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We present a new photometric catalogue of the Coma galaxy cluster in the Johnson U and V bands. We cover an area of 3360 arcmin2 of sky, to a depth of     in a 13-arcsec diameter aperture, and produce magnitudes for ∼1400 extended objects in metric apertures from 8.8- to 26-arcsec diameters. The mean internal rms scatter in the photometry is 0.014 mag in V , and 0.026 mag in U , for     .
We place new limits on the levels of scatter in the colour–magnitude relation (CMR) in the Coma cluster, and investigate how the slope and scatter of the CMR depend on galaxy morphology, luminosity and position within the cluster. As expected, the lowest levels of scatter are found in the elliptical galaxies, while the late-type galaxies have the highest numbers of galaxies bluewards of the CMR. We investigate whether the slope of the CMR is an artefact of colour gradients within galaxies, and show that it persists when the colours are measured within a diameter that scales with galaxy size. Looking at the environmental dependence of the CMR, we find a trend of systematically bluer galaxy colours with increasing projected radius from the centre of the cluster. Surprisingly, this is accompanied by a decreased scatter of the CMR. We investigate whether this gradient could be caused by dust in the cluster potential, however the reddening required would produce too large a scatter in the colours of the central galaxies. The gradient appears to be better reproduced by a gradient in the mean galactic ages with projected radius.  相似文献   

We present BVI photometry of 190 galaxies in the central 4 ×3 deg2 region of the Fornax cluster observed with the Michigan Curtis Schmidt Telescope. Results from the Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) and the Flair-II Fornax Surveys have been used to confirm the membership status of galaxies in the Fornax Cluster Catalogue (FCC). In our catalogue of 213 member galaxies, 92 (43 per cent) have confirmed radial velocities.
In this paper, we investigate the surface brightness–magnitude relation for Fornax cluster galaxies. Particular attention is given to the sample of cluster dwarfs and the newly discovered ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) from the FCSS. We examine the reliability of the surface brightness–magnitude relation as a method for determining cluster membership and find that at surface brightnesses fainter than 22 mag arcsec−2, it fails in its ability to distinguish between cluster members and barely resolved background galaxies. Cluster members exhibit a strong surface brightness–magnitude relation. Both elliptical (E) galaxies and dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies increase in surface brightness as luminosity decreases. The UCDs lie off the locus of the relation.
  B − V   and   V − I   colours are determined for a sample of 113 cluster galaxies and the colour–magnitude relation is explored for each morphological type. The UCDs lie off the locus of the colour–magnitude relation. Their mean   V − I   colours (∼1.09) are similar to those of globular clusters associated with NGC 1399. The location of the UCDs on both surface brightness and colour–magnitude plots supports the 'galaxy threshing' model for infalling nucleated dwarf elliptical (dE, N) galaxies.  相似文献   

The global star formation rate has decreased significantly since   z ∼ 1  , for reasons that are not well understood. Red-sequence galaxies, dominating in galaxy clusters, represent the population that have had their star formation shut off, and may therefore be the key to this problem. In this work, we select 127 rich galaxy clusters at  0.17 ≤ z ≤ 0.36  , from 119 deg2 of the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) optical imaging data, and construct the r '-band red-sequence luminosity functions (LFs). We show that the faint end of the LF is very sensitive to how red-sequence galaxies are selected, and an optimal way to minimize the contamination from the blue cloud is to mirror galaxies on the redder side of the colour–magnitude relation. The LFs of our sample have a significant inflexion centred at     , suggesting a mixture of two populations. Combining our survey with low-redshift samples constructed from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we show that there is no strong evolution of the faint end of the LF (or the red-sequence dwarf-to-giant ratio) over the redshift range  0.2 ≲ z ≲ 0.4  , but from   z ∼ 0.2  to ∼0 the relative number of red-sequence dwarf galaxies has increased by a factor of ∼3, implying a significant build-up of the faint end of the cluster red sequence over the last 2.5 Gyr.  相似文献   

We present K -band observations of the low-luminosity galaxies in the Coma cluster, which are responsible for the steep upturn in the optical luminosity function at M R∼−16, discovered recently. The main results of this study are as follows.
(i) The optical–near-infrared colours of these galaxies imply that they are dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The median B − K colour for galaxies with −19.3< MK <−16.3 is 3.6 mag.
(ii) The K -band luminosity function in the Coma cluster is not well constrained, because of the uncertainties due to the field-to-field variance of the background. However, within the estimated large errors, this is consistent with the R -band luminosity function, shifted by ∼3 mag.
(iii) Many of the cluster dwarfs lie in a region of the B − K versus B − R colour–colour diagram where background galaxies are rare ( B − K <5; 1.2< B − R <1.6). Local dwarf spheroidal galaxies lie in this region too. This suggests that a better measurement of the K -band cluster luminosity can be made if the field-to-field variance of the background can be measured as a function of colour, even if it is large.
(iv) If we assume that none of the galaxies in the region of the B − K versus B − R plane given in (iii) in our cluster fields are background, and that all the cluster galaxies with 15.5< K <18.5 lie in this region of the plane, then we measure α=−1.41+0.34−0.37 for −19.3< MK −16.3, where α is the logarithmic slope of the luminosity function. The uncertainties in this number come from counting statistics.  相似文献   

We show that the luminosity functions of the distant rich clusters Abell 665 ( z =0.182) and Abell 963 ( z =0.206) are flat or gradually rising down to MR =−14, with α≈−1.2±0.4 [here α is the logarithmic slope of the luminosity function: φ( L )∝ L α at the faint end]. We do not confirm the steep luminosity functions (α≤−1.8) that have been recently proposed for these two clusters.
Several technical points are discussed in detail. In particular, we compute the corrections to the background contamination caused by gravitational lensing from the cluster dark matter, and show that the corrections are small unless we wish to determine variations in the luminosity function on small scales.
Recent observations have also shown that the field galaxy luminosity function at z ≈0.2 is also shallow between MB =−19 and MB =−13. Abell 665 and 963 are two of the richest clusters known at that redshift. We therefore propose that the galaxy luminosity function might be universal in this magnitude range at z =0.2.
The dwarf galaxies that we see in Abell 665 have a colour distribution that is strongly peaked at B − R =1.9. We compute K -corrections based on the spectral energy distributions of local galaxies, and show that these are probably dwarf spheroidal galaxies. This might suggest that the dwarf spheroidal population observed in Virgo already existed at z =0.2.  相似文献   

We measure the relative evolution of the number of bright and faint (as faint as  0.05 L *)  red galaxies in a sample of 28 clusters, out of which 16 are at  0.50 ≤ z ≤ 1.27  , all observed through a pair of filters bracketing the 4000-Å break rest frame. The abundance of red galaxies, relative to bright ones, is constant over all the studied redshift range,  0 < z < 1.3  , and rules out a differential evolution between bright and faint red galaxies as large as claimed in some past works. Faint red galaxies are largely assembled and in place at   z = 1.3  and their abundance does not depend on cluster mass, parametrized by velocity dispersion or X-ray luminosity. Our analysis, with respect to the previous one, samples a wider redshift range, minimizes systematics and put a more attention to statistical issues, keeping at the same time a large number of clusters.  相似文献   

We present the first results of our X‐shooter observations for a sample of dwarf (–17 < MB < –15) galaxies in nearby (0.04 < z < 0.07) galaxy clusters. This luminosity range is fundamental to trace the evolution of higher‐z star‐forming cluster galaxies down to the present day, and to explore the galaxy scaling relations of early‐type galaxies over a broad mass range. Thanks to high resolution and availability of several lines we can derive the velocity dispersion of the galaxies in this range of luminosities and we begin the construction of the fundamental plane of faint early‐type galaxies (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present bulge and disc (B/D) decompositions of existing   K '  surface brightness profiles for 65 Ursa Major (UMa) cluster spiral galaxies. This improves upon the disc-only fits of Tully et al. The 1996 disc fits were used by Tully & Verheijen for their discovery of the bimodality of structural parameters in the UMa cluster galaxies. It is shown that our new one-dimensional B/D decompositions yield disc structural parameters that differ only slightly from the basic fits of Tully et al. and evidence for structural bimodality of UMa galaxies is maintained. Our B/D software for the decomposition of one-dimensional surface brightness profiles of galaxies uses a non-linear minimization scheme to recover the best-fitting Sérsic bulge and the exponential disc while accounting for the possible presence of a compact nucleus and spiral arms and for the effects of seeing and disc truncations. In agreement with Tully & Verheijen, we find that the distribution of near-infrared disc central surface brightnesses is bimodal with an F-test confidence of 80 per cent. There is also strong evidence for a local minimum in the luminosity function at     . A connection between the brightness bimodality and a dynamical bimodality, based on new H  i linewidths, is identified. The B/D parameters are presented in Table 1 .  

  Table 1.  B/D parameters.  相似文献   

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