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We introduce the contour process to describe the geometrical properties of merger trees. The contour process translates a tree structure into a one-dimensional object: the contour walk. We characterize the contour walk measuring its length and action. The length is proportional to the number of progenitors in the tree, and the action is a proxy for the mean length of a branch in the tree.
We construct the contour walk for merger trees extracted from the public data base of the Millennium Run and also for merger trees constructed with a public Monte Carlo code which implements a Markovian algorithm. The trees correspond to haloes of final masses between 1011 and  1014  h −1 M  . We study how the length and action scale with the mass of the final halo.
In all cases, except for the action measured from Markovian trees, we find a transitional scale around  1–6 × 1012  h −1 M  , which can be interpreted as the point where the halo growth starts to be dominated by mergers and not accretion. The transitional scale depends weakly on the mass resolution and time discretization of the merging trees.  相似文献   

We present a new Monte Carlo algorithm to generate merger trees describing the formation history of dark matter haloes. The algorithm is a modification of the algorithm of Cole et al. used in the galform semi-analytic galaxy formation model. As such, it is based on the Extended Press–Schechter theory and so should be applicable to hierarchical models with a wide range of power spectra and cosmological models. It is tuned to be in accurate agreement with the conditional mass functions found in the analysis of merger trees extracted from the Λ cold dark matter Millennium N -body simulation. We present a comparison of its predictions not only with these conditional mass functions, but also with additional statistics of the Millennium Simulation halo merger histories. In all cases, we find it to be in good agreement with the Millennium Simulation and thus it should prove to be a very useful tool for semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and for modelling hierarchical structure formation in general. We have made our merger tree generation code and code to navigate the trees available at http://star-www.dur.ac.uk/~cole/merger_trees .  相似文献   

We study the formation of tidal tails in pairs of merging disc galaxies with structural properties motivated by current theories of cold dark matter (CDM) cosmologies. In a recent study, Dubinski, Mihos & Hernquist showed that the formation of prominent tidal tails can be strongly suppressed by massive and extended dark haloes. For the large halo-to-disc mass ratio expected in CDM cosmologies their sequence of models failed to produce strong tails like those observed in many well-known pairs of interacting galaxies. In order to test whether this effect can constrain the viability of CDM cosmologies, we construct N ‐body models of disc galaxies with structural properties derived in analogy to the recent analytical work of Mo, Mao & White. With a series of self-consistent collisionless simulations of galaxy–galaxy mergers we demonstrate that even the discs of very massive dark haloes have no problems developing long tidal tails, provided the halo spin parameter is large enough. For our class of models, the halo-to-disc mass ratio is not a good indicator of the ability to produce tails. Instead, the relative size of disc and halo or, alternatively, the ratio of circular velocity to local escape speed at the half mass radius of the disc is a more useful criterion. This result holds in all CDM models. While tidal tails can provide useful information on the structure of galaxies, it thus appears unlikely that they are able to constrain the values of the cosmological parameters within these models.  相似文献   

We place additional constraints on the three parameters of the dark matter halo merger rate function recently proposed by Parkinson, Cole & Helly by utilizing Smoluchowski's coagulation equation, which must be obeyed by any binary merging process which conserves mass. We find that the constraints from Smoluchowski's equation are degenerate, limiting to a thin plane in the three-dimensional parameter space. This constraint is consistent with those obtained from fitting to N -body measures of progenitor mass functions, and provides a better match to the evolution of the overall dark matter halo mass function, particularly for the most massive haloes. We demonstrate that the proposed merger rate function does not permit an exact solution of Smoluchowski's equation and, therefore, the choice of parameters must reflect a compromise between fitting various parts of the mass function. The techniques described herein are applicable to more general merger rate functions, which may permit a more accurate solution of Smoluchowski's equation. The current merger rate solutions are most probably sufficiently accurate for the vast majority of applications.  相似文献   

We use very large cosmological N -body simulations to obtain accurate predictions for the two-point correlations and power spectra of mass-limited samples of galaxy clusters. We consider two currently popular cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogonies, a critical density model ( τ CDM) and a flat low density model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). Our simulations each use 109 particles to follow the mass distribution within cubes of side 2  h −1 Gpc ( τ CDM) and 3  h −1 Gpc (ΛCDM) with a force resolution better than 10−4 of the cube side. We investigate how the predicted cluster correlations increase for samples of increasing mass and decreasing abundance. Very similar behaviour is found in the two cases. The correlation length increases from     for samples with mean separation     to     for samples with     The lower value here corresponds to τ CDM and the upper to ΛCDM. The power spectra of these cluster samples are accurately parallel to those of the mass over more than a decade in scale. Both correlation lengths and power spectrum biases can be predicted to better than 10 per cent using the simple model of Sheth, Mo & Tormen. This prediction requires only the linear mass power spectrum and has no adjustable parameters. We compare our predictions with published results for the automated plate measurement (APM) cluster sample. The observed variation of correlation length with richness agrees well with the models, particularly for ΛCDM. The observed power spectrum (for a cluster sample of mean separation     ) lies significantly above the predictions of both models.  相似文献   

N -body simulations predict that cold dark matter (CDM) halo-assembly occurs in two phases: (i) a fast-accretion phase with a rapidly deepening potential well; and (ii) a slow-accretion phase characterized by a gentle addition of mass to the outer halo with little change in the inner potential well. We demonstrate, using one-dimensional simulations, that this two-phase accretion leads to CDM haloes of the Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) form and provides physical insight into the properties of the mass-accretion history that influence the final profile. Assuming that the velocities of CDM particles are effectively isotropized by fluctuations in the gravitational potential during the fast-accretion phase, we show that gravitational collapse in this phase leads to an inner profile  ρ( r ) ∝ r −1  . Slow accretion on to an established potential well leads to an outer profile with  ρ( r ) ∝ r −3  . The concentration of a halo is determined by the fraction of mass that is accreted during the fast-accretion phase. Using an ensemble of realistic mass-accretion histories, we show that the model predictions of the dependence of halo concentration on halo formation time and, hence, the dependence of halo concentration on halo mass, and the distribution of halo concentrations all match those found in cosmological N -body simulations. Using a simple analytic model that captures much of the important physics, we show that the inner   r −1  profile of CDM haloes is a natural result of hierarchical mass assembly with an initial phase of rapid accretion.  相似文献   

In hierarchical models of structure formation, the time derivative of the halo mass function may be thought of as the difference of two terms – a creation term, which describes the increase in the number of haloes of mass m from mergers of less massive objects, and a destruction term, which describes the decrease in the number of m -haloes as these merge with other haloes, creating more massive haloes as a result. The first part of this paper focuses on estimating the distribution of times when these creation events take place. In models where haloes form from a spherical collapse, this distribution can be estimated from the same formalism which is used to estimate halo abundances: the constant-barrier excursion-set approach. In the excursion-set approach, moving rather than constant barriers are necessary for estimating halo abundances when the collapse is triaxial. First, we generalize the excursion-set estimate of the creation time distribution by incorporating ellipsoidal collapse. Then, we show that these moving barrier based predictions are in better agreement with measurements in numerical simulations than are the corresponding predictions of the spherical collapse model. In the second part of the paper, we link the creation time distribution to the creation term mentioned above. For this quantity, the improvement provided by the ellipsoidal collapse model is more evident. These results should be useful for studies of merger-driven star formation rates and active galactic nucleus activity. We also present a similar study of the creation of haloes conditioned on belonging to an object of a certain mass today, and reach similar conclusions – the moving barrier based estimates are in substantially better agreement with the simulations. This part of the study may be useful for understanding the tendency for the oldest stars to exist in the most massive objects, and for star formation to only occur in lower mass objects at late times.  相似文献   

If the dark matter particle is a neutralino, then the first structures to form are cuspy cold dark matter (CDM) haloes collapsing after redshifts   z ≈ 100  in the mass range  10−6–10−3 M  . We carry out a detailed study of the survival of these microhaloes in the Galaxy as they experience tidal encounters with stars, molecular clouds, and other dark matter substructures. We test the validity of analytic impulsive heating calculations using high-resolution N -body simulations. A major limitation of analytic estimates is that mean energy inputs are compared to mean binding energies, instead of the actual mass lost from the system. This energy criterion leads to an overestimate of the stripped mass and an underestimate of the disruption time-scale, since CDM haloes are strongly bound in their inner parts. We show that a significant fraction of material from CDM microhaloes can be unbound by encounters with Galactic substructure and stars; however, the cuspy central regions remain relatively intact. Furthermore, the microhaloes near the solar radius are those which collapse significantly earlier than average and will suffer very little mass-loss. Thus, we expect a fraction of surviving bound microhaloes, a smooth component with narrow features in phase space, which may be uncovered by direct detection experiments, as well as numerous surviving cuspy cores with proper motions of arcminutes per year, which can be detected indirectly via their annihilation into gamma-rays.  相似文献   

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