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天王星卫星的星历表计算   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据天王星卫星的运动理论模型,建立了一套5颗主要卫星的星历表计算和误差分析程序。对部分高精度卫星观测位置资料进行的O-C计算和分析表明了计算程序的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   

现代天王星卫星运动定量理论的研究和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1986年“旅行者2号”飞越天于星期间,由空间无线电和光学观测获得的卫星资料首次给出天王星5颗主要卫星质量的可靠估计,从而推动了现代天王星卫星运动定量理论的建立。Laskar于1986年建立了第一个相对完整的天王星主要卫星的(半)分析理论——GUST86,其高精度已被许多学者的实算证实。之后,对理论的改进作出贡献的学者有:Malhotra等人(1989)、Lazzaro等人(1987,1991)分析研究了天王星卫星系统中近共振项对长期摄动解的影响;Taylor(1998)采用数值积分拟合观测资料,以更精确地测定卫星质量;Christou和Murray(1997)则将一个2阶Laplace—Lagrange理论应用于天王星卫星系统。对这些学者的工作作一概述。  相似文献   

为了满足大行星卫星的高精度CCD位置观测与运动理论研究工作的需要 ,采用天王星 5颗主要卫星摄动理论模型 (Gust86 )作为核心 ,设计了一个天王星视位置可视化软件。该软件具有卫星证认 ,最佳观测时段选取 ,精确模拟卫星视运动和实时引导CCD精密定位观测等功能。  相似文献   

天王星卫星CCD观测的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1995 年8 月在上海天文台利用安装在1 .56 米望远镜上的CCD 探测器对天王星五颗主要卫星进行了定位试观测。将观测所得的位置资料与其理论值做了比较。结果表明:CCD观测的位置精度优于照相观测的结果。这些资料对于卫星轨道的研究是有价值的。  相似文献   

天王星卫星的CCD观测与分析解的比对   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文给出了处理天王星卫星CCD图象位置资料的新方法,并将我们在1995年取得的重要资料与两种理论模型位置进行了比较计算,结果表明经处理后的天王星五颗主要卫星CCD观测精度有了较大提高。  相似文献   

彭青玉  刘威卫 《天文学报》1998,39(3):320-323,T001
天然卫星的位置测量在天体测量和天体力学中都有重要意义。国外有人对天王星卫星位置测量应用新的图象处理方法得到了高精度的卫星观测资料。利用云南天文台1米望远镜上获得的两颗卫星的SRT的CCD观测资料进行了新老图象处理方法的比较研究。当用两颗卫星直接作定标测量CCD的比例尺和指向时表明:主星晕的处理对卫星位置的测量非常重要。去晕处理后,测得的比例尺和指向的弥散将大为减少。  相似文献   

1995年天王星卫星位置观测的重新归算   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
研究改进了对自然卫星CCD图像进行定位量测处理的方法。经对天王星主要卫星CCD观测位置图像的计算处理表明位置精度有了明显提高 ,O -C的标准误差 (RMS)平均为 0 .0 7″。  相似文献   

本文发表的是我们于1990年在云南天文台利用1mRCC望远镜对天王星主要卫星进行照像观测的定位结果以及与理论计算值进行的比较分析。  相似文献   

利用新发表的高精度、高密度天体测量星表UCAC2,对天王星的五颗主要卫星的CCD观测图像重新进行量测,采用不同方法作定标归算,并使用两种理论模型(GUST86和GUST06模型)计算卫星的理论位置。对不同方法所得到的卫星位置的O-C结果的分析和比较表明,本文获得的卫星位置精度,除天卫五(Miranda)有显著提高,其他4颗卫星的位置精度基本相同。本文中天卫一和天卫三的结果与"亮卫星定标法"的结果在精度上相当,天卫二的位置精度与其他天王星卫星的位置精度具有较好的一致性,这从另一方面证明了我们的"亮卫星定标法"的可靠性。此外我们还获得了天卫四的位置与精度。  相似文献   

We have developed a new dynamical model of the main Uranian satellites, based on numerical integration and fitted to astrometric observations. Old observations, as well as modern and Voyager observations have been included. This model has provided ephemerides that have already been used for predicting the mutual events during the PHE-URA campaign. It is updated here to improve the prediction of these events. We also tried to assess the real accuracy of our ephemerides by checking the distance differences of the Uranian satellites, using simultaneously our former and new model. It appears that both solutions are very close to each other (within few tens of kilometers), and most probably accurate at the level of few hundred of kilometers. Using new available meridian observations of the Uranian satellites, we have checked the Uranian ephemeris accuracy using DE406. An error of more than 0.1 arcsec on the Uranian position is observed.  相似文献   

An attempt to build a new theory of the main Uranian satellites is being made at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute. The main difference compared to GUST86 theory is that the new theory is planned to be completely analytical. To do this, the secular frequencies of the satellites should be calculated taking into account the secular perturbations of the second order and, partly, of the third order. This allows to improve the secular frequencies and make them more close to those obtained from numerical integration. Nevertheless, discrepancies remain, which indicate that more terms in the analytical development are needed. Some other advantages of the new theory are also discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the Earth and Sun transits through the equatorial plane of Uranus will bring us the opportunity for observations only possible at that time: mutual events of the satellites, search for new faint satellites and measurement of the thickness of the rings.The predictions of the mutual events need a theoretical model of the motion of the satellites. The calculated occurrences of the occultations and eclipses highly depend on the model since these predictions are very sensitive to the relative positions of the satellites. A difference of 0.05 arcsec in latitude may make an event inexistent and the accuracy of the theoretical models is around 0.1 arcsec.In order to be sure of the occurrence of each event, we made the predictions using three theoretical models: the first one is GUST86 made by Laskar and Jacobson in 1986, the second is GUST06 based on the former model fitted by Emelianov on new observations and the third one is LA06 based on a brand new theory with an accuracy 10 times better than GUST and fitted on recent observations made since 1950.This comparison shows that some events predicted with one model are not predicted using another one. We try to select the events which will occur surely in order to help the observers to catch the best phenomena.The search for new satellites and the measurement of the thickness of the rings are planned by means of observations at the time of the transit of the Earth in the ring plane.  相似文献   

At the present state the rotational axes of Uranus and Pluto are nearly perpendicular to their orbital planes and each satellite moves in the vicinity of the equatorial plane of its mother planet. We assume that in the past a planet's equatorial plane was nearly coincident with its orbital plane and then the inclination of the equatorial plane with respect to the orbital plane began to increase secularly. Here we discuss whether a satellite that moves in its mother's equatorial plane continues to move in the equatorial plane or not. When the direct solar perturbation is neglected, the satellite continues to stay in the equatorial plane under the condition that the secular rate of change of the obliquity is slower than the precessional speed of the satellite orbital plane with respect to the equator.  相似文献   

Salient features of the analysis of the mutual event light curves of planetary satellites are presented. The need to carefully evaluate the flux contribution of the occulting/eclipsing satellite to the total flux is illustrated. Albedo variations on the satellites will produce signatures on the mutual event light curves. The partial events of the upcoming mutual event series of the uranian satellites can be modeled taking into account the albedo variations inferred from the maps of the southern regions imaged by Voyager 2 when only these regions are occulted/eclipsed. This will enable a robust determination of the astrometric parameters. The shape and asymmetry of the mutual event light curves along with the rotational light curves of the satellites obtained simultaneously during the planet's equinox crossing period can be utilized to obtain a coarse albedo map of the northern hemisphere of the satellites. These studies will also help in investigating possible changes in the known southern regions since the 1986 encounter of Voyager 2.  相似文献   

Secular perturbations of fictitious satellites that are initially circular and in the equatorial plane of Uranus are discussed. Satellites located in the region where the solar perturbation is dominant become highly eccentric and inclined with respect to the equator, and have a possibility to collide with Uranus. Satellites located in the region where the oblateness perturbation is dominant keep the original eccentricity and the inclination. A scenario of a possible extinction of outer satellites of Uranus is also discussed.  相似文献   

New versions of the ephemerides for the Galilean satellites of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) constructed by numerically integrating the equations of motion of the satellites are presented. The satellite motionmodel takes into account the non-sphericity of Jupiter, the mutual perturbations of the satellites, and the perturbations from the Sun and major planets. The initial satellite motion parameters have been improved based on all the available series of ground-based optical observations spanning the interval 1891-2017, spacecraft observations, and radar observations. As a result, the coefficients of the expansion of the satellite coordinates and velocities in terms of Chebyshev polynomials in the interval 1891- 2025 have been obtained. The root-mean-square errors of the observations and the graphs of comparison of the constructed ephemerides both with the observations and with Lainey's numerical ephemerides are presented. The constructed ephemerides are publicly accessible.  相似文献   

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