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Groundwater resources in the semi-arid regions of southern India are under immense pressure due to large-scale groundwater abstraction vis-à-vis meager rainfall recharge. Therefore, understanding and evaluating the spatial distribution of groundwater is essential for viable utilization of the resource. Here, we assess groundwater potential at the watershed scale, in a semi-arid environment with crystalline aquifer system without a perennial surface water source using remote sensing, geophysical, and GIS-based integrated multi-parameter approach. GIS-based weighed overlay analysis is performed with input parameters, viz., geology, geomorphology, lineament density, land use, soil, drainage density, slope, and aquifer thickness. The watershed is categorized into four zones, namely, “very good” (GWP4), “good” (GWP3), “moderate” (GWP2), and “low” (GWP1) in terms of groundwater potential. Overall, ~?70% of the study area falls under moderate to low groundwater potential, indicating a serious threat to the future availability of the resource. Therefore, serious measures are required for maintaining aquifer resilience in this over-exploited aquifer (e.g., restricting groundwater withdrawal from GWP1 and GWP2 zones). Further, as the aquifer is under tremendous anthropogenic pressure, rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge during monsoon are advocated for sustainable aquifer management. Due to the direct dependence of crop production vis-à-vis farmer economy on groundwater, this study is an important step towards sustainable groundwater management and can be applied in diverse hydrological terrains.  相似文献   

The concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-113) and tritium were determined in groundwater in fractured crystalline bedrock at Finnsjön, Sweden. The specific goal was to investigate the accuracy of CFC dating in such an environment, taking potential degradation and mixing of water into consideration. The water was sampled to a depth of 42 m in three boreholes along an 800-m transect, from a recharge area to a local discharge area. The CFC-113 concentration was at the detection limit in most samples. The apparent recharge date obtained from CFC-11 was earlier than from CFC-12 for all samples, with a difference of over 20 years for some samples. The difference was probably caused by degradation of CFC-11. The CFC-12 dating of the samples ranged from before 1945 to 1975, with the exception of a sample from the water table, which had a present-day concentration. Conclusions about flow paths or groundwater velocity could not be drawn from the CFCs. The comparison between CFC-12 and tritium concentrations showed that most samples could be unmixed or mixtures of waters with different ages, and the binary mixtures that matched the measured concentrations were determined. The mixing model approach can be extended with additional tracers.
Resumen Precisión en la datación de aguas subterráneas utilizando CFC en un acuífero de rocas cristalinas: datos provenientes de un sitio al sur de Suecia.Se determinaron las concentraciones de clorofluorucarbonos (CFC-11, CFC-12, y CFC-113) y de tritio en aguas subterráneas alojadas en rocas cristalinas fracturadas de Finnsjön, Suecia. El objetivo específico consistió en investigar la precisión de la datación de aguas subterráneas con CFC en este tipo de ambiente, tomando en consideración la degradación potencial y la mezcla de agua. Las muestras de agua se tomaron a una profundidad de 42 m en tres pozos ubicados a lo largo de una línea de 800 m transversal a una zona de recarga y de zona de descarga local. En la mayoría de las muestras se encontró que la concentración de CFC-113 estuvo en el límite de detección. La edad que se estimó en todas las muestras para la recarga aparente en base a CFC-11 fue más joven que la edad proveniente de CFC-12, con una diferencia de más de 20 años para algunas muestras. Esta diferencia fue causada probablemente por la degradación del CFC-11. La datación CFC-12 de las muestras varió de antes de 1945 a 1975, con la excepción de una muestra tomada en el nivel freático, la cual presentó concentración actual. No fue posible obtener conclusiones acerca de las trayectorias de flujo o la velocidad de agua subterránea a partir de los CFCs. La comparación entre las concentraciones de CFC-12 y tritio mostró que la mayoría de las muestras pueden tener composición sencilla o bien consistir de mezclas de aguas de diferentes edades. Esta comparación también permitió determinar las mezclas binarias que corresponden a las concentraciones medidas. Pueden utilizarse trazadores adicionales para ampliar el modelo de mezclas propuesto.

Résumé Précision de la datation au CFC dans un aquifère rocheux-fracturé: données dun site du sud de la Suède.Les concentrations en chlorofluorocarbones (CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113) et entritium ont été déterminées dans leau souterraine dun massif fracturé à Finnsjön en Suède. Le but de cette étude est de mieux cerner la précision de la méthode de datation au CFC dans ce type denvironnement hydrogéologique, tout en considérant déventuels phénomènes de dégradation et de mélange deaux. Leau a été échantillonnée à une profondeur de 42 mètres dans trois forages alignés sur 800 mètres entre une zone de recharge et une zone de déversement. Les concentrations en CFC-113 sont dans la plupart des échantillons à la limite de détection. Pour tous les échantillons, la date de la recharge établie avec le CFC-11 est antérieure à la date établie avec le CFC-12. La différence entre les deux dates peut dépasser 20 ans et sexplique—probablement—par la dégradation du CFC-11. Les dates de recharge de la nappe mesurées au CFC-12 sont comprises entre 1945 et 1975, excepté pour un échantillon qui possède une concentration actuelle. Il nest pas possible de tirer des conclusions concernant la direction des écoulements et la vitesse de leau souterraine. La comparaison entre CFC-12 et tritium montre que des échantillons pourraient être soit le résultat du mélange deaux dâges différents, soit des échantillons non-mélangés. Dans le cas dun mélange binaire, les rapports du mélange composant la concentration mesurée sont déterminés. Lapproche par modèle de mélange peut être étendue à des traceurs additionnels.

The Narava basin in Visakhapatnam district situated on the east coast is a productive agricultural area, and is also one of the fastest growing urban areas in India. The agricultural and urban-industrialization activities have a lot of impact on this coastal aquifer water quality. The hydrochemistry of the groundwater was analyzed in the basin area with reference to drinking and agricultural purposes. The area is underlain by Precambrian rocks like khondalites, charnockites and migmatites. The water samples were collected from shallow wells for the year 2008. Physical and chemical parameters of groundwater such as pH, total alkalinity (TA), electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2?, NO3 ?, F? were determined. The analytical results revealed that the most of the groundwater found to be in polluted category. Geographical information system (GIS) was utilized to generate different spatial distribution maps of various chemical constituents in the study area. The analytical data were used to compute certain parameters such as salinity hazard, percent sodium (Na%), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index (PI), Kelley??s ratio (KR) and corrosivity ratio (CR) to determine the quality of water for agricultural purposes. The abundance of the major ions in the basin area was found to be in the following sequence: Na+?>?Ca2+?>?Mg2+?>?K+:Cl??>?HCO3 ??>?SO4 2??>?NO3 ??>?F?. According to Gibbs?? diagram most of the samples fall under rock dominance. As per Wilcox and USSL classification most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation except few samples which are unsuitable due to the presence of high salinity and high sodium hazard. From the obtained data, it can be concluded that the water quality profile was good and useful for normal irrigation agriculture.  相似文献   

Irrigation in semi-arid agricultural regions can have profound effects on recharge rates and the quality of shallow groundwater. This study coupled stable isotopes (2??, 18O), age-tracers (3H, CFCs, 14C), 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and elemental chemistry to determine the sources, residence times, and flowpaths of groundwater and agricultural contaminants (e.g. NO 3 ?C ) in the Saddle Mountains Basalt Aquifer in central Washington, USA, where over 80% of the population depend on groundwater for domestic use. Results demonstrate the presence of two distinct types of water: contaminated irrigation water and pristine regional groundwater. Contaminated irrigation water has high NO 3 ?C concentrations (11?C116? mg/l), 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70659?C0.71078) within range of nitrogen-based fertilizers, detectable tritium (2.8?C13.4 TU), CFC ages 20?C40?years, high ??18O values (?16.9 to ?13.5??), and ??100 percent modern 14C. Pristine regional groundwater has low NO 3 ?C concentrations (1?C5? mg/l), no detectable tritium (??0.8 TU), low ??18O values (?18.9 to ?17.3??) and 14C ages from ??15 to 33?ky BP. Nitrogen and oxygen isotopes of NO 3 ?C , combined with high dissolved oxygen values, show that denitrification is not an important process in the organic-poor basalt aquifers resulting in transport of high NO 3 ?C irrigation water to depths greater than 40?m in less than 30? years.  相似文献   

A classification approach has been implemented in the present work by integrating traditional water sample analysis methods and Geographic Information System (GIS) capabilities in order to classify zones with acceptable groundwater quality for drinking. GIS extrapolation capabilities with their multi-conditional layering facilities were integrated together in order to assess in the determination of areas suitable for drinking purposes. This technique was implemented in Wadi Rabigh, Western Saudi Arabia, due to its significance as one of the most promising areas in the Western Province in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, owing to the establishment of King Abdullah Commercial City and King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) nearby. Results show that only a limited area in the aquifer can be used for domestic purposes. This area is located in two separate patches in the upstream part of the aquifer while most of the aquifer water is categorized as brackish which might be used for agriculture purposes to a certain extent. The downstream area of the aquifer is very saline due to sea water intrusion effect.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) has adopted directives requiring that Member States take measures to reach a “good” chemical status of water resources by the year 2015 (Water Framework Directive: WFD). In order to achieve the environmental objectives for groundwater, the identification and reversal of significant upward trends in pollutant concentrations are required. A very detailed dataset available for the Hesbaye chalk aquifer in Belgium is used to evaluate tools and to propose efficient methodologies for identifying and quantifying nitrate trends in groundwater. Results indicate that the parametric linear regression and the non-parametric Mann-Kendall tests are robust; however, the latter test seems more adequate as it does not require verification of the normality of the dataset and it provides calculated nitrate trends very comparable to those obtained using linear regression. From a hydrogeological point of view, results highlight a general upward trend in the whole groundwater basin. The extrapolation of the trend analysis results indicates that measures have to be taken urgently in order to avoid further major degradation of groundwater quality within the next 10–70 years. However, a good groundwater quality status cannot be expected in the Hesbaye aquifer for the 2015 EU WFD deadline.  相似文献   

This study focuses on denitrification in a sandy aquifer using geochemical analyses of both sediment and groundwater, combined with groundwater age dating (3H/3He). The study sites are located underneath cultivated fields and an adjacent forested area at Oostrum, The Netherlands. Shallow groundwater in the region has high nitrate concentrations (up to 8 mM) due to intense fertilizer application. Nitrate removal from the groundwater below cultivated fields correlates with sulfate production, and the release of dissolved Fe2+ and pyrite-associated trace metals (e.g. As, Ni, Co and Zn). These results, and the presence of pyrite in the sediment matrix within the nitrate removal zone, indicate that denitrification coupled to pyrite oxidation is a major process in the aquifer. Significant nitrate loss coupled to sulfate production is further confirmed by comparing historical estimates of regional sulfate and nitrate loadings to age-dated groundwater sulfate and nitrate concentrations, for the period 1950-2000. However, the observed increases in sulfate concentration are about 50% lower than would be expected from complete oxidation of pyrite to sulfate, possibly due to the accumulation of intermediate oxidation state sulfur compounds, such as elemental sulfur. Pollutant concentrations (NO3, Cl, As, Co and Ni) measured in the groundwater beneath the agricultural areas in 1996 and 2006 show systematic decreases most likely due to declining fertilizer use.  相似文献   

This study takes the groundwater of the Moroccan limestone aquifer of Oum Er-Rabia as an example of statistical and cartographical approaches in water resources management. Statistical analyses based on frequency distribution and PCA methods revealed the homogeneity of waters with the existence of abnormal points and have helped to assess correlations between the studied variables. The mapping approach illustrated that waters are influenced by the lithology of the surrounding rocks and are of Ca–Mg–HCO3, Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4, and mixed types according to the Piper classification. The quality of water is of high to medium, north of the basin, but it is of medium to bad, NE and south, due to excessive contents of chloride, sulfate and nitrate. According to the US Salinity Laboratory classification, water used for irrigation in the eastern and the southern parts of the basin should take into consideration the drainage conditions, the nature of plants and the addition of gypsum doses.
Said EttazariniEmail: Phone: +212-66-407610

Overextraction of groundwater is widely occurring along the coast where good quality groundwater is at risk, due to urbanization, tourist development and intensive agriculture. The Sabratah area at the northern central part of Jifarah Plain, Northwest Libya, is a typical area where the contamination of the aquifer in the form of saltwater intrusion, gypsum/anhydrite dissolution and high nitrate concentrations is very developed. Fifty groundwater samples were collected from the study area and analysed for certain parameters that indicate salinization and pollution of the aquifer. The results demonstrate high values of the parameters electrical conductivity, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and sulphate which can be attributed to seawater intrusion. The intensive extraction of groundwater from the aquifer reduces freshwater outflow to the sea, creates drawdown cones and lowering of the water table to as much as 30 m below mean sea level. Irrigation with nitrogen fertilizers and domestic sewage and movement of contaminants in areas of high hydraulic gradients within the drawdown cones probably are responsible for the high nitrate concentration towards the south of the region. Seawater intrusion and deep salt water upconing result in general high SO4 2? concentrations in groundwater near the shoreline, where localized SO4 2? anomalies are also due to the dissolution of sebkha deposits for few wells in the nearby sebkhas. Upstream, the increase in SO4 2? concentrations in the south is ascribed to the dissolution of gypsum at depth in the upper aquifer.  相似文献   

A multi-tracer approach has been carried out in the Sbeïtla multilayer aquifer system, central Tunisia, to investigate the geochemical evolution, the origin of groundwaters and their circulation patterns. It involves statistical data analysis coupled with the definition of the hydrochemical and isotopic features of the different groundwaters. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of geochemical data used in conjunction with bivariate diagrams of major and trace elements indicate that groundwater mineralization is mainly controlled by water-rock interaction and anthropogenic processes in relation to return flow of irrigation waters. The PCA of isotopic data and bivariate conventional diagrams of stable and radiogenic isotopes i.e. δ18O vs. δ2H and δ18O vs. 14C provide valuable information about the origin and the circulation patterns of the different groundwater groups. They permit classifying groundwaters into three groups. The first group is characterized by low 3H concentrations, low 14C activities and depleted stable isotope contents. It corresponds to an old end-member in relation with palaeoclimatic recharge which occurred during the Late Pleistocene and the Early Holocene humid periods. The second group is distinguished by high to moderate 3H concentrations, high 14C activities and enriched heavy isotope signatures. It corresponds to a modern end-member originating from a mixture of post-nuclear and present-day recharge in relation to return flow of irrigation waters. The third group is characterized by an average composition of stable and radiogenic isotope signatures. It provides evidence for the mixing between the upward moving palaeoclimatic end-member and the downward moving present-day end-member.  相似文献   

The Madrid Tertiary Detrital Aquifer is one of the largest and most important aquifers of Spain. This paper assesses the most relevant controls on the natural baseline quality and the dominant chemical processes within the aquifer. The hydrochemistry of the groundwater is variable despite the relative uniformity of the detrital sediments. The natural baseline is expressed as a range of values that are controlled by lithological and hydrological factors; spatial variations of groundwater chemistry are related to changes in rock type, water-rock interaction and the residence time of groundwater. The fundamental chemical processes within the Arkosic aquifer are hydrolysis of silicates, dissolution of carbonates, dissolution of evaporites (only in the vicinity of the transitional facies), ion exchange, neoformation of clays, precipitation of silica as cement, and precipitation of carbonates due to increasing temperature along the downward pathways. Some chemical and physico-chemical parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen, and hardness, and several elements like calcium, sodium, magnesium, silica, and arsenic show an evolutionary trend according to groundwater flow path. A gradual increase in arsenic concentration from recharge areas to discharge areas is observed; it is the main natural water constituent that deteriorates the quality of the fresh Madrid groundwater as a drinking water supply. The occasionally elevated arsenic concentrations originate from natural sources. The concentration and mobility of arsenic seems to be controlled by pH-dependent anion exchange processes resulting from the evolution to Na-HCO3 water.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data are presented for groundwater samples, collected from fractured aquifers in parts of northern Ghana. The data was collected to assess the groundwater suitability for domestic and agricultural use. Results of the study reveal that the pH of the groundwater in the area is slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. The electrical conductivity values, total dissolved solids (TDS) values and calcium, magnesium and sodium concentrations in the groundwater are generally below the limit set by the WHO for potable water supply. On the basis of activity diagrams, groundwater from the fractured aquifers appears to be stable within the montmorillonite field, suggesting weathering of silicate minerals. An inverse distance weighting interpolator with a power of 2 was applied to the data points to produce prediction maps for nitrate and fluoride. The distribution maps show the presence of high nitrate concentrations (50–194 mg/l) in some of the boreholes in the western part of the study area indicating anthropogenic impact on the groundwater. Elevated fluoride level (1.5–4 mg/l), higher than the WHO allowable fluoride concentration of 1.5, is recorded in the groundwater underlying the northeastern part of the study area, more specifically Bongo and its surrounding communities of the Upper East region. Results of this study suggest that groundwater from the fractured aquifers in the area exhibit low sodicity–low salinity (S1–C1), low sodicity–medium salinity (S1–C2) characteristics [United States Salinity Laboratory (USSL) classification scheme]. All data points from this study plot within the ‘Excellent to good’ category on a Wilcox diagram. Groundwater in this area thus appears to provide irrigation water of excellent quality. The hydrochemical results indicate that, although nitrate and fluoride concentrations in some boreholes are high, the groundwater in the study area, based on the parameters analyzed, is chemically potable and suitable for domestic and agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

The temperature depth profiles of six wells in the Motril-Salobren~a aquifer were used as a basis for a comparative analysis involving various parameters to determine their relations and factors influencing the different trends. There is a clear influence of ambient temperature on all the profiles, with a lag time of two to five months. Nevertheless, there are clear differences in the temperature depth profile patterns that can be accounted for by other factors. First, there is a greater influence of localized recharge; Guadalfeo River as opposed to diffuse recharge; irrigation return flow and rainfall. Three of the wells located near the riverbed of the Guadalfeo River have extremely variable temperature-depth profiles and show clear river influence. In springtime, during the highest flood stages of the river due to cold melt water from the Sierra Nevada, the groundwater falls in temperature. During secondary peaks in river flow rates during the autumn due to rainfall, the warm water increases groundwater temperature. The effect of the river recharge decreases with distance from the course since there is less mixing with water from the Guadalfeo River. In addition, there are two temperature-depth profiles in which temperature variations remain shallow and follow a pattern that cannot be attributed to the influence of either of the above two parameters. Among these two cases, the most influential factor is the groundwater flow pattern typical of a discharge zone, characterized by vertical-flow components.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a geostatistical approach to model a groundwater aquifer in 3-D. The study aims at utilizing geostatistics as a tool for characterizing zones of better-water quality in a brackish-saline aquifer. In particular, the geostatistical model was constructed to characterize the aquifer’s salinity, represented by total dissolved solids (TDS), using logs of porosity and resistivity. Quality-checked estimated TDS vertical profiles were employed to construct and model horizontal and vertical semivariograms. Parameters of semivariogram models were used to develop both the kriging plan and the generated model. Results of this modeling process are shown in the form of horizontal salinity distribution maps. The aquifer was sliced into 20 layers, each 20 m thick, to represent its overall thickness. Salinity layers maps reflect vertical stratification of TDS concentrations in the aquifer and show that water quality deteriorates with depth and toward the northern part of the aquifer. Relatively better-quality water (TDS ≤10,000 mg/l) can be found at depths between 100 and 250 m below the aquifer’s top in both eastern and southeastern parts. Water in the same interval to the western and southwestern parts reflects the presence of higher TDS concentration. From a planning point of view, it is more feasible to target the eastern part of the aquifer for pumping and desalination purposes. In addition, the generated model could be utilized as an initial condition for flow simulation.  相似文献   

The Lorraine Triassic Sandstone Aquifer (LTSA), which has already been the subject of a chemical and radioisotopic study (1979), is used to investigate the impacts of 20 a of large scale pumping on baseline water quality. In parallel, new sampling of the aquifer (2001) provides new inorganic geochemical data (including trace elements) that allow improving the knowledge of baseline conditions and hydrochemical functioning of a major sandstone aquifer. The good correlation between 14C activities, temperature and depth along the main flow line indicate regular downgradient trends and possible water stratification. Unreactive tracers, mainly stable isotope ratios 18O and 2H, as well as C isotopes are used to define a timescale for the aquifer, showing two groups of groundwater, namely of modern and Holocene age, and late Pleistocene age, with a mixing zone. Baseline quality is then represented by a wide range of concentrations, mainly the result of time-dependent water–rock interaction, as already observed elsewhere in Triassic sandstone aquifers. Some trace elements such as Li, Rb, Cs, which are not limited by solubility constraints, show linear trends. During saturated flow downgradient, the chemistry is also specifically characterised by a regular increase in Na and Cl (and locally SO4) as a result of evaporite dissolution related to overlying or basement limits. The aquifer is mostly oxidising with a redox boundary marked by U decrease, some 40 km from outcrop.  相似文献   

Fort Morgan Peninsula is an attached portion of a dynamic barrier complex in the northern Gulf of Mexico and is a large tourist area that brings in a significant amount of revenue for Alabama. Many of the hotels and tourist attractions depend on the groundwater as their water supply. The over-withdrawal of groundwater and saltwater intrustion will have a negative impact on the ecology, tourism and economy if groundwater resources are not properly monitored and managed. In this study a calibrated groundwater flow model was used to analyze the sustainability of groundwater resources at Fort Morgan Peninsula. Detailed flow budgets were prepared to check the various components of inflow and outflow under different water use and climatic conditions. The results indicated the locations where groundwater was over-pumped and subjected to saltwater intrusion, or will be subjected to saltwater intrusion under a range of projected water use and climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Water samples from 2,789 private water-supply wells in Marathon County, Wisconsin reveal that fluoride concentrations in the crystalline bedrock range from <0.01 to 7.60 mg/L, with 0.6% of the values exceeding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) maximum contaminant level of 4 mg/L, and 8.6% exceeding the EPA’s secondary maximum contaminant level of 2.0 mg/L. Roughly a quarter of the wells contain dissolve fluoride within the range considered optimal for human health (between 0.5 and 1.5 mg/L), whereas 63.3% fall below 0.5 mg/L. Consistent with studies conducted in other regions, felsic rocks have significantly higher fluoride concentrations than mafic and metasedimentary rocks. Syenites yield the most fluoriferous groundwaters, but the highest median concentration occurs in a sodium-plagioclase granite. A relationship between plagioclase composition and fluoride concentrations suggests that dissolved fluoride levels are controlled by fluorite solubility and that higher fluoride concentrations are found in soft, sodium-rich groundwater.  相似文献   

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