existence of Λ. We find following results. (1) The spectrum has a peak at about 3 MeV, which is much lower than that of previous estimates (6–10 MeV). (2) The event rate at SK in the range from 10 MeV to 50 MeV, where the relic neutrinos from past supernovae are dominant, is about 25h502(RSN/0.1 yr−1)(nGh50−3/0.02 Mpc−3) events per year, where RSN is the supernova rate in a galaxy, nG is the number density of galaxies, and h50 = H0/(50 km/s Mpc), where H0 is the Hubble constant. (3) The event rate is almost insensitive to Λ. The flux increases in the low energy side (< 10 MeV) with increasing Λ, but decreases in the high energy side (> 10 MeV) in models in which the integrated number of supernovae in one galaxy is fixed.  相似文献   

N. Hiotelis   《New Astronomy》2002,7(8):531-539
We present density profiles, that are solutions of the spherical Jeans equation, derived under the following two assumptions: (i) the coarse grained phase-density follows a power-law of radius, ρ/σ3r, and (ii) the velocity anisotropy parameter is given by the relation βa(r)=β1+2β2 (r/r*)/[1+(r/r*)2] where β1, β2 are parameters and r* equals twice the virial radius, rvir, of the system. These assumptions are well motivated by the results of N-body simulations. Density profiles have increasing logarithmic slopes γ, defined by γ=−d ln ρ/d ln r. The values of γ at r=10−2.5rvir, a distance where the systems could be resolved by large N-body simulations, lie in the range 1.0–1.6. These inner values of γ increase for increasing β1 and for increasing concentration of the system. On the other hand, slopes at r=rvir lie in the range 2.42–3.82. A model density profile that fits well the results at radial distances between 10−3rvir and rvir and connects kinematic and structural characteristics of spherical systems is described.  相似文献   

If neutrinos have mass, we give reasons for a possible pattern of three (squaed) mass eigenvalues: m12 (2.8−5.8) (eV)2, m22 0.01 (eV)2, m32 (1.5−1) × 10−4 (eV)2. The flavor states νμ and νe are mixtures of the eigenstates with m2 and m3 with a significant mixing, corresponding to an effective mixing angle of about 0.45. The ντ is nearly the state with m1; the other two effective mixing angles are about an order of magnitude smaller than 0.45. There is a marked similarity to mixing in the quark sector.  相似文献   

We analyze an extended redshift sample of Abell/ACO clusters and compare the results with those coming from numerical simulations of the cluster distribution, based on the truncated Zel'dovich approximation (TZA), for a list of eleven dark matter (DM) models. For each model we run several realizations, so that we generate a set of 48 independent mock Abell/ACO cluster samples per model, on which we estimate cosmic variance effects. Other than the standard CDM model, we consider (a) Ω0 = 1 CDM models based on lowering the Hubble parameter and/or on tilting the primordial spectrum; (b) Ω0 = 1 Cold + Hot DM models with 0.1 ≤Ων ≤0.5; (c) low-density flat ΛCDM models with 0.3 ≤Ω0 ≤0.5. We compare real and simulated cluster distributions by analysing correlation statistics, the probability density function, and supercluster properties from percolation analysis. We introduce a generalized definition of the spectrum shape parameter Γ in terms of σ25/σ8, where σris the rms fluctuation amplitude within a sphere of radius r. As a general result, we find that the distribution of galaxy clusters provides a constraint only on the shape of the power spectrum, but not on its amplitude: a shape parameter 0.18 Γ 0.25 and an effective spectral index at the 20 h−1 Mpc scale −1.1 neff −0.9 are required by the Abell/ACO data. In order to obtain complementary constraints on the spectrum amplitude, we consider the cluster abundance as estimated using the Press-Schechter approach, whose reliability is explicitly tested against N-body simulations. By combining results from the analysis of the distribution and the abundance of clusters we conclude that, of the cosmological models considered here, the only viable models are either Cold + Hot DM ones with 0.2 Ων 0.3, better if shared between two massive ν species, and ΛCDM ones with 0.3 Ω00.5.  相似文献   

A numerical analysis of cyclotron instabilities is carried out by computing the dispersion relation for a three component cold plasma-beam system. Rates of growth and damping for various values of the stream density are calculated from the dispersion relation. The rates of growth and damping increase monotonically as the number density of the proton stream increases. It is found that the frequencies at the rates of maximum growth and the damping decrease slightly to lower frequencies and a sharp peak at these frequencies becomes blunt. The minimum e-folding times of an ion cyclotron wave for (a) σs = 10−4, σi = 10−2 and (b) σs = 10−1, σi = 10−2 are about 3·84 and 0·16 sec respectively in the vicinity of the equatorial plane at 6 Re, where σs and σi are the ratios of the beam density Ns and the helium ion (H6+) density Ni to the total positive ions in the plasma-beam system.  相似文献   

The odd zonal harmonics in the Earth's gravitational potential are determined by analysing the changes in the eccentricities of six satellites having orbital inclinations spaced as uniformly as possible between 28° and 96°. The most satisfactory representation of the potential is found to be in terms of four coefficients, and their values are, in the usual notation: 106J3 = −2.56, 106J5 = −0.15, 106J7 = −0.44, 106J9 = 0.12. The resulting potential is compared with that obtained by other authors. Three and five-coefficient solutions are also presented.  相似文献   

New measurements of the Herzberg I emission height profile in the night airglow are reported and indicate a peak emission height near 96 km in agreement with previous measurements. Using an atomic oxygen concentration profile determined from the oxygen green line profile measured on the same rocket it is concluded that the O2(A3Σu+) state is not excited in the direct three body recombination of atomic oxygen. It is suggested that the excitation mechanism is a two step process, similar to the Barth mechanism for the atomic oxygen green lineand that the excited intermediate state is C3Δu.  相似文献   

A general theory of rotational discontinuities is developed and the changes in the components of the plasma pressure, p| and p, and in the magnetic induction, B, are found. For a given value of λ=(p|p) 4πμ/B2 upstream only a limited range of downstream anisotropies are possible. If λ>0.6 upstream then isotropy is not possible downstream. Some special solutions are analysed and the identification of rotational discontinuities is the solar wind is discussed.  相似文献   

Charged boson stars and vacuum instabilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider charged boson stars and study their effect on the structure of the vacuum. For very compact particle like “stars”, with constituent mass m* close to the Planck mass mPl, i.e. m2* = O(m2Pl), we argue that there is electric charge Zc, which, primarily, is due to the formation of a pion condensate (Zc 0.5−1e, where is the fine structure constant and e is the electric charge of the positron). If the charge of the “star” is larger than Zc we find numerical evidence for a complete screening indicating a limiting charge for a very compact object. There is also a less efficient competing charge screening mechanism due to spontaneous electron-positron pair creation in which case Zc −1e. Astrophysical and cosmological abundances of charged compact boson stars are briefly discussed in terms of dark matter.  相似文献   

On the basis of radial velocity and Hipparcos proper motion data, we have analyzed the galactic kinematics of classical Cepheids. Using the 3-D Ogorodnikov-Milne model we have determined the rotational velocity of the Galaxy to be V0 = 240.5 ± 10.2 km/s, on assuming a glactocentric distance of the Sun of R0 = 8.5 kpc. The results clearly indicate a contracting motion in the solar neighbourhood of (∂Vθ∂θ)/R = −2.60 ± 1.07 km s−1 kpc−1, along the direction of galactic rotation. Possible reason for this motion is discussed. The solar motion found here is S = 18.78 ± 0.86 km/s in the direction l = 54.4° ± 2.9° and b = +26.6° ± 2.6°.  相似文献   

Measurements of the density at the F2 peak (NmF2) were obtained by the Boulder, Colorado, ionosonde as part of the SUNDIAL-86 campaign. The measurements were made during a period of low to moderate geomagnetic activity following a “disturbed” day. These measurements were then used to estimate the height of the F2 peak (hmF2). A three-dimensional time-dependent model of Earth's ionosphere was used to calculate NmF2 and hmF2 using the vertical plasma drift as a free parameter. Since the plasmasphere-ionosphere exchange flux can remain upward during the night for these conditions, different feasible flux scenarios were inputed to the ionospheric model. These different flux scenarios had a large effect on the “induced” vertical plasma drifts required to match the measurements (i.e. at times greater than a factor of 2 in speed or a difference in direction). Futhermore, uncertainty in the O+---O collision frequency changes the required vertical plasma drift at night. Despite knowledge of hmF2, interpretation of the vertical plasma drifts as meridional neutral winds is compromised by a lack of knowledge of the plasmasphere-ionosphere exchange flux following disturbed days.  相似文献   

In this paper we have analysed the effect of the lunar tide on the latitude observations of 25260 star-pairs with the zenith telescope, ZTL-180 of Tianjin Latitude Station during 1960–1966. For the M2 wave, we found an amplitude of 0.0108 and hence a value of 1 + k − 1 = 1.34. When the effect of the ocean tide is subtracted, the value of 1 + k − 1 is reduced to 1.315. This is in very good agreement with the value 1.31, deduced by geophysicists for the Asia region.  相似文献   

Intensified Reticon spectra have been obtained at a high dispersion for the Algol system, RT Persei. They were measured by the cross-correlation technique. The spectroscopic elements, revised for the primary component and determined for the secondary for the first time, are: T0 = HJD 2,446,038.9332, K1 = 55.0, K2 = 194.7, V0 = −8.3 km/s. A mass ratio q = m2/m1 = 0.282 is deduced. A circular orbit is adopted. The spectrum of the primary is F5V, and the secondary is a subgiant. With the elements determined here and the published photometric parameters, the absolute dimensions of the binary are: A = 4.20, R1 = 1.20, R2 = 1.08 R; M1 = 1.08, M2 = 0.30 M.  相似文献   

Recent rocket observations of the N2 V-K (Vegard-Kaplan) system in the aurora have been reinterpreted using an atmospheric model based on mass spectrometer measurements in an aurora of similar intensity at the same time of year. In contrast to the original interpretation, we find that population by cascade from the C3Πu and B3Πg states in the A3Σu+v=0,1 levels, as calculated using recently measured electron excitation cross sections, accurately accounts for the observed relative emission rates (IV-K/12PG0.0). In addition there is no need to change the production rate of A 3 Σ u+ molecules relative to that of C3Πuv=0 as a function of altitude in order to fit the profile of the deactivation probability to the atmospheric model. Quenching of A 3 Σ u+ molecules at high altitudes is dominated by atomic oxygen. The rate constants for the v=0 and v=1 levels are 8 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1 and 1.7 × 10−10 cm3 sec−1 respectively, as determined using the model atmosphere mentioned above. Recent observations with a helium cooled mass spectrometer suggest that conventional mass spectrometer measurements tend to underestimate the atomic oxygen relative concentration. The rate coefficients may therefore be too large by as much as a factor of 3. Below 130 Km we find that it is possible to account for the deactivation in bright auroras by invoking large nitric oxide concentrations, similar to those recently observed mass spectrometrically and using a rate constant of 8 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1 for both the v=1 levels. This rate constant is very nearly the same as that measured in the laboratory (7 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1). Molecular oxygen appears not to play a significant role in deactivating the lower A 3 Σ u+ levels.  相似文献   

Air density at a height of 180–200 km from July 1967 to September 1969 has been determined from analysis of the high eccentricity orbit of satellite 1967-31A. The data show good correlation between sudden density increase and geomagnetic disturbance. The increases for disturbances of equal strength are approximately 40% greater during night-time than daytime hours. The day-night influence is also observed in the changes in density with changes in the solar flux index, F10. The 27-day density variation is predominant mainly during night-time, although the atmospheric response to F10 variations is quite variable regardless of local time. A semi-annual variation of approx. 40% is observed. Also found is a 25% diurnal variation for heights near 170–180 km, which is in good agreement with the CIRA 1972 atmosphere.  相似文献   

Co-ordinated rocket measurements of the O2(a1Δg−X3Σg) Infrared Atmospheric (0-0) band emission profile and the atomic oxygen densities in an undisturbed night-time atmosphere are used to investigate the processes responsible for the excitation of O2(a1Δg) in the terrestrial nightglow. It is shown that three-body recombination of atomic oxygen, and subsequent energy transfer processes, can explain only part of the observed emission profile and that at least two other sources of O2(a1Δg) emission must exist. One of these additional sources, responsible for most of the emission observed below 90km, is identified as arising from the night-time residual of the very large dayglow 1Δg population. The other additional source is required to explain most of the emission observed above 95km. The processes responsible for this high altitude component cannot be identified but the vertical distribution of the required source function strongly resembles the profile of the atomic oxygen density squared and suggests that a two-body radiative recombination process may be involved. However, the measured zenith emission rates can also be explained without the high altitude source of O2(a1Δg) if optical emission at 1.27 μm was induced by the rocket as it penetrated the nightglow layer.  相似文献   

It is found that the mass loss rate derived from S25/S12 is generally greater than that from the OH flux. This suggests an increasing loss rate with time. It is found that the gas-to-dust ratio decreases during the evolution Of OH/IR stars. An empirical relation between the gas-to-dust ratio and the dust mass loss rate is derived, leading to a formula for calculating the total mass loss rate directly from the IRAS 60 μm flux. OH/IR stars with silicate emission have a larger range of mass loss ratio, from 10−7 to 10−5 M/yr; those with silicate absorption, a smaller range between 10−5 and 10−4 M/yr. So a large increase in the mass loss rate takes place during the emission phase.  相似文献   

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