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Wetlands cover at least 6 % of the Earth’s surface. They play a key role in hydrological and biogeochemical cycles, harbour a large part of the world’s biodiversity, and provide multiple services to humankind. However, pressure in the form of land reclamation, intense resource exploitation, changes in hydrology, and pollution threaten wetlands on all continents. Depending on the region, 30–90 % of the world’s wetlands have already been destroyed or strongly modified in many countries with no sign of abatement. Climate change scenarios predict additional stresses on wetlands, mainly because of changes in hydrology, temperature increases, and a rise in sea level. Yet, intact wetlands play a key role as buffers in the hydrological cycle and as sinks for organic carbon, counteracting the effects of the increase in atmospheric CO2. Eight chapters comprising this volume of Aquatic Sciences analyze the current ecological situation and the use of the wetlands in major regions of the world in the context of global climate change. This final chapter provides a synthesis of the findings and recommendations for the sustainable use and protection of these important ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes variations of vertical velocity w simulated by the 1/10° Ocean General Circulation Model for the Earth Simulator (OFES). Strong w-variability is found in the deep oceans. When w is WKBJ-normalized, the standard deviation averaged over the Southern Ocean increases with depth and is larger than 8 × 10 − 3 cm/s throughout the water column below 1,500 m. Evidences are presented that link this w-variability to internal waves generated by quasi-steady currents over topography. The aliasing errors in lag-3-day correlations suggest a bottom generation of near-inertial waves. A scale analysis indicates that vertically propagating waves that can be resolved by the OFES model are waves with frequencies of the order of inertial frequency and wavelengths comparable to the order of the grid size. The vertical energy flux associated with these waves is substantial. When integrated globally, the vertical energy flux is upward in the upper 4 km and reaches maximum values of about 0.8 TW at about 1 to 2 km depth. Thus, the w-variability in the 1/10° OFES integration points not only to a strong bottom generation of near-inertial internal waves in the deep Southern Ocean but also to the possibility that the power provided by internal waves generated by non-tidal currents over topography can be comparable to the power provided by internal waves generated by tidal flows over topography.  相似文献   

Five consecutive multibeam bathymetries collected before, during, and after the 2007 Stromboli eruption, combined with visual inspections, allowed us to document the morphological evolution of an ‘a’ā lava-fed delta and to reconstruct the main processes acting during its submarine emplacement. The 2007 Stromboli delta extended down to 600-m water depth and covered an area of 420?×?103 m2, with a maximum thickness of 65 m and a total estimated volume of ≈7?×?106 m3, i.e., three times larger than its subaerial counterpart. The lava delta grew mainly through the emplacement of discrete lobes about 50–150 m in size. Lobes were fed from point sources along the paleoshoreline, and their subaqueous pathways seem to be mainly controlled by the submarine morphology, with flows mostly filling in depressions left by previous lobes. The main controlling factors on the lobe morphology and thickness are the effusion rates and the pre-eruption morphology, i.e., the geometry and gradients of the basal surface. Data also shows that sudden slope failure of portions of the submarine delta may occur simultaneously with accretion, implying that a significant part of the delta material can be transported to greater depths by submarine gravity flows. The present study is relevant for future monitoring and hazard assessment during the growth of active lava-fed deltas as well as for a better interpretation of ancient volcaniclastic successions inland.  相似文献   

A redetermination of the isotopic composition of atmospheric argon by Lee, J.-Y., Marti, K., Severinghaus, J.P., Kawamura, K., Yoo, H.-S., Lee, J.B., Kim, J.S. [2006. A redetermination of the isotopic abundances of atmospheric Ar. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70, 4507–4512] represents the first refinement since the work of Nier [1950. A redetermination of the relative abundances of the isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and potassium. Physical Reviews 77, 789–793]. The new 40Ar:38Ar:36Ar proportions imply <1% adjustments to 40Ar/39Ar ages in all but exceptional cases of very young and/or K-poor and/or Ca-rich samples, or cases in which samples are grossly under- or over-irradiated. Analytical protocols employing atmospheric argon to determine mass discrimination corrections are insensitive to the effects of revision on the air correction, but are subject to non-negligible adjustments arising from expanded heavy to light isotope ratios attending the increased mass discrimination correction. The competing effects of increased 40Ar/39Ar and 40Ar/37Ar ratios render the adjustments a function of sample chemistry and neutron irradiation parameters. The improved precision of atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar and 38Ar/36Ar permits increasingly sensitive detection of departures from atmospheric values. Non-atmospheric initial 40Ar/36Ar values are increasingly well-documented in volcanic materials, including subatmospheric values correlated with 38Ar/36Ar in a trend consistent with kinetic mass fractionation whereby incomplete equilibration between magma and atmosphere favors light isotope enrichment in the magma. The detailed mechanism(s) of such fractionation are unclear and must be clarified by further study. A detectable increase in atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar in the past 800 ka [Bender, M.L., Barnett, B., Dreyfus, G., Jouzel, J., Porcelli, D., 2008. The contemporary degassing rate of 40Ar from the Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 8232–8237] suggests that ages of late Quaternary (e.g., <100 ka) materials incorporating large amounts of atmospheric argon such as biotite may be underestimated by as much as 100% if a modern atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar value is erroneously assumed, unless air argon is used to determine mass discrimination. Further evaluation of the evolution of paleoatmospheric 40Ar/36Ar, and the fidelity with which argon trapped in igneous materials reflects this, would be very productive. The use of isochrons rather than model (e.g., plateau) ages mitigates the vagaries associated with uncertain trapped argon isotope ratios, and the importance of strategies to derive statistically valid isochrons is underscored.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of clay minerals can indicate paleoclimate.Here,we report mineralogy and stable isotopic records(d D and δ~(18)O_(OH))of a weathering profile located in the Fujian Province,aiming to validate whether hydroxyl stable isotopes can indicate paleo-precipitation and paleo-temperature.Our results indicate that the d D and δ~(18)O_(OH)changes in the kaolinite hydroxyl of the weathering profile are basically determined by the isotopic composition of paleo-meteoric water and paleotemperature,respectively.Nevertheless,whether the d D and δ~(18)O_(OH)of kaolinite can quantitatively indicate paleo-precipitation and paleo-temperature needs to be verified further,and especially,the structural oxygen isotopic composition that is the essential element for the kaolinite formation temperature calculation has to be constrained in future work.  相似文献   

Experimental work in hydrology is in decline. Based on a community survey, Blume et al. showed that the hydrological community associates experimental work with greater risks. One of the main issues with experimental work is the higher chance of negative results (defined here as when the expected or wanted result was not observed despite careful experimental design, planning and execution), resulting in a longer and more difficult publishing process. Reporting on negative results would avoid putting time and resources into repeating experiments that lead to negative results, and give experimental hydrologists the scientific recognition they deserve. With this commentary, we propose four potential solutions to encourage reporting on negative results, which might contribute to a stimulation of experimental hydrology.  相似文献   

Amplitude ratio of 30 short-period conspicuous P5KP and PKPab phases from five intermediate depth or deep events in Fiji-Tonga recorded at European stations around 150° distance shows a mean value two to three times the ratio of the synthetic amplitudes obtained by the normal-mode theory (and ak135 model) or by full-wave theory (and PREM). There is a large variance in the results, also observed in five amplitude ratios from one event in Argentina observed at temporary stations in China around 156°. Global recordings of three major deep earthquakes in Fiji, Bonin, and Western Brazil observed at ASAR, WRA, and ZRNK arrays, at 59 North America stations and at six South Pole stations displayed conspicuous P4KP and PcP (or ScP) phases. The amplitude ratio values of P4KP vs P(S)cP are sometimes almost one order of magnitude larger than the corresponding values of the synthetics. In both cases, arrival times and slowness values (corrected for ellipticity and station elevation) at the distances up to 23° beyond the A cutoff point predicted by ray theory match both the synthetics, suggesting the observations are the AB branch of PmKP (m?=?4, 5) around 1 Hz. In disagreement to ray theory, no reliable BC branch is observed neither on the recordings nor on the normal-mode synthetics. The high amplitude ratio values cannot be explained by realistic perturbations of the velocity or attenuation values of the global models in the proximity of the core-to-mantle boundary (CMB). We speculate that the focusing effects and/or strong scattering most likely associated to some anomalous velocity areas of the lowermost mantle are responsible for that. The results suggest limitations of the previous evaluations of the short-period attenuation in the outer core from PmKP amplitudes (m?≥?3), irrespective of the fact that they are obtained by using ray theory, normal-mode or full-wave synthetics. Attempts to use PmKP arrival times in order to refine velocity structure in the proximity of CMB should be also regarded with care if the propagation times have been computed with ray theory.  相似文献   

Using the incomplete adjoint operator method in part I of this series of papers,the total emission source S can be retrieved from the pollutant concentrationsρob obtained from the air pollution monitoring network.This paper studies the problem of retrieving anthropogenic emission sources from S.Assuming that the natural source Sn is known,and as the internal source Sc due to chemical reactions is a function of pollutant concentrations,if the chemical reaction equations are complete and the parameters are accurate,Sc can be calculated directly fromρob,and then Sa can be obtained from S.However,if the chemical reaction parameters(denoted asγ)are insufficiently accurate,bothγand Sc should be corrected.This article proposes a"double correction iterative method"to retrieve Sc and correctγand proves that this iterative method converges.  相似文献   

The sharing of data and collection of new data are both essential, but they are not inherently complementary. When data are openly available, researchers may be motivated to use those data rather than collect more because field work has costs and risks. The competitive advantage to those who do not put resources towards fieldwork may discourage field hydrology. Allocating efforts towards generating field data, which benefits hydrological sciences, is not necessarily best for individual hydrologists, especially in an era of open data. The objective of this work is to open a conversation on whether individuals’ best interests may contrast with the community’s desire for new observations. If the community wants new field observations, there is a need to consider the shifting balance of incentives and disincentives for pursuing field studies in hydrology.  相似文献   

Part 1 of the present paper is focused on the types of planetary wave seen in the TIMED/SABER and UK Met Office (UKMO) temperature data in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) (0–50°N) stratosphere (30–60 km) during the Arctic winter of 2003/2004, as the emphasis is on their spatial structure (latitude and altitude) and temporal evolution particularly in relation to the stratospheric warmings. A new method for analysis of satellite data is presented in this study where the migrating and nonmigrating tides and planetary waves (stationary, zonally symmetric and travelling) are simultaneously extracted from the satellite data. The comparison between the altitude and latitude structure of the SABER and UKMO planetary waves in the temperature field of the NH stratosphere indicates a high degree of qualitative and quantitative resemblance and in this way the validity of the new data analysis method is verified as well.  相似文献   


Abstract Base flows make up the flows of most rivers in Zimbabwe during the dry season. Prediction of base flows from basin characteristics is necessary for water resources planning of ungauged basins. Linear regression and artificial neural networks were used to predict the base flow index (BFI) from basin characteristics for 52 basins in Zimbabwe. Base flow index was positively related to mean annual precipitation (r = 0.71), basin slope (r = 0.76), and drainage density (r = 0.29), and negatively related to mean annual evapotranspiration (r = –0.74), and proportion of a basin with grasslands and wooded grasslands (r = –0.53). Differences in lithology did not significantly affect BFI. Linear regression and artificial neural networks were both suitable for predicting BFI values. The predicted BFI was used in turn to derive flow duration curves of the 52 basins and with R 2 being 0.89–0.99.  相似文献   

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