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A modified profile method for determining the vertical deposition (or/and exhalation) fluxes of NO, NO2, ozone, and HNO3 in the atmospheric surface layer is presented. This method is based on the generally accepted micrometeorological ideas of the transfer of momentum, sensible heat and matter near the Earth's surface and the chemical reactions among these trace gases. The analysis (aerodynamic profile method) includes a detailed determination of the micrometeorological quantities (such as the friction velocity, the fluxes of sensible and latent heat, the roughness length and the zero plane displacement), and of the height-invariant fluxes of the composed chemically conservative trace gases with group concentrations c 1=[NO]+[NO2]+[HNO3], c 2=[NO2]+[O3]+3/2·[HNO3], and c 3=[NO]–[O3]–1/2·[HNO3]. The fluxes of the individual species are finally determined by the numerical solution of a system of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations for the concentrations of ozone and HNO3 (decoding method). The parameterization of the fluxes is based on the flux-gradient relationships in the turbulent region of the atmospheric surface layer. The model requires only the vertical profile data of wind velocity, temperature and humidity and concentrations of NO, NO2, ozone, and HNO3.The method has been applied to vertical profile data obtained at Jülich (September 1984) and collected in the BIATEX joint field experiment LOVENOX (Halvergate, U.K., September 1989).  相似文献   

Several years of continuous measurements of surfaceozone at Norwegian monitoring sites are studied in aclimatological way. The monitoring sites are at rurallocations extending from 58°N, a few hundredkilometers from the European continent and into theArctic at 79°N. The ozone observations are sorted intoclasses of integrated NOx emissions along 96 h backtrajectories. The average seasonal cycles of ozone areestimated for each class separately. The differencesindicate the change from the background air due toanthropogenic emissions. The average seasonal cycle ofozone in the cleanest air masses showed a maximum inspring and a minimum during summer and autumn at allsites, but the spring maximum was more pronounced atthe southernmost locations. Polluted air masses showedan ozone deficit during winter and a surplus duringsummer. The deviation from the background was clearlylinked to the integrated NOx emission along thetrajectories. In summer the calculations indicate thatthe number of ozone molecules formed per NOx moleculedrops with increasing emissions. The average seasonalcycle of ozone at Birkenes for different transportsectors indicate that the most pronounced ozoneformation takes place in air masses from E-Europe/Russia.  相似文献   

Results from numerical investigations regarding the exchange of HNO3, NH3, and NH4NO3 between the atmosphere and the biosphere are presented. The investigations were performed with a modified inferential method which is based on the generally accepted micrometeorological ideas of the transfer of momentum, sensible heat and matter near the Earth's surface and the chemical reactions among these nitrogen compounds. This modified inferential method calculates the micrometeorological quantities (such as the friction velocity and the fluxes of sensible and latent heat), the height-invariant fluxes of the composed chemically conservative trace species with group concentrationsc 1=[HNO3]+[NH4NO3] (total nitrate),c 2=[NH3]+[NH4NO3] (total ammonia), andc 3=[HNO3]-[NH3] as well as the fluxes of the individual nitrogen compounds. The parameterization of the fluxes is based on the flux-gradient relationships in the turbulent region of the atmospheric surface layer. The modified inferential method requires only the data of wind velocity, temperature, humidity and concentrations (HNO3, NH3, and NH4NO3) measured at a reference height by stations of a monitoring network.  相似文献   

A bifurcation phenomenon with relevance to atmospheric chemistry is discussed. The gasphase reactions in the troposphere exhibit two types of temporal evolution which are controlled by the strength of the source,Q, of nitric oxide, NO, via the nonlinear chemical coupling between the hydrogen oxides and nitrogen oxides chemistry. IfQ remains below a threshold value, all short-lived species, including NO, approach steady-state concentrations, while above the threshold bifurcation to another state with increasing (nonstationary) NO concentrations accompanied by a depletion of the OH and HO2 abundances takes place.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of ozone and ozoneprecursors were made during a field campaign atSchauinsland in the Black Forest and in the valleynorth of Schauinsland that channels the flow ofpolluted air from the city of Freiburg to the site.From the decay of hydrocarbons and NOx between the twomeasuring sites and the known rate coefficients, theconcentration of OH radicals was calculated. From abudget analysis of OH and HOx it is concluded that therelatively high OH concentrations (5–8 ×106cm-3) in the presence of high NO2concentrations cannot be explained by the knownprimary sources. The budget can be closed if efficientrecycling of OH via HO2 is assumed to occur andthat, based on the measured hydrocarbons, 2 HO2molecules are formed for each OH radical that reactswith a hydrocarbon molecule. This assumption is inaccordance with the budget of Ox obtained from ourmeasurements and with results from earliermeasurements of alkylnitrates and peroxy radicals atSchauinsland. A possible conclusion is that the decayof precursors and production of photooxidants in urbanplumes proceeds at a faster rate than is currentlyassumed. The potential role of biogenichydrocarbons for the radical budget is alsodiscussed.  相似文献   

Ozone production efficiencies (EN), which can be defined as the netnumber of ozone molecules produced per molecule of NOxoxidised, have been calculated from measurements taken during three intensive field campaigns (one in the spring, EASE 96, and two in the summer, EASE 97 and TIGER 95), at two European coastal sites (Mace Head, Ireland (EASE) and Weybourne, Norfolk (TIGER)) impacted by polluted air masses originating from both the U.K. and continental Europe, as well as relatively clean oceanic air masses from the Arctic and Atlantic. From a detailed wind sector analysis of the EASE 96 and 97 data it is clear that two general types of pollution regime were encountered at Mace Head. The calculated ozone production efficiency in clean oceanic air masses was approximately 65, which contrasted to more polluted air, from the U.K. and the continental European plume, where the efficiency decreased to between 4 and 6. The latter values of ENagree well with literature measurements conducted downwind of various urban centres in the U.S. and Europe, which are summarised in a wide-ranging review table. The EN value calculated for clean oceanic air is effectivelyan upper limit, owing to the relatively rapid deposition of HNO3 tothe ocean. Consideration of the variation of EN with NOx forthe three campaigns suggests that ozone production efficiency is relatively insensitive to both geographical location and season. The measuredEN values are also compared with values derived from steady-state expressions. An observed anti-correlation between EN and measured ozone tendencyis briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper shows a comparative study of particle and surface ozone concentration measurements undertaken simultaneously at two distinct semi-urban locations distant by 4 km at Saint-Denis, the main city of La Réunion island (21.5° S, 55.5° E) during austral autumn (May 2000). Black carbon (BC) particles measured at La Réunion University, the first site situated in the suburbs of Saint-Denis, show straight-forward anti-correlation with ozone, especially during pollution peaks ( 650 ng/m3 and 15 ppbv, for BC and ozone respectively) and at night-time (90 ng/m3 and 18.5 ppbv, for BC and ozone respectively). NOx (NO and NO2) and PM10 particles were also measured in parallel with ozone at Lislet Geoffroy college, a second site situated closer to the city centre. NOx and PM10 particles are anti-correlated with ozone, with noticeable ozone destruction during peak hours (mean 6 and 9 ppbv at 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. respectively) when NOx and PM10 concentrations exhibit maximum values. We observe a net daytime ozone creation (19 ppbv, O3 +4.5 ppbv), following both photochemical and dynamical processes. At night-time however, ozone recovers (mean 11 ppbv) when anthropogenic activities are lower ([BC] 100 ng/m3). BC and PM10 concentration variation obtained during an experiment at the second site shows that the main origin of particles is anthropogenic emission (vehicles), which in turn influences directly ozone variability. Saint-Denis BC and ozone concentrations are also compared to measurements obtained during early autumn (March 2000) at Sainte-Rose (third site), a quite remote oceanic location. Contrarily to Saint-Denis observations, a net daytime ozone loss (14.5 ppbv at 4 p.m.) is noticed at Sainte-Rose while ozone recovers (17 ppbv) at night-time, with however a lower amplitude than at Saint-Denis. Preliminary results presented here are handful data sets for modelling and which may contribute to a better comprehension of ozone variability in relatively polluted areas.  相似文献   

Recent observations suggest that the abundance of ozone between 2 and 8 km in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes has increased by about 12% during the period from 1970 to 1981. Earlier estimates were somewhat more conservative suggesting increases at the rate of 7% per decade since the start of regular observations in 1967. Previous photochemical model studies have indicated that tropospheric ozone concentrations would increase with increases in emissions of CO, CH4 and NO x . This paper presents an analysis of tropospheric ozone which suggests that a significant portion of its increase may be attributed to the increase in global anthropogenic NO x emissions during this period while the contribution of CH4 to the increase is quite small. Two statistical models are presented for estimating annual global anthropogenic emissions of NO x and are used to derive the trend in the emissions for the years 1966–1980. These show steady increase in the emissions during this interval except for brief periods of leveling off after 1973 and 1978. The impact of this increase in emissions on ozone is estimated by calculations with a onedimensional (latitudinal) model which includes coupled tropospheric photochemistry and diffusive meridional transport. Steady-state photochemical calculations with prescribed NO x emissions appropriate for 1966 and 1980 indicate an ozone increase of 8–11% in the Northern Hemisphere, a result which is compatible with the rise in ozone suggested by the observations.  相似文献   

Growth in subsonic air traffic over the past 20 years has been dramatic, with an annual increase of }6.1% over the decade between 1978 and 1988. Furthermore, aircraft activities in the year 2000 are predicted to be double those of 1990, with a shift towards more high-flying, longhaul subsonics. Aircraft exhaust gases increase the amount of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere through injection at cruise altitudes. Given that NO x is instrumental in tropospheric ozone production and stratospheric ozone destruction, it is important to determine the influence of subsonic aircraft NO x emissions on levels of atmospheric ozone. This paper describes calculations designed to investigate the impact that subsonic aircraft may already have had on the atmosphere during the 1980s, run in a 2-D chemical-radiative-transport model. The results indicate a significant increase in upper tropospheric ozone over the decade arising from aircraft emissions. However, when comparing model results with observational data, certain discrepancies appear. Lower stratospheric ozone loss over the 1980s does not appear to be greatly altered by the inclusion of aircraft emissions in the model. However, given the trend in greater numbers of long-haul subsonic aircraft, this factor must be considered in any further calculations.  相似文献   

郭凤霞  陈聪 《大气科学》2012,36(4):713-721
为了解闪电对对流层上部NOx的贡献,本文利用美国全球水资源和气候中心(GHRC)提供的1995年4月~2005年12月的闪电卫星格点资料及高层大气研究卫星 (UARS) 上的卤素掩星试验装置 (HALOE) 1991年10 月~2005 年11月的观测资料,分析了中国地区闪电与对流层上部NOx体积混合比的时空分布特征及两者的相关性.结果表明:中国地区闪电和对流层上部的NOx在季节分布、年际分布和空间分布上保持很好的一致性,闪电是对流层上部NOx的重要来源;NO极值高度在350 hPa左右,云闪直接产生的NO是极值产生的主要原因,NO2的极值高度在250 hPa左右,因为闪电产生的NO在传输过程中会被氧化成NO2并通过雷暴的垂直输送作用抬升到更高高度;强对流活动有利于NOx的传输,而人类活动产生的NOx一般较难输送到对流层上部,因此闪电多发区的NOx极值较大,所在的高度也较高.  相似文献   

The relationship between the emission of ozone precursors and the chemical production of tropospheric ozone(O3) in the Pearl River Delta Region(PRD) was studied using numerical simulation.The aim of this study was to examine the volatile organic compound(VOC)-or nitrogen oxide(NOx =NO+NO2)limited conditions at present and when surface temperature is increasing due to global warming,thus to make recommendations for future ozone abatement policies for the PRD region.The model used for this application is the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency’s(EPA’s) third-generation air-quality modeling system;it consists of the mesoscale meteorological model MM5 and the chemical transport model named Community Multi-scale Air Quality(CMAQ).A series of sensitivity tests were conducted to assess the influence of VOC and NOx variations on ozone production.Tropical cyclone was shown to be one of the important synoptic weather patterns leading to ozone pollution.The simulations were based on a tropicalcyclone-related episode that occurred during 14-16 September 2004.The results show that,in the future,the control strategy for emissions should be tightened.To reduce the current level of ozone to meet the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department(EPD) air-quality objective(hourly average of 120 ppb),emphasis should be put on restricting the increase of NOx emissions.Furthermore,for a wide range of possible changes in precursor emissions,temperature increase will increase the ozone peak in the PRD region;the areas affected by photochemical smog are growing wider,but the locations of the ozone plume are rather invariant.  相似文献   

A chemical module describing the tropospheric photochemistry of ozone precursors in both gaseous and aqueous phases for a remote continental atmosphere has been developed within the framework of a two-dimensional cloud model. Dynamical, microphysical and chemical processes are fully interacting in order to study the influence of clouds on ozone chemistry and to quantify the relative importance of the different processes on the budget and evolution of 12 chemical species. Whereas the concentrations of highly soluble species are strongly affected by evaporation and sedimentation, less soluble species are affected primarily by accretion. The model reproduces previously observed chemical phenomena such as the enrichment of formic acid at the top of the cloud.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the simultaneous absorption of NH3 and SO2 from the ambient atmosphere by freely falling water drops has been carried out in the Mainz vertical wind tunnel. The experimental results were found to be in good agreement with the results derived from computations with the Kronig-Brink convective diffusion model and also with a model which assumes a drop to be well mixed at all times. Encouraged by this agreement, these computation schemes for the uptake of gas by single drops where incorporated in a pollution washout model with realistic SO2, NH3 and CO2 gas profiles. This model allows an entire raindrop size distribution to fall through a gas layer. The results of this plume-model show that the SO2 uptake is strongly dependent on the NH3 concentration in the atmosphere and on the rainrate. We also find that the small drops contribute more towards the washout of these gases. In the case of simultaneous presence of NH3 and SO2, desorption of these gases is negligible.  相似文献   

The impact of natural and anthropogenicnon-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) on troposphericchemistry is investigated with the global,three-dimensional chemistry-transport model MOGUNTIA.This meteorologically simplified model allows theinclusion of a rather detailed scheme to describeNMHC oxidation chemistry. Comparing model resultscalculated with and without NMHC oxidation chemistryindicates that NMHC oxidation adds 40–60% to surfacecarbon monoxide (CO) levels over the continents andslightly less over the oceans. Free tropospheric COlevels increase by 30–60%. The overall yield of COfrom the NMHC mixture considered is calculated to beabout 0.4 CO per C atom. Organic nitrate formationduring NMHC oxidation, and their transport anddecomposition affect the global distribution of NO x and thereby O3 production. The impact of theshort-lived NMHC extends over the entire tropospheredue to the formation of longer-lived intermediateslike CO, and various carbonyl and carboxyl compounds.NMHC oxidation almost doubles the net photochemicalproduction of O3 in the troposphere and leads to20–80% higher O3 concentration inNO x -rich boundarylayers, with highest increases over and downwind ofthe industrial and biomass burning regions. Anincrease by 20–30% is calculated for the remotemarine atmosphere. At higher altitudes, smaller, butstill significant increases, in O3 concentrationsbetween 10 and 60% are calculated, maximizing in thetropics. NO from lightning also enhances the netchemical production of O3 by about 30%, leading to asimilar increase in the global mean OH radicalconcentration. NMHC oxidation decreases the OH radicalconcentrations in the continental boundary layer withlarge NMHC emissions by up to 20–60%. In the marineboundary layer (MBL) OH levels can increase in someregions by 10–20% depending on season and NO x levels.However, in most of the MBL OH will decrease by10–20% due to the increase in CO levels by NMHCoxidation chemistry. The large decreases especiallyover the continents strongly reduce the markedcontrasts in OHconcentrations between land and oceanwhich are calculated when only the backgroundchemistry is considered. In the middle troposphere, OHconcentrations are reduced by about 15%, although dueto the growth in CO. The overall effect of thesechanges on the tropospheric lifetime of CH4 is a 15%increase from 6.5 to 7.4 years. Biogenic hydrocarbonsdominate the impact of NMHC on global troposphericchemistry. Convection of hydrocarbon oxidationproducts: hydrogen peroxides and carbonyl compounds,especially acetone, is the main source of HO x in theupper troposphere. Convective transport and additionof NO from lightning are important for the O3 budgetin the free troposphere.  相似文献   

针对京津冀地区主要大气污染物NOx(氮氧化物)和PM2.5(大气中粒径小于或等于2.5μm的颗粒物),应用柴油车尾气净化技术及中小锅炉烟气脱硝技术,并根据2015年和2030年我国能源规划,设计3种技术应用情景,采用WRF-CAMx耦合模式,对京津冀地区大气中NOx和PM2.5进行了应用情景模拟。结果表明,单独应用柴油车尾气净化技术后(方案1),北京、天津地区大气中的NOx浓度降低幅度达20%,河北地区降低5%;PM2.5的浓度降低幅度约10%;应用柴油车尾气净化技术和2015年能源规划情景(方案2),京津冀地区大气中NOx和PM2.5浓度的降低幅度均超过20%;应用柴油车尾气净化技术和2030年能源规划情景(方案3),该地区NOx浓度降低幅度与之相当,PM2.5浓度降低幅度超过30%。可见脱硝技术和清洁能源利用的有效性依赖于其应用比例。二次气粒转化的化学过程形成的硝酸盐、硫酸盐和铵盐对该地区空气中PM2.5浓度的贡献很大,冬、春、秋季硝酸盐最大贡献高达60%,夏、秋季硫酸盐最大贡献超过70%,铵盐四季最大贡献约25%。这说明PM2.5的主要前体物NOx、SO2、NH3、VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)、CO等均大幅度削减才能有效降低该地区空气中PM2.5浓度。  相似文献   

为了研究海南省三亚地区冬春季大气污染状况,于2011年12月—2013年4月的冬春季节在三亚鹿回头村(监测点位于三亚市郊,三面临海,周围没有工业污染源)开展了大气主要污染物(NOx、O3、PM2.5)的连续监测,利用观测数据对三亚地区冬春季大气污染变化特征进行分析.结果表明:三亚地区大气污染物浓度均低于国家一级标准的浓度值,NO、NO2、NOx、O3、PM2.5质量浓度的日平均值(平均值±标准差)分别为(2.1±2.2)、(5.2±3.4)、(7.3±3.8)、(59.8±28.4)和(17.5±14.3)μg·m-3.在污染物的日变化方面,NOx、PM2.5呈现典型的双峰型,其峰值分别出现在08:00和17:00,峰谷在13:00;O3的日变化为单峰型,峰值出现在13:00.通过后向轨迹分析发现,三亚地区大气污染物受局地源排放和外源输送的共同影响,来自陆地的气流易造成污染物的积累,而来自海上的气流则有利于污染物的清除.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional Lagrangian tropospheric chemistry modelis used toinvestigate the impact of human activities on the tropospheric distributionofozone and hydroxyl radicals. The model describes the behaviour of 50 speciesincluding methane, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide andnineorganic compounds emitted from human activities and a range of other sources.Thechemical mechanism involves about 100 chemical reactions of which 16 arephotochemical reactions whose diurnal dependence is treated in full. The modelutilises a five minute chemistry time step and a three hour advection timestepfor the 50,000 air parcels. Meteorological data for the winds, temperatures,clouds and so on are taken from the UK Meteorological Office global model for1994 onwards. The impacts of a 50% reduction in European NOXemissions onglobal ozone concentrations are assessed. Surface ozoneconcentrations decrease in summertime and rise in wintertime, but to differentextents.  相似文献   

This study describes the chemical composition of dry deposition collected at a highway traffic site in central Taiwan during daytime and nighttime periods by using a dry deposition plate (DDP) and water surface sampler (WSS). In addition, the characterization for mass and water-soluble species of total suspended particulate (TSP), both PM2.5 and PM10, was studied at the study site from August 22 to November 30, 2006. Dry deposition fluxes of ambient air particulates and inorganic species (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl, NO3 and SO42−) were analyzed by Ion Chromatography (DIONEX-100).Results of the particulate dry deposition fluxes and mass concentrations are higher in the water surface sampler with respect to the dry deposition plate used in this study. Statistical results also showed the average dry deposition flux of the ionic species (Na+, NH4+, K+, Cl, NO3 and SO42−) obtained by the DDP and WSS displayed significant differences. Also, the average concentrations of Mg2+ and, Ca2+ were statistically the same at this study site.  相似文献   

An experimental study involving the Mainz vertical wind tunnel is described where the rate of SO2 removed from the air by freely suspended water drops was measured for SO2 concentrations in the gas phase ranging between 50 and 500 ppb, and for various H2O2 concentrations in the liquid phase. In a first set of experiments, the pH inside the SO2 absorbing drops was monitored by means of colour pH indicators added to the drops. In a second set of experiments, the amount of SO2 scavenged by the drops was determined as sulfate by an ionchromatograph after the drops had been removed from the vertical air stream of the wind tunnel after various times of exposure to SO2. The results of our experimental study were compared with the theoretical gas diffusion model of Walcek and Pruppacher which was reformulated for the case of SO2 concentrations in the ppbv(v) range for which the main resistance to diffusion lies in the gas phase surrounding the drop. Excellent agreement between experiment and theory was obtained. Encouraged by this agreement, the theory was used to investigate the rate of sulfate production inside a drop as a function of pH. The sulfate production rate, which includes transport and oxidation, was compared with the production rate based on bulk equilibrium, as cited in the literature.  相似文献   

Since 1989 precursors and reaction products involved in tropospheric oxidant formation have been monitored continuously at the Swedish west coast (Rörvik) as part of the EUROTRAC-TOR project. During the spring 1990 two periods with enhanced concentrations of air pollutants in the boundary layer were observed, one in the middle of March (17th–19th) and the other in late April (23rd–27th). In this paper the episodes are described and discussed in relation to the formation of oxidants during long range transport. For the March episode the concentrations of oxidants and precursors were calculated by a photochemical trajectory model for air parcels transported from continental Europe to Rörvik. The predictions from the model are discussed in relation to the concentrations measured.  相似文献   

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