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The Central European Geodynamics Project CERGOP-2, funded by the European Union from 2003 to 2006 under the 5th Framework Programme, benefited from repeated measurements of the coordinates of epoch and permanent GPS stations of the Central European GPS Reference Network (CEGRN), starting in 1994. Here we report on the results of the systematic processing of available data up to 2005. The analysis has yielded velocities for some 60 sites, covering a variety of Central European tectonic provinces, from the Adria Indenter to the Tauern Window, the Dinarides, the Pannonian Basin, the Vrancea Seismic Zone and the Carpathian Mountains. The estimated velocities define kinematical patterns which outline, with varying spatial resolution depending on the station density and history, the present-day surface kinematics in Central Europe. Horizontal velocities are analyzed after removal from the ITRF2000 estimated velocities of a rigid rotation accounting for the mean motion of Europe: a 2.3 mm/year north–south oriented convergence rate between Adria and the Southern Alps that can be considered to be the present-day velocity of the Adria Indenter relative to the European Foreland. An eastward extrusion zone initiates at the Tauern Window. The lateral eastward flow towards the Pannonian Basin exhibits a gentle gradient from 1 to 1.5 mm/year immediately east of the Tauern Window to zero in the Pannonian Basin. This kinematic continuity implies that the Pannonian plate fragment recently suggested by seismic data does not require a specific Eulerian pole. On the southeastern boundary of the Adria microplate, we report a velocity drop from 4 to 4.5 mm/year motion near Matera to 1 mm/year north of the Dinarides, in the southwestern part of the Pannonian Basin. A positive velocity gradient as one moves south from West Ukraine across Rumania and Bulgaria is estimated to be 2 mm/year on a scale of 600–800 km, as if the crust were dragged by the counterclockwise rotation along the North Anatolian Fault Zone. This regime apparently does not interfere with the Vrancea Seismic Zone: earthquakes there are sufficiently deep (>100 km) that the brittle deformation at depth can be considered as decoupled from the creep at the surface. We conclude that models of the Quaternary tectonics of Central and Eastern Europe should not neglect the long wavelength, nearly aseismic deformation affecting the upper crust in the Romanian and Bulgarian regions.  相似文献   

The results of seismic measurements along the deep seismic sounding profile VII and terrestrial heat flow measurements used for construction of heat generation models for the crust in the Paleozoic Platform region, the Sudetic Mountains (Variscan Internides) and the European Precambrian Platform show considerable differences in mantle heat flow and temperatures. At the base of the crust variations from 440–510°C in the models of Precambrian Platform to 700–820°C for the Paleozoic Platform and the Variscan Internides (Sudets) are found. These differences are associated with considerable mantle heat flow variations.The calculated models show mantle heat flow of about 8.4–12.6 mW m–2 for the Precambrian Platform and 31 mW m–2 to 40.2 mW m–2 for Paleozoic orogenic areas. The heat flow contribution originating from crustal radioactivity is almost the same for the different tectonic units (from 33.5 mW m–2 to 37.6 mW m–2). Considerable physical differences in the lower crust and upper mantle between the Precambrian Platform and the adjacent areas, produced by lateral temperature variations, could be expected. On the basis of carbon ratio data it can be concluded that the Carboniferous paleogeothermal gradient was much lower in the Precambrian Platform area than in the Paleozoic Platform region.  相似文献   

Focal solutions of four strong earthquakes and P signals of twenty-four smaller shocks of the active Mur-Mürz Valley, the Semmering Pass and the Vienna Basin. An equivalent slip rate of 0.03 This feature agrees with the model of a subsiding Pannonian Basin. An equivalent slip rate of 0.03 cm/year is roughly estimated from earthquake data 1903–1978. This rate does not include the creep rate, but it gives an idea of the magnitude of speed of geological processes in this area.Refraction seismic data from the Alpine Longitudinal Profile 75 shows a low velocity zone in the upper crust of the seismic active East Alpine area but not in the aseismic part of the Pannonian Basin.The eastern margin of the Eastern Alps and the Carpathians limits the Pannonian Basin, which has a special and interesting geological history. Many authors (Szadezky-Kardoss, 1966;Stegena, Ceszy andHorvàth, 1975) presented models of the genesis of the Pannonian Basin. They apply the concept of the mantle diapirs to explain the following facts:subsiding of the Pannonian Plate in comparison to the Alps, high terrestrial heat flow within the Pannonian Plate, decrease of the Moho depth from 40 km below the Eastern border of the Alps to 27 km below the Pannonian Basin. They claim that the Alpine-Carpathian interarc and basin represent the final stage of an orogenetic system where subcrustal erosion leads to a thinning of the crust. Consequently the surface subsides and is covered by young sediments. They proved that this subsidence and sedimentation is more or less in isostatic equilibrium. The aim of this paper is to provide new arguments using focal solutions and refraction seismic investigations.  相似文献   

Geothermal aspects of the hypothesis, relating the earthquake swarms in the West Bohemia/Vogtland seismoactive region to magmatic activity, are addressed. A simple 1-D geothermal model of the crust was used to assess the upper limit of the subsurface heating caused by magma intrusion at the assumed focal depth of 9 km. We simulated the process by solving the transient heat conduction equation numerically, considering the heat of magma crystallization to be gradually released in the temperature interval 1100°C to 900°C. The temperature field prior to the intrusion was in steady-state with a surface temperature of 10°C and heat flow of 80 mWm –2 , the temperature at the 9 km depth was 270°C. The results suggest that the temperature and heat flow in the uppermost 1 km of the crust begin to grow 100 ka after the intrusion emplacement only, and that the amplitudes of the changes for the realistic lateral extent (a few kilometres) of the intrusion are very small. It was also found that the rate of magma solidification depends strongly on the thickness of the intrusion. It takes about 100 years for a 50 m thick sill to cool down from 1100°C to 600°C, which value represents the lower limit of the solidus temperature. The same cooling takes only 60 days if the sill is 2 m thick. If the nature of the strongly reflected boundaries, interpreted from the January 1997 Nový Kostel seismograms, is connected with the fresh emplacement of magma, the calculated cooling rates have a predictive potential for the temporal changes of the waveforms.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence for post-5 Ma shortening in the transition area between the Dinarides fold-and-thrust belt and the Pannonian Basin and reviews possible earthquake sources for the Banja Luka epicentral area (northern Bosnia and Herzegovina) where the strongest instrumentally recorded earthquake (ML 6.4) occurred on 27 October 1969. Geological, geomorphological and reflection seismic data provide evidence for a contractional reactivation of Late Palaeogene to Middle Miocene normal faults at slip rates below 0.1 mm/a. This reactivation postdates deposition of the youngest sediments in the Pannonian Basin of Pontian age (c. 5 Ma). Fault plane solutions for the main 1969 Banja Luka earthquake (ML 6.4) and its largest foreshock (ML 6.0) indicate reverse faulting along ESE–WNW-striking nodal planes and generally N–S trending pressure axes. The spatial distribution of epicentres and focal depths, analyses of the macroseismic field and fault-plane solutions for several smaller events suggest on-going shortening in the internal Dinarides. Seismic deformation of the upper crust is also associated with strike-slip faults, likely related to the NE–SW trending, sinistral Banja Luka fault. Possibly, this fault transfers contraction between adjacent segments of the Dinarides thrust system. The study area represents the seismically most active region of the Dinarides apart from the Adriatic Sea coast and the bend zone around Zagreb. We propose that on-going thrusting in the internal Dinarides thrust system takes up a portion of the current Adria–Europe convergence.  相似文献   

Summary The radiogenic heat production of rock samples from boreholes in the Bohemian Massif has been calculated from gamma-radiometric determinations of Th, U and K contents. The results, in general, fit the heat flow distribution on the territory of Czechoslovakia[1]. The values of heat production are in the range from 1.1µW m3 in the eastern part to 4.4µW m3 in the north-western part of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

Heat flow values of 33–58 mW m–2 were found for the Transylvanian Depression, 45–57 mW m–2 for the crystalline nucleus of the Eastern Carpathians, and 70–120 mW m–2 for the Neogene volcanic area. Temperature-depth profile and some geophysical implications of the low values for the Transylvanian Depression are discussed, rendering evident clear-cut differences between this tectonic unit and other Noegene depressions. The heat flow values for the other two investigated tectonic units are usual ones for areas of their age.A preliminary map of the heat flow distribution over the Romanian territory is presented and its relation to other geophysical fields is discussed. A positive correlation was found between gravity and heat flow, and a negative one between crustal thickness and heat flow. A general conclusion could be drawn that the heat flow distribution over the Romanian territory seems to be governed by processes taking place in the upper mantle, rather than by the radioactive decay within the crust.  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with the results of DSS measurements along international profile VII, carried out by Czechoslovak and Polish geophysicists in 1970 – 71. The profile situation is shown in Fig. 1. By 1971 part of the profile in the region of the Bohemian Massif between points 1 and 3 and in Poland between points 5 and 7 had been surveyed (Fig. 2). The seismograms were used to construct the travel-time curves of the fundamental types of waves PK, PM, Pn (Fig. 4). The mean velocities were computed from the travel-time curves of the reflected waves (PM and PK) and the refracted waves (Pg). Isolines of the mean velocities could be constructed for the region of the Bohemian Massif (Fig. 6). The velocity data found were used for the depth interpretation of the travel-time curves of the principal types of waves and to construct a seismic section (Fig. 8). In the region of the Pre-Sudeten block the thickness of the crust was found to be 34–37 km, and in the Sudeten it increased to 40 km. Towards the south the thickness of the crust gradually reduces to 30 km in the system of the Luice faults. In the Bohemian Cretaceous the thickness of the crust is about 30 km. Further to the south, in the region of the Moldanubicum, the thickness of the Earth's crust increases rapidly, and at the southern border of the Central Bohemian pluton it reaches values of about 42 km.  相似文献   

For selecting possible hot dry rock extraction sites for geothermal energy applications, the following criteria have been considered: (i) depth to the crystalline basement, (ii) temperatures at depth, (iii) pattern of regional stress field and (iv) natural permeability (=degree of fracturing) of basement rocks. A contour map of the basement topography is presented. From outcrops at the nothern border of Switzerland (crystalline rocks of the Black Forest massif, mainly granites and gneisses of Hercynian age) the basement dips gently toward the SE under the Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments of the Molasse Basin and reaches its maximum depth (7 km) underneath the front of the Alps. Some 30 km further SE the basement rocks appear at the surface (Aar- and Gotthard-massif, Penninic units), where they are deformed and fractured to a great extent. Temperature-depth profiles have been obtained by model calculations. Locally increased heat product on (in granite batholiths) at the base of the Molasse Basin, combined with the blanketing effect of the overlying sediments, could raise the temperatures to 150–170°C at a depth of 5 km. According to earthquake fault-plane solutions (P-axes) the regional stress field in the area of the Swiss Alps and in its northern Foreland is characterized by the maximum horizontal compression oriented N(150±20)°E in the upper crust.In situ stress determinations (overcoring experiments) show that considerable excess horizontal compressive stress is present in the Alpine crust (up to 200 bar). The deep Alpine tunnels exhibited considerable fracturing of crystalline rocks at depths greater than 1–2 km. Information about the degree of fracturing has also been obtained by refraction profiles. The velocitydepth functions show lower than normal velocities in the uppermost 1.5 km, indicating that the rocks there are fractured. A 30–40 km wide region, running along the axis of the Molasse Basin (which coincides with the majority of the population and most of the industry of Switzerland) would provide the best hot dry rock sites.Paper presented at the Second NATO-CCMS Meeting on Dry Hot Rock Geothermal Energy, 28–30 June 1977, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. Contribution No. 198, Institute of Geophysics ETH Zurich.  相似文献   

Summary The geothermal gradient in the Carpathian Basin lies between 40–70 C/km. According to careful measurements in shafts the value of terrestrial heat flow in the southern part of Hungary is (2.055–3.066)·10–6 cal/cm2 sec. These measurements are believed the first ever attempted in continental Europe. Systematic heat flow measurement are being extended to other part of this country.  相似文献   

In southern British Columbia the terrestrial heat flow is low (44 mW m–2) to the west of the Coast Plutonic Complex (CPC), average in CPC (50–60 mW m–2),and high to the east(80–90 mW m–2). The average heat flow in CPC and the low heat generation (less than 1 W m–3) indicate that a relatively large amount of heat flows upwards into the crust which is generally quite cool. Until two million years ago the Explorer plate underthrust this part of the American plate, carrying crustal material into the mantle. Melted crustal rocks have produced the inland Pemberton and Garibaldi volcanic belts in the CPC.Meager Mountain, a volcanic complex in the CPC 150 km north of Vancouver, is a possible geothermal energy resource. It is the product of intermittent activity over a period of 4 My, the most recent eruption being the Bridge River Ash 2440 y B.P. The original explosive eruption produced extensive fracturing in the granitic basement, and a basal explosion breccia from the surface of a cold brittle crust. This breccia may be a geothermal reservoir. Other volcanic complexes in the CPC have a similar potential for geothermal energy.Earth Physics Contribution No. 704.  相似文献   

Thermal state, rheology and seismicity in the pannonian basin, Hungary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of data on crustal structure and terrestrial heat flow, a 3-D geothermal model for the lithosphere in the Pannonian basin, Hungary, has been calculated. This model, together with information on crustal composition, laboratory data on rock friction, and certain assumptions about fluid conditions and strain-rate levels within the lithosphere, has been used to construct a rheological model of the area.The results obtained show a layered rheological structure where an aseismic part of the crust is “sandwiched” between an upper and a lower seismogenic crustal layers. According to the proposed rheological model, seismic activity in the upper crust may be expected down to depths of 10–12 km, which is confirmed well by the observed depth distribution of seismicity. The model also predicts a lower crustal seismogenic layer down to 20–22 km. Because of infrequent occurrences of deep earthquakes and/or a generally small number of reliable hypocenter depth determinations in the study area, this seismogenic zone is less constrained by observations.The depth of the different rheologic horizons within the crust is governed mainly by thermal conditions. The lower boundary of both seismogenic layers appears isothermal. Brittle-ductile transition in the upper crust coincides with the ˜200 °C isotherm, while in the lower crust it coincides with the ˜ 375 °C isotherm. The lowermost crust and the upper mantle beneath Hungary show ductile behavior, thus the possibility of siesmic activity at these horizons can be excluded.  相似文献   

Continental shield regions are normally characterized by low-to-moderate mantle heat flow. Archaean Dharwar craton of the Indian continental shield also follows the similar global pattern. However, some recent studies have inferred significantly higher mantle heat flow for the Proterozoic northern block of Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) in the immediate vicinity of the Dharwar craton by assuming that the radiogenic elements depleted exposed granulites constitute the 45-km-thick crust. In this study, we use four-layered model of the crustal structure revealed by integrated geophysical studies along a geo-transect in this region to estimate the mantle heat flow. The results indicate that: (i) the mantle heat flow of the northern block of SGT is 17 ± 2 mW/m2, supporting the global pattern, and (ii) the lateral variability of 10–12 mW/m2 in the surface heat flow within the block is of crustal origin. In terms of temperature, the Moho beneath the eastern Salem–Namakkal region appears to be at 80–100 °C higher temperature than that beneath the western Avinashi region.  相似文献   

In tectonically complex environments, such as the Pannonian Basin surrounded by the Alps–Dinarides and Carpathians orogens, monitoring of recent deformations represents very challenging matter. Efficient quantification of active continental deformations demands the use of a multidisciplinary approach, including neotectonic, seismotectonic and geodetic methods. The present-day tectonic mobility in the Pannonian Basin is predominantly controlled by the northward movement of the Adria micro-plate, which has produced compressional stresses that were party accommodated by the Alps-Dinarides thrust belt and partly transferred towards its hinterland. Influence of thus induced stresses on the recent strain field, deformations and tectonic mobility in the southern segment of the Pannonian Basin has been investigated using GPS measurements of the horizontal mobility in the Vojvodina area (northern Serbia).  相似文献   

Fluid infiltration into fault zones and their deeper-level counterparts, brittle-ductile shear zones, is examined in diverse tectonic environments. In the 2.7 Ga Abitibi greenstone belt, major tectonic discontinuities, with lateral extents of hundreds of kilometres initiated as listric normal faults accommodating rift extension and acted as sites for komatiite extrusion and locally intense metasomatism. During reverse motion on the structures, accommodating shortening of the belt, these transcrustal faults were utilised as a conduit for the ascent of trondhjemitic magmas from the base of the crust and of alkaline magmas from the asthenosphere and for the discharge of thousands of cubic kilometres of hydrothermal fluids. Such fluids were characterised by 18O=+6±2, D=–50±20, 13C=–4±4, and temperatures of 270 to 450°C, probably derived from devolatilisation of crustal rocks undergoing prograde metamorphism. Hydrothermal fluids were more radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr=0.7010 to 0.7040) and possessed higher than did contemporaneous mantle, komatiites or tholeiites, and thus carried a contribution from older sialic basement. A provinciality of87Sr/86Sr and 13C is evident, signifying that fault plumbing sampled lower crust which was heterogeneous at the scale of tens of kilometres. Mineralised faults possess enrichments of large ion lithophile (LIL), LIL elements, including K, Rb, Ba, Cs, B, and CO2, and rare elements, such as Au, Ag, As, Sb, Se, Te, Bi, and W. Fluids were characterised by XCO 20.1, neutral to slightly acidic pH, low salinity 3 wt-%, K/Na=0.1, they carried minor CH4, CO, and N2, and they underwent transient effervescence of CO2 during decompression. Clastic sediments occupy graben developed at fault flexures. The40Ar/39Ar release spectra indicate that fault rocks experienced episodic disturbance on time scales of hundreds of millions of years.At the Grenville front, translation was accommodated along two mylonite zones and an intervening boundary fault. The high-temperature (580°C) and low-temperature (430 to 490°C) mylonite zones, formed in the presence of deep-level crust-equilibrated fluids of metamorphic origin. Late brittle faults contain quartz veins precipitated from fluids with extemely negative 18O (–14 per mil) at 200 to 300°C. The water may have been derived from downward penetration into fault zones of precipitation of low18O on a mountain range induced by continental collision, with uplift accommodated at deep levels by the mylonite zones coupled with rebound on the boundary faults.Archean gneisses overlie Proterozoic sediments along thrust surfaces at Lagoa Real, Brazil; the gneisses are transected by brittle-ductile shear zones locally occupied by uranium deposits. Following deformation at 500 to 540°C, in the presence of metamorphic fluids and under conditions of low water-to-rock ratio, shear zones underwent local intense oxidation and desilication. All minerals undergo a shift of –10 per mil, indicating discharge of meteoric-water-recharged formation brines in the underlying Proterozoic sediments up through the Archean gneisses, during overthrusting; 1000 km3 of solutions passed through these structures. The shear zones and Proterozoic sediments are less radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr=0.720) than contemporaneous Archean gneisses (0.900), corroborating the transport of fluids and solutes through the structure from a large external reservoir.Major crustal detachment faults of Tertiary age in the Picacho Cordilleran metamorphic core complex of Arizona show an upward transition from undeformed granitic basement through mylonitic to brecciated and hydrothermally altered counterparts. The highest tectonic levels are allochthonous, oxidatively altered Miocene volcanics. This transition is accompanied by an increase of 12 per mil in 18O, from +7 to +19, and a 400°C decrease in temperature. Lower tectonic levels acted as aquifers for the expulsion of large volumes of higher-temperature reduced metamorphic fluids and/or evolved formation brines. The Miocene allochthon was influenced by a lower-temperature reservoir inducing oxidative potassic alteration; mixing occurred between cool downward-penetrating thermal waters and the hot, deeper aqueous reservoir.In general, flow regimes in these fault and shear zones follow a sequence, from conditions of high temperature and pressure with locally derived fluids at low water-to-rock ratios, during initiation of the structures, to high fluxes of reduced formation or metamorphic fluids along conduits as the structures propagate and intersect hydrothermal reservoirs. Later in the tectonic evolution and at shallower crustal levels there was incursion of oxidising fluids from near-surface reservoirs into the faults. In general, magmatism, tectonics, and fluid motion are intimately related.  相似文献   

We propose a thermal model of the subducting Ionian microplate. The slab sinks in an isothermal mantle, and for the boundary conditions we take into account the relation between the maximum depth of seismicity and the thermal parameter Lth of the slab, which is a product of the age of the subducted lithosphere and the vertical component of the convergence rate. The surface heat-flux dataset of the Ionian Sea is reviewed, and a convective geotherm is calculated in its undeformed part for a surface heat flux of 42 mW m–2, an adiabatic gradient of 0.6 mK m–1, a mantle kinematic viscosity of 1017 m2 s–1 and an asthenosphere potential temperature of 1300°C. The calculated temperature-depth distribution compared to the mantle melting temperature indicates the decoupling limit between lithosphere and asthenosphere occurs at a depth of 105 km and a temperature of 1260°C. A 70–km thick mechanical boundary layer is found. By considering that the maximum depth of the seismic events within the slab is 600 km, a Lth of 4725 km is inferred. For a subduction rate equal to the spreading rate, the corresponding assimilation and cooling times of the microplate are about 7 and 90 Myr, respectively. The thermal model assumes that the mantle flow above the slab is parallel and equal to the subducting plate velocity of 6 cm yr–1, and ignores the heat conduction down the slab dip. The critical temperature, above which the subduced lithosphere cannot sustain the stress necessary to produce seismicity, is determined from the thermal conditions governing the rheology of the plate. The minimum potential temperature at the depth of the deepest earthquake in the slab is 730°C.  相似文献   

A working model of tectono-sedimentary evolution is proposed for the Cheb Basin, a polyhistory sedimentary basin formed between the late Oligocene and Pliocene by reactivation of basement fracture systems in the northwestern part of the Bohemian Massif. The basin is located at the intersection of the Ohe (Eger) Graben structural domain, characterized by dominance of NE-striking graben systems in present-day geology, and the NW-striking Cheb-Domalice Graben, a major strike-slip – dominated structure in Western Bohemia. The first significant depositional episode in the Cheb Basin coincides with the deposition of late Oligocene-Miocene clastics in the whole extensional system of the Ohe Graben, controlled by E-W – trending depocenters. The main structural feature of the Cheb Basin region at that time was a palaeohigh caused by a NW- trending accommodation zone separating minor E-W – trending depocentres. The second, late Pliocene, episode of sedimentation occurred under a very different kinematic regime than the Oligo-Miocene rift basin evolution. During this time, the present-day structure of the Cheb Basin and the Cheb-Domalice Graben formed as a consequence of sinistral displacement on the Mariánské Lázn Fault Zone. Reactivation of this strike-slip fault zone led to the formation of a horsetail splay of oblique-extensional faults at the northern termination of the Mariánské Lázn Fault Zone, which contained the present-day Cheb Basin.  相似文献   

The aeromagnetic values over the study region are relatively uniform except for a few anomalies in the northeastern and southwestern areas. Analyses of aeromagnetic data were performed in NW Turkey, in order to have a look into the subsurface regional thermal structure of the region. For this purpose, power spectra, reduced to pole (RTP), and band-pass filtered anomalies were produced using geophysical techniques. Band-pass filtered data were produced from the RTP aeromagnetic anomalies to isolate near surface and undesired deep effects. Based on the aeromagnetic data interpretation, the thickness of the magnetized crust, named the Curie Point Depth (CPD), in the study area lies between 9.7 and 20.3 km. The CPD estimates in the Thrace region of Turkey indicate two shallow CPD (SCPD1 and SCPD2) zones (the Istranca Massif and the Saros Graben area). The deep CPD are located within the Thrace Basin with sediment thickness of about 9 km. The corresponding heat flow map prepared from the averaged thermal conductivities and thermal gradients from the CPD reveals the existence of one low heat flow zone (75 mW/m2) over the center of Thrace Basin, and two high heat flow zones over the Istranca Masif (100–125 mW/m2) in the northern side and Saros Graben (125–135 mW/m2) areas in the southern side of the Thrace Basin.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, south-central Europe and the Eastern Alps have been widely explored by many seismic refraction experiments (e.g., CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, SUDETES 2003). Although quite detailed images are available along linear profiles, a comprehensive, three-dimensional crustal model of the region is still missing. This limitation makes this region a weak spot in continental-wide comprehensive representations of crustal structure. To improve on this situation, we select and collect 37 published active-source seismic lines in this region. After geo-referencing each line, we sample them along vertical profiles—every 50?km or less along the line—and derive P-wave velocities in a stack of homogeneous layers (separated by discontinuities: depth of crystalline basement, top of lower crust, and Moho). We finally merge the information using geostatistical methods, and infer S-wave velocity and density using empirical scaling relations. We present here the resulting crustal model for a region encompassing the Eastern Alps, Dinarides, Pannonian basin, Western Carpathians and Bohemian Massif, covering the region within $45^{\circ}\text{--}51^{\circ}\hbox{N}$ and $11^{\circ} \text{--} 22^{\circ}\hbox{E}$ with a resolution of $0.2^{\circ} \times 0.2^{\circ}.$ We are also able to extend and update the map of Moho depth in a wider region within $35^{\circ}\text{--}51^{\circ}\hbox{N}$ and $12^{\circ}\text{--}45^{\circ}\hbox{E},$ gathering Moho values from the collected seismic lines, other published dataset and using the European plate reference EPcrust as a background. All the digitized profiles and the resulting model are available online.  相似文献   

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