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Résumé Revue des connaissances sur le régime thermique du Globe. Esquisse d'une théorie du refroidissement; influence de la radioactivité. Hypothèse du «modèle froid », objections qu'elle appelle. Esquisse d'une théorie d'un « modèle chaud ». Energie disponble pour les phénomènes tectoniques, par contraction et par courants de convection. Hypothèses sur la solidification progressive du manteau.  相似文献   

Accumulation of organic matter in fens of fluvial valleys is often related to a low terrigenous matter delivery and to palaeoenvironmental conditions inducing low mechanical erosion. These assumptions come from the interpretation of contents in organic (MO) and mineral (MM) matters in sediments, expressed in percents, and then exactly anticorrelated. Calculation of mass accumulation rates of MO (TaMO) and MM (TaMM), expressed in g?m?2?yr?1, shows that TaMO and TaMM generally are not anticorrelated and that high values of TaMO and TaMM could appear simultaneously. That expression of MO and MM accumulation makes it possible to precise the climatic and human impact on sedimentation. To cite this article: J.-J. Macaire et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Résumé L'exploitation récente d'un gisement de bauxite près de Mégare (Grèce) a fait apparaître sur les calcaires de base une concentration verte d'oxyde de nickel relativement élevée. La présence dans le gisement d'argiles rouges, renfermant de fortes proportions d'oxyde de fer avec des teneurs relativement faibles en alumine et des traces d'oxyde de nickel, induit à penser qu'il s'agit d'un produit latéritique dérivé d'une roche ultrabasique et transporté ultérieurement sur la région calcaire karstifiée avec ses remplissages bauxitiques. L'étude se termine par une hypothèse sur la genèse de ce gîte singulier.
The recent mining of a bauxite deposit near Megara (Greece) has shown on the footwall limestone a relatively high concentration of a green nickel oxide. The occurrence in the same deposit of red clays with a rather high percentage of iron oxide and a low content of alumina, together with some traces of nickel, induces to think that this material is composed of a lateritic soil derived from an ultrabasic rock and subsequently transported on karstified limestone with its bauxitic fillings. — The study ends with an hypothesis on the genesis of this unusual deposit.


Les failles naturelles correspondent à des zones d’une certaine largeur, composées de fractures élémentaires en échelons. Plusieurs exemples de zones de failles, d’échelles très diverses, permettent de montrer que ces fractures élémentaires forment selon les cas différents types d’associations que l’on cherche à relier aux conditions mécaniques de formation de la zone de discontinuité.

Pour cela on réalise des modèles analogiques de zones de faille par cisaillement direct sur des argiles en faisant varier la contrainte normale, la teneur en eau et la vitesse de sollicitation.

On montre ainsi que l’accroissement de la contrainte normale à la zone de discontinuité qui se traduit par des fractures élémentaires correspondant à un comportement de plus en plus pseudo-plastique fait diminuer l’emprise de la zone et la longueur des fractures mais accroît leur nombre. Lorsque le matériau n’est pas saturé l’augmentation de la teneur en fluides a, sur la fracturation élémentaire un effet de même sens que celui de l’accroissement de a». Lorsque le matériau est saturé l’accroissement de la vitesse de sollicitation a un effet inverse de celui de l’augmentation de a?.  相似文献   

The direct precipitation of apatite in seawater is inhibited by Mg ions. The action of various factors on this precipitation is studied: addition of Ca, addition of F, reduction of pH and simultaneous effect of reduction of pH and addition either of F or of Ca. It is established that the reduction of the pH of seawater to 7 allows the precipitation of the apatite with a Ca/Mg ratio in the water of 1.2. The favourable environment for the settlement of natural apatite must then be either neutral or acid. This result is corroborated by the re-study of Gulbrandsen's equation. Such an acid environment with a high phosphorus content may be the result of oxidation of large quantities of organic matter due to previous intense biological activity. The acidity is probably brought about by bubbling of CO2.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(6):361-372
The Mamora  area (Morocco) is located in the northern part of the Meseta and the southern part of Rharb. The recent formations (Mesozoic to Quaternary) lie unconformably on a Paleozoic basement. This study based on hydrogeological, sedimentological, drilling data and seismic reflection profiles interpretation, proposes new interpretations of geodynamical evolution of this area particularly in terms of tectonic patterns. The most ancient formations recognized in this region are Paleozoic schists and quartzites in the Tiflete sector. They represent the basement of the basin on which Triassic conglomerates and red mudstones associated with basalts lie unconformably. Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments are limestones and marls. The Mio-pliocene formations are open marine blue marls. Plio-quaternary sediments are limestones and sands containing gravel and pebbles. Miocene to Pliocene blue marls facies corresponds to deep marine marls (bathyal as indicated by planctonic foraminifers) with an attributed age from upper Miocene 〚9〛 to middle Pliocene 〚7〛. A facies distribution map of the top of the blue marls has been realized where four main facies - conglomerate, shelly sandstone, limestone and marls - indicate a major regression in the Mamora basin. The datation of the formations was mostly realized by Wernli 〚22〛, 〚23〛, 〚24〛, 〚25〛, and Cirac 〚10〛. In the Mamora area, Hercynian faults show two main structural directions, N020°E-N040°E (Agadir-Rabat), N120°E (Rabat-Tiflète) 〚5〛, and a new major Hercynian fault (K2S). The seismic profiles have been studied between Sidi Slimane and Sidi Yahia area, to illustrate the structure of the Mamora, and to replace it, in the geodynamical evolution. The seismic reflection lines and drilling data show that the eastern Mamora was subdivided into two sectors : i) the southern sector is affected by Hercynian faults which create horsts and grabens in the Paleozoic. Mio-Pliocene formations infill these depressions and are covered by Quaternary sediments ; ii) the northern sector is constituted by various formations : 1. Paleozoic formation as basement covered by autochthonous Mesozoic to Miocene, 2. Prerifain nappes (marls and evaporites), 3. Mio-Plio-Pleistocene formations as subautochthonous to autochthonous. These two sectors are separated by a major fault (K2S). On the other hand, in the occidental Mamora, the facies distribution and the Plio-Pleistocene thickening seem to be induced by faults with a NE-SW and NW-SE trends which affect the Paleozoic basement. Then, between the Meseta domain and the septentrional Rharb basin, two major Hercynian initially dextral shear zones, Rabat-Tiflete and K2S, have been recognised. During the Atlantic Ocean opening, they are probably senestral shear zones. At the same time the subsidence in Rharb basin is active, major action of these faults is normal. Therefore, Mamora represents a real hinge between stable Meseta and unstable septentrional Rharb basin.  相似文献   

In the Eastern part of French Pyrenees, the Cucugnan area (Southern Corbières) corresponded during the early/Mid-Paleocene (Danian/Selandian) to a narrow transitional zone between the sea to the South (Pyrenean Paleocene Trough) and the continent (fluvio-palustrine and lacustrine Vitrollian deposits) to the North. To the South, in the North-Pyrenean Zone, the polygenic marine breccias and the associated Dano-Selandian Globigerinid-bearing hemipelagites have been preserved within successive paleokarsts superimposed onto the carbonate substratum (ante-Albian). Four paleosurfaces are recognized, principally filled by marine internal sediments with proximal and distal facies. To the North, in the Sub-Pyrenean Zone, a continental foreland basin is characterized by four formations of variegated Microcodium-bearing marls and channelized conglomerates, separated by erosional paleosurfaces underlining well-marked unconformities. An event correlation (chronodiagrams) between the marine realm to the South and the continental realm to the North is proposed, using the successive paleosurfaces and the lithological sequences (same number within the two realms). Our paleogeographic reconstruction shows, to the North, the Lake of Cucugnan and, to the South, a calcareous mountainous zone broken by the juxtaposition of deep paleocanyons (eroded in a continental context) later converted into rias submitted to marine oscillations. Several palinspastic transects are reconstructed: they show the polyphase control of the Frontal North-Pyrenean Overthrust on the Paleocene sedimentation and the importance of the successive intra-Vitrollian compressions/ transpressions (phase fini-crétacée auct.) inducing, within the two juxtaposed realms, emersions, erosions and karstic features which give a very contrasted paleogeography during a period characterized by plate convergence and creation of steep topographies.Manuscrit reçu le 25 septembre 2003 Révision acceptée le 4 mai 2004  相似文献   


L’étude des Schistes lustrés du transect alpin de la Vanoise a permi de préciser les modalités et la chronologie des événements tectoniques précoces enregistrés dans les Alpes occidentales et ainsi de souligner (|ue l’évolution alpine crétacé-tertiaire ne peut s’interpréter comme un simple continuum de déformations compressives. Doivent être distinguées trois étapes majeures : (1 ) un stade précoce crétacé « moyen » à supérieur responsable de l’enfouissement profond d’unités de la marge nord-léthysicnne et de la fermeture du domaine océanique téthysien alpin. Cet événement se matérialise notamment par des enregistrements tectono-sédimentaires (flyschs à blocs d’ophiolilcs) pendant lu fermeture et aboutit à l’enfouissement d’unités océaniques durant le Sénonien dans des conditions de haute pression. Cet événement se corrèle avec la rotation intra-erétaeé supérieur de l’lbérie ; (2 ) un stade maas-trichtien-paléocène durant lequel aucune évidence de déformations compressives n’est connu, mais durant lequel, en revanche, on enregistre des manifestations de magmutisme de type intraplaque caractérisant une tectonique extensive et/ou décrochante. C’est durant cette période que l’on assiste à la suhsidence du bassin des flyschs à Ilelminthoïdes et que, conjointement, l’on enregistre les vitesses de surreetion les plus fortes des roches HP-UT métamorphisées durant le Crétacé supérieur; (3) un stade éocène à actuel, responsable de l’édification et de la déformation de l’édifice actuel se corré-lant avec la forte convergence Europe-Afrique qui s’enregistre depuis l’Eocène (collision tertiaire).  相似文献   

Isotopic measurements in polar ice core have shown a succession of rapid warming periods during the last glacial period over Greenland. However, this method underestimates the surface temperature variations. A new method based on gas thermal diffusion in the firn manages to quantify surface temperature variations through associated isotopic fractionations. We developed a method to extract air from the ice and to perform isotopic measurements to reduce analytical uncertainties to 0.006 and 0.020 for δ15N and δ40Ar. It led to a 16±1.5 °C surface temperature variation during a rapid warming (?70000 yr). To cite this article: A. Landais et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Paléocène-Early Eocene phosphate outcrop in the Ras-Draâ deposit (Tunisia) comprises alternances of P-rich strata (P2O5 ≥ 18%) and P-poor ones (P2O5 ≤ 2%). In phosphate rich strata, P is concentrated in rounded grains—so-called pellets—(28% ≤ P2O5 ≤ 38%) embedded in a matrix—so-called exogangue—much poorer in P (P2O5 # 7%) than pellets. The study of pellets (whose size lies mainly between 100 and 500 μm), of their surrounding matrix and of poorly phosphatic sediments, interlayered between the phosphatic strata, has been performed by optical microscopy and various chemical analyses, ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) and punctual chemical analyses by EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy). Mineralogical and chemical studies of the Tunisian phosphatic pellets show that the basic mineralogical component of these grains is carbonate-fluor-apatite, or francolite. The structural formula of a representative specimen of francolite in the basin is as follows: (Ca4.63Mg0.13Na0.22)(PO4)2.51(CO3)0.48(OH0.77F0.23). The mineralogy of the constituents of the sediment surrounding pellets comprises carbonates, clays, silica (opal, quartz). Microscopic observations of Ras-Draâ phosphorites, added to geochemical results, establish that pellets are small bodies, allochtonous to their matrix and whose composition is independent of that of this matrix. Fecal cylindrical bodies and subspherical pellets, the latest being supposed to proceed from the fecal bodies by fragmentation, are considered to have been formed by fishes, as P-rich and organic matter-rich faeces. These faeces turn out to be resistant to mechanical dispersion and to chemical diffusion of soluble elements from and in direction of sea water. This closeness is responsible for the strong reducing conditions having prevailed inside and during the pellets diagenesis.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1999,12(3-4):223-235
Spatialized Morphological Analysis is a new method of detecting faults which uses the morphometric relief data (slope, aspect, elevation) taken from a precise Digital Elevation Model by a computer program. This program, taking the principles of the evolution of relief into account (rock type, climate, chronology), allows the statistical identification of morphometric standards for each type of morphology and the extraction of anomalies to these standards. Some of these anomalies, after a processing of spatial classification, are considered as tectonic tracks. The actual existence of faults, corresponding with anomalies, is verified by classical methods of structural geology. By a better localisation and geometrical definition of faults, this method can allow the optimization of hydrodynamical studies of cracked aquifers, and in case of calcareous ones, a spatial approach to karstification. This method is applied to the north of France chalky aquifer, where, associated with detailed hydrogeological records, it allowed the identification of rapid transfers of groundwater at the level of faults. Even so, exokarstic phenomena are uncommon in this area. Some chemical and textural particularities of Quaternary chalk cover may be the cause of rainwater inhibition, and it is possible that the karstic responses observed are due to considerable mechanical dissolution in the saturated area where tectonic activity (neotectonic faults have been observed) creates environments of preferential flow.  相似文献   

]The activities of 18 radionuclides in 4 samples from the Saint-Séverin meteorite have been measured after chemical separation. The results show that the DI sample from the D piece has been less irradiated than the samples B2, B3 and B4 from the B piece. This is based on activities of isotopes produced both by spallation as 26Al, 53Mn, 54Mn, 55Fe, 57Co and by thermal neutron capture as 59Ni and 60Co.Comparison of experimental values to calculated production rates suggests that the D piece was connected to the main body of the meteorite by a small surface, and that the DI sample in this piece was opposite to the main body of the meteorite.  相似文献   


La coexistence de flores à cachet autunien et de flores à cachet Stéphanien dans une même formation et dans plusieurs bassins limniques du Paléozoïque supérieur du Massif central est attribuée.à des variations de paléoenvironnement : les flores “autuniennes” sont des flores méso- à xérophiles poussant sur les reliefs bordiers des bassins ou dans les zones hautes de ces derniers, alors que les flores “stéphaniennes” sont des flores hygrophiles des plaines d’inondation des zones basses. Le changement climatique qui marque le passage du Carbonifère au Per-mien, et qui se traduit par une certaine aridification, amène une évolution radicale de la composition des flores, les ensembles floristiques méso- et xérophiles devenant prédominants. Ceci démontre l’importance des conditions paléoécologiques sur la répartition et la succession des flores permocarbonifères. Il découle de tout ceci que la stratigraphie du Paléozoïque supérieur du Massif central, basée sur les successions de flores, n’est pas en mesure de fournir un cadre chronologique précis aux événements structuraux de l’époque.  相似文献   


Dans le segment varisque français, les associations d’orthogneiss et de micaschistes sont généralement interprétées comme correspondant originellement soit à des couples socle granitique -couverture pélitique, soit à des granités intrusifs dans un encaissant pélitique, soit encore à des séries détritiques ou volcano-détritiques. Certaines d’entre elles résultent en fait de la déformation cisaillante ductile hétérogène synmétamorphe d’anciens granités, associée à d’importants transferts de matière.

Cette interprétation se fonde essentiellement sur la reconnaissance dans des zones de cisaillement ductile de passages progressifs entre orthogneiss et micaschistes. Cette évolution, qui correspond à une séquence blastomylonitique ou sub-blastomylonitique, est caractérisée par une recristallisation complète, ou quasi-complète, dès le stade orthogneiss, accompagnée par une modification chimique marquée par une perte en Si, Ca et Na et une concentration corrélative en Al, Fe, Mg et Ti. Une telle évolution aboutit à des orthomicaschistes, roches entièrement recristallisées et à foliation bien définie, distincts des phyllonites et analogues aux « micaschistes rétrogrades ». Les associations métagranites - orthogneiss - orthomicaschistes reconnues occupent des surfaces allant de 50 à 500 km2 et l’épaisseur des nombreux niveaux d’orthomicaschistes va de quelques centimètres a plusieurs hectomètres.

En conséquence, dans les régions affectées par une intense déformation cisaillante ductile synmétamorphe, les transformations de granités peuvent être plus variées, plus importantes et plus généralisées qu’on ne l’admettait jusqu’ici.  相似文献   

Emerald deposits of Colombia are confined to lower Cretaceous shales of the Eastern Cordillera. The tectonic pattern of the deposits is related to deep reverse and large regional fault systems. Hydrofracturing is the main factor controlling emerald mineralization. It permitted to the hydrothermal solutions to permeate through fractures but also along stratification planes forming in this case stratabound mineralizations. Emerald occurs in calcite veins, veinlets, pockets and brecciated zones associated mainly with pyrite, quartz, parisite, codazzite and fluorite. Emerald mineralization belongs to an epigenetic hydrothermal process. The alternance of arenite-shale formations in the Cretaceous probably played an important role in the accumulation of solutions and in the propagation of the hydrothermal channels. The origin of emerald involves chemical elements mobilized by the fluids in the Cr-V-Fe-Al-Si-bearing black shales. The source of beryllium remains a problem and is discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

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