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O. Engvold 《Solar physics》1981,70(2):315-324
The small scale velocity field of a large quiescent prominence is studied from simultaneous filtergrams in the red and violet wings of the Ca ii K-line.The average spatial separation of peak velocities is about 3000 km. The duration of individual velocity elements appears to increase with increasing area of the elements. In some positions of the prominence the direction of the velocity persists through the 5 hrs of observations. It is suggested that emitting elements of gas, which flow along the magnetic lines of force, produce peak velocities when they pass through particular locations of the prominence region.There is no clear evidence in the data for oscillations or waves.  相似文献   

By making line profile analyses of the Fe xiv 5303 coronal line, temporal variations of three fundamental quantities, the line intensity, the FWHM, and the Doppler velocity, have been investigated for an active region. The power spectrum shows that the line-of-sight Doppler velocity fluctuated periodically at two locations with a period of nearly 300 seconds, while no periodic oscillations were found in line intensity. As to the FWHM, some evidence of periodic fluctuations are recognized but in a less distinct manner.The Sacramento Peak Observatory is operated by the Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc. by contact with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The Ca+ K line of the quiescent prominence of 15 October 1969 observed at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, U.S.S.R. is studied in detail. The behaviour of various fragments of the prominence with the line-of-sight Doppler velocities is investigated for different places of the prominence along the spectrum height. Due to superposition of the fragments and the radial velocities a complex non-gaussian profile of the spectral line is formed. Decomposition of the non-gaussian profile into suitable gaussian ones is made with a computer yielding objectivity and high accuracy. The rms error for the intensities in the decomposition is about 5%.It is found that the components into which the Ca+ K line decomposes at each level, are traced while proceeding from one photometric section to another throughout the spectral height.A hypothesis on the preferably filamentary structure of the prominence is put forward.  相似文献   

P. Mein  N. Mein 《Solar physics》1991,136(2):317-333
A quiescent prominence has been observed with the MSDP spectrograph at the Pic du Midi Observatory. H profiles are obtained simultaneously in a 2D field, allowing a statistical analysis. The standard deviations of Doppler shifts and line widths are investigated as functions of the line intensity. The observations are compared with numerical simulations assuming that the prominence is made of identical threads, the velocity of which is distributed according to gaussian functions. The processing of simulations is very close to the processing of observations. The mixing by seeing effects and the transfer of radiation across several threads along the line of sight are considered. The results are consistent with the values derived by Engvold et al. (1989) and Zirker and Koutchmy (1989, 1990, 1991).The best fits are obtained with the following conditions. The temperature is 8500 K. In the middle range of intensities, each pixel results typically from the mixing of 6 velocity threads, the optical thickness of which is roughly 0.2 at H center, and the geometrical thickness larger than 1000 km. It is likely that the velocity threads have larger sizes than the density threads. The fit of the results is improved by taking into account a slight scatter of source functions throughout the prominence.In the central parts of the prominence, the fit is obtained by assuming that the line-of-sight velocities of the threads have a gaussian probability function (standard deviation 7 km s–1).In the edges, we suggest larger scatter of velocities, and two combined dispersions. The velocity threads observed along a given line of sight are supposed to have neighbouring velocities (dispersion 7 km s–1) around a mean value taken at random inside another distribution function (dispersion 7 km s–1).  相似文献   

I. Lerche  B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1977,53(2):385-396
We present a theoretical model of quiescent prominences in the form of an infinite vertical sheet. Self-consistent solutions are obtained by integrating simultaneously the set of nonlinear equations of magnetostatic equilibrium and thermal balance. The basic features of the models are: (1) The prominence matter is confined to a sheet and supported against gravity by a bowed magnetic field. (2) The thermal flux is channelled along magnetic field lines. (3) The thermal flux is everywhere balanced by Low's (1975b) hypothetical heat sink which is proportional to the local density. (4) A constant component of the magnetic field along the length of the prominence shields the cool plasma from the hot surrounding. We assume that the prominence plasma emits more radiation than it absorbs from the radiation fields of the photosphere, chromosphere and corona, and we interpret the above hypothetical heat sink to represent the amount of radiative loss that must be balanced by a nonradiative energy input. Using a central density and temperature of 1011 particles cm–3 and 5000 K respectively, a magnetic field strength between 2 to 10 gauss and a thermal conductivity that varies linearly with temperature, we discuss the physical properties implied by the model. The analytic treatment can also be carried out for a class of more complex thermal conductivities. These models provide a useful starting point for investigating the combined requirements of magnetostatic equilibrium and thermal balance in the quiescent prominence.  相似文献   

Emission-line coronagraph images of a high-latitude, nominally quiescent prominence, recorded at wavelengths of H, 6374 Å (Fex) and 5303 Å (Fe xiv), are analyzed. Over a two-day period, the coronal images, which are found to arise predominantly from coronal emission, evolve such that the emission becomes concentrated at locations corresponding to the outer regions of the prominence. This edge enhancement has similar characteristics to results inferred from EUV prominence observations. It is postulated that this coronal emission associated with the prominence results from MHD wave dissipation. Dissipation lengths for slow-mode, fast-mode and Alfvén waves are estimated for different prominence conditions. Of these, fast-mode waves appear to be the most physically realistic heating source if the prominence magnetic field is along the length of the prominence.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We report on the observation of Doppler oscillations in a quiescent limb prominence. Fourier analysis of the data reveals an oscillatory period of 7.5 min, whose phase varies linearly at 16 consecutive points (7280 km) along the slit. This yields an upper limit for the perturbation wavelength of 20000 km. Wavelet analysis confirms the above period and indicates an oscillation lifetime of 12 min. Moreover, the disturbance appears to travel at a speed greater than 4.4 km s-1. A comparison of these results with the predictions of some theoretical models is made.  相似文献   

A brief quantitative review of the determination of the chemical composition of the Sun and stars is given. The method of estimation of the total amount of hydrogen atoms in a prominence is considered.The values of relative abundances of some infrequent elements in the solar atmosphere are refined using metal emission lines in the spectrum of a quiescent prominence. The most probable values of relative abundances for itrium Y1×10–9, zirconium Zr2×10–9, and scandium Sc3.8×10–9 are derived.  相似文献   

A technique developed for analysing line profiles with both speed and high accuracy was used to study the physical conditions of a coronal formation near a quiescent prominence. Detailed analyses of five coronal lines (Fe xiv λ 5303, Fe x λ 6374, Ni xv λ 6702, Fe xv λ 7059, and Fe xi λ 7892) provided total intensities, Doppler width temperatures, ionization temperatures, and velocities. Dissimilar spatial fluctuations in intensity are obvious for ions grouped according to (low vs high) ionization potentials. The intensity of the green line shows a local minimum around the observed quiescent prominence; a corresponding but much more diffuse pattern is visible in the red line intensity. Large differences are observed in temperatures derived by different means. In particular, , while , and . The differences between and are taken as direct evidence of temperature inhomogeneity. One can thus put little significance in T e (xi/x). T D(λ5303) and T e (xv/xiv) fluctuate nearly in parallel at each slit height, with a weak local minimum evident around the prominence. The discrepancy between these two can be removed if a non-thermal turbulent motion of 6–16 km s−1 is assumed. Variations with height of both T D(λ5303) and T e (xv/xiv) suggest that the coronal temperature maximum is located no more than 15000 km above the top of spicules. A negative gradient of about 6 deg km−1 is found in the height variation of T D(λ5303). The height variation of the green line wavelength shows that the majority of coronal material in this region is flowing from west to east on the Sun, with the highest velocity of 12 km s−1 found at the lowest heights. This motion is in the same sense as that of the nearby coronal rain, as determined both from the spectra and wavelength-shifted Hα filtergrams. Superposed on the above flow is a systematic velocity field of up to ±5 km s−1. This field similarly reaches maximum amplitudes at lowest heights showing a local maximum around the prominence. On leave from Institute of Earth Science and Astrophysics, Shiga University, Ohtsu 520, Japan, as 1973–75 National Academy of Science/National Research Council Senior Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Sacramento Peak Observatory.  相似文献   

We compare observations of an eruptive and a quiescent prominence in order to better understand the energetic processes in an eruptive prominence. Observations of an eruptive prominence were obtained in H, several UV emission lines (1215–1640 Å), and coronal white light at approximately 19:00 UT on September 20, 1980. The data we present shows the development of the eruption in the H and UV emission lines and is compared with the intensities from similar observations of a quiescent prominence. While the event is coincident with some coronal changes, above 1.2 and up to 1.5 solar radii, it does not result in a true coronal mass ejection event.The comparison between the eruptive and quiescent prominences reveals several differences which suggest that the activation consists not only of a mechanical movement of material, but also changes in the temperature of the prominence plasma. Some prominence material that does not seem to participate in the large scale prominence motion is heated during the eruptive event. Most of this material is heated to transition zone temperatures with almost no cool core (i.e., no or very little H emission). The behavior indicates that there are structures that are first cool and then heat up to transition zone temperatures (apparently remaining stable for some time at these temperatures). Since this is an unstable temperature region for prominence type structures the energy transport that allows this is not understood and presents an interesting theoretical problem.Member of the Carrera del Investigador, CONICET, Argentina, presently at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.  相似文献   

The profiles of H and Ca ii K lines of a arch quiescent prominence on April 1, 1971 have been analyzed and the two-dimensional distributions of electron temperature T e , micro-turbulence velocity v t and the column number density of hydrogen along the line-of-sight N H have been obtained. T e , t , and N H are found to be 7500 K, 6 km s–1 and 2.2 × 1018 cm–2 on an average, respectively. The electron temperature at the central part of the prominence and along the two arcades are greater than that at the edges, while the distribution of the micro-turbulence velocity in these regions is opposite. There is no systematic variation in T e and v t , from the center to the periphery as described by Hirayama (1971). The column number density in the central region is lower than that at the two edges.The contour lines of T e , t , and N H are predominantly vertical rather than horizontal. This implies that the height-variation of physical parameters in filamentary structure is small. The arrangement of this structure in the prominence is likely to be arched and is probably in the direction of magnetic field lines.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The observed structural periodicities in quiescent prominences and filaments are examined in terms of the instability of a plasma supported by a magnetic field against gravity. It is suggested that the spacing of arch-like structures may be identified with the most unstable wavelength of the interface between the prominence and the supporting magnetic field. The results of analysis further suggest that the observed spacing of periodic structures corresponds to the supporting magnetic field which lies at an angle 90° to 60° with respect to the long axis of the prominence.  相似文献   

Schmieder  B.  Heinzel  P.  Vial  J.C.  Rudawy  P. 《Solar physics》1999,189(1):109-127
A quiescent prominence was observed in June 1997 by instruments onboard the SOHO spacecraft: the Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation (SUMER), Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) and Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT), along with the coronagraph of the Wrocaw University Observatory at Bialków and the spectrograph of the Ondejov Observatory. We present prominence observations in higher lines of the hydrogen Lyman series (from L to L-9), together with some other UV lines obtained by SUMER. We extract the basic characteristics of the calibrated line profiles of these Lyman lines and compare them with the theoretical profiles computed from three kinds of NLTE models which also include prominence filamentation. Our principal result is that the current NLTE models are in principle capable of explaining the SUMER calibrated intensities in the observed Lyman lines. We also find that in order to fit all these lines, one has to consider a prominence-corona transition region (PCTR) with a temperature gradient. At low pressures, higher Lyman lines are still rather sensitive to the incident radiation which must be carefully taken into account in the modeling. From PCTR models, which also take into account the effect of ambipolar diffusion on the heating, we have derived the formation depths for the Lyman series lines. High Lyman lines seem to be formed just at the base of the PCTR.  相似文献   

Analysis of He i 10 830 Å spectral observations of a large, quiescent filament reveals a pronounced oscillatory behaviour of the vertical mass motion. The filament is situated in a quiet region more than 15° away from the nearest active region.It is concluded that the magnetic field of the quiescent filament, which occurs in the form of long thin flux ropes, moves with the gas and that there is no net mass flow perpendicular to the most frequently observed horizontal field lines. The oscillatory motion is accompanied by phase dependent variation of the He i line intensity which could possibly imply wave induced compression of the plasma.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolutions of two prominences(P1, P2) and two bundles of coronal loops(L1, L2), observed with SDO/AIA near the east solar limb on 2012 September 22. It is found that there were large-amplitude oscillations in P1 and L1 but no detectable motions in P2 and L2. These transverse oscillations were triggered by a large-scale coronal wave, originating from a large flare in a remote active region behind the solar limb. By carefully comparing the locations and heights of these oscillating and non-oscillating structures, we conclude that the propagating height of the wave is between 50 Mm and130 Mm. The wave energy deposited in the oscillating prominence and coronal loops is at least of the order of 10~(28) erg. Furthermore, local magnetic field strength and Alfv ′en speeds are derived from the oscillating periods and damping time scales, which are extracted from the time series of the oscillations. It is demonstrated that oscillations can be used in not only coronal seismology, but also to reveal the properties of the wave.  相似文献   

Oscillations of the line-of-sight velocities with periods 82m.2 and 76m.7 were detected in quiescent prominences, with coordinates ? = -75° W and ?= -18° W, respectively.  相似文献   

Marie McCabe 《Solar physics》1970,12(1):115-124
Observations are described of the sudden disappearance of a long quiescent filament whose development could be traced through four rotations from its first appearance on the disk between two well-separated active centers. Following the disappearance, plage-like chromospheric brightenings were observed on either side of the filament axis, with the separation distance increasing with time.The results are discussed in relationship to models in which the prominence is supported by photospheric magnetic fields and the brightenings result from the gravitational fall of material following the prominence eruption.  相似文献   

A quiescent prominence observed above the north-west limb on November 20, 1980, is analyzed using data obtained with the Ultraviolet Spectrometer and Polarimeter (UVSP) on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM). The spectral data include the lines 1215 Å of Hi, 1401 Å of Oiv, 1402 Å of Siiv, 1548 Å of Civ, 1640 Å of Hei, and 1655 Å of Ci. From an analysis of these lines and their emission patterns we deduce physical characteristics of the prominence plasma, and suggest in particular that the prominence consisted of flux tubes at various temperatures. In the hotter parts of the plasma the number density reached values of about 3 × 1011 cm#X2212;3.  相似文献   

A model of a quiescent prominence with nonparallel structural elements, based on a study of the K Ca+ line fine structure of two quiescent prominences. The dependences of the radial velocities on the height found for the structural elements making up the prominence (Gigolashvili and Zhugzhda, 1982) gives the information on the inner spatial structure of the prominence. Analysis of the available data allows us to suggest an alternative model of a quiescent prominence.  相似文献   

It is shown that for certain definite conditions of symmetry imposed on the permitting magnetic field geometry for an isothermal case in Kippenhahn and Schlüter's (1957) model of a quiescent prominence, any irrotational velocity field would quickly get converted to rotational.  相似文献   

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