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游涡渐渐消失,湖面恢复平静,一个圆头长脸的大脑袋无声无息地露出水面,两只眼睛一闪一闪,是马?不可能。乌龟?有点像……  相似文献   

我出生在海岛,生长在大海边,和大家一样非常喜欢蓝色的海洋。我小的时候最大的愿望是造一艘世界上最大的船,航行在浩瀚的大海上,或者能像海鸥一样自由飞翔在蓝天上,看美丽的大海翻起滚滚波浪。后来,我离开了大海和海岛到外地工作时,最喜欢唱一首歌是“小时候,妈妈对我讲,大海就是我故乡,海边出生,海里成长……”我想许多同学和朋友都会唱这首歌,而我唱起这首歌的时候,常常为我是渔家的后代而感到自豪。当我长大成人从事海洋与水产工作,我的业余时间大部分用于关心海洋、  相似文献   

海洋,你给中国带来了什么……我建议,领导干团特别是海洋工作的领导干部能研究一下近代史,研究海洋开发与一个国家、一个地区经济发展的关系,从中受到层发,提高为海洋事业的认识。一引自宋健同志在1996年全国海洋厅(局)长会议上的讲话本刊记者陈泽卿 自19世...  相似文献   

渤,黄,东海温盐资料分布5年和10年的统计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对渤海、黄海、东海在1920-1994年期间0m,50m,100m,200m层温盐观测资料的时间和空间分布做了统计分析,结果表明1957-1985年间的观测资料占有所资料的90%以上,且这期间5a统计和测地理分布较均匀,资料密度较大,适用于海洋现象年际变化的研究。  相似文献   

2月20日,一架朝鲜米格-19战斗机越过了“北方限界线”,飞临延坪岛附近海域。韩国空军6架F-5E战机升空拦截。朝鲜越“界”战机2分钟后折返北方。这是近二十年来朝鲜飞机首次越过“北方限界线”。此一事件并非孤立或突发,与当前的国际形势、朝鲜半岛紧张局势有直接关系,对我海上安全环境也有一定影响。  相似文献   

A bathymetric survey of the Gilliss Seamount, in the northwest Atlantic Basin, using a multi-beam sonar array system reveals an extremely complex morphologic character of this feature. A new chart provides the most detailed topographic presentation of an Atlantic seamount published to date and highlights the similarity of the Gilliss Seamount with terrestrial strata-volcanoes. Bottom photographs and samples reveal pillow-Iava formation. Seismic profiles show that the volcanic basement is irregularly covered by acoustically transparent deposits that are as much as 668 m thick. Volcanic debris and sediments locally are displaced down the flanks of the seamount. Bottom photographs and cores indicate that the transparent layer has accumulated slowly by deposition from suspensate-rich (mostly clay and planktonic foraminifera) water masses that flow around the mid to lower sectors of this submarine volcano. Bottom-current activity also modifies the abyssal plain turbidite-hemipelagic sequence surrounding the seamount.  相似文献   

正Introduction The International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts(APAC)is an international conference to promote academic and technical exchange on coastal related studies that include coastal engineering and coastal environmental problems,among the Asian and Pacific countries/regions.APAC  相似文献   

Marine Hydrologyl···························……Estjmatjon of water volume transPQrts through the main straits of the East China Sea z加0 Ba,e:(赵保仁)andFa即Gooho叩(方国洪)15··········……、··········……The effect of internal tides on the vertical structure of tjdal eurrent in the North Huangha1S比 z俪了。:s加二,(赵俊生),‘e叩sh”、,,(耿世江),s。二万朋,l二二夕(孙洪亮)andz加即z,l:(张自历)37··················……,··……Sur…  相似文献   

今夕  邓昂 《海洋世界》2019,(8):22-27
2019年7月11日,上海江南造船厂船坞边人头攒动。在过去3年里,这些工人的任务,就是攻克一个又一个技术难题,让这艘船能最终问世。今天,她被精心装点着,交付自然资源部中国极地研究中心使用。在他们看来,这和自己的女儿出嫁一般无二。一声汽笛长鸣,交付仪式完成,人们仍然不愿离去,痴痴地望着这艘美丽的大船。他们都在心里默念着她的名字:“雪龙2”号——中国第一艘自主建造的极地科学考察破冰船。这是36年中国极地梦的新里程碑。  相似文献   

The third in a series of cruises designed to establish the present-day concentrations of trace elements and synthetic organic compounds in major water masses of the ocean, the 1996 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Contaminant Baseline Survey occupied six vertical profile stations in the subtropical and tropical Atlantic. Underway surface samples also were acquired in the transects between these stations. This paper uses the temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrient, and chlorophyll results from the cruise to set the hydrographic background for the other papers in this special volume. Major features sampled during the surface transect include the Brazil Current, the South Equatorial Current, and the offshore Amazon Plume. Utilizing the above parameters to identify water masses, we observed Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) that ranged from a relatively undiluted form at 33°S (Station 10) to a highly attenuated form at 8°N (Station 6). Similarly, North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) was obtained in various mixing stages along its flow path, and samples of NADW and AABW exchanging through the Romanche Fracture Zone to the eastern Atlantic basins were also taken. In addition to these deep water masses, representative samples of Antarctic Intermediate Water and Circumpolar Deep Water were acquired. Besides standard hydrography, these data also were used to verify the sampling integrity of the trace metal-clean, Go Flo bottles deployed on a Kevlar hydrographic cable.  相似文献   

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