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Based on the principle of synthesis, a new method was put forward to dispose Congo Red anion-containing dyestuff from wastewater
and its feasibility was also examined. The principle of the method is described as follows: Mg2+ and Al3+ are hydrolyzed to form Mg/Al-LDH by adding Mg2+, Al3+ and NaOH in wastewater containing anion dyestuff, which is selectively intercalated with the interlayer of LDH in order to
balance positive structural charge. While Mg2+ and Al3+ are co-precipitated to form LDH, the anion dyestuff in wastewater will be removed by LDH synthesized in-situ, as is confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis of settlings and chemical analysis of aqueous samples. In this work, we studied
the influence of Mg/Al mole ratio, pH value, time and temperature of reaction on the removal of anion dyestuff and the use
of Mg and Al. The experimental results showed the maximum removal efficiency of anion dyestuff could be attained when pH value
was 9.0, and Mg/Al mol ratio was 2: 1, reaction duration was 2 hours, and the effect of temperature was not remarkable, and
the removal efficiency could reach 100%. Meanwhile, the Mg and Al added could be made good use of. This technology has the
advantage of extraordinary efficiency of wastewater disposal.
Foundation item: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40472026). 相似文献
PENG Shuchuan L Lü WANG Jin HAN Lu CHEN Tianhu JIANG Shaotong School of Resources Environment Hefei University of Technology Hefei China 《中国地球化学学报》2009,28(2):184-187
A kinetic study was conducted on the adsorption of orthophosphate anions on layer double hydroxide (LDH). The adsorption has
proved itself to be a spontaneous endothermic process and is large in capacity and rate. The adsorption isotherm correlates
well with the Freundlich model, and a rise in temperature will lead to an increase in adsorption efficiency. Additionally,
the results suggested that the adsorption is an entropy-increasing process and is in good agreement with the pseudo-second
order kinetics. The free energy (ΔG) of adsorption of orthophosphate onto LDH varies within the range of −1.75–−3.34 kJ/mol,
the enthalpy (ΔH) varies by 7.96 kJ/mol and the entropy (ΔS) by 33.59 kJ/mol. The adsorption activation energy is 8.3 kJ/mol,
showing that the adsorption of orthophosphate onto LDH is determined to be a physical adsorption. 相似文献
在模拟含Zn2 废水中加入Mg2 和Al3 ,以NaOH为沉淀剂,研究金属盐水解即时合成层状双氢氧化物(LDH)去除Zn2 的可行性。详细探讨了体系终点pH值、配料中Mg2 /Zn2 摩尔比值及反应温度和时间对Zn2 去除率的影响,结合X射线衍射分析(XRD)探讨了Zn2 去除机理,并与化学沉淀法进行了比较。结果表明,实验条件下只有pH值显著影响Zn2 去除率(p<0.05),在9.0~11.0范围内去除效果最佳,达99%以上。通过XRD分析结合即时合成法特点,废水中Zn2 主要是在晶体生成阶段以Zn-Mg-Al三元LDH化合物形式被去除的。与化学沉淀法相比,即时合成法效果更好,适用pH值范围更广,用来处理含Zn2 废水更具优势。 相似文献
物理化学条件对合成Mg/Al-LDH结晶度和结构的影响 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5
采用共沉淀法在不同物理条件下合成了一系列镁铝层状双氢氧化物(LDH),用化学分析、XRD和红外光谱对产物的组成与结构进行了表征,并探讨了初始溶液Mg/Al比、平衡pH值、水热反应温度、干燥温度等因素对合成LDH产物的结晶度、Mg/Al比、结构以及镁铝水解率的影响。结果表明,在实验条件范围内,最佳的合成条件为:初始Mg/Al比为2∶1,pH值为10,合成温度50℃,在此条件下固体产物为单一LDH物相,合成LDH的Mg/Al比为2∶1,镁铝水解率分别为99.21%和98.97%,结晶度高,可以实现在较低的温度下水热合成LDH。由于在LDH结构中Al3 替代Mg2 的量不同,导致X衍射分析d值和晶胞参数呈规律性变化。 相似文献
应用FTIR-XRD-XRF分析测试技术研究新型仿制绿松石的矿物学特征 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
近年来绿松石及其仿制品的鉴定工作较多局限于应用傅里叶变换红外光谱对仿制品进行简单的筛选,前人报道的仿制绿松石的矿物组成主要为单一的矿物相(如异极矿、三水铝石、磷铝石、羟硅硼钙石、菱镁矿等)。本文应用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线粉晶衍射(XRD)与X射线荧光光谱(XRF)对当前珠宝市场上几种新型仿制绿松石进行了初步分类,并对不同类别的仿制绿松石的具体矿物组成、物相及晶型特征作了对比研究。结果表明,这些新型仿制绿松石可分为三大类:一类主要由硅酸盐(斜硅钙石)与碳酸盐(方解石)两种矿物组成;另一类为白云石与方解石两种碳酸盐矿物的混合相;第三类以硅酸盐类为主要矿物,并含有钡长石、辉石与石英。显然,新型仿制绿松石的矿物组成明显相异于传统仿制品,可见仿制绿松石的矿物组成日趋多样性、复杂化,该现状必然对新型仿制样品的物相鉴定提出了更高的要求。 相似文献