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This paper proposes a landscape planning and management method for river basins within the context of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) and European Water Framework Directive (WFD). This method has been applied to the Zir Valley in Ankara, Turkey. Landscape planning is identified by the ELC (European Treaty Series No. 176, 2000) as an important, forward-looking action to enhance, restore or create landscapes. The ELC also states that landscape management should promote sustainable development to ensure the non-degradation of landscapes and to help harmonize inevitable changes. The WFD (Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, 2000) is a set of guidelines for managing large bodies of water. Its principle directive is to identify water bodies and the adjacent land areas that influence, and are influenced by, those water bodies. These are called River Basin Districts, and act as essential physiographic landscape units. While several regulations related to environmental planning, and used on a national as well as European basis, tend to utilize the same tools in practice, there are dissimilarities in how they are specifically applied and little effort is being made to promote a cooperative approach. In this paper, a National Approach for River Basin Management is proposed. This approach, which includes a landscape planning and management method based on landscape form and function, was developed to address the common purposes of the ELC and WFD.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates a key role that geoscience and geoscientists could be playing in promoting sustainable catchment and resource management. A new geoscience-based approach supported by a landscape-genesis (LG) model was employed to provide an alternative approach for integrated catchment management and sustainable resource use and development. The Ben Chifley Catchment case study is used to explain the application of the approach and the landscape-genesis model. The study confirmed that lithological composition, tectonic and diagenetic processes, and landform were critical factors in determining the intrinsic properties and variation in soil type, land use, land capability, steepness of terrain, erosion, and resource degradation within the catchment. The landscape-genesis model, which is based on the geological and geomorphic genesis of the landscape, proved to be a powerful tool to predict the inherent carrying capacity and resilience of the various biophysical systems in the catchment. Although this approach is still in its infancy, its application has demonstrated that it has a strong potential in terms of undertaking sound integrated assessment, predicting potential resource degradation under different land uses, and developing sound management practices and solutions to advance the goal of ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

Numerous systems of land classification have been proposed. Most have led directly to or have been driven by an author's philosophy of earth-forming processes. However, the practical need of classifying land for planning and management purposes requires that a system lead to predictions of the results of management activities.We propose a landscape classification system composed of 11 units, from realm (a continental mass) to feature (a splash impression). The classification concerns physical aspects rather than economic or social factors; and aims to merge land inventory with dynamic processes.Landscape units are organized using a hierarchical system so that information may be assembled and communicated at different levels of scale and abstraction. Our classification uses a geomorphic systems approach that emphasizes the geologic-geomorphic attributes of the units.Realm, major division, province, and section are formulated by subdividing large units into smaller ones. For the larger units we have followed Fenneman's delineations, which are well established in the North American literature. Areas and districts are aggregated into regions and regions into sections. Units smaller than areas have, in practice, been subdivided into zones and smaller units if required.We developed the theoretical framework embodied in this classification from practical applications aimed at land use planning and land management in Maryland (eastern Piedmont Province near Baltimore) and Utah (eastern Uinta Mountains).  相似文献   

Living resources in estuarine systems have been so intensively harvested that many fisheries are severely depleted at a time when demand for these resources is rising. In addition, multiple use demands on estuaries often conflict, leaving unresolved management questions. With the movement of the population to the coastal regions, conflicts among uses and users of estuarine resources are increasing. Aquaculture offers one means to reconcile the conflicting demands for use of the estuarine resource. Yet, the nation has few, if any new policy or management approaches to address these conflicts. Management on the level of the watershed is one effective tool that should be more effectively used. Involvement of the full range of stakeholders or user groups in policy setting and management options has brought remarkable success in a small number of cases where this approach has been used. The nation will need to develop other tools and approaches if estuaries are to be restored and protected as protected as planned in federal, regional, and state laws and initiatives.  相似文献   

A major field of research since the 1920s has been methods and theories of economic regionalization. The territorial-production complex is now recognized as a key developmental tool within the framework of economic-planning regions. Recently, there has been a more marked growth of study into problems of natural-resource development, social progress and change in the U.S.S.R. as well as into the spatial structure of other nations, particularly other socialist countries and non-socialist developing countries.  相似文献   

新疆火焰山位于亚欧大陆腹地,是新疆吐鲁番火焰山国家地质公园的核心地质遗迹景观.作者通过与丹霞地貌类型进行对比研究,确定为火焰山属库车地貌,并划分为9类12小类.根据火焰山库车地貌的物质组成与颜色、构造作用、气候条件、成景作用等方面进行综合分析,查明了火焰山库车地貌成因:发育于褶皱构造的中新生代陆相杂色碎屑岩,在干旱气候条件,以季节性洪水侵蚀作用为主,次为风蚀作用下形成的一套独特地貌.  相似文献   

基于自然的解决方案(Nature-based Solutions, NbS)指对生态系统加以保护和恢复,并对其进行可持续管理,从而造福人类的行动。目前国际社会普遍认可采用NbS对抗生态系统退化、全球气候变暖、生物多样性丧失等人类共同面对的挑战。针对NbS的研究和相关理论仍处于构建阶段,以世界自然保护联盟为代表的研究机构已经初步建立了NbS全球标准和使用指南。我国针对NbS的现有研究主要参考该国际标准,但尚未形成本土化的理论和标准体系,同时缺少基于该标准的相关实践工作。通过总结NbS的相关文献和成果,分析目前国际上NbS的发展现状及趋势,并以印度Banni草原生态系统修复作为典型案例,结合我国国情,提出了对中国在NbS生态系统恢复和保护工作上的7点建议,即: 将NbS政策主流化、加强区域和国际合作、加强NbS资金投入、建立适应本土的NbS标准体系、开展多部门合作、重视试点实验以及加强自下而上的参与模式。期望可以为我国的NbS研究者及从业者提供更广泛的国际视角。  相似文献   

为查清山西省阳泉地区旅游地质资源分布状况,方便当地政府掌握区内旅游地质资源现状,为地质公园开发、保护与发展规划提供决策依据,山西省自然资源厅(原山西省国土资源厅)于2018年开展了“山西省阳泉地区旅游地质资源调查”项目,基于三维可视化遥感影像,采用目视解译方法,并结合已有地质资料和野外调查数据,获取了阳泉旅游地质资源分布信息。在阳泉中东部圈定了一条呈月牙形的旅游地质资源密集分布带,该分布带西起盂县藏山,向南东过平定玉皇洞,终至平定县娘子关,分布在碳酸盐岩区,集山地地貌景观、岩溶地貌景观和泉域地貌景观于一体,是我国北方地区规模较大、较为典型的碳酸盐岩地貌、岩溶地貌和泉域地貌出露区,在区域上连片分布,具有较高的开发潜力。建议在“藏山旅游区—岩溶地貌景区—娘子关旅游区”范围申请建立北方碳酸盐岩景观多成因类型地质公园。  相似文献   

欧洲景观生态学研究展望   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
随着土地利用变化的加剧以及社会经济体制的改变,欧洲传统景观生态学近切需要改革和创新。如何保持景观生态学在未来社会中的重要地位并发挥它解决实际问题的作用是摆在欧洲景观生态学家面前的迫切课题。介绍了欧洲景观生态学目前的研究热点,对未来欧洲景观生态学的发展趋势、研究框架和主要研究领域进行了展望,以期对中国景观生态不的发展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

地质遗迹是自然资源的重要组成部分,妥善处理好高城镇化水平区域的地质遗迹保护与利用的关系,是推动地质文化村建设和新型城镇化高质量发展的生态措施之一。天津市的地质遗迹保护与利用工作因存在调查程度低、家底不尽清晰、分类方案不够规范、缺乏整体评价等问题,未能有效开展。基于对天津市全域地质遗迹调查的最新数据和对以往调查成果的整合...  相似文献   

“峡谷丹山”是内外地质营力共同作用而形成的多成因地貌组合,不仅具有非常高的景观价值,而且具有重要的科学价值。青海省化隆县拉木峡为黄河一级支流,发育典型的角度不整合和丹霞地貌,因而成为青藏高原隆升和黄河形成演化研究的良好区域。以该地貌组合类型的形态特征、成因机制及形成年代研究为目标,采用野外地质调查等方法,对组成峡谷的岩石及地层、构造背景开展研究,系统总结与分析拉木峡地貌景观的形成动力和演化过程,进而探讨其对青藏高原隆升及黄河演化的指示意义。拉木峡由约900 Ma前的新元古代化隆岩群片麻岩及角度不整合于其上的约54 Ma前的新生代古近纪西宁群红色砂砾岩层组成。约8 Ma前青藏高原快速隆升,丹霞地貌雏形开始形成。自1.1 Ma黄河贯通化隆盆地后,受拉木峡流水强烈侵蚀下切和重力崩塌的持续作用,发育“峡谷丹山”地貌组合景观。峡谷险峻幽深、丹霞栩栩如生,成为极具典型性、独特性和稀有性的国家级地质遗迹,对青藏高原隆升、黄河形成演化和新生代气候环境的研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   

丁华  赵瑞雪  沈弋  张浩楠 《地质论评》2023,69(5):2023050002-2023050002
本文选取中国西北地区90处重点丹霞地貌(广义)地质遗迹为研究对象,对选取的遗迹进行景观特征分析,并采用Arc GIS进一步探讨其空间分布特征。我国西北地区丹霞地貌的整体空间分布,呈西北—东南方向“L形”分布,本文运用最邻近指数法和核密度分析法,得出其空间结构类型为集聚型,并形成5个高密度区。目前,研究区存在保护利用家底不清、顶层设计匮乏等问题,未来应通过建立丹霞地貌脆弱性评价和措施体系,推进世界丹霞地质遗迹品牌和IP建设等途径,探讨西北地区丹霞地貌(广义)保护利用的具体方式。  相似文献   

本文选择三个典型的连续性石灰岩为基底,以不同地貌区域的小流域为研究对象,分析了石漠化景观格局.结果表明,从高原区到峡谷区,石漠化的面积大体相当,强度上则愈加严重;景观形状指数和破碎度指数渐增,蔓延度指数渐减.景观多样性指数和均匀度指数以斜坡区最高,峡谷区次之.连续性石灰岩小流域的生态环境对地貌区带变化敏感,从高原区到峡谷区,石漠化的主要驱动力中人为因素逐渐减少,自然营力作用逐步加强.  相似文献   

Summary With the Rock Engineering Systems (RES) methodology, rock mechanics and rock engineering problems are studied systematically using a total systems approach, incorporating rock mass properties, interrelated parameters, complex interaction mechanisms and dynamic behavioral modes. In this paper, a method of implementation and computerization of RES is considered, using neural networks together with an expert system. The computerized RES starts with the data processing of rock mass properties and boundary conditions and data base management of rock engineering case records. This step is followed by building and operating parameter interaction matrices with the combined use of backpropagation networks and an expert system. Finally, a simulator for modelling the dynamic process of rock engineering systems using the Hopfield network is incorporated. With the aid of neural networks' learning capability and expert system's symbol-reasoning capability, the RES approach is implemented in an “intelligent” mode.  相似文献   

罗培  秦子晗  孙传敏 《地球学报》2013,34(6):738-748
华蓥山大峡谷地质公园是以峡谷、构造和岩溶地貌为代表的风景地貌类地质公园。本文以华蓥山大峡谷地质公园地质遗迹景观资源为基础, 以川东褶皱带构造单元、川东平行岭谷地貌单元和上扬子地层分区的部分地层区域为研究视角, 构建华蓥山大峡谷地质公园地质遗迹资源体系——包括地质(体、层)剖面、古生物活动遗迹、地貌景观、水体景观以及环境地质遗迹5个大类、15个类共100多处地质遗迹景点; 通过对各类地质遗迹的特征进行分析, 对前人研究进行总结, 探讨了地质公园地质遗迹重要的地学意义。研究表明, 华蓥山大峡谷地质遗迹在地质构造、地层、岩溶学、水文地质学以及地貌学等领域具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   

Recent accounts suggest that periglacial processes are unimportant for large-scale landscape evolution and that true large-scale periglacial landscapes are rare or non-existent. The lack of a large-scale topographical fingerprint due to periglacial processes may be considered of little relevance, as linear process-landscape development relationships rarely can be substantiated. Instead, periglacial landscapes may be classified in terms of specific landform associations. We propose “cryo-conditioning”, defined as the interaction of cryotic surface and subsurface thermal regimes and geomorphic processes, as an overarching concept linking landform and landscape evolution in cold regions. By focusing on the controls on processes, this concept circumvents scaling problems in interpreting long-term landscape evolution derived from short-term processes. It also contributes to an unambiguous conceptualization of periglacial geomorphology. We propose that the development of several key elements in the Norwegian geomorphic landscape can be explained in terms of cryo-conditioning.  相似文献   

Landslide susceptibility mapping is a vital tool for disaster management and planning development activities in mountainous terrains of tropical and subtropical environments. In this paper, the weights-of-evidence modelling was applied, within a geographical information system (GIS), to derive landslide susceptibility map of two small catchments of Shikoku, Japan. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the importance of weights-of-evidence modelling in the generation of landslide susceptibility maps in relatively small catchments having an area less than 4 sq km. For the study area in Moriyuki and Monnyu catchments, northeast Shikoku Island in west Japan, a data set was generated at scale 1:5,000. Relevant thematic maps representing various factors (e.g. slope, aspect, relief, flow accumulation, soil depth, soil type, land use and distance to road) that are related to landslide activity were generated using field data and GIS techniques. Both catchments have homogeneous geology and only consist of Cretaceous granitic rock. Thus, bedrock geology was not considered in data layering during GIS analysis. Success rates were also estimated to evaluate the accuracy of landslide susceptibility maps and the weights-of-evidence modelling was found useful in landslide susceptibility mapping of small catchments.  相似文献   

四川宣汉百里峡地质遗迹景观资源特征与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康艳梅  周申立  韩敏  刘斌 《安徽地质》2006,16(4):273-276
四川宣汉百里峡地质遗迹景观地区位条件优越,地质遗迹景观资源丰富,构造剖面典型,轮廓清楚,岩溶地貌发育,峡谷以及奇峰怪石,地质水体众多。配以人文景观资源,景观特点突出,具有极高的科研、保护和旅游开发价值。  相似文献   

The management of the water resources of the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) has long been contested, and the effects of the recent Millennium drought and subsequent flooding events have generated acute contests over the appropriate allocation of water supplies to agricultural, domestic and environmental uses. This water-availability crisis has driven demand for improved knowledge of climate change trends, cycles of variability, the range of historical climates experienced by natural systems and the ecological health of the system relative to a past benchmark. A considerable volume of research on the past climates of southeastern Australia has been produced over recent decades, but much of this work has focused on longer geological time-scales, and is of low temporal resolution. Less evidence has been generated of recent climate change at the level of resolution that accesses the cycles of change relevant to management. Intra-decadal and near-annual resolution (high-resolution) records do exist and provide evidence of climate change and variability, and of human impact on systems, relevant to natural-resource management. There exist now many research groups using a range of proxy indicators of climate that will rapidly escalate our knowledge of management-relevant, climate change and variability. This review assembles available climate and catchment change research within, and in the vicinity of, the MDB and portrays the research activities that are responding to the knowledge need. It also discusses how paleoclimate scientists may better integrate their pursuits into the resource-management realm to enhance the utility of the science, the effectiveness of the management measures and the outcomes for the end users.  相似文献   

This paper provides an incisive review of paleoclimate science and its relevance to natural-resource management within the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB). The drought of 1997–2010 focussed scientific, public and media attention on intrinsic climate variability and the confounding effect of human activity, especially in terms of water-resource management. Many policy and research reviews make statements about future planning with little consideration of climate change and without useful actionable knowledge. In order to understand future climate changes, modellers need, and demand, better paleoclimate data to constrain their model projections. Here, we present an insight into a number of existing long-term paleoclimate studies relevant to the MDB. Past records of climate, in response to orbital forcing (glacial–interglacial cycles) are found within, and immediately outside, the MDB. High-resolution temperature records, spanning the last 105 years, exist from floodplains and cave speleothems, as well as evidence from lakes and their associated lunettes. More recently, historical climate records show major changes in relation to El Niño–Southern Oscillation cycles and decadal shifts in rainfall regimes. A considerable body of research currently exists on the past climates of southeastern Australia but, this has not been collated and validated over large spatial scales. It is clear that a number of knowledge gaps still exist, and there is a pressing need for the establishment of new paleoclimatic research within the MDB catchment and within adjacent, sensitive catchments if past climate science is to fulfil its potential to provide policy-relevant information to natural-resource management into the future.  相似文献   

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