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Microseismicity in the region of Tehran   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We record and analyze small earthquakes around Tehran, Iran, using the permanent seismological network of the Institute of Geophysics of the University of Tehran and two temporary dense seismological networks installed for several weeks during 1999 and 2000. Regional seismicity is distributed throughout Central Alborz, extending from the Caspian Sea to the Iran Plain, with the highest level of activity east of Tehran related to the Mosha and to the Garmsar faults, which both dip northward and have had strong historical earthquakes. Our focal mechanisms, the first for these faults, confirm a left lateral strike slip motion.  相似文献   

A short period three component seismic system was operated for a period of more than 1000 hrs (distributed over five intervals) at the Badra area, east central Iraq, during the period November 1975–March 1976.

A short review is given of the analyses of the seismograms, such as rate of occurrence of microearthquakes, statistical analysis and spectral analysis of selected events.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Surface movement and deformation with fault differ significantly from that without fault. To explore the mechanism of abnormal surface subsidence induced...  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Crown pillars provide regional and local support by isolating the ground surface from underground mine workings. Topography above the underground mine may...  相似文献   

This study presents a numerical investigation on the dynamic mechanical state of a coal pillar and the assessment of the coal bump risk during extraction using the longwall mining method. The present research indicates that there is an intact core, even when the peak pillar strength has been exceeded under uniaxial compression. This central portion of the coal pillar plays a significant role in its loading capacity. In this study, the intact core of the coal pillar is defined as an elastic core. Based on the geological conditions of a typical longwall panel from the Tangshan coal mine in the City of Tangshan, China, a numerical fast Lagrangian analysis of continua in three dimensions (FLAC3D) model was created to understand the relationship between the volume of the elastic core in a coal pillar and the vertical stress, which is considered to be an important precursor to the development of a coal bump. The numerical results suggest that, the wider the coal pillar, the greater the volume of the elastic core. Therefore, a coal pillar with large width may form a large elastic core as the panel is mined, and the vertical stress is expected to be greater in magnitude. Because of the high stresses and the associated stored elastic energy, the risk of coal bumps in a coal pillar with large width is greater than for a coal pillar with small width. The results of the model also predict that the peak abutment stress occurs near the intersection between the mining face and the roadways at a distance of 7.5 m from the mining face. It is revealed that the bump-prone zones around the longwall panel are within 7–10 m ahead of the mining face and near the edge of the roadway during panel extraction.  相似文献   

Summary Observed pillar failure could not be explained by comparing pillar strength with stresses on the pillar induced by mining activities. Instead, the effects of the combined stress history of strata and pillar on the deformational response of rock mass and rock were assessed. Application of the principles of fracture mechanics, i.e., extension strain and strain energy release rate criteria gave a reasonable explanation for the observed pillar behavior. The derivation of the required fracture mechanics parameters from laboratory tests is described, and the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to rock engineering, i.e., the use of historical geology, engineering geology, mining engineering and rock mechanics, is mandated.  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing is a widely used stimulation method to enhance the productivity of unconventional resources. The hydraulic fracturing operation in naturally fractured reservoirs or when it is expected to intersect a natural interface, such as an interbed is subjected to complexity. The induced fracture may cross, get arrested by or open the fracture plane upon its arrival at the natural interface. Besides other parameters, this depends on the natural interface mechanical properties, including the cohesion and friction angle of the interface. Several analytical criteria have been developed to predict the interaction mechanism of induced and natural fracture. While these analytical solutions have been developed based on some simplified assumptions, they can provide a good understanding of the effect of different parameters. The first part of this paper summarizes the available criteria for interaction of hydraulic and natural fractures. Important factors will be mentioned and illustrations will be given to present the limitations of each criterion. The second part discusses the development and validation of an extension to Renshaw and Pollard criterion in the form a single analytical formula for non-orthogonal cohesive fracture. This includes the contribution of the strength of the in-fill material to the bonding of the two sides of a fracture, hence its effect on the interaction mechanism. The proposed criterion was validated using published laboratory data. Finally, a methodology is proposed to help the design of interaction experiments in the laboratory, which can also be used for prediction of interaction mode in numerical simulations.  相似文献   

朱集煤矿1111(1)工作面以F29断层为北边界,F29断层落差35 m,倾角70°,断层切割上下含水层,为较大导水正断层。在布置采煤工作面时,需留设断层边界防水煤柱。根据淮南矿区经验,留设防水煤柱一般取经验值80~100 m,故1111(1)工作面布置至F29断层前100 m。根据科学计算,得出准确防水煤柱宽度为60 m,这样既能提供矿井安全回采的科学依据,又能减少压煤量,提高回采量。并可为今后其他采煤工作面留设防水煤柱提供参考。  相似文献   

A steeply dipping orebody, having decreasing width with depth has been modeled considering horizontal cut and fill method of stoping at four different depth levels. The focus of the study is to identify and understand the behavior of crown and sill pillars in terms of varying stress and geo-mining conditions without reinforcement using finite element method. Analysis of stresses, displacements and extent of yield zones around the excavation is carried out by varying the rock mass conditions such as geological strength index, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS or σ ci), modulus of elasticity (E), and thickness of crown and sill pillars (T). These analyses have been conducted based on 135 non-linear numerical models considering Drucker–Prager material model in plane strain condition. Results of the study provide valuable insight into the stress concentration factors of the pillars highlighting stress distributions, roof convergence, yield zones and support requirements. Finally, it suggests the optimum thickness of crown and sill pillar with varying thickness of orebody.  相似文献   

Micromechanical Model for Simulating the Fracture Process of Rock   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
Summary A micromechanical model is proposed to study the deformation and failure process of rock based on knowledge of heterogeneity of rock at the mesoscopic level. In this numerical model, the heterogeneity of rock at the mesoscopic level is considered by assuming the material properties in rock conform to the Weibull distribution. Elastic damage mechanics is used to describe the constitutive law of meso-level elements, the finite element method is employed as the basic stress analysis tool and the maximum tensile strain criterion as well as the Mohr-Coulomb criterion is utilized as the damage threshold. A simple method, similar to a smeared crack model, is used for tracing the crack propagation process and interaction of multiple cracks. Based on this model, a numerical simulation program named Rock Failure Process Analysis Code (RFPA) is developed. The influence of parameters that include the Weibull distribution parameters, constitutive parameters of meso-level elements and number of elements in the numerical model, are discussed in detail. It is shown that the homogeneity index is the most important factor to simulate material failure with this model. This model is able to capture the complete mechanical responses of rock, which includes the crack patterns associated with different loading stages and loading conditions, localization of deformation, stress redistribution and failure process. The numerical simulation of rock specimens under a variety of static loading conditions is presented, and the results compare well with experimental results.  相似文献   

We have performed physical modeling of stick-slip on a large fault in the elastic-viscous-plastic model. It was found that, after each full activation, slips on the fault took place on its particular segments and evolved with time in a regular manner. This evolution is divided into the regressive and progressive phases. In the former phase, against the background of stress relaxation, the segment structure of the fault gradually disappears owing to the directed partitioning of larger segments into smaller ones, with some of them attaining a passive state. With the onset of the progressive phase, the decrease in stresses changes to increase. As stresses increase, some active segments reach a critical density and then decrease owing to the growth of smaller segments and their merging to form larger ones. The mean and total lengths of the recurrence graph, as well as its angle (β-value), increase as this process evolves.  相似文献   

断裂和裂缝的分形特征   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在详细剖析断裂和裂缝组成和结构相似性的基础上, 计算了贝尔断陷T5和T2两层构造图上断裂信息维和10口井布达特群岩心裂缝信息维, 分析了影响断裂和裂缝信息维的因素, 达到了从断裂信息维去预测裂缝分布的目的.影响断裂和裂缝信息维的因素包括密度、延伸长度、断层性质以及岩性, 但从根本上讲断层性质及岩性对信息维影响体现在断裂的密度上, 因此信息维应该是断裂发育程度的度量, 利用断裂信息维与裂缝信息维关系、裂缝信息维与裂缝密度关系预测裂缝的分布, 有利的裂缝发育带有3个区域, 与现今见油气井分布吻合.   相似文献   

We propose an analytical method, namely the SORTAN method, to determine the sense of slip on faults as induced by stresses. This method is useful to infer the sense of motion along faults whose surface cannot be directly accessed, such as faults imaged in the subsurface. Because the SORTAN method is based on the Wallace–Bott hypothesis, we assume that the shear stress vector applied to a given fault is parallel to the slip vector on this fault. The assumptions allow for simplification of the method that in turn implies very short calculation times. A concise formalism is adopted. We introduce the stress ratio ' that accounts for (1) the type of stress regime (i.e., strike-slip, reverse or normal) and (2) the degree of anisotropy of the stress state. The formalism of the SORTAN method permits an easy exploration and imaging of the complete collection of slip motions that may theoretically occur on fault planes. The input parameters are the fault plane orientation, the type and anisotropy of the stress regime, and the azimuth of the horizontal stress axes.  相似文献   

Seismic events can take place due to the interaction of stress waves induced by stope production blasts with faults located in close proximity to stopes. The occurrence of such seismic events needs to be controlled to ensure the safety of the mine operators and the underground mine workings. This paper presents the results of a dynamic numerical modelling study of fault slip induced by stress waves resulting from stope production blasts. First, the calibration of a numerical model having a single blast hole is performed using a charge weight scaling law to determine blast pressure and damping coefficient of the rockmass. Subsequently, a numerical model of a typical Canadian metal mine encompassing a fault parallel to a tabular ore deposit is constructed, and the simulation of stope extraction sequence is carried out with static analyses until the fault exhibits slip burst conditions. At that point, the dynamic analysis begins by applying the calibrated blast pressure to the stope wall in the form of velocities generated by the blast holes. It is shown from the results obtained from the dynamic analysis that the stress waves reflected on the fault create a drop of normal stresses acting on the fault, which produces a reduction in shear stresses while resulting in fault slip. The influence of blast sequences on the behaviour of the fault is also examined assuming several types of blast sequences. Comparison of the blast sequence simulation results indicates that performing simultaneous blasts symmetrically induces the same level of seismic events as separate blasts, although seismic energy is more rapidly released when blasts are performed symmetrically. On the other hand when nine blast holes are blasted simultaneously, a large seismic event is induced, compared to the other two blasts. It is concluded that the separate blasts might be employed under the adopted geological conditions. The developed methodology and procedure to arrive at an ideal blast sequence can be applied to other mines where faults are found in the vicinity of stopes.  相似文献   

During deep rock mass excavation with the method of drill and blast, accompanying the secession of rock fragments and the formation of a new free surface, in situ stress on this boundary is suddenly released within several milliseconds, which is termed the transient release of in situ stress. In this process, enormous strain energy around the excavation face is instantly released in the form of kinetic energy and it inevitably induces microseismic events in surrounding rock masses. Thus, blasting excavation-induced microseismic vibrations in high-stress rock masses are attributed to the combined action of explosion and the transient release of in situ stress. The intensity of stress release-induced microseisms, which depends mainly on the magnitude of the in situ stress and the dimension of the excavation face, is comparable to that of explosion-induced vibrations. With the methods of time–energy density analysis, amplitude spectrum analysis, and finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter, microseismic vibrations induced by the transient release of in situ stress were identified and separated from recorded microseismic signals during a blast of deep rock masses in the Pubugou Hydropower Station. The results show that the low-frequency component in the microseismic records results mainly from the transient release of in situ stress, while the high-frequency component originates primarily from explosion. In addition, a numerical simulation was conducted to demonstrate the occurrence of microseismic events by the transient release of in situ stress, and the results seem to have confirmed fairly well the separated vibrations from microseismic records.  相似文献   

The effect of joint overlap on the full failure behavior of a rock bridge in the shear-box test was numerically investigated by means of the particle flow code in two dimensions (PFC2D). Initially, the PFC2D was calibrated by use of data obtained from experimental laboratory tests to ensure the conformity of the simulated numerical model’s response. Furthermore, validation of the simulated models was cross-checked with the results from direct shear tests performed on non-persistent jointed physical models. By use of numerical direct shear tests, the failure process was visually observed and the failure patterns were seen to be in reasonable accordance with experimental results. Discrete element simulations demonstrated that macro shear fractures in rock bridges are because of microscopic tensile breakage of a large number of bonded discs. The failure pattern is mostly affected by joint overlap whereas the shear strength is closely related to the failure pattern. The results show that non-overlapping joints lost their loading capacity when nearly 50 % of total cracks developed within the rock bridge whereas the overlapping joints lost their loading capacity as soon as cracks initiated from the joint walls. Furthermore, progressive failure or stable crack growth was seen to develop for non-overlapped joints whereas brittle failure or unstable crack growth was seen to develop in overlapped joints.  相似文献   

Deformation studies require that geological bodies are kinematically moved along faults. Fault-parallel flow is one of a small number of kinematic restoration algorithms developed for this purpose. This scale-independent method describes how material nodes are displaced parallel to the fault plane, in the direction of fault movement. The one-dimensional strain of linear objects and two-dimensional strain of bodies within the hanging-wall during the restoration is shown for all cutoff angles and all angles of fault bends. A line moving over a fault bend is either shortened or extended depending on its initial orientation. However, the elongation of the line is significantly different under shortening and extension, with respect to the fault bend angle. The geometries of compressional fault systems, in which faults change angle by about 20 to 40°, generate low values of elongation. Modeling of extensional faults, which typically have steeper dips (60 to 80°) and therefore have tighter fault bends, causes high, unnatural values of elongation. The calculated strain ellipse ratios are directly proportional to the fault bend angle, corroborating the one-dimensional results. The fault-parallel flow method should be used primarily to kinematically restore and forward-model compressional faults, and other faults where the fault bend angles do not exceed 40°.  相似文献   

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