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Cambrian Correlation Between China and North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

试论桐柏造山带与西大别造山带的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据已有资料探讨了桐柏造山带与西大别造山带的对比。桐柏造山带由6个构造单元组成,西大别造山带可划分为10个构造单元。两个造山带北部的5个构造单元可以完全对比,并可恢复为华北板块南缘的古生代活动性大陆边缘,表明桐柏与西大别曾共同经历扬子板块古生代的俯冲。再向南,熊店—浒湾韧性剪切带中的熊店榴辉岩意味着古生代高压变质作用的存在,但不能划定明确的分布范围和构造单元。而其他中生代高压—超高压岩石以带状和穹窿状分布,在桐柏和西大别地区占据中生代造山带的主体部分,构成可以对比的线状和穹窿状构造单元。桐柏与西大别造山带的结构都是由北部古生代弧陆碰撞造山带和南部中生代高压—超高压折返形成的造山带拼合而成,因此两者都具有古生代和中生代多期造山带的特点。从构造单元和演化阶段方面分析,两个造山带是可以对比的。  相似文献   

The iron-oxide system can be used as a marker of oxidized and reduced conditions in closed systems. However, natural rocks with iron-oxide minerals also exhibit such reactions, although the natural system is typically open. To understand the behaviour of this natural system, they were investigated the similarities, in terms of crystallographic textures, between the microstructures of two systems: natural open system and synthetic closed system of iron-oxide phase transformation.  相似文献   

方俊 《探矿工程》2010,37(4):1-5
深部和外围找矿工作的不断发展,需要研制出新型深孔钻机及其配套的钻探参数监测系统。全液压动力头岩心钻机将是未来深部钻探的主力钻机,CUG-2钻参仪是中国地质大学研制的与2000 m全液压动力头岩心钻机配套的钻探参数监测系统。介绍了CUG-2钻参仪的设计特点和检测参数,重点介绍了与常规转盘式、立轴式钻机不同的参数检测原理及其传感器选型安装,包括孔深、钻速、扭矩、功率和出口流量等。  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt along the east coast of India shares a thrusted lower contact with the surrounding cratons. The thrust, known as the Terrane Boundary shear zone, is associated with two large lateral ramps resulting in a curved outline on the northwestern corner of the mobile belt. The Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt is divided into two lithotectonic units, the Lathore Group and the Turekela Group, based on their lithological assemblages and deformational history. On the basis of published data from a Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile of the Eastern Ghats crust, the Terrane Boundary Shear Zone is considered to be listric in nature and acts as the sole thrust between craton and mobile belt. The Lathore and Turekela Groups are nappes. With this structural configuration the NW part is described as a fold thrust belt. However, the thrusting postdates folding and granulite metamorphism that occurred in the Eastern Ghats, as in the Caledonide type of fold thrust belt of NW Scotland. The Terrane Boundary Shear Zone is interpreted to be contiguous with the Rayner-Napier boundary of the Enderby Land in a Gondwana assembly.  相似文献   

以昌平区钻孔岩芯为例,分析沉积物粒级组分与磁化率大小变化的相关性。从厚约150 m的剖面选取590多个样品,分别测试从0.5~500 μm各个粒度区间颗粒的百分含量和磁化率。通过计算它们之间的相关关系,认为湖相沉积物磁化率的变化与0.5~30 μm间细粒物质的含量,特别是与0.5~10 μm区间悬浮物质的含量反相关,而与65~500 μm间较粗粒物质的含量正相关。这种相关性与黄土沉积刚好相反,反映了二者之间磁化率不同的变化机制, 蕴涵着一定的古气候信息。  相似文献   

古强  邢凤存  钱红杉  孙汉骁 《沉积学报》2021,39(6):1371-1386
早三叠世鲕粒在全球范围内广泛发育,且出现巨鲕。川东北飞仙关组台缘鲕粒滩非均质性强,鲕粒类型复杂。选择川东北龙潭村、莱溪及鱼洞子剖面进行野外实测、镜下鉴定及粒度分析,对鲕粒类型及粒度参数演化与水动力相关性进行研究。研究发现川东北飞仙关组发育7种原生沉积鲕粒,9种后生改造成因鲕粒,其中后生改造成因的破碎鲕可进一步细分。除偏度外,平均粒径、标准偏差、峰度等粒度参数及粒度资料图解曲线形态具有很强的相关性,与鲕粒类型结合判断龙潭村鲕粒滩由活动边缘带转变为稳定鲕粒砂坪沉积,水动力逐渐减小;莱溪呈活动边缘带—稳定鲕粒砂坪—活动边缘带沉积旋回,水动力先减小再增大;鱼洞子向上水动力逐渐减小。但含巨鲕的层位与整体的鲕粒类型及粒度变化趋势相关性较差,这可能是由于巨鲕异常大的粒径形成主要受微生物作用和海水碳酸盐岩饱和度的快速增大复合影响,而非水动力快速变化。因此,在利用粒度参数判断具有巨鲕发育的沉积环境水动力条件时,不能简单地凭借粒度便做出结论,需对鲕粒粒度参数进行相关性分析,去除相关性较差的样品数据。  相似文献   

Zhou  W. D.  Xie  S. Y.  Bao  Z. Y.  Carranza  E. J. M.  Wang  Y.  Tang  M. L. 《Mathematical Geosciences》2022,54(1):131-150
Mathematical Geosciences - Inorganic pore structures are critical to understand the oil and gas transport and storage properties of unconventional reservoirs. However, it can be difficult to...  相似文献   

地基的失效可视为模糊事件。影响地基承载力因素表现出空间变异性。根据随机场理论描述土性参数的空间变异性,考虑土性参数的自相关性及其互相关性,得出参数间的相关性在可靠性分析中不可忽视的结论。  相似文献   

高煤级煤基质力学效应与煤储层渗透率耦合关系分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
基于吸附膨胀物理模拟实验,揭示了瘦煤至无烟煤阶段煤基质的自调节特征,分别探讨了煤层气排采过程煤基质收缩和有效应力变化对煤储层渗透率的影响,构建了有效应力、煤基质收缩与煤储层渗透率之间耦合的数学模型,揭示出高煤级煤储层渗透率在煤层气排采过程中的递减变化规律,并讨论了这一发现的地质意义。  相似文献   

煤层气与地下水的赋存及运动特征对比   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据煤层气储存体与含水层体地质参数的对比,结合地下运动原理,认为煤层气产出过程中的运动要素与地下水体运动要素基本相近,在考虑气体的压缩性和粘滞性的情况下,亦可用类似描述地下水非稳定运动的微分方程和边界条件求解析解或数值法求解。  相似文献   

凹凸棒石与Zn^2+的长期作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以凹凸棒石与Zn2+为例研究粘土矿物与重金属离子长期作用过程,并运用高分辨透射电镜和X射线衍射分析粘土矿物与重金属离子长期作用的次生物相。结果表明:Zn2+与凹凸棒石的长期作用是一个二阶段的过程,初始阶段为快速吸附作用,其后表现为慢速沉淀反应。高分辨透射电镜和X射线衍射分析表明,凹凸棒石与Zn2+的长期作用过程中,具有纳米矿物特性的凹凸棒石表面快速水化,提高了悬浮液的pH值,诱导Zn2+水解沉淀。而后,凹凸棒石缓慢溶解释放Al3+和SiO44-与Zn(OH)2沉淀反应,形成Zn-A1双氢氧化物和异极矿。这一结果对认识土壤环境中重金属与粘土矿物的作用及重金属的归宿具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文收集了毛乌素沙漠多年勘察中积累的原位测试数据,采用数学分析,建立了标准贯入试验换算剪切波速的地区经验公式,为该区域中小型项目剪切波速的获取开辟了新路径,有重要的工程实践意义.  相似文献   

There is a great hiatus between Ordovician and Carboniferous strata in the Northeast China and Korean Peninsula. In order to understand geology and tectonic evolution, and to find out the similarities and differences in both regions, two sections in the Western Hill near Beijing in NE China and several sections in the Korean Peninsula were selected to examine their geologic boundaries between Lower and Upper Paleozoic strata to compare their characteristic features. At four sites in the two sections in the Western Hill near Beijing were examined their contact relations. The Hui Yu section is the same horizon where one site is top of a quarry hill and the other of down hill. Mid-Carboniferous Qingshuijian Formation rests on the Ordovician Majiagou Formation. Limestone beds are more commonly intercalated with shale and sandstone at site 2 of the Hui Yu section, while at site 1, conglomerate beds are dominant. Site 1 of the Se Shu Fen section shows eroded and concealed karst topography and conglomerate beds are intercalated within shale beds. Silurian and Devonian strata are absent in these areas. In the Korean Peninsula, most O-C contacts occur between Ordovician limestone formation and Carboniferous strata, although Silurian strata occur beneath the Carboniferous strata in the Jeongseon area and Pyeongnam Basin. Most contact relations are parallel unconformity and angular unconformity is rarely seen. The O-C relations in both regions are similar to each other, and these indicate that the Korean Peninsula was located near or belonged to the Sino-Korean paraplatform during Paleozoic time.  相似文献   

阿克苏河源流区径流量与降水量丰枯变化和相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用新疆塔里木河流域阿克苏河源流区出山口沙里桂兰克和协合拉两水文站1957-2008年近50a的径流和降水数据, 借助Z指数法、参数T检验和非参数检验和小波变换等, 分析了阿克苏河两水文站降水量和径流量的变化趋势, 以及二者多时间尺度相关关系.结果表明:近50a来, 沙里桂兰克、协合拉径流量和降水量均呈增加趋势, 两水文站径流量在1993年发生了显著的增多突变, 其中, 降水量突变点沙里桂兰克在1985年, 协合拉在1986年.沙里桂兰克和协合拉降水量和径流量丰枯指数由突变前的"偏枯"和"正常"等级为主转变为突变后的"正常"和"偏涝"等级占优势.沙里桂兰克和协合拉径流量变化分别存在7a和6a的主周期, 降水量变化分别存在7a和4a的主周期.沙里桂兰克径流量和降水量在整个时间尺度上以正相关为主, 协合拉则以负相关为主, 在大于20a的时间尺度上两水文站径流量和降水量均呈不显著的正相关关系.  相似文献   

青藏高原积雪与西北春季降水的相关特征   总被引:9,自引:10,他引:9  
应用青藏高原49个点的积雪观测资料和西北地区85个台站3-5月降水资料,分析了两者之间的相关关系,结果表明,高原积雪与西北春季降水存在弱的相关关系,高原积雪存在2个主要的变化敏感区,2个敏感区积雪的变化与西北春季降水的6个敏感区有着不同的关系,高原南部积雪多,西北春季降水少,高原积雪对西北春季降水的影响是一个相对较慢的过程,交叉谱分析表明,高原积雪与西北春季降水有较高的凝聚,最大落后尺度0.02-  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the field test of No.S3012 working face of Shan Mushu Coal Mine in Sichuan Coal Group, monitoring the abutment pressure and gas drainage flow during the mining process, studying the change law of the abutment pressure and gas drainage flow of the coal seam, and using the numerical simulation method research on the evolution of abutment pressure and displacement of coal seam during the mining process. The results shown that: with the advance of coal mining face, the abutment pressure of coal seam can be divided into stress decreasing area, stress increasing area and original stress area, and the stress state of coal seam and the pore, crack structure and permeability of coal body are obviously changed. With the advance of the mining face, the abutment pressure in front and back of the coal mining face is the moving abutment pressure, and the coal mining face to be in the pressure relief area, the front abutment pressure peak value deep into the coal body 5–10 m, the influence scope reaches the front coal mining face to 90–100 m, this area is the stress increasing area. And the evolution law of the roof displacement of goaf is similar to the elliptical with the axial ratio changes, when the ratio is close to 1, the roof subsidence affected area is similar to the shape of “O”.  相似文献   

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