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The numerical and experimental investigations on the performance of an offshore-submerged breakwater in reducing the wave forces and wave run-up on vertical wall are presented. A two-dimensional finite-element model is employed to study the hydrodynamic performance of the submerged breakwater under the action of regular and random waves. The numerical prediction has been supported with experimental measurements. The wave forces and wave run-up on the vertical wall were measured for different breakwater configurations. The applicability of linear theoretical model in the prediction of wave forces on the wall by a submerged breakwater has been discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation of the transformation of wave skewness and asymmetry as waves propagate obliquely over low-crested breakwaters, (LCBs), based on an analysis of measurements collected in the DELOS project. Considering the effect of the local Ursell number on wave asymmetries, a set of practical empirical formulae were established using least squares regression for both smooth and rubble mound LCBs. Predictions are in good agreement with measurements. Wave skewness on both sides of LCBs is linearly correlated for rubble mound LCBs but weakly correlated for smooth LCBs. While wave asymmetry on both sides of LCBs has a weakly quadratic correlation. The effect of the relative freeboard on the relationships of wave asymmetries between both sides is significant for rubble mound LCBs, but the same does not hold for smooth LCBs. With the presence of LCBs, wave skewness retains a positive sign on both sides but asymmetry changes from negative on the incident side to positive on the transmission side. Bispectral analysis shows that positive skewness and negative asymmetry arises from self–self and sum interactions but positive asymmetry is due to difference interactions between frequencies. The findings provide improved understanding of changes in wave skewness and asymmetry in the vicinity of structures, which may help mitigate scour and improve the stability of breakwaters.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of overtopping is traditionally studied for well-emerged harbour structures and often focuses on safety and stability. In this paper laboratory tests are presented and analysed to sharpen the hypothesis that overtopping is capable of changing the horizontal circulation pattern around low-crested structures. A unique data set from laboratory experiments was acquired in the wave basin at Delft University of Technology. The experiments were performed using an emerged impermeable low-crested structure (three freeboards and three different wave conditions for each freeboard) and yielded nine different combinations of set-up and overtopping driving forces. Using this information it was possible to quantify the changes in cross-shore and longshore velocity induced by the overtopping and the set-up changes under the different freeboard and wave conditions described. It is found that overtopping enhances the outgoing flows (longshore velocities parallel to the structure) away from the lee side of the structure and dampens the water level gradient driven flow towards the structure.  相似文献   

This paper presents numerical solutions for the wave reflection from submerged porous structures in front of the impermeable vertical breakwater. A new time-dependent mild-slope equation involves the parameters of the porous medium including the porosity, the friction factor and the inertia coefficient, etc. is derived for solving the boundary value problem. A comprehensive comparison between the present model and the existing analytical solution for the case of simple rectangular geometries of the submerged structure is performed first. Then, more complicated cases such as the inclined and trapezoidal submerged porous structures in front of the vertical breakwater with sloping bottom are considered. This study also examines the effects of the permeable properties and the geometric configurations of the porous structure to the wave reflection. It is found that the submerged porous structure with trapezoidal shape has more efficiency to reduce the wave reflection than that of triangular shape. The numerical results show that the minimum wave reflection is occurred when the breakwater is located at the intermediate water depth.  相似文献   

采用模型试验和数值模拟研究了不同水深工况下半潮堤前的反射形态及时均流速场。基于Hilbert变换建立了叠合波的时频分离技术,同时获取了入射波和反射波的波面过程及相位关系,通过试验数据证明其适用于不同反射程度的波浪信号分析。不同水深工况下,半潮堤前形成了部分立波系统,腹点和节点分别以四分之一波长的偶数倍和奇数倍交替增加。半潮堤前底床水质点水平速度包络图与波面包络图相差四分之一周期的相位,水平速度的极大值和极小值分别出现在波面包络图的节点和腹点,意味着节点处易形成冲刷,腹点处易形成淤积。3种工况的周期平均速度场均在迎浪基床上方的堤脚处存在一个小型环流系统,可能引起局部冲刷,此处需加强防护。淹没工况下,半潮堤前的周期平均速度场形成一个大型环流系统,表层水流向堤后,中下层水流向海侧,意味着底床悬起的泥沙很可能向离岸方向流失。  相似文献   

才瀚涛  黄华  苏炜 《海洋科学》2020,44(6):91-100
应用椭圆余弦波的绕射理论,推导了V形防波堤的浅水波浪绕射解析解,从而对现有的Airy微幅波理论进行了有效拓展。据此理论对V形防波堤的浅水波绕射作用进行了解析计算,并与几何形状相近的圆弧型防波堤结果加以了对比。结果表明:椭圆余弦波理论计算的V形防波堤最大波浪力和最大绕射波面明显大于微幅波理论的对应值。本方法适用于张角180°的有限长直立薄壁防波堤的浅水波绕射作用计算,从而将无限长直立薄壁堤的反射波理论加以有效拓展。张角同为120°的V形堤与圆弧堤的堤后防浪效果相近,而180°圆弧堤的堤后防浪效果优于张角90°的V形堤。  相似文献   

在圆筒形防波堤和V形防波堤的基础上,结合离岸堤后形成V形和半圆形连续出现的韵律海岸的地貌平面形态特点,提出一种前墙为连续的半圆筒形防波堤形式。通过在波浪水槽内进行规则波物理模型试验,探究这一新型防波堤的波压力分布规律及波高、周期、水深等因素对波压力的影响。将试验结果与海港水文公式和合田良实公式计算的理论值对比分析,给出了以合田良实公式的折减系数来拟合新型弧形防波堤波浪总水平力的计算公式。结果表明:新型弧形防波堤上的波压力随波高、周期的增大而增大,其水平波浪总力比同等尺度直墙少10%左右。  相似文献   

基于微幅波绕射理论,应用特征函数展开法,推导了双层直立圆弧型透空防波堤的波浪绕射解析解,从而将已有的比例边界有限元法拓展为解析算法,并据此对外层与内层防波堤所受波浪载荷进行了解析计算。计算结果表明:应用本文方法对直立透空圆环柱的绕射波浪载荷进行验证计算,所得结果与现有的解析解完全吻合,说明方法可靠。双层堤较单层堤能更有效地减弱波浪作用。波浪的入射角度和特征参数、防波堤张角与半径、防波堤透空系数以及水深等因素的相对变化对双层堤的波浪作用均存在一定影响。  相似文献   

Wave transformation over submerged permeable breakwater on porous bottom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical model is presented in this study to investigate the wave transformation over a submerged permeable breakwater on a porous slope seabed. For this purpose, the time-dependent mild-slope equation is newly derived for waves propagating over two layers of porous medium. This new mild-slope equation involves the parameters of the porous medium, and it is a type of hyperbolic differential equation, therefore numerically efficient. The validity of the present model is verified based on the comparisons with the previous experiments. The effects of the permeable properties of both the porous seabed and the submerged permeable breakwater are discussed in detail. The geometry of the submerged permeable breakwater to the wave transformation is also investigated based on the numerical solutions.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional analytical solution is presented to study the reflection and transmission of linear water waves propagating past a submerged horizontal plate and through a vertical porous wall. The velocity potential in each fluid domain is formulated using three sets of orthogonal eigenfunctions and the unknown coefficients are determined from the matching conditions. Wave elevations and hydrodynamic forces acting on the porous wall are computed. Reflection and transmission coefficients are presented to examine the performance of the breakwater system. The present analytical solutions are found in fairly good agreement with the available laboratory data. The results indicate that the plate length, the porous-effect, the gap between plate and porous wall, and the submerged depth of the plate all show a significant influence on the reflected and transmitted wave fields. It is also interesting to note that the submerged plate plays an important role in reducing the transmitted wave height, especially for long incident waves.  相似文献   

Yong Liu  Bin Teng 《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(16):1588-1596
This study examines the hydrodynamic performance of a modified two-layer horizontal-plate breakwater. The breakwater consists of an upper submerged horizontal porous plate and a lower submerged horizontal solid plate. By means of the matched eigenfunction expansion method, a linear analytical solution is developed for the interaction of water waves with the structure. Then the reflection coefficient, the transmission coefficient, the energy-loss coefficient and the wave forces acting on the plates are calculated. The numerical results obtained for limiting cases are exactly the same as previous predictions for a single submerged horizontal solid plate and a single submerged horizontal porous plate. Numerical results show that with a suitable geometrical porosity of the upper plate, the uplift wave forces on both plates can be controlled at a low level. Numerical results also show that the transmission coefficient will be always small if the dimensionless plate length (plate length versus incident wavelength) exceeds a certain moderate value. This is rather significant for practical engineering, as the incident wavelength varies over a wide range in practice. Moreover, it is found that the hydrodynamic performance of the present structure may be further enhanced if the lower plate is also perforated.  相似文献   

海啸作为世界上最严重的自然灾害之一,其巨大的破坏力使得近海建筑物遭受了严重的损害。基于波浪水槽实验,开展海啸波作用下不同口门距离的防波堤局部冲刷机理实验研究。实验结果表明,在海啸波越顶水流产生的水跌以及海啸波通过防波堤口门时产生的扰流共同作用下,口门中心线处产生明显的局部冲刷坑,随着口门距离的增加,防波堤局部冲刷先加剧后减弱。建立防波堤局部最大冲刷深度与海啸波波高、防波堤宽度及出水高度、口门间距的关系式,揭示了最大局部冲刷深度与海啸波波高、防波堤尺寸、口门距离的内在关系。  相似文献   

开孔工字板组合式防波堤是基于透空板式防波堤的一种新型结构形式,具有自重轻、材料省的特点。为充分了解新型开孔组合式防波堤的受力特性,基于室内水槽物理模型试验,测量新型开孔工字板组合式防波堤上的波压力与结构总力,研究相对波高H/d、相对波长L/B对该新型防波堤结构表面压力的影响,讨论了该新型防波堤所受波浪力荷载与相对波高H/d、相对波长L/B的关系。结果表明,相对波高H/d是决定新型防波堤结构表面波压力和结构总力的主要影响因素。该新型防波堤结构波浪力荷载以垂直方向受力为主,新型防波堤结构所受竖向总力远大于水平总力,最大可达到15倍。新型防波堤水平总力随相对波长L/B先增大后趋于稳定。相对波长L/B=3.617是防波堤结构水平总力变化幅度的分界点。  相似文献   

为使防波堤同时具有良好的掩护效果和水体交换能力,提出了两种带有透浪通道的新型直立式防波堤。基于Fluent求解器建立了三维数值波浪水槽,通过与试验结果对比,验证了该数值水槽求解波浪与透空堤作用具有较高的精度。对两种防波堤在规则波作用下的透浪特性进行了研究,结果表明:透射系数K_t与透空率呈正线性相关,且可通过调整透浪通道间距,使相同透空率下K_t降低20%~30%。对同一结构,K_t随相对波长的增大而显著增大,但受相对波高的影响较小。在透空率大于0.16后,异型沉箱防波堤的消浪性能明显优于错位沉箱。基于数值计算结果,给出了以上两种透空堤波浪透射系数的经验公式。  相似文献   

基于水槽实验,研究植物对孤立波作用下直立堤局部冲刷的影响。通过改变实验入射波高、植物带的宽度和密度,分析各要素对直立堤局部冲刷的影响。实验对波高沿程变化、孤立波越堤、回落过程以及地形演变进行全程的测量和记录,并进行有无植物带保护的直立堤局部冲刷对比分析。结果表明,植物带的存在,使得堤后相对最大冲刷深度显著减小,堤前冲刷形态由单峰式"L"型变为双峰式淤积沙坝形态,且冲刷位置由原堤脚前移至植物带所在位置,冲刷范围大幅增加。减小植物带密度或者植物带宽度会使近岸侧或是离岸侧的相对最大冲刷深度和相对最大淤积高度有增大的趋势,但是当入射波高增大时,二者的影响不显著。该研究对实际工程中植物带的合理布置提出了具有参考性的建议,对减少堤防工程的冲刷和损失有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

基于粘性流模型的筒型基础防波堤波浪力数值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
筒型基础防波堤是一种新型港口海岸工程结构,其基础上部是由连续排列的圆筒构成的直立防浪墙.采用粘性流数值模型,研究连续圆筒防波堤上波浪力竖向分布、水平(沿圆筒环向)分布和波浪力合力特性,并对粘性流数值模型计算的平面直墙波浪力与海港水文规范方法计算结果;粘性流数值模型计算的连续圆筒墙面波浪力与平面直墙波浪力;无限长连续圆筒墙面波浪力与有限长连续圆筒墙面波浪力进行比较分析.针对所选工程算例,建议按<海港水文规范>中平面直墙波浪力计算方法确定连续圆筒防波堤上的波浪力时,波峰时考虑0.90左右的折减系数,波谷时考虑0.95左右的折减系数.  相似文献   

基于计算流体力学(CFD)数值模拟和物理模型试验结合的方式,开展涵洞式直立堤在波浪作用下的水体交换研究。CFD数值模拟采用VPM (volume-average/point-value method)-THINC (tangent of hyperbola for interface capturing)/QQ (quadratic surface representation and Gaussian quadrature)模型,并在此基础上提出一种能够标记涵洞内外水体变化的双液相流体体积模型(VOF)方法,定性及定量描述涵洞内外水体的交换特性;物理模型试验主要用来验证数值模型的准确性。研究表明,在波浪的作用下,涵洞内部会形成一股往复振荡的水流,对水体交换起到重要的作用。该振荡流主要受到涵洞高度、波浪周期以及波高的影响,涵洞深度对其影响不大。在波浪长时间的作用下,涵洞式直立堤能有效地增强港池内外水体交换。  相似文献   

王科  张犀  高鑫 《中国海洋工程》2011,25(4):699-708
The interaction between wave and horizontal and vertical plates is investigated by the boundary element method,and the relations of wave exciting force with plate thickness,submergence and length are obtained.It is found that:1) The efficient wave exciting force exists while plate submergence is less than 0.5 m,and the plate is very thin with order O(0.005 m).2) The maximum heave wave exciting force exists,and it is the main factor for surface and submerged horizontal plate while the roll force can be ignored.3) The maximum sway wave exciting force exists,it is the main factor for surface or submerged vertical plate,and the roll force is about 20 times of horizontal plate.  相似文献   

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