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文章运用中国沿海11个省、市、自治区2006—2015年的面板数据为样本,将海洋环境规制划分为命令控制型和经济激励型两类,对比分析了环渤海和长三角地区海洋环境规制对海洋技术创新的影响差异。研究发现:从沿海地区整体来看,命令控制型和经济激励型环境规制对海洋技术创新的影响作用均显著为正;在试点城市环境规制对技术创新的促进作用优于非试点城市;在环渤海地区,命令控制型环境规制对海洋技术创新的影响作用显著为正,经济激励型不显著;在长三角地区,经济激励型环境规制对海洋技术创新的影响作用显著为正,命令控制型不显著。基于实证结果提出了制定差异化的环境规制、加大政府对研发资金的支持等有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

介绍了基于手机短信的气象观测浮标数据库查询及报警系统的原理、硬件组成及软件开发。气象观测浮标通过北斗通讯将气象数据传输到指定计算机存储,系统实时监测定位信息、气象要素和接收短信命令,并将报警信息和命令响应通过短信发送至指定手机,达到实时掌握浮标状态的目的。在实际项目应用中,取代了人员值班,保证了报警实时性,达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种新近研制的微电脑自容式深度记录器,它能可靠地记录一个水中载体或浮体所处深度随着时间的变化过程。关键是引入带有RS—232串行接口的低功耗微电脑,用一个命令设定不同的采样周期,以实现不同的周期工作过程,测得的深度数据存贮在RAM中,用RS—232串行接口取出深度数据,最大数据量为3000个测值。  相似文献   

1941年11月19日下午5时,德国袭击舰“卢兹”号在西澳大利亚近海首先发现了盟军澳大利亚颇负盛名的巡洋舰“悉尼号”。德国舰长道麦知道“悉尼”号主炮射程在20公里以上,全舰火力十分强大,自己舰远远不是对手,正在进退两难之时,道麦突然心生一计。他命令信号兵将德国国旗换成中立国挪威国旗,还命令报务员发出伪造信号,迷惑“悉尼”号。鬼计多端的道麦还佯装起火。到了下  相似文献   

采用图形模板和文本模板技术,设计开发了基于AutocAD环境的表格模板,利用表格模板可以自动绘制地籍、地形测量中的各种表格。同时还开发了一套表格绘制与表格编辑命令,扩大了AutoCAD的应用范围。  相似文献   

大概是在1994年,我在"剑阁海"轮工作。一天,电报员接到公司的航次命令,由上海空放去加拿大的温哥华港装载小麦。我把这个消息写在船员餐厅的黑板上。当时大家正在吃晚饭,看到这个通知立即欢声雷动。一个小伙子手中拿着馒头狠狠地咬了一口,喊道:"又能吃到加拿大的螃蟹喽。"好像嘴中的馒头就是一只肥美的螃蟹一样。  相似文献   

多台可编程序控制器通过输入、输出点的直接连接,传递命令、状态和数据,实现多机联用系统。  相似文献   

在美国人的心目中,恐怕没有什么能比生命更值得他们珍惜的了。为了拯救一个美国公民的生命,他们可以花掉大把的金钱,甚至不惜诉诸武力。这就是美国人的价值观。然而,在第二次世界大战的太平洋战场上,却发生了一件令全美国上下都无比悲伤和震惊的壮举,美国海军重巡洋舰“芝加哥”号被日军击伤将沉之际,全舰300余名官兵置总统的弃舰命令于不顾,毅然决然地拥抱着他们的“西  相似文献   

二十五年前,一种特殊心情的驱使,我在烟台市一个寺庙相中了一只玉石母子龟,当时仅付给摊主五角钱,母子龟便随我而来。记得那是1977年的初冬,那时我还是一名军人,在我大学毕业后分配到海军某科研船上工作的第四个年头,船奉命离开青岛北上黄海北部执行一项科研试验任务。一个星期后,船又奉命赴烟台军港接受一个航次任务。船靠泊在烟台军港的浮码头上,傍晚时分,寒潮袭击烟台港,随着大风的降至,浮码头已无法承受巨大的压力,指挥部即命令立即离港到锚地抛锚。  相似文献   

1999年6月,南海舰队某基地司令员、政治委员签署命令,为在南海海域救起28位遇险渔民的某海测部队测量船记集体三等功一次。 6月4日,在南海则区测量的某船回港避风。5日凌晨1时许,当该船航行至琼州海峡东部海域时,发现右舷有一船只起火。海上指挥员一边向舰队报告情况,一边命令测量船向起火船只  相似文献   

《Marine Models》2002,2(1-4):35-56
We present a software environment, implemented in Matlab, which addresses a sphere moving steadily in a fluid. The sphere leaks solute which is transported through the fluid. The environment allows the fluid flow to be approximated with Stokes' flow, or the Navier–Stokes equations can be solved numerically. Subsequently, the advection–diffusion equation for the concentration of the solute is solved numerically. Our purpose for developing the environment was to investigate solute concentrations around sinking marine snow, but the environment has more general applicability. The allowable parameter range depends on computational ressources; on our PC we investigated Reynolds numbers up to 20 and Peclet numbers up to 20,000. The environment features a graphical user interface which makes it useful to people who have never used Matlab, but the experienced Matlab user can also operate from the command prompt.  相似文献   

地图可视化系统用户界面模板的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地图可视化系统用户界面是实现用户和地图可视化系统交互的关键环节,但是单一的用户界面严重制约着用户对地图可视化系统应有功能的使用。基于此,提出了用户界面模板的观点,通过对用户界面元素和用户界面类型的研究,设计了几种常用的用户界面模板,并说明了模板的实现过程。  相似文献   

文章着重研究一种海洋信息的多用户自动分发手段,通过电话线路自动拨号直接将预报产品及实况信息自动传输到各个用户的远程微机并显示。在信息发布端,操作人员要把需要发布的信息施入代表远程终端的文件夹,在无人值守的远程终端将自动存贮和显示图文并茂的最新信息,为政府、指挥、防汛等决策部门,提供最快、最便利的海洋信息。  相似文献   

为了改善系统界面友好性、增强系统功能性并提高开发效率,运用ExtJS框架实现了基于B/S架构的青岛海洋科学数据共享平台专项数据库系统的前台界面。系统界面美观,操作方便,开发效率高,维护规范。  相似文献   

An engineering application tool for prediction of the static equilibrium bay(Beach Mod)is established to describe two bay shape formulas by use of the programming software "MATLAB" with a graphic user interface(GUI).The tool is user-friendly for engineering students for the design of beach shapes.This tool was tested through application on three types of beaches in Taiwan and Australia.By implementing the concept of Headland Control,the Beach Mod program allows users to draw a structure and create an artificial headland.The results indicate that Beach Mod can efficiently forecast beach changes as well as MEPBAY,a competing software package,while boasting a better user interface.  相似文献   

对 ODV这一海洋数据视图应用软件包作了介绍。着重介绍了 ODV的主要特点、数据可视化模式、用户界面及其功能概要。  相似文献   

在介绍了WebGIS和地学虚拟环境技术特征的基础上,研究了WebGIS技术在地学虚拟环境中的应用。从系统结构、用户界面、数据模型等三个方面,对WebGIs技术用于地学虚拟环境的深层次系统框架进行了研讨,并对WebGIS技术与地学虚拟环境技术进行结合的实际过程进行了说明。  相似文献   

The bearing behavior of suction caissons supporting offshore wind turbines under two-way cyclic lateral loading and dead load in clay was investigated with consideration of soil strength degradation and adhesive interface friction between caisson walls and heterogeneous clay using the finite-element package ABAQUS.An ABAQUS built-in user subroutine was programmed to calculate the adhesive interface friction between clay and caisson walls.The results of parametric studies showed that the degradation of bearing capacity could be aggravated by the decrease of the aspect ratio.The offset between the rotation point of the soil inside the caisson and the central axis of the caisson increased with the increasing vertical load and number of cycles.The linearly increasing strength profile and adhesive interface led to the formation of an inverted spoon failure zone inside the caisson.The settlement-rotation curves in each cycle moved downwards with increasing number of cycles due to the soil strength degradation.  相似文献   

以具有自主产权的电子海图控件为显示核心,服务器端利用Windows通讯基础框架(WCF)技术承载海图控件建立电子海图功能服务并按照网络地图服务标准发布,在客户端通过网页浏览器使用Silverlight开发的用户界面,提供了S-57电子海图显示和查询等功能,实现了浏览器/服务器模式的电子海图的发布.  相似文献   

Steel catenary risers (SCRs) are usually cost-effective solutions in the development of offshore fields and the transferring of the hydrocarbons from the seabed to the floating facilities. These elements are subjected to the fatigue loads particularly in the touchdown zone (TDZ), where the oscillating SCR is exposed to cyclic contact with the seabed. The slug-induced oscillation is a significant contributor to the fatigue loads in the TDZ. The cyclic seabed soil softening under the wave-induced riser oscillations and the gradual penetration of the SCR into the seabed are widely accepted to have a significant influence on SCR fatigue performance. However, this has never been investigated for slug-induced oscillations due to the lack of integrated access to comprehensive numerical models enabling the simulation of the riser slugging and nonlinear hysteretic riser-seabed interaction at the same time. In this paper, an advanced interface was developed and verified using the multi-point moving tie constraint in order to examine the influence of cyclic seabed soil softening on slug-induced oscillations of SCR. The interface was integrated with a pre-developed user subroutine for modeling of the nonlinear hysteretic riser-seabed interaction and incorporated into a global SCR model in ABAQUS. A comprehensive parametric study was conducted to investigate the influence of slug characteristics and nonlinear seabed soil model on slug-induced, wave-induced, and combined wave/slug induced oscillations of SCR in the TDZ. It was observed that the nonlinear seabed model could significantly affect the embedment of the SCR into the seabed under the slug-induced oscillations and consequently improve the fatigue life. The developed user interface was found to be a strong framework for modeling riser slugging.  相似文献   

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