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There existed intense Cu anomaly on the northeastern side of the geochemical boundary with NW strike in the border area between the Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. Through field observation, ore bodies of high-grade native coppers have been found. The copper mineralization was constrained by the ancient volcanic vents of Permian basalt eruption and the overlain strata of carbonaceous argillites. Native coppers with flaky, net veined and impregnated occurrences, fine-grained tenorites and massive chalcocites widely occur in volcanic breccias, tuffs, carbonaceous-siliceous argillites and siliceous bitumen rocks with bed thickness of about 15-80 m. Cu contents vary from 0.5% to 20%. The copper mineralization was tightly related to actinolite-tremolitization, zeolitization and bituminization and involved in extensive reduction environments. Continental flood basalts erupted in mantle plume environments usually have high Cu concentrations (~170 ×10-6 in the Emeishan basalts), which provided a copper source of mineralization. Thus, metallogenesis of the native copper deposits in the Yunnan-Guizhou border area is tightly associated with intensive crust-mantle and organic-inorganic interactions. The tremolitization and chalcocitization indicate that the metallogenic temperatures are in a range of 400-100℃. The geologic background and characteristics of ore and alteration for the native copper deposits in this area are somewhat similar to those of the Keweenawan native copper deposit in Michigan, USA.  相似文献   

提取豫鄂皖交界区震源机制、钻孔应变YRY、洞体应变SSY和跨断层水准等数据中蕴含的断裂运动信息,经三维应力分析,发现:①NW向青山—晓天断裂和金寨—龙河口断裂以左行走滑运动为主,而NE向落儿岭—土地岭断裂和商城—麻城断裂呈明显的右行走滑运动,断裂的三维应力状态描述为σ1和σ3是水平的,σ2是直立的,基本延续了中、晚更新...  相似文献   

粤桂琼交界地区地震活动若干特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在总结粤桂琼交界地区震例的基础上,研究了它的地震活动特征:地震空间分布受北东东向和北西向断裂控制、强震具双震和成对性,地震活动与西南地区强震存在单向相关、地震条带是强震前兆、ML≥4级地震迅速增加是强震中期信号、第二周期尚储存7.4级地震能量等。  相似文献   

The sandstone-type Cu deposits in the Chuxiong Basin occur in the Cretaceous Gaofengsi Formation and the Maotoushan Formation and the orebodies are stratoid and lenticular in form, structurally controlled by their stratigraphical position. Ore structures are dominated by impregnated and striped ones. In addition, it has been observed that copper mineralization is controlled by water-discharge and deformation structures. Orebodies are commonly seen on the gently inclined limbs of the anticline, with the involution front. Copper mineralization shows a distinct zonation. S, Pb isotope and REE data suggest that the copper would stem from the country rocks and the sulfur largely from the lower strata. During diagenesis oxidized Cu-bearing brines derived from the upper parts and reduced brines from the lower parts are involved in metallogenetic reactions in the stress neutral plane, which is the key to the formation of copper deposits in the Chuxiong Basin.  相似文献   


The sandstone-type Cu deposits in the Chuxiong Basin occur in the Cretaceous Gaofengsi Formation and the Maotoushan Formation and the orebodies are stratoid and lenticular in form, structurally controlled by their stratigraphical position. Ore structures are dominated by impregnated and striped ones. In addition, it has been observed that copper mineralization is controlled by water-discharge and deformation structures. Orebodies are commonly seen on the gently inclined limbs of the anticline, with the involution front. Copper mineralization shows a distinct zonation. S, Pb isotope and REE data suggest that the copper would stem from the country rocks and the sulfur largely from the lower strata. During diagenesis oxidized Cu-bearing brines derived from the upper parts and reduced brines from the lower parts are involved in metallogenetic reactions in the stress neutral plane, which is the key to the formation of copper deposits in the Chuxiong Basin.


本文利用大地电磁测深数据,对穿过兰坪-思茅地块和川滇菱形地块以及进入扬子地块的云南兰坪-贵州贵阳大地电磁测深剖面展开了深部电性结构研究.采用大地电磁数据处理分析以及反演技术,对观测资料进行了由定性到定量全面地分析,通过二维非线性共轭梯度反演得到了沿剖面的较为详细的地壳上地幔电性结构,结合其他地质和地球物理资料的分析,对该剖面的二维电性结构进行解释,确定了主要断裂带和边界带的位置以及深部延伸情况,同时确定了壳内低阻层的分布位置,最后进行了区域动力学和孕震构造环境的探讨.研究表明:剖面壳幔电性结构分块性特征与区域地质构造分布特征基本一致,不同地块的电性结构存在显著差异,其中川滇菱形地块的结构相对复杂,上地壳的电性结构为高低阻相间分布特征,电阻率的突变带与地表断裂具有很好的对应关系;兰坪-思茅地块存在中上地壳低阻层,川滇菱形地块中西部存在下地壳低阻层,川滇菱形地块东部和华南地块西部存在中上地壳的低阻层;川滇菱形地块中部攀枝花附近的低阻层埋深最深,而华南地块西部会泽附近的低阻层埋深则最浅;兰坪-思茅地块和川滇菱形地块的中下地壳的低阻层可能与青藏高原物质的东南逃逸有关;华南块体的宣威以东的下地壳不存在低阻层,华南块体下地壳和上地幔的电阻率较高;攀枝花附近的高阻体可能是峨眉山玄武岩喷发导致底侵作用及幔源物质上侵的结果.  相似文献   

淮北地区位于安徽省北部,是重要金属成矿区之一。地质构造单元归属华北陆块,其矽卡岩型矿床的控矿条件和成矿模式既与华北地区邯邢式接触交代型铁矿床相似而又有区别。邯邢式铁矿主要围岩地层为奥陶系,矿石成分简单,以磁铁矿为主。淮北地区部分矿床具有这一特征,而另一部分矿床的特征与此有较大差异:围岩地层为寒武系,矿石成分复杂,以铁铜矿为主,并含有金、钼等其它有益元素,岩体分叉侵入,多层成矿,矿体产于燕山中期石英二长闪长玢岩与寒武系中上统内接触带及正接触带,镁质矽卡岩较发育,含铜矽卡岩可见于外接触带。为了与邯邢式铁矿区别,称其为前常式铁铜矿。本区矽卡岩型矿床的赋矿层位为中上寒武统一下奥陶统。其中,寒武系铁矿比例43.39%、铜矿比例92.67%、金矿比例100%,奥陶系铁矿比例56.61%、铜矿比例7.33%。本文在介绍地质背景的基础上、较系统地分析了控矿条件和成矿模式,提出了岩浆侵入活动中心(或活动带)与寒武系接触带为重点找矿方向的观点,并明确指出远离侵入中心(带)的岩床,其成矿性差。文中还介绍了覆盖区识别岩浆侵入活动中心(或活动带)的方法。  相似文献   

本文以贵州省已查明储量的金矿床密集区为预测模型单元,运用本课题组研制开发的弹性BP算法,对贵州省区内的金异常密集区进行分类预测,为贵州省地质找矿工作提供依据.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the chemical and isotopic compositions of escaped gases from the Rehai geothermal area in Tengchong county of Yunnan Province. Results indicate that there is the mantle-derived magmatic intrusion in shallow crust at this area. Modern mantle-derived magmatic volatiles are being released currently in a steady stream by way of active faults. The escaped gases are mostly composed of CO2, together with subordinate amounts of H2S, N2, H2, CH4, SO2, CO and He. At the studied area, the north-south directed fault is the deepest, and it may be interlinked with the deep-seated thermal reservoir that would be directly recharged by the mantle-derived magmatic volatile. The He, C isotopic evidence reveals that the modern active magma beneath Rehai area may originate from the historical mantle-derived magma which caused the latest eruptive activity of volcanoes in that region.  相似文献   

蒙宁交界区地震震源深度的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘永梅  刘芳  刘改梅  张帆 《中国地震》2017,33(2):290-300
选取内蒙古地震台网记录的2009~2015年蒙宁交界区103次ML≥2.5地震波形资料,采用震源深度测定的单纯型法、Hyposat法、双差法、PTD法重新测定震源深度,并将所获得结果进行对比分析。用CAP矩张量反演法重新测定了阿拉善左旗5.8级和4.2级地震的震源深度。最终获得用PTD法和双差法所得的震源深度结果与蒙宁交界区的构造特征比较吻合,单纯型法、Hyposat法效果不佳。同时得到蒙宁交界地震构造区的平均震源深度为13.32±8km。  相似文献   

选取豫鲁冀交界区17个数字化测震台站S波记录,对该区地震进行限定筛选,并对台站记录的地震波形进行严格仔细的参数测量与提取,分析地震波传播过程中S波分裂变化及与地震的关系,提取中等地震前S波分裂所表现的地球物理异常特征。  相似文献   

广东地区重力场演化特征及其与地震的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广东地区1988-1999年流动重力资料的重新整理计算,对粤东,粤西和珠江三角洲地区重力场演变趋势做了分析研究,探讨其与华南沿海地区地震活动的关系,并提出了广东地区重力场时,空,强变化的地震前兆信息,为该地区提供震前重力场异常判别依据。  相似文献   

The coda attenuation of the Yao''''an area in Yunnan Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionThetravellingqualityfactorQofseismicwaveisoneofbasicphysicalparametersformeasuringthemediaattenuation(1/Q)intheearthandreflectionofinhomogeneityandinelasticityofthemedia,whichisusedinstudiesoffocalphysicsandengineeringearthquake.Qiscloselyrelatedtotheregionaltectonicactivityandseismicity.Thisfeaturehasbeenstudyingasoneoffactorsofearthquakeprediction(Chouet,1979;JinandAki,1986,1989).InYunnanregion,QIN(1992)andQIN,etal(1995)hadstudiedthefeaturesofregionalvariationofcodaQcandflu…  相似文献   

钱晓东  秦嘉政 《地震》2006,26(2):113-121
利川判断地震序列能蕈释放衰减是否异常的Ec—k量板,汁算了云南及附近地区39次巾强地震序列的能量衰减系数k值。结果显示:①当判别指标k〉1时,地震序列能量衰减处于正常状态;当k≤1时,判断地震序列能量衰减出现异常,其后发生更大地震或强余震的町能什较大。②对云南地区中强地震序列的榆验表明,有74%的地震序列符合上述判别指标。③用相同的地震进行了地震序列频度衰减系数^值的计算,发现符合h值判别指标的地震序列占统计际本的锄%。④对日常地震跟踪临视中遇到的二次典型地震序列详细分析,发现用k值力。法无论对中小地震序列还是巨震序列,预测效果均较好。  相似文献   

The characteristic of seismic coda wave attenuation in Yunnan area in 7 frequency-bands range from 1 Hz to 20 Hz was estimated by using the local earthquake's waveform data recorded from 22 Yunnan digital seismic stations.Coda attenuation Q-c1 of each station was firstly calculated by single scattering method. Then, mean free path Le and seismic albedo Bo of each station were calculated, and scattering attenuation Q-1s and intrinsic attenuation Q-1i were separated from total attenuation Q-1t by multiple lapse time window analysis based on the multiple scattering model in uniform random isotropic scattering medium. The attenuating characteristics in Yunnan show that most value of Le are in 10~30 km, with maximal within 2~6 Hz;Bo are about 0.5 at 1~2 Hz, but less than 0.5at other frequency-bands, which means Q-1i is comparable with Q-1s at 1~2 Hz, and after 1~2 Hz, Q-1i is greater than Q-1s and dominates the attenuation process. Q-1c is close to Q-1i at other frequency bands except 1~2 Hz.Results show that Q-1 especially Qs-1 varies spatially, Q-1 in eastern Yunnan zone is a bit higher than in northwestern Yunnan zone;northwestern Yunnan zone higher than southwestern Yunnan zone. Comparing with other results in global, Qs-1 in Yunnan is lower than the global average value among these results, Q-1i is higher than the global average value, and Q-1t lies the middle among these results.  相似文献   

以邯郸数字化地震台网数据资料为基础,分析晋冀鲁豫交界地区的主要震相特征,利用软件程序对实验数据进行频谱分析,得出本区域识别构造地震、人工爆破和塌陷的数字化波形特征的显著方法。经过大量数据检验,验证该方法的准确性,为提高基础台站数据的准确性和可利用率提供思路。  相似文献   

Lake Zigetang is located on the central Tibetan Plateau(TP) and represents a rare but typical meromictic lake in China.The lake's stable meromixis sustains microflora communities, and changes in these communities are relatively independent of climate. Therefore, these communities can be used as paleoclimate proxies. In this paper, the stratification properties and their relationships with the microflora of Lake Zigetang were analyzed. We found that water depth and climate conditions were two important factors for maintaining meromixis in Lake Zigetang. Generally, stratification was enhanced during warm periods, while temperature differences between the mixolimnion and monimolimnion were decreased during cold periods. The presence of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria(APB) was demonstrated by the discovery of bacteriopheophytin-a(Bph-a) in the sediments.This bacterial community is mainly concentrated at the bottom of the chemocline and the top of the monimolimnion, where it forms a thin APB layer. Moreover, total APB productivity is mainly affected by the light intensity penetrating to the APB layer,which exponentially increases as the thermocline becomes shallow. Therefore, high Bph-a values in the lake corresponded to a shallow thermocline and warm periods, low Bph-a values corresponded to cold periods, and zero changes indicated that the water was completely mixed and reflected an extreme cold climate or low lake level period. Thus, Bph-a can be used as a climate proxy to reconstruct the history of lake stratification and climate changes.  相似文献   

云南南部地区深部电性结构特征研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
在云南南部地区布设了一条孟连—罗平的北东向大地电磁测深剖面,以开展该地区的深部电性结构探测和孕震环境探查.沿该剖面进行了114个大地电磁测深点的观测,经过对观测资料的远参考Robust处理、定性分析和二维反演,得到了沿该剖面地壳、上地幔电性结构模型,从模型的电性结构特征进一步探讨了剖面穿过的3个地震区的深部地震孕育环境.研究结果表明:沿剖面的地壳上地幔电性结构反映出与区域地质构造资料基本一致的构造特征;该区的三个强震带地球深部都存在壳内低阻体,地震发生在电阻率梯度带上;断裂带的两侧块体介质的电阻率差异是强震活动带重要的深部背景.  相似文献   

利用云南省地震局遥测台网记录的地震波形资料,采用多流逝时间窗分析方法,得到了云南地区不同台站的散射衰减和吸收衰减,并通过单次散射模型得到了不同台站的尾波衰减.研究结果显示,云南地区的散射衰减、吸收衰减、总衰减和尾波衰减空间分布以金沙江—红河断裂带为界,均表现出西部低,东部高的特征.云南地区地震波衰减以吸收为主,2~4 Hz、4~8 Hz、8~16 Hz三个频带各台站的吸收衰减Q-1i均大于散射衰减Q-1c,1~2 Hz除个别台站的吸收衰减明显小于散射衰减,其它台站均大于或接近散射衰减.尾波衰减Q-1c在1~2 Hz稍大于吸收衰减而小于总衰减,在2~4 Hz、4~8 Hz、8~16 Hz与总衰减接近,个别台站大于总衰减Q-1t.云南地区散射衰减与频率的关系为Q-1s=0.0138f-1.61,吸收衰减与频率的关系为Q-1i=0.0119f-0.86,总衰减与频率的关系为Q-1t=0.0247f-1.1,尾波衰减与频率的关系为Q-1c=0.0129f-0.71.与世界其它地区相比,云南地区的散射衰减处于中等偏低的水平,吸收衰减处于中等偏高的水平.  相似文献   

山东齐河—禹城地区近年来陆续发现矽卡岩型富铁矿床,铁矿勘查及研究工作取得了较大进展.区内中生代燕山晚期闪长岩体作为成矿地质体,奥陶纪碳酸盐岩作为控矿地层,铁矿床主要赋存于二者的接触部位.由于地处厚覆盖区,新生界平均厚度超过800m,铁矿找矿难度较大.本文以成矿地质体边界识别及深部特征研究为主要目标,利用最新陆地重力与航...  相似文献   

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