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In order to establish the origin of fluids expelled from mud volcanoes in Trinidad, we analyzed their major-element, trace-element, and isotopic (H, O, Sr) compositions. The mineralogical, chemical, and Sr isotope compositions of associated expelled muds were also determined.On the basis of their chemical and Sr isotope compositions, the fluids were divided into two groups—those southwest and northeast of a major right lateral wrench fault (the Los Bajos fault) that both controls the chemical quality of the fluids and acts as a drain. Strontium isotopes were derived via mixing between a radiogenic source (0.71135) and a nonradiogenic source (≤0.70671) for both southwest and northeast groups. However, the nonradiogenic source possibly feeding the northeast group showed a lower Sr concentration than that of the southwest group. H and O isotope data show that the fluids became enriched in δ18O through interaction with wall rocks. The fluids were originally oceanic, but their properties were subsequently modified by diagenesis as evidenced by chemical data, and mixing between fluids issued from two deep-seated reservoirs and surface aquifer end-members.The gas phase expelled with the mud and the fluid through the mud volcanoes is composed mainly of methane with minor carbon dioxide. The amount of expelled gas seems the same in samples from both sides of the Los Bajos fault. The almost unique methane content of the gas phase and the large positive δ18O shifts of the reservoir end-member, as well as B, Li, and Ba contents, reveal that the fluids from the deep-seated reservoirs inherited their chemical compositions at high-temperature fluid–rock interactions. Estimates of equilibrium temperatures of the two deep-seated reservoirs suggest that, to acquire the estimated higher temperature (150°C), the mud volcanoes must have been fed partly by a reservoir located at a depth of more than 3 km. This depth corresponds to previous geologic information, which located the deep-seated reservoir in Miocene sediments at such a comparable depth. The mixing of the original fluids with a less deep-seated reservoir and meteoric waters on the ascending path suggests the presence of a recharge mechanism and contributes to the dynamics of the expulsion itself.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology and monazite EPMA chemical dating from the southeast Gawler Craton has constrained the timing of high-grade reworking of the Early Paleoproterozoic (ca 2450 Ma) Sleaford Complex during the Paleoproterozoic Kimban Orogeny. SHRIMP monazite geochronology from mylonitic and migmatitic high-strain zones that deform the ca 2450 Ma peraluminous granites indicates that they formed at 1725 ± 2 and 1721 ± 3 Ma. These are within error of EPMA monazite chemical ages of the same high-strain zones which range between 1736 and 1691 Ma. SHRIMP dating of titanite from peak metamorphic (1000 MPa at 730°C) mafic assemblages gives ages of 1712 ± 8 and 1708 ± 12 Ma. The post-peak evolution is constrained by partial to complete replacement of garnet–clinopyroxene-bearing mafic assemblages by hornblende–plagioclase symplectites, which record conditions of ~600 MPa at 700°C, implying a steeply decompressional exhumation path. The timing of Paleoproterozoic reworking corresponds to widespread deformation along the eastern margin of the Gawler Craton and the development of the Kalinjala Shear Zone.  相似文献   

The foraminiferal fauna from two holes near the coastal section of marls and limestones at Torquay is dominated by inner to mid‐shelf benthic forms, especially the cibicidids, discorbids and miliolids. Planktonic species are rare and rarely age‐diagnostic. A cluster analysis of the species occurrences and relative abundances identified four assemblages, A to D up‐section. These assemblages also closely correspond to lithological changes characterising lithostratigraphic units: Angahook Formation (assemblage A), lower and upper Jan Juc Formation (B, C) and Puebla Clay (D). Biofacies trends based on the relative abundances of inner and outer neritic taxa led to the recognition of third‐order sequences and boundaries equivalent to TB1.1 to TB1.4, confirming a previous identification on sedimentological grounds. They demonstrate that foraminiferal assemblages were directly influenced by third‐order sea‐level fluctuations and can be used to predict third‐order sequences. The long‐uncertain regional Oligocene‐Miocene boundary is placed at the Jan Juc Formation—Puebla Clay contact, across which there was a major faunal change. Several benthic forms disappeared, at least temporarily: Cibicidoides perforatus, Amphistegina lessonii and Pararotalia mackayi. The typical Miocene planktonic taxa Globoquadrina dehiscens and Globoturborotalita brazieri made their first appearance. These events were associated with an increase in inner neritic benthos signalling a low sea‐level, consistent with the contemporaneous global pattern.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1443-1463
Fluid inclusions hosted by quartz veins in high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure (HP-UHP) metamorphic rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project main drillhole have low, varied hydrogen isotopic compositions (δD?=??97‰ to??69‰). Quartz δ18O values range from??2.5‰ to 9.6‰; fluid inclusions hosted in quartz have correspondingly low δ18O values of??11.66‰ to 0.93‰ (T h?=?171.2~318.8°C). The low δD and δ18O isotopic data indicate that protoliths of some CCSD HP-UHP metamorphic rocks reacted with meteoric water at high latitude near the surface before being subducted to great depth. In addition, the δ18O of the quartz veins and fluid inclusions vary greatly with the drillhole depth. Lower δ18O values occur at depths of ~900–1000 m and ~2700 m, whereas higher values characterize rocks at depths of about 1770 m and 4000 m, correlating roughly with those of wall-rock minerals. Given that the peak metamorphic temperature of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks was about 800°C or higher, much higher than the closure temperature of oxygen isotopes in quartz under wet conditions, such synchronous variations can be explained by re-equilibration. In contrast, δD values of fluid inclusions show a different relationship with depth. This is probably because oxygen is a major element of both fluids and silicates and is much more abundant in the quartz veins and silicate minerals than is hydrogen. The oxygen isotope composition of fluid inclusions is evidently more susceptible to late-stage re-equilibration with silicate minerals than is the hydrogen isotope composition. Therefore, different δD and δ18O patterns imply that dramatic fluid migration occurred, whereas the co-variation of oxygen isotopes in fluid inclusions, quartz veins, and wall-rock minerals can be better interpreted by re-equilibration during exhumation.

Quartz veins in the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic terrane are the product of high-Si fluids. Given that channelized fluid migration is much faster than pervasive flow, and that the veins formed through precipitation of quartz from high-Si fluids, the abundant veins indicate significant fluid mobilization and migration within this subducted continental slab. Many mineral reactions can produce high-Si fluids. For UHP metamorphic rocks, major dehydration during subduction occurred when pressuretemperature conditions exceeded the stability of lawsonite. In contrast, for low-temperature eclogites and other HP metamorphic rocks with peak metamorphic P–T conditions within the stability field of lawsonite, dehydration and associated high-Si fluid release may have occurred as hydrous minerals were destabilized at lower pressure during exhumation. Because subduction is a continuous process whereas only a minor fraction of the subducted slabs returns to the surface, dehydration during underflow is more prevalent than exhumation even in subducted continental crust, which is considerably drier than altered oceanic crust.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1051-1066
The Early Palaeozoic Ross–Delamerian orogenic belt is considered to have formed as an active margin facing the palaeo-Pacific Ocean with some island arc collisions, as in Tasmania (Australia) and Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica), followed by terminal deformation and cessation of active convergence. On the Cambrian eastern margin of Australia adjacent to the Delamerian Fold Belt, island arc and backarc basin crust was formed and is now preserved in the Lachlan Fold Belt and is consistent with a spatial link between the Delamerian and Lachlan orogens. The Delamerian–Lachlan connection is tested with new zircon data. Metamorphic zircons from a basic eclogite sample from the Franklin Metamorphic Complex in the Tyennan region of central Tasmania have rare earth element signatures showing that eclogite metamorphism occurred at ~ 510 Ma, consistent with island arc–passive margin collision during the Delamerian(− Tyennan) Orogeny. U–Pb ages of detrital zircons have been determined from two samples of Ordovician sandstones in the Lachlan Fold Belt at Melville Point (south coast of New South Wales) and the Howqua River (western Tabberabbera Zone of eastern Victoria). These rocks were chosen because they are the first major clastic influx at the base of the Ordovician ‘Bengal-fan’ scale turbidite pile. The samples show the same prominent peaks as previously found elsewhere (600–500 Ma Pacific-Gondwana and the 1300–1000 Ma Grenville–Gondwana signatures) reflecting supercontinent formation. We highlight the presence of ~ 500 Ma non-rounded, simple zircons indicating clastic input most likely from igneous rocks formed during the Delamerian and Ross Orogenies. We consider that the most probable source of the Ordovician turbidites was in East Antarctica adjacent to the Ross Orogen rather than reflecting long distance transport from the Transgondwanan Supermountain (i.e. East African Orogen). Together with other provenance indicators such as detrital mica ages, this is a confirmation of the Delamerian–Lachlan connection.  相似文献   

The mid to outer neritic carbonates of the Gambier Limestone (Upper Eocene to lower Middle Miocene) can be divided into seven units by using criteria of sequence stratigraphy and foraminiferal biofacies. The boundaries fall mainly on erosional surfaces, even though the temporal duration of these surfaces appears to be largely beyond the resolution of foraminiferal biostratigraphy. The Eocene/Oligocene contact is distinctively unconformable in several sections, with at least part of the Upper Eocene sediments missing. Chert nodules, common to abundant in most sections, are associated with deep‐ or cool‐water benthic assemblages (> 100–200 m and <15°C), indicating cool, nutrient‐rich bottom conditions probably influenced by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current beginning during the Early Oligocene. The mid‐Oligocene fall in sea‐level was probably coupled with a major local uplift that removed at least part of the Lower Oligocene, an event widely recorded in the Australian‐New Zealand region. In areas weakly affected, this glacioeustatic lowstand is represented by chert‐free limestone and grey to pink dolomites in some sections, with a poorly preserved assemblage comprising few planktonic and deep‐water benthic species. Local unconformities separate regional unconformity‐bounded or allostratigraphic packages of strata to represent third‐order sequences. Although variations in local subsidence might have influenced accumulation space and sediment thickness, glacioeustatic influence on the packaging of the sequences and units of the Gambier Limestone was easily the more effective and concordant with the global patterns.  相似文献   

The Coopers Creek Limestone represents an Early Devonian redeposited carbonate accumulation and records the evolution of a carbonate slope in the southeastern portion of the Melbourne Trough. During the earliest Devonian, the underlying Boola Formation was deposited, probably as turbidites, in a moderately deep‐water setting. The presence of chert and greenstone clasts in the top of the formation indicates exposure of an area of Cambrian greenstones in this part of the Melbourne Trough, as a result of uplift associated with the earliest Devonian Bowning Orogeny. This uplift provided ideal conditions for carbonate production along the margin of the exposed landmass. The periodic transportation of carbonate material downslope resulted in the accumulation of the Coopers Creek Limestone. Initially, in the early Pragian, turbidity currents deposited clayey biomicrites and biopelmicrites on a relatively gentle slope. However, the rapid build‐up of carbonate sand banks at the shelf margin steepened the gradient from the shelf into the basin and a bypass margin began to develop. Grainflows deposited pelsparites and biopelsparites and the presence of debris flow breccias indicates erosion of lithified limestone by channelling. Continued carbonate build‐up led to the development of a rimmed reef margin in the earliest Emsian, with a steep fore‐reef gradient. Large blocks of reefal limestone fell or rolled to the base of the slope, to accumulate as reefal megabreccias at the top of the Coopers Creek Limestone. Carbonate production abruptly ceased in the early Emsian, due to the uplift of a quartzo‐micaceous source to the east during the initial stages of the Tabberabberan Orogeny. This uplift supplied abundant terrigenous material into the Melbourne Trough to be deposited as the turbidites of the Walhalla Group, which deeply buried the limestone accumulation.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1765-1775
Currently, two basic models describe the genesis of the Caribbean Plate: (i) a Pacific model that derives the Caribbean Plate off southern Mexico and (ii) an in situ model. The Pacific model requires the 1100–1400 km sinistral displacement recorded across the Cayman Trough to pass through the Gulf of Tehuantepec into the Middle America Trench, but no evidence of such a connection exists. The in situ model is inconsistent with the 1100–1400 km displacement across the Cayman Trough. A way through this impasse is indicated by the northwestward curvature of active oblique reverse to sinistral transcurrent faulting in southeast Mexico. Extending this potential solution back to ca. 80 Ma forms the basis of the new Pirate model, in which the Caribbean Plate and the Chortis and Chiapas blocks are derived from the northwest by anticlockwise rotation during the latest Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Following passage of the Chortis Block, the northern and southern parts of the Yucatan block collided along the intra-Yucatan suture, producing the 11–9 Ma Chiapas fold-and-thrust belt. The Pirate model accounts for the N-trending segment of the Laramide Sierra Madre Oriental–Zongolica foldbelts by anticlockwise drag, Palaeogene palaeocanyons, the second, 66–40 Ma phase of rifting in the western Gulf of Mexico, and post-10 Ma extension in the Chortis Block (Chortis–Sula rift province). Impingement of the East Pacific Rise on the Middle America Trench led to modification of the Pirate model involving subduction erosion of the ~200 km-wide, Eocene–Oligocene forearc at ca. 25 Ma, opening of the Gulf of California at ca. 6 Ma, and birth and ESE movement of the Southern Mexico block (<5 Ma) followed by its fragmentation. The Pirate mechanism indicates that the North American Plate is relatively weak and so tears and rotates into the trailing edge of the Caribbean Plate.  相似文献   

Life was limited for most of Earth's history, remaining at a primitive stage and mostly marine until about 0.55 Ga. In the Paleozoic, life eventually exploded and colonized the continental realm. Why had there been such a long period of delayed evolution of life? Early life was dominated by Archaea and Bacteria,which can survive ionizing radiation better than other organisms. The magnetic field preserves the atmosphere, which is the main shield of UV radiation. We explore the hypothesis that the Cambrian explosion of life could have been enabled by the increase of the magnetic field dipole intensity due to the solidification of the inner core, caused by the cooling of the Earth, and the concomitant decrease with time of the high-energy solar flux since the birth of the solar system. Therefore, the two phenomena could be responsible for the growth and thickening of the atmosphere and the development of land surface life.  相似文献   


Recently, besides magma–rock and rock–rock reaction, magma–magma interaction at mantle depth has been proposed as an alternative mechanism to produce diverse compositions of mantle. Clinopyroxene and garnet megacrysts can be formed at this condition since this process is suggested to trigger the high-pressure crystallization of these minerals. Studying on this type of megacrysts provides us important information on the genesis of intraplate basalts and the chemical heterogeneity of mantle, which has not been reported before. Here we present major, trace elements and Sr isotopes of clinopyroxene and garnet megacrysts hosted by Cenozoic basalts from Penglai, Shandong province of eastern China. The megacrysts are suggested to be formed by crystallization from magma because of their moderate Mg# (74.0–79.9 for clinopyroxene and 58.8–65.0 for garnet) and good correlations between Mg# and other elements (e.g. CaO, TiO2, Nd and Lu). The potential crystallized temperature and pressure are estimated to be ~1156°C at 2.6–3.2 GPa, which should occur at the top of asthenosphere or lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary based on the lithospheric thickness in this area (~60–70 km). Since the megacrysts show variable Sr isotopes, and their primary magmas show negative correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and Hf/Sm ratios, as well as positive correlation between Ba/Th and Nb/U for clinopyroxenes, it indicates a mixing origin. Cenozoic basalts from Shandong show a mixing trend, and high-pressure fractionation of clinopyroxene and garnet is suggested to occur during the mixing process because some basalts show significantly higher Sm/Yb and lower Ca/Al ratios than others, which again supports our interpretations. When compared to megacrysts and host basalts from other locations of eastern China, similar geochemical variations and a deviation trend relative to the mixing trend are also observed. It indicates that magma–magma interaction can be a common process for formation of intraplate basalts and basalt-borne megacrysts.  相似文献   

Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province (STLIP) is one of the most voluminous volcanic provinces on Earth. The dominant erupted rocks are low-Ti basalts, which make up 80% by volume of the classical Noril’sk lava sequence. In the west Siberian basin and Maymecha-Kotuy area, the low-Ti basalts make up about 99% and 50% by volume, respectively. Dolerite sills in the Angara-Taseevskaya Syncline at the southeastern STLIP exhibit trace element patterns and Sr isotope ratios typical of the low-Ti basalts of the Noril’sk sequence. The most Mg-rich (MgO 9.5–11 wt%) and hence least differentiated dolerites are characterized by trace element patterns with Ta-Nb depletion, low Ce/Pb and high Sr/Pr. These trace element features are similar to water-saturated, mantle wedge-derived island arc basalts. These imply an important role of subduction fluid-derived trace elements in the source of melting beneath the Angara-Taseevskaya Syncline and other regions of the STLIP. Less magnesium rocks (MgO 3.8–6.1 wt%) with less prominent Ta-Nb depletion, higher Ce/Pb and lower Sr/Pr could be produced via olivine-plagioclase fractionation of primary high-magnesium melts.  相似文献   

The abundances and isotopic compositions of Helium and Argon have been analyzed in a suite of fresh spinel peridotite xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts from the eastern North China Craton (NCC) by step-wise heating experiments, to investigate the nature of noble gas reservoirs in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath this region. The xenoliths include one harzburgite collected from Hebi in the interior of the NCC, two lherzolites from Hannuoba at the northern margin of the craton, and three lherzolites from Shanwang and Nushan on the eastern margin. 3He/4He ratios in most of the xenoliths are similar to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) or slightly lower (2–10.5 Ra, where Ra is the 3He/4He ratio of the atmosphere), suggesting mixing of MORB-like and radiogenic components. One olivine separate from Nushan has a helium value of 25.3 Ra, probably suggesting cosmogenic 3He addition. The 40Ar/36Ar ratios vary from atmospheric value (296) to 1625, significantly lower than the MORB value. Available data of the peridotite xenoliths indicate the He and Ar isotopic systematics of the mantle reservoirs beneath the NCC can be interpreted as mixtures of at least three end-members including MORB-like, radiogenic and atmospheric components. We suggest that the MORB-like noble gases were derived from the underlying asthenosphere during mantle upwelling, whereas the radiogenic and recycled components probably were incorporated into the lithospheric mantle during circum-craton subduction of oceanic crust. Available data suggest that the MORB-like fluids are better preserved in the interior of the NCC, whereas the radiogenic ones are more prevalent at the margins. The Paleo-Asian ocean subduction system probably was responsible for the enriched and recycled noble gas signatures on the northern margin of the craton, while the Pacific subduction system could account for the observed He–Ar isotopic signatures beneath the eastern part. Therefore, integration of helium and argon isotopes reflects heterogeneous metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle and demonstrates the critical importance of lithospheric mantle modification related to both circum-craton subduction of oceanic crust and asthenospheric upwelling beneath the eastern NCC.  相似文献   

The incorporation of OH defects in quartz from the systems quartz–water, quartz–albite–water and granite–water at pressures between 5 and 25?kbar and temperatures between 800 and 1,000?°C was investigated by IR spectroscopy. The two most important OH absorption features can be assigned to hydrogarnet defects (absorption band at 3,585?cm?1) and coupled substitutions involving Al3+ (Al–H defects, absorption bands at 3,310, 3,378 and 3,430?cm?1). Al incorporation in quartz is controlled by mineral/melt partitioning (D Al Qz/Melt ?=?0.01) and exhibits a negative pressure dependence. This trend is not clearly reflected by the concentration of Al–H defects, which shows positive deviations from the theoretical 1:1 correlation of Al/H for some samples. In contrast to the Al–H defects, formation of hydrogarnet defects appears to be positively correlated to pressure and water activity, and may be used a petrological indicator. The overall water concentration exhibits only minor changes with pressure and temperature, but a clear correlation of water activity (controlled by various amounts of dissolved salts) and hydrogarnet substitution could be established.  相似文献   


In the latest Early to Middle Miocene section of the Kingfish 8 well, offshore Gippsland Basin, the characteristically deep‐marine ostracod genus Zabythocypris is a conspicuous component of ostracod assemblages dominated by species of the genera Argilloecia, Krithe and Parakrithe. The taphonomy and taxonomic composition of the assemblages suggests that they accumulated in an upper bathyal environment (500–1000 m water depth) occurring in a lower continental slope setting. Supporting evidence for these deep‐marine ostracod assemblages occurring near the upper limit of their palaeobathymetrical range is the broadly coincident occurrence of the deep‐marine taxa Legitimocythere sp. and Neonesidea whatleyi Warne, in what would otherwise be considered an outer‐shelf (120–160 m) ostracod fauna at Fossil Beach, Mornington. Ostracod occurrences indicative of dysaerobic sea‐floor conditions in the Kingfish 8 well and Fossil Beach sections, when considered together, appear to record a shallowing of the oceanic oxygen‐minimum zone during the latest Early Miocene to earliest Middle Miocene transgressive phase of southeast Australia.  相似文献   

Analysing the contribution of climate and non-climate change factors to social development and the occurrence of historical events represents important research on the impact of climate change. This study identifies combinations of social subsystem indices affected by temperature changes using the conceptual framework of food security, a priori knowledge and logical reasoning to statistically analyse three 10-year data series (grain harvest grades, famine indices and economic levels) from the Western Han Dynasty to the Five Dynasties period of ancient China (210 bc to 960 ad ). The results are as follows. For 94 of the 118 decades in the study period, social development was relatively directly related to temperature effects. On a decadal scale, against a cold background, grain production was closely related to temperature conditions in 40.7% of all decades. Economic prosperity and depressions in 5.1 and 21.2% of these decades, respectively, were directly related to temperature effects. Against a warm background, grain production was closely related to temperature conditions in 39% of all decades. Economic prosperity and depressions in 22 and 8.5% of these decades, respectively, were directly related to the temperature effects. The century and decadal-scale characteristics were the same. Specifically, when mostly negative combinations of natural–socioeconomic factors dominated, the proportion of decades was slightly higher in cold than in warm periods. This case study enables a scientific understanding of the effect of changes in mean climate values/trends on social development and further demonstrates the different effects of the climate change process and mechanism. Climate cooling and warming may bring more positive than negative impacts in some regions and more negative than positive impacts in others. Complex feedback may amplify or reduce the impact of climate cooling and warming. Climate that evolves unfavourably has an impact more strongly correlated with the socioeconomic system's vulnerability and adaptability. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite extensive geochemical study and their importance to granite studies, the geochronology of Silurian to early-Devonian granitic rocks of southeastern Australia is poorly understood. In order to provide an improved temporal framework, new ion microprobe U–Pb zircon ages are presented from these rocks, and previous work is critically reviewed. Geochronological control is best in the Berridale Batholith, where S- and I-type granites have a close spatial relationship. In this region, there is a small volume of I-type granite that crystallised at 436 Ma, followed closely by a large volume of S-type granite at 432 Ma. I-type granite is abundant in a second peak at ca 417 Ma, although the Jindabyne pluton from the Kosciuszko Batholith is slightly older, at 424 Ma. A broader survey of S-type granite throughout the eastern Lachlan Orogen shows that the 432 Ma event is ubiquitous. There is no temporal overlap between S- and I-type granites in the Kosciuszko and Berridale Batholiths, which suggests that factors other than variations in degree of crustal contamination (which may include variation in tectonic setting, heat-flow, mass transfer across the crust–mantle boundary and/or availability in source materials) contribute to the diversity in granite types. The S-type granitic rocks occupy an aerial extent of greater than 28 000 km2, and geochronological constraints suggest that the crystallisation of these granites took place over a relatively small interval, probably less than 10 m.y. This implies a magmatic flux of over 64 km3/Ma per km strike length, comparable to other high-flux granitic belts. Previous work has linked the Benambran Orogeny to the generation of the S-type granites, and so the age of these granites constrains the age of Benambran Orogenesis  相似文献   

Digital elevation models (DEMs) are widely relied upon as representations of the Earth's topographic morphology. The most widely used global DEMs available are ETOPO5, TerrainBase and JGP95E at a 5‐arc‐minute spatial resolution, and the GTOPO30 and GLOBE (version 1) global DEMs at a 30‐arc‐second spatial resolution. This paper presents the results of intercomparisons of these global DEMs over Australia, and with the GEODATA 9‐arc‐second DEM (version 1) of Australia. These DEMs were also compared to an independently produced, altimeter‐derived orthometric height database. This allows not only a totally independent assessment of the quality of these different DEMs over Australia, but also an insight into the ERS‐1 radar altimeter's ability to measure orthometric heights on land. The results of all these comparisons reveal large differences among the DEMs, with the greatest difference between JGP95E and ETOPO5 (mean 49 m, standard deviation ±274 m). The comparison with the altimeter‐derived database shows good agreement with the version 1 GEODATA DEM (mean 2 m, standard deviation ±27 m), thus demonstrating that the altimeter is a viable method for quality assessment of DEMs in lowland regions. A further conclusion is that the representation of the Australian land surface in both the JGP95E and TerrainBase global DEMs is more accurate than the higher resolution GLOBE (version 1) global DEM, even though JGP95E displays a disparity along the 140°E meridian because of the different data sources used in its construction.  相似文献   

The Changning–Menglian orogenic belt (CMOB) in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau is considered as the main suture of the Paleozoic Paleo-Tethys that separates Gondwana-derived continental fragments from Eurasia-derived ones. Understanding the evolutionary history of this orogenic belt is of critical importance in the reconstruction of the tectonic history of Paleo-Tethys. The CMOB preserves well-exposed blueschist facies rocks, albeit their tectonometamorphic history and protolith signatures remain poorly constrained. Here we present, for the first time, results from a detailed investigation of lawsonite-bearing blueschist rocks, including epidote-magnesioriebeckite schist and garnet-ferroglaucophane schist from the CMOB and involving petrological, mineralogical, thermodynamic modeling, whole-rock geochemical, and geochronological studies. The epidote-magnesioriebeckite schist samples and garnet-ferroglaucophane schist samples display OIB- and E-MORB-like geochemical affinities, respectively, and have whole-rock εNd (t) values in the range of −5.4–+4.4, suggesting that their protoliths were mainly oceanic crust with limited degree of crustal assimilation. Magmatic zircon grains from the garnet-ferroglaucophane schist samples yield protolith ages of 253–250 Ma. Combined with previous data, our data represent the youngest ages of rock formation in the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean reported to date. The epidote-magnesioriebeckite schist samples show a peak assemblage of magnesioriebeckite + lawsonite + augite-aegirine + phengite + titanite + allanite, with peak P–T conditions of 12.4–16.8 kbar and 350–406 °C. In contrast, the garnet-ferroglaucophane schist samples preserve a peak assemblage of garnet + ferroglaucophane + omphacite + lawsonite + phengite + titanite/ilmenite/rutile ± allanite and yield peak P–T conditions of 19.5–22.6 kbar and 490–510 °C. The epidote-magnesioriebeckite schists and garnet-ferroglaucophane schists record a nearly complete clockwise P–T loop characterized by a steep prograde P–T path with a low thermal gradient of ~5–8 °C/km followed by cooling or overprinting by isothermal decompression. Reconstruction of the metamorphic P–T evolution, together an evaluation of previous age data, allows us to propose rapid subduction of cold oceanic lithosphere to depths of 50–75 km at a rate of ~6.3–9.3 km/Myr during Early-Middle Triassic (248–240 Ma), followed by exhumation in the Late Triassic (231–214 Ma). The short time lag (<10 Ma) between the protolith generation and the high-pressure metamorphic peak further supports a rapid subduction process. Our results suggest that the young oceanic slab was dragged down by the thicker, long-lived, and cold downgoing Paleo-Tethyan Ocean plate, where it experienced blueschist-facies metamorphism. The co-occurrence of lawsonite-bearing epidote-magnesioriebeckite schists and garnet-ferroglaucophane schists and eclogites further points to a cold thermal structure at the convergent plate interface, leading to the interpretation that the CMOB represents a typical oceanic subduction-accretion belt. The results presented in this study provide important insights into the geodynamic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys.  相似文献   

Epithermal uranium deposits of the Sierra Pe?a Blanca are classic examples of volcanic-hosted deposits and have been used as natural analogs for radionuclide migration in volcanic settings. We present a new genetic model that incorporates both geochemical and tectonic features of these deposits, including one of the few documented cases of a geochemical signature of biogenic reducing conditions favoring uranium mineralization in an epithermal deposit. Four tectono-magmatic faulting events affected the volcanic pile. Uranium occurrences are associated with breccia zones at the intersection of fault systems. Periodic reactivation of these structures associated with Basin and Range and Rio Grande tectonic events resulted in the mobilization of U and other elements by meteoric fluids heated by geothermal activity. Focused along breccia zones, these fluids precipitated under reducing conditions several generations of pyrite and uraninite together with kaolinite. Oxygen isotopic data indicate a low formation temperature of uraninite, 45–55°C for the uraninite from the ore body and ~20°C for late uraninite hosted by the underlying conglomerate. There is geochemical evidence for biological activity being at the origin of these reducing conditions, as shown by low δ34S values (~?24.5‰) in pyrites and the presence of low δ13C (~?24‰) values in microbial patches intimately associated with uraninite. These data show that tectonic activity coupled with microbial activity can play a major role in the formation of epithermal uranium deposits in unusual near-surface environments.  相似文献   

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