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许刚  朱振国  解晓南 《湖泊科学》2004,16(2):150-157
近10年来,太湖流域上游地区经济发展逐步趋于活跃,受此影响,区域人口-资源、环境-发展(PRED)出现了新的特点与趋势。基于上游地区土地利用/覆被变化对流域整体水环境与生态安全格局所具有的重要意义,本文选择安吉县作为典型案例,分析其区域土地利用的基本特征,土地利用变化与景观格局动态的过程,以及驱动因素与机制,由此揭示山区土地利用/覆被变化的一般性规律,为太湖流域上游地区经济发展与土地利用、环境保护相互协调,提供决策借鉴与依据。  相似文献   

张永  张永志  瞿伟 《地震工程学报》2015,37(4):996-1000
基于向错-位错组合模型模拟渭河盆地内主要断层的滑动与转动运动变形,通过数值计算获得断层滑动及转动变形引起的地表水平位移,并与盆地内实测GPS水平位移进行了对比。结果表明:采用向错-位错组合模型能够完整地描述断层实际的滑动与转动运动变形状态,组合模型模拟断层滑动与转动引起的地表水平位移与实测GPS水平位移,无论在量级或是运动趋势上均具有较好的一致性特征。  相似文献   

Based on field observations and mechanic analysis,the authors think that synthetic faults,antithetic faults,and hangingwall cross-faults are formed on the piedmont alluvial-pluvial plain under the action of hangingwall blocks sliding downward and rotating along concave fault planes of the listric normal fault on the southeastern margin of Weihe Basin.The characteristics of different movements and expressions on the surface of these structures may be taken as the main marks for listric normal fault segmentation.  相似文献   

The currently used methods for analyzing a number of focal mechanism solutions are often ineffective for large samples.With the aid of the basic concept of hierarchical clustering methods for pattern recognition and in combination with the expression of focal mechanism solutions themselves,the sum of the angle between P-axes and the angle between T-axes of 2 solutions is defined as a distance,and a software for hierarchical clustering analysis by the shortest distance method and longest distance method is compiled.The number of types in the clustering results can be determined in accordance with different requirements.For focal mechanism solutions of the same type,the average position of each stress axis can be calculated by the method of vector composition and thereby the spatial orientation of the average focal mechanism solution can be determined.In order to test the feasibility and reliability of the software,hierarchical clustering analyses are made for the focal mechanism solutions of 24 earthquak  相似文献   

林荷娟  吴浩云 《湖泊科学》1999,11(3):219-224
本文利用水动力学的基本理论,结合加拿大模型的求解方法,建立了一个适合太湖流域河网特点的水动力学模型,并利用该模型对太湖的主要排水河道望虞河及其支流进行了河网水利计算。计算结果表明该模型计算方法可行,计算精较高。  相似文献   

断层上断点埋深是隐伏活动断层地震危险性评价中的一个重要参数。在隐伏断层活动性研究中,钻孔探测是重要的探测手段之一(徐锡伟,2002),但由于标志地层发育的局限和钻探分辨能力的局限,识别的断层上断点埋深往往会大于实际埋深。为了减小这种误差,本文以银川隐伏生长断层探测钻孔联合地质剖面资料为基础,提出了一种生长指数法,用以推算隐伏生长断层的上断点埋深。得出的3个钻探场点的断层“理论上断点”埋深分别为:9.09m(新渠稍场点),7.86m(满春场点)和7.25m(板桥场点),小于钻探可识别的上断点埋深。经验证,这应更接近于断层的实际断错情况。  相似文献   

渭河盆地是我国典型的断陷盆地,是中国大陆地裂缝活动、地面沉降活动最剧烈的地区之一.本文利用2004-2007年间的GPS数据,采用粒子群算法与位错理论模型相结合,对渭河盆地主要断裂的三维滑动速率进行了反演计算分析.结果表明:(1)断裂活动性质与地质测量方法获得的结果基本一致:除韩城—华县断裂以张裂为主外,渭河盆地主要断裂均以正倾滑为主,并具有走滑特征,呈张裂的运动趋势;(2)从滑动速率来看,秦岭北侧大断裂速率最大,可达4.5 mm/a.固关—宝鸡断裂活动最小,活动速率仅为1 mm/a左右;(3)在趋势上与现有的地质资料基本一致,以EW向断裂活动最强,NE方向较强,而NW方向较弱,并且分布上呈现南强北弱的特征.  相似文献   

Based on the fitting on paleoearthquake data of intra-plate regions in the northern part of Chi-na and giving a statistical model of time interdependence,the potential damage earthquakes in a definite future period and characteristics of present shocks along the Lingwu fault have been analyzed by using dangerous probability function and some new data concerned.We have in-ferred that the fault has entered a period that earthquakes will probably occur.There exists a potential danger that a strong earthquake with Ms7.0-7.5 will occur in 10-100a.  相似文献   

西藏谷露盆地西缘断裂新活动特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘静  申旭辉  孟恺  关鹏 《地震工程学报》2009,31(3):272-276,284
谷露盆地位于亚东-当雄构造带的最北端,全长约50 km.通过遥感解译和实地野外考察,将盆地内的堆积扇分为中更新世、晚更新世末期-全新世和全新世晚期三期,并认为其西缘断裂带是一条既有垂直运动又兼具右旋走滑的正断层.通过测定错断地质体位移和沉积物年龄样品,得到断裂带在1952年当雄北7.5级地震的同震水平位移为5.5 m,同震垂直位移为2~5 m;4 ka以来的水平滑动速率为3.75 mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.5~1.5 mm/a;大约10 ka以来的水平滑动速率为1.0~5.0 mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.5~0.85 mm/a.  相似文献   

CopyrightbyScienceinChinaPress2004Theconfigurationandpredictionofdepositionalsystemsinasedimentarybasinhavelongbeenoneofthemajortasksofbasinanalysisandsedimentarygeologicalresearch.Intermsofsequencestratigraphy,originallyestablishedinstudyoftectonicallytablecontinentalmargins,thesealevelchangehasbeenusedtoeffectivelyinterpretandpredictthedistributionandevolutionofdepositionalsystemsinthesebasins[1,2].Butintectonicallyactivebasins,tectonismmaycontrolpredominatelythearchitectureandevolutionofth…  相似文献   

通过对郯庐断裂带龙泉山西麓剖面的精细观测,样品微观和超微观测试,断层物质活动时代测定和综合分析研究,发现断裂带在第四纪曾有过多次活动(其中晚更新世以来也曾有过活动),并呈现粘蠕滑交替的变形特征,其最新活动方式以蠕滑活动为主,这些结论修正了前人对郯庐断裂带南段的基本认识,丰富和深化了该断裂新活动的研究内容。  相似文献   

Synthetic methods of thin section petrography, scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe, energy spectrum analysis, cathodoluminescence, isotopic analysis and temperature measuring for fluid inclusions were used in analyzing sandstone samples collected from the Zhiluo Formation in order to fully understand the diagenesis evolution and the mineralizing response as well as the genesis of the uranium-bearing sandstone in Dongsheng area. The result shows that (1) the sandstone include lithic silicarenite, feldspathic litharenite and litharenite; (2) the authigenic minerals include clay minerals, carbonate minerals, siliceous and ferric minerals; (3) the physical property of sandstone is obviously controlled by diagenesis; and (4) the sandstone with favorable physical property is propitious to migration and storage of ore-forming fluid, and finally, forming the ore deposit. The sandstone of the Zhiluo Formation had undergone the early diagenetic stage (periods A and B) and the epidiagenetic stage. The evolution of diagenetic environment is in the order of acidic oxidation, alkalescent deoxidization, acidity to transitional environment of oxidation-deoxidization and acidity-alkalescence. The uranium exists in forms of pre-enrichment uranyl ion, active uranyl ion, dispersive adsorptive uranium and uranium mineral, respectively. In addition, the authors also hold that the formation of the sandstone-type uranium is not only related to the oxidation-deoxidization environment, but also closely related to the acidic-alkaline transitional environment, which are propitious to uranium mineralization in sandstone.  相似文献   

对发震构造呈复杂几何关系(发震构造在平面投影呈非平行关系)下彼此发震影响的机理进行了研究.从发震的“垂震底继”影响关系研究了1933年迭溪地震M7.5和1976年松潘Ms7.2地震对后来发生汶川M8地震的龙门山地震构造的孕震能量叠加的加震作用;同时也指出汶川8级地震对周边断裂的减震作用,计算并指出了其影响减震的距离.研究对CPSHA中对发震构造呈复杂几何关系时,如何确定地震带内各潜在的震源空间分布函数fi,mj提供了大震加减震的判断理论依据.还讨论了汶川地震孕震模式的更复杂性,针对某些用巴颜喀拉块体向东南方向移动挤压龙门山孕震构造,进而解释汶川地震的逆冲性所带来的矛盾的观点,对其孕震的复杂性提出了问题所在和初步探讨.  相似文献   

应用耿马县城的岩土工程地质勘察及现场地震地质调查资料,进行综合分析,并通过地质因素地震易损性分析方法的计算研究,对耿马县城的地震地质环境进行了分区。其结果与耿马7.2级地震时耿马县城的地表及建筑物破坏强度有较好的相关性。以此为依据,对耿马县城的地震地质灾害产生机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Shoaling is a common type of sedimentation in the evolution of carbonate platform,and commonly has poor continuity.This paper presents a newly discovered and rare type of shoaling,i.e.,mega-shoaling in nearly basin scale,which is developed in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation of the Sichuan Basin,southwest China.During the Leikoupo time,the studied Sichuan Basin experienced hot and dry climate conditions and developed a carbonate platform within a restricted epicontinental sea.In B sub-layer of the Lei-1-1 sub-member of the Leikoupo Formation a series of grainstones of shoal facies accumulated throughout almost the entire basin,thereby generating features associated with basin-scale mega-shoaling.By detailed core examination and microscopic observation of thin sections,it is shown that the lithology of this set of grainstones is dominated by doloarenite(calcarenite)followed by oolitic dolomite(limestone).In addition,it contains three types of sedimentary sequences characterized by upward-coarsening and upward-shallowing as the followings:restricted lagoon to platform interior beach;restricted lagoon to platform interior beach and to platform flat;and tidal flat to peritidal beach.Subsequently,a multicyclic stratigraphic division and correlation revealed that this set of grainstones can be well traced and compared horizontally,and is generally isochronous.In addition,a template for logging facies,established based on core calibrations and logging data,was employed to analyze the 235 wells in the basin.The results demonstrate the shoal grainstones to be 10–40 m thick with a15×104km2continuous distribution area.These findings indicate that the carbonate platform developed mega-shoals within a short period of time.The genesis of such a mega-shoaling was investigated by focusing on various shoaling conditions,such as paleo-tectonics,paleo-geomorphology,paleo-climate,sea-level changes,and palaeo-hydrodynamics.A specific combination of independent geological factors creates beneficial geomorphologic conditions for the mega-shoaling including a quiescent paleo-tectonic environment,relatively flat paleo-geomorphology and evaporites filling up and leveling off.In addition,a stably settling carbonate platform underwent sea-level fluctuations through swift transgressions and protracted regressions,which is not only conducive to continuous,multicyclic and superimposed vertical development of grain beaches but also beneficial for the horizontal migration,coalescence and superimposition of individual grain beaches.As a consequence,large-scale and continuously-distributed grain beach sedimentation emerges and mega-shoals develop.  相似文献   

将火山机构分为火山口-近火山口相 (CNCF)、近源相 (PF)和远源相 (DF)三个相带.露头揭示这三个相带的倾角范围为:CNCF-40~70°,PF-25~45°,DF-20~35°.这三个相带的裂缝线密度为:CNCF-10~30条/m,PF-3~25条/m,DF-2~11条/m.这三个相带的相干值的关系为:CNCF相似文献   

为了对昆明市活断层构造的深浅关系有更深入的了解,在浅层地震反射勘探的基础上,布设了一条东西向、横跨昆明盆地的中深层探测剖面KM4测线,通过对测线参数的试验与分析,确定了适合昆明盆地反射地震勘探的施工参数,采用该施工参数,开展了有效勘探深度为2~3 km的中深层反射地震勘探,确定了目标区隐伏活断层在盆地深部与盆地基底展布的异同及空间关系,探测到了昆明盆地深部断层的基本位置,确定了浅部断层与盆地基底断裂间的关系.对该测线的设计和参数采集试验分析,为城市和山区的活断层探测提供了宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONFuzhou basin is a faulted basin developed during the mid-late Quaternary,filled with marine ,terrestrial and alternating marine-terrestrial facies sediments (Lin,1979 ;Lan,et al .,1986 ; Han,etal .,1992 ;Ding,et al .,1992 ; Wang,et al .,2000 ; Wang,et al .,2002) .Inthe basin,concealedfaults are distributed. With the support of a project entitled“Testing exploration of active fault inurban area”of the National Development and ReformCommission,two drill holes (SZK1 and S…  相似文献   

鄱阳湖流域乐安河重金属污染水平   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
万金保  闫伟伟  谢婷 《湖泊科学》2007,19(4):421-427
乐安河是鄱阳湖五大入湖水系中重金属污染最严重的水域.为研究其污染现状,于2003-2004年度对乐安河水体、底泥及水生生物的重金属污染进行了调查与分析.结果表明,乐安河水体中的重金属除Cu的含量超出地表水环境质量标准Ⅲ类标准外,其它各项监测指标均能达到地表水环境质量Ⅲ类标准.乐安河底泥的重金属含量平均值与国家土壤环境质量相比,Cu的平均值超出了三级标准,而Pb和Zn的含量指标均符合三级标准;通过地质累积指数评价结果表明,乐安河底泥中Cu为严重污染,Pb为偏中度污染,Zn为中度污染.乐安河水生植物对Cu,Pb,Zn都有不同程度的富集,根据富集系数评价表明,植物对Cu的平均富集能力相对较强,其次是Pb和Zn.浮游动物、植物和底栖动物也受到不同程度的污染,其分布和数量因河段水质变化的影响也出现类似的波动.  相似文献   

秦王川盆地西缘断裂发育于陇中盆地地震构造区内部,本文对其进行了综合研究。浅层人工地震探测表明,该断裂在最小埋深130m处有显示,联合钻探结果表明该深度处为新近纪湖相沉积地层,泥岩层顶面向盆地方向呈斜坡状,槽探未揭露出断层。综合研究表明该断裂发育在新近纪地层内部,并未上穿第四纪沉积物,属于前第四纪隐伏断层。秦王川盆地在古近纪—新近纪山间泛湖盆的基础上,由于区域构造应力不均匀挤压抬升,形成山间负向地形,成为第四纪多变环境下河流堆积的拗陷盆地。秦王川盆地西缘断裂不具有控制中强地震空间分布的作用和形成地表破裂的能力,对盆地的构造稳定性不构成影响,亦不影响兰州新区的规划发展。  相似文献   

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