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Determining the location and geometry of possible subglacial rifts in western Dronning Maud Land is a key element to address processes leading to early Gondwana break-up. However, previous geophysical investigations did not lead to unambiguous delineation of rift structures over this region. We interpret high-resolution airborne radar and aerogravity data to image subglacial rift structures. Subglacial topography, free-air and Bouguer gravity maps, coupled with 3D inverse gravity models, image a rift–rift–rift triple junction at the intersection of the Jutulstraumen ice stream and the Pencksökket glacier. These continental rifts were associated with alkaline and tholeiitic intrusions, minor dyke swarms and flood basalts of Jurassic age, but not with huge volumes of Karoo magmatism, such as that which characterizes the southern Africa conjugate margin. The western Dronning Maud Land triple junction may be linked to the Karoo mantle plume and represents an early stage of magmatism and rifting during Gondwana break-up.  相似文献   

Abstract The central sector of Mühlig-Hofmannfjellet (3°E/71°S) in western Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctic shield) is dominated by large intrusive bodies of predominantly orthopyroxene-bearing quartz syenites (charnockites). Metasedimentary rocks are rare; however, two distinct areas with banded gneiss–marble–quartzite sequences of sedimentary origin were found during the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition NARE 1989/90. Cordierite-bearing metapelitic gneisses from two different localities contain the characteristic mineral assemblage: cordierite + garnet + biotite + K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz ± sillimanite ± spinel. Thermobarometry indicates equilibration conditions of about 650°C and 4 kbar. Associated orthopyroxene–garnet granulites, on the other hand, revealed pressures of about 8 kbar and temperatures of 750°C. The earlier granulite facies metamorphism is not well preserved in the cordierite gneisses as a result of excess K-feldspar combined with interaction with an H2O-rich fluid phase, probably released by the cooling intrusives. These two features allowed the original high-grade K-feldspar + garnet assemblages to recrystallize as cordierite–biotite–sillimanite gneisses, completely re-equilibrating them. Phase relationships indicate that the younger metamorphic event occurred in the presence of a fluid phase that varied in composition between the lithologies.  相似文献   

The Petrogenesis of the Kirwan Basalts of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The 420 m thick sequence of Kirwan basalt crops out along thesouthernmost 50 km of the Kirwanveggen Escarpment (74?S, 6?W).There is little variation in major element chemistry of thesebasalts (SiO2 49?3–51?6 wt.%; MgO 5?1–6?6 wt.%),but the concentrations of certain incompatible elements (e.g.,Zr) vary by factors of approximately two or more. Most interelementplots show rather poor correlation (r<0?78), but rocks fromopposite ends of the data array can be related by 30% fractionationof plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, and magnetite in theproportions 51:35:11:3. Plagioclase is much more abundant inphenocryst assemblages (85%) and it appears that selective transportof plagioclase to the surface occurred. The range in incompatible element concentrations cannot be explainedby crystal fractionation and is most probably a result of theparent liquids of these basalts being derived by slightly differentdegrees of partial melting of a common source, or alternativelyof open-system (RTF) magma processes. The strontium isotopedata for the freshest rocks (R0=0?7049–0?7065) may beexplained by 7% contamination by crustal material with an R0of 0?709 and bulk Sr of800 ppm, but there is little supportingevidence from other trace element variations for this hypothesis.Oxygen isotope determinations on whole-rock-plagioclase pairsshow that alteration has resulted in a 0?5%o shift in (18O.Alteration also appears to have resulted in a greater spreadof data, particularly for the LIL elements and Sr isotopes.The Sr and Nd isotopic composition of the suite is close tobulk Earth at 172 Ma and this, together with REE and other traceelement data, shows these basalts to be similar in compositionto the more primitive basalts among the Karoo basalt lavas.It is suggested that the Kirwan basalts were derived from asource which was similar to that of the southern Lebombo variantof the Sabie River Basalt Formation of the Karoo Volcanic Province.This part of the Karoo was closest to the Kirwanveggen beforethe break-up of Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

Meta-sedimentary rocks including marbles and calcsilicates in Central Dronning Maud Land (CDML) in East Antarctica experienced a Pan-African granulite facies metamorphism with peak metamorphic conditions around 830 ± 20 °C at 6.8 ± 0.5 kbar which was accompanied by the post-kinematic intrusion of huge amounts of syenitic (charnockitic) magmas at 4.5 ± 0.7 kbar. The marbles and calcsilicates may represent meta-evaporites as indicated by the occurrence of metamorphic gypsum/anhydrite and Cl-rich scapolite that formed in the presence of saline fluids with X NaCl in the range 0.15–0.27. The marbles and calcsilicates bear biotite, tremolite and/or hornblende and humite group minerals (clinohumite, chondrodite and humite) which are inferred to have crystallized at about 650 °C and 4.5 kbar. The syenitic intrusives contain late-magmatic biotite and amphibole (formed between 750 and 800 °C) as well as relictic magmatic fayalite, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. Two syenite and two calcsilicate samples contain fluorite. Corona textures in the marbles and calcsilicates suggest very low fluid-rock ratios during the formation of the retrograde (650 °C) assemblages. Biotite in all but two syenite samples crystallized at log(f H 2 O/f HF) ratios of 2.9 ± 0.4, while in the calcsilicates, both biotite and humite group minerals indicate generally higher log(f H 2 O/f HF) values of up to 5.2. A few samples, though, overlap with the syenite values. Log(f H 2 O/f HCl) derived from biotite covers the range 0.5–2.6 in all rock types. Within a single sample, the calculated values for both parameters vary typically by 0.1 to 0.8 log units. Water and halogen acid fugacities calculated from biotite-olivine/orthopyroxene-feldspar-quartz equilibria and the above fugacity ratios are 1510–2790 bars for H2O, 1.3–5.3 bars for HF and 7–600 bars for HCl. The results are interpreted to reflect the reaction of relatively homogeneous magmatic fluids [in terms of log(f H 2 O /f HF)] derived from the late-magmatic stages of the syenites with both earlier crystallized, still hotter parts of the syenites and with adjacent country rocks during down-temperature fluid flow. Fluorine is successively removed from the fluid and incorporated into F-bearing minerals (close to the syenite into metamorphic fluorite). In the course of this process log(f H 2 O /f HF) increases significantly. Chlorine preferably partitions into the fluid and hence log(f H 2 O /f HCl) does not change markedly during fluid-rock interaction. Received: 28 November 1997 / Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

The Annandagstoppane Granite is exposed at three nunataks in Western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. It comprises medium- to coarse-grained granite crosscut by veins of pegmatite and graphic granite and has many S-type characteristics such as containing normative corundum greater than 1.1%, molecular Al2O3/(CaO+K2O+Na2O) greater than 1.1 and very little zircon. Hydrothermal alteration in the Granite is variably developed and has affected only certain minerals in any phase. R-Sr and Pb whole rock and mineral isotopic data suggest: 1) that Sr isotopes within it were nearly homogenized on a whole rock scale about 2823 Ma ago by this hydrothermal alteration; 2) that the Pb isotopic system was also disturbed at that time, and 3) that the Granite may have been was emplaced sometime during the interval 3115 Ma to 2945 Ma ago. The Granite was probably intruded by the Annandagstoppane Gabbro about 1200 Ma ago, resetting the Rb-Sr system in biotite. The Annandagstoppane Granite may form part of a basement complex to the Proterozoic sedimentary, volcanic and mafic igneous rocks exposed to the east in the Ahlmannryggen and the Borgmassivet. Its chemical composition and geologic history appears to be unique in Antarctica and in the Kaapvaal Craton of Southern Africa, consistent with the possibility that the Annandagstoppane Granite is part of a crustal fragment that joined Antarctica relatively late in the history of that continent.  相似文献   

KAr ages, major- and trace-element compositions, and Sr-isotope data are presented for basalt lavas from Vestfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The new conventional KAr age data have yielded ages from 171 ± 2 to 695 ± 11 Ma, but the youngest (i.e. Middle Jurassic) ages are preferred. Mineralogical and chemical data show that the majority of the basalts are tholeiites. Petrographic mixing calculations, REE modelling, and the Sr isotope data suggest that they were derived by partial melting of garnet-free lherzolites with variable REE patterns, and subsequently modified by fractionation of olivine, Ca-rich pyroxene and plagioclase. Incompatible trace-element data from nearby Middle Jurassic basalt lavas (from Kirwanryggen and Heimefrontfjella) suggest a different source and REE modelling indicates generation from garnet lherzolites.  相似文献   

Mineral and whole rocks analyses of 12 Jurassic basalt dykes from Vestfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, are presented, and their genesis discussed. On the basis of major oxides and norms the basalts may be classified as olivine and quartz tholeiites. Plotted in the Plag---Cpx---(Opx + 4Q) and Ol---Plag---Q projections, the compositions are most compatible with fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase from a basalt liquid at very low pressure. The ratios between strongly incompatible elements such as Rb, Cs, Zr, Hf, Ta and Th vary considerably, and petrographic mixing calculations give poor fits with respect to Rb, Cs, Ta, Th and light REE. Initial 87Sr/86 Sr ratios range between 0.70347 and 0.70687, and show no correlation with Rb/Sr or any other SIE ratios. The trace element and Sr isotope data thus do not suggest any simple cogenetic petrogenetic model. It is concluded that the basalt melts most plausibly have been contaminated by, or mixed with anatectic melts of crustal material, rather than reflecting mantle heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Regional dolerite dykes of Mesozoic age in western Dronning Maud Land are variable in both major and trace element composition and include picritic types (MgO>18 wt%). The range in incompatible element concentrations is considerable (e.g. Zr 40–478 ppm) and shows little correlation with MgO content. Both high-and low-Ti, Zr (HTZ and LTZ) magma types are present and there is a spread of compositions between these types. Major element oxide variations in dykes having MgO>10 wt% indicate that olivine and orthoyproxene fractionation occurred, presumably at an early high-pressure stage of magma evolution. Major element oxide variations in dykes having MgO<10 wt% indicate control by olivine and clinopyroxene. A minority of the more evolved dykes are compositionally similar to the nearby Kirwan basalts, but the majority cannot be related to the Kirwan basalts by any simple petrogenetic process as they contain higher concentrations of incompatible elements and have higher Mg-numbers. The HTZ Dronning Maud Land dolerites have incompatible trace element concentrations which are very similar to the HTZ basalt magma types of the Karoo of southern Africa with the exception of lower K and Rb in DML dolerites. The HTZ dolerites occur in the part of Dronning Maud Land which appears to have been tectonically stable since the Archaean and are not found to intrude the surrounding high-grade (about 1000 Ma) metamorphic rocks of the Sverdrup Group. These data provide qualified support for models which seek to relate spatially the HTZ Mesozoic basalt types of Gondwana to sources beneath stable Archaean cratons.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):358-367
The ice shield of Antarctica, which measures several kilometers in thickness, presents a challenge when attempting to unravel the subglacial geology. Here, we report about systematic airborne magnetic surveys conducted over the last decade, which investigated a significant part of Dronning Maud Land (DML), imaging for the first time the crustal architecture of the interior of this sector of East Antarctica. High-resolution data reveal parallel, elongated magnetic anomalies in southeastern DML. These NW–SE trending anomalies can be traced farther east into sparser Russian magnetic data sets. Several high amplitude magnetic anomalies with values above 400 nT have been observed in southwestern DML and Coats Land. They differ clearly in wavelength and amplitudes from the magnetic pattern found in the east and do not show any evidence of a Pan-African orogenic belt or suture zone connecting the Shackleton Range with eastern DML, as hypothesized in several studies. This leads to the assumption of the existence of a hitherto unrecognized large tectonic province in southeastern DML. Whereas an over 100 km long magnetic lineament in the interior of the Dronning Maud Land may reflect a major shear zone akin to the Pan-African age Heimefrontfjella shear zone. Both findings bring new evidences to the still open question about the amalgation of East and West Gondwana. In addition, the magnetic data allow mapping the eastern extent of the presumable cratonic province of Coats Land, a region considered as a key piercing point for reconstructions of Rodinia. Furthermore, the Beattie Magnetic Anomaly in southern Africa is assumed to continue into East Antarctica. Two magnetic highs in western DML are identified as possible eastward continuation of this prominent anomaly.  相似文献   

Continental flood basalts (CFBs) of Jurassic age make up theVestfjella mountains of western Dronning Maud Land and demonstratean Antarctic extension of the Karoo large igneous province.A detailed geochemical study of the 120-km-long Vestfjella rangeshows the CFB suite to consist mainly of three intercalatedbasaltic rock types designated CT1, CT2 and CT3 (chemical types1, 2 and 3) that exhibit different incompatible trace elementratios. CT1 and CT2 of north Vestfjella record wide ranges ofNd and Sr isotopic compositions with initial  相似文献   

The origin of anorthosite and associated igneous gabbronorite and ferrodiorite was investigated through detailed study of a typical massif-type anorthosite complex from Gruber, Central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Field observations showed that the Gruber Complex is made up of gabbronorite-anorthosite pluton which was intruded by ferrodiorite dykes. Systematic samples collected from the Gruber Complex revealed significant geochemical variations within the region. Four rock types have been identified, based on modal proportions of mineral phases and their geochemistry data. Clinopyroxene-gabbronorite and plagioclase-gabbronorite are the two types of gabbronorite with the dominance of clinopyroxene and plagioclase, respectively. Anorthosite is represented by rocks having predominance of plagioclase with minor clinopyroxene. Ferrodiorite is characterized by modal abundance of orthopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxide. Major and trace element systematics showed that all the four rock types are co-magmatic and are related through fractional crystallization. Based on this study, it is reported that clinopyroxene was the first phase to crystallize followed by plagioclase and then Fe-Ti oxides. Furthermore, trace element composition of the parental melt was calculated using LA-ICPMS analysis of the most primitive, pure clinopyroxene found in the clinopyroxene gabbronorite. Our analyses suggested that the parental melt was similar to that of continental arc basalt and showed signatures of subduction-related metasomatism. Based on mineral chemical and geochemical data, it is interpreted that the parent melt went through changing sequence of crystallization which led to the formation of massive anorthosite.  相似文献   

Summary The Kullen-type sills of western Dronning Maud land are up to 400 m thick and form part of the Meso- to Neoproterozoic Borgmassivet suite. They consist of a Basal, Cumulate, Central and Upper zone. The petrography of the Cumulate zone, with special emphasis on the occurrences at Hammer Heads in the Annandagstoppane area, is described. Microstructures, such as delicate chains of orthopyroxene primocrysts and an increase in grain size of plagioclase chadacrysts from the cores to the margins of postcumulus clinopyroxene oikocrysts, indicatein situ crystallization. Composite grains with orthopyroxene at the core, which is mantled, in turn, by inverted pigeonite, a second generation orthopyroxene and, on the outer margin, clinopyroxene in a reaction relation with the orthopyroxene, are sporadically developed.The relation between the composite structures and plagioclase nucleation and growth is investigated by the study of plagioclase grain size distributions, nucleation density and An compositions of plagioclase cores, which indicate that two periods of plagioclase nucleation occurred. The first period of nucleation, represented by plagioclase chadacrysts enclosed in primocrysts of orthopyroxene, occurred during supercooling following intrusion. Release of latent heat of crystallization resulted in an increase in magma temperature and a normal sequence of fractional crystallization in which orthopyroxene crystallization was succeeded by pigeonite. The second period of plagioclase nucleation depleted the interface liquid in the zone of crystallization of calcium. The composition of the interface liquid was thus changed from the compositional field from which pigeonite crystallized to that from which orthopyroxene crystallized (cf the liquidus boundaries in the system CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4SiO2 ofKushiro, 1972). This constitutional supercooling (Chalmers, 1964;Tiller, 1991) resulted in crystallization of orthopyroxene and the reverse crystallization sequence En-rich orthopyroxene -pigeonite - En-rich orthopyroxene, prior to reaction of the last-formed orthopyroxene with the liquid to form clinopyroxene and subsequent inversion of pigeonite. A possible crystallization sequence is discussed by making use of thespeculative Fo-Di-An-SiO2 (forsterite-diopside-anorthite-silica) system ofMorse (1980).
Orthopyroxen-Pigeonit-Plagioklas-Beziehungen in der Borgmassivet Suite des westlichen Dronning Maud Landes, Antarktis: Hinweise auf konstitutionelles Supercooling
Zusammenfassung Lagergänge des Kullen-Types im westlichen Dronning Maud Land sind bis zu 400m mächtig und sind Teil der meso- bis neoproterozoischen Borgmassivet-Abfolge. Sie bestehen aus einer basalen, einer Cumulat, einer zentralen und einer oberen Zone. Die Petrographie der Cumulat-Zone wird mit besonderer Betonung der Vorkommen von Hammer Heads im Annandagstoppane-Gebiet beschrieben. Mikrostrukturen, wie z.B. feinkörnige Ketten von Orthopyroxen-Primokristen und eine Zunahme in der Korngröße von Plagioklas-Chadakristen von den Kernen zu den Rändern in postcumulus Klinopyroxen-Oikokristen, weisen aufin situ Kristallisation hin. Zusammengesetzte Körner mit Orthopyroxen im Kern, der von invertiertem Pigeonit umgeben ist, einer zweiten Generation Orthopyroxen, und, am äußeren Rand, Klinopyroxen in Reaktionsbeziehung mit Orthopyroxen, kommen sporadisch vor.Die Beziehung zwischen diesen zusammengesetzten Strukturen und der Nukleation, sowie dem Wachstum von Plagioklas wurde durch das Studium der Plagioklaskorngrößen, der Nukleationsdichte und der An-Zusammensetzung von Plagioklas-Kernen untersucht. Diese weisen darauf hin, daß zwei Perioden von Plagioklas-Nukleation vorgekommen sind. Die erste Nukleationsperiode wird durch Plagioklas-Chadakristen, die in Primokristen von Orthopyroxen eingeschlossen sind repräsentiert, und fand während einer Phase von Supercooling im Anschluß an die Intrusion statt. Das Freiwerden latenter Kristallisationswärme führte zu einer Zunahme der Magmentemperatur und zu einer normalen Abfolge fraktionierter Kristallisation, in der auf die Orthopyroxen-Kristallisation Pigeonit folgte. Die zweite Phase der Plagioklasnukleation führte zu einer Verarmung der Schmelze an Kalzium in der Kristallisationszone. Die Zusammensetzung der Schmelze bewegte sich so aus dem Pigeonitfeld, in das, aus dem Orthopyroxen kristallisierte (siehe die Liquidus Grenzen im System CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4-SO2 von Kushiro, 1972). Dieses konstitutionelle Supercooling (Chalmers, 1964;Tiller, 1991) führte zur Kristallisation von Orthopyroxen, und der reversen Kristallisationsabfolge En-reicher Orthopyroxen-Pigeonit-En-reicher Orthopyroxen, noch vor der Reaktion des zuletzt gebildeten Orthopyroxenes mit der Schmelze, das zur Entstehung von Klinopyroxen und zur anschließenden Inversion von Pigeonit führte. Eine mögliche Kristallisationsabfolge wird auf der Basis desspekulativen Fo-Di-An-SiO2 (Forsterit-Diopsid-Anorthit-Quartz) Systems von Morse (1980) diskutiert.

With 12 Figures  相似文献   

The glacial landscape beneath the Maudheimvidda ice sheet in East Antarctica was most probably formed during a more temperate phase of Antarctic glaciation than the present. Overdeepened glacial cirques and U-shaped valleys are found in the Heimefrontfjella and Vestfjella mountain ranges. These glacial landforms, located beneath the ice sheet, have been mapped with radio-echo sounders. The present ice sheet covering these landforms is cold and frozen to its bed, and has a negligible erosive effect on the substrate. Ice sheet thickening during the Quaternary glacial periods is not believed to have caused any significant increase in erosion at the investigated sites. Instead, the glacial morphology was most likely formed by smaller, temperate glaciers when the Antarctic climate was warmer than at present. Datings of foraminifera and ash layers from the Transantarc-tic Mountains indicate that the present cold ice sheet was formed 2.5 Ma years ago. Other studies imply that a cold Antarctic ice sheet has lasted even longer. The glacial landforms in Maudheimvidda may thus be of a pre-Quaternary age.  相似文献   

A metamorphic petrological study, in conjunction with recent precise geochronometric data, revealed a complex PTt path for high-grade gneisses in a hitherto poorly understood sector of the Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt in East Antarctica. The Maud Belt is an extensive high-grade, polydeformed, metamorphic belt, which records two significant tectono-thermal episodes, once towards the end of the Mesoproterozoic and again towards the late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian. In contrast to previous models, most of the metamorphic mineral assemblages are related to a Pan-African tectono-thermal overprint, with only very few relics of late Mesoproterozoic granulite-facies mineral assemblages (M1) left in strain-protected domains. Petrological and mineral chemical evidence indicates a clockwise PTt path for the Pan-African orogeny. Peak metamorphic (M2b) conditions recorded by most rocks in the area (T = 709–785 °C and P = 7.0–9.5 kbar) during the Pan-African orogeny were attained subsequent to decompression from probably eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions (M2a).The new data acquired in this study, together with recent geochronological and geochemical data, permit the development of a geodynamic model for the Maud Belt that involves volcanic arc formation during the late Mesoproterozoic followed by extension at 1100 Ma and subsequent high-grade tectono-thermal reworking once during continent–continent collision at the end of the Mesoproterozoic (M1; 1090–1030 Ma) and again during the Pan-African orogeny (M2a, M2b) between 565 and 530 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatism under amphibolite-facies conditions (M2c) followed and is ascribed to post-orogenic bimodal magmatism between 500 and 480 Ma.  相似文献   

Whole rock major and trace element data from granitoids adjacent to the Kalahari Craton–Mozambique–Maud Belt boundary are described. The data from ~1140 Ma old granodioritic and ~1110 Ma old granitic bodies in the Mozambique Belt show that they are typical of calc-alkaline and A-type granitoids respectively. Radiogenic Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd isotope data from the two granitoid bodies suggest significant older crustal contributions during their genesis. The granodioritic gneisses show TDM model ages of ~2100–3500 Ma whereas megacrystic granitic gneisses have TDM model ages of ~1600–3100 Ma. Granite from the Archaean-age Kalahari Craton has TDM model ages of ~3000–3500 Ma.The data from Mozambique are compared with whole rock major and trace element chemistry and U/Pb zircon SHRIMP data from the Maud Belt in western Dronning Maud Land. These show that ~1140 Ma old granodioritic gneisses in Sverdrupfjella and Kirwanveggan have similar ages and chemical compositions to similar rocks in central Mozambique. Radiogenic isotope characteristics of the gneisses from central Mozambique and Sverdrupfjella are similar and suggest older crustal contributions in contrast to the juvenile nature of the gneisses from Kirwanveggan.Similarly, ~1090 Ma old granitic gneisses from central Mozambique, Sverdrupfjella and Kirwanveggan have similar ages and A-type chemical compositions. In contrast the radiogenic isotope compositions from Kirwanveggan are juvenile whereas those from central Mozambique show a significant older crustal contribution.The whole rock radiogenic isotope data can be interpreted to suggest that the Mesoproterozoic Mozambique Belt rocks were generated by partial melting which probably involved mixing of Archaean/Paleoproterozoic crust and younger Mesoproterozoic juvenile magma at ~1100 Ma and suggest that the Kalahari Craton probably extends eastwards at depths for more than 30 km from its exposure at surface.The data support correlations between the Mozambique Belt and the Maud Belt in Antarctica in general and more specifically show similarities between the Kalahari Craton boundary and the Mozambique–Maud Belt in lithologies immediately adjacent to that boundary.Two episodes of anatectic migmatisation are recognized in rocks from the Mozambique Belt in central Mozambique. These show an earlier migmatitic vein phase oriented parallel to the planar foliation in the granitic and tonalitic gneisses and a later discordant vein phase which is oriented parallel to localized but intense N–S oriented shearing along the Kalahari Craton/Mozambique Belt boundary zone. SHRIMP zircon data from the younger migmatitic vein phase suggests a crystallization age of 997 ± 4 Ma. Small numbers of inherited zircons have ages of ~2700 Ma and ~1100–1200 Ma. Younger discordant analyses suggesting metamorphic disturbance between ~400 Ma and 550 Ma are seen. The data imply the high strain along the eastern margin of the Kalahari Craton in the Manica area, occurred at ~1000 Ma and not at ~450 Ma as was previously thought. The data suggest the Pan African deformation and metamorphism in the area involved minor reworking. The undeformed to weakly deformed Tchinadzandze Granodiorite intruded into the Kalahari Craton has an age of 2617 ± 16 Ma.  相似文献   

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