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以湛江降水为研究对象,利用收集的2019年汛期68个降水样品及同期气象资料,采用同位素示踪技术,结合HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory)模式溯源,分析了湛江地区汛期降水稳定同位素的变化与水汽源地的关系,并对5个代表性的降水个例进行了诊断分析。结果表明:1)湛江地区汛期局部降水线为δD=8.02318O-0.703 7,R2=0.954,n=68;前汛期季风带来西太平洋的水汽,18O含量丰富;后汛期降雨主要取决于局部大气环流,一定程度受云下二次分馏影响,δD和18O偏低。2)前汛期西南季风爆发前,湛江降水的水汽主要源于副热带高压外围东南气流输送的西太平洋水汽,西南季风爆发后,南海、孟加拉湾为其水汽源地;后汛期热带系统带来的降水,南海、孟加拉湾为主要水汽源地;非热带系统带来的降水,孟加拉湾为主要水汽源地。  相似文献   

海洋加热场与科氏参数对台风影响的数值试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了海洋加热场与科氏参数两类热力、动力因子对台风发生、发展的影响效应。由于洋面海温的非均匀分布及科氏力随纬度的变化,因此台风涡旋的移动将受到不同下垫面海温加热场及科氏力参数的作用,本文探讨了台风风场结构、径向内流、暖心结构与海温变化的相关特征,根据数值试验,分析了海洋加热场及台风环流反馈效应。本文的计算结果表明,台风北移过程中,科氏参数的变化对于台风发展的影响不仅与起始纬度f_0有关,还与f随纬度的变化率,即β因子有关,处于较低纬度的北移台风由于两者的综合效应引起台风切向风速的增强较之高纬的更为显著。  相似文献   

植被冠层截留对地表水分和能量平衡影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
尹伊  陈海山 《气象科学》2013,33(2):119-129
利用NCAR_CLM4.0模式,通过有无植被冠层截留的试验对比分析,讨论了植被冠层截留对全球陆面水分和能量平衡产生的潜在影响.结果表明:就全球水分平衡而言,不考虑植被冠层截留时,全球平均土壤总含水量、表面径流和次表面径流增加,蒸散发减少.空间分布特征表明,低纬地区各水分平衡分量全年维持较高的差值分布,并随季节变化沿赤道南北振荡;北半球中高纬高值区有春季扩张、夏季极盛、秋冬季撤退的趋势.冠层截留消失后冠层蒸发的消失是蒸散发减弱的主要原因.对于能量平衡而言,不考虑冠层截留时,全球感热通量增加,冠层感热的增加明显大于地面感热的减少;潜热减少.此外,不同植被类型对不考虑冠层截留后产生的响应存在明显差异.  相似文献   

Summary The measurement of evaporation and precipitation continues to be most problematic, particularly in terms of the accuracy of the instruments used and their standardization world-wide. This paper analyzes daily data from three rain gauges and two evaporimeters over a five-year period and correlates observed differences with the prevailing meteorological conditions. It was determined that ground-level gauges and large evaporation tanks provide the most acceptable and representative measurements from instruments currently in use. However, new developments are necessary for improved accuracy and world-wide adoption.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

The introduced mathematical model takes into account the role of the kinetic fractionation effect in a supersaturation environment at the ice surface as liquid and solid phases coexist in mixed cloud. Using the model, the temperature effect of stable isotopes in precipitation is simulated under different cooling conditions. The rate of change of δ18O against temperature in the process of wet adiabatic cooling is smaller than in the process of isobaric cooling under the same humidity. The increasing supersaturation ratio at the ice surface, Si, leads to the strengthening of the kinetic fractionation effect. The kinetic fractionation function makes the synthesis fractionation factor decreased and the change of δ18O with temperature flatted, compared with that in the equilibrium state. The simulated results show that the slope parameter b and the intercept d of the meteoric water line (MWL), δD = bδ18O+d, in wet adiabatic cooling are both greater than those in isobaric cooling. The global MWL lies between the two MWLs simulated under wet adiabatic and isobaric cooling processes, respectively. The magnitudes of b and d are directly proportional to Si. The greater the Si, the stronger the kinetic fractionation effect, and thus the greater the b and d, and vice versa. However, b and d have low sensitivity to the liquid-water contents in the cloud. Using the kinetic fractionation model, the variation of stable isotopes in precipitation at Urumqi is simulated. The simulated stable isotopic ratio vs temperature and the δD vs δ18O curves are very consistent with the actual regressions and MWL at Uruimqi, respectively.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionStatisticalstudiesdemonstratedthatinEINinoyearstheprecipitationinsummerintheChangjiangRiverandHuaiheRiverBasinsisprobablyabovethenormalwhileitispossiblybelowthenormalinthenorthernChinaandtheHetao(theGreatBendoftheHuangheRiver)region.ThetemperatureinsummerisusuallylowerthannormalinEastAsia,especiallyinNortheastChina.Therewere6yearswithseverelowtemperaturesince1951,andtheyare1954,1957,1964,1972,1976and1983,whichareallrelatedtotheEINinoyears(seeHuangetal.,1989,1992;Xiangand…  相似文献   

城市化对广州降水的影响分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用1959—2009年逐日降水观测数据,分析了广州51 a来降水的变化规律。发现城郊增城年总降水量变化趋势不明显,但大暴雨降水日数有所增加;广州年降水总量总体呈波动变化,1991年以来有微弱的增加趋势,增率为105 mm/a。而从降水等级日数和降水负荷上分析发现,1982年以来,广州年降水日数有下降的趋势,减少率为72 d/10a;而1991年以来,广州大雨以上等级降水日数和降水负荷均有明显的上升趋势,其中大雨降水日数增长率为28 d/10a,暴雨降水负荷增长率为24%/10a;城市化造成了广州大雨、暴雨和大暴雨等年强降水日数增加,相比1960—1979年,分别增加了6%、11%和23%;相对于城市化之前,从1991年开始,城市化过程使得广州降水量增加的趋势明显,城市化对广州城市降水增加的贡献率为447%。  相似文献   

以2003 年7 月3—4 日淮河流域系统性降水和2003 年8 月2—3 日江西等省的局地热对流性降水个例为例,利用AREM 模式进行数值模拟,分析了陆气通量对两种不同类型降水的影响。结果表明,陆气通量通过改变大气层结稳定度,影响大气中不稳定能量的聚集、释放,从而对这两次降水过程产生影响。由于水汽来源不同,陆气通量对两类降水的影响程度存在显著差异,对于水汽主要来源于地表蒸发的局地热对流性降水,陆气通量不仅使大气动力结构场显著改变,还使中高层大气水汽含量发生明显变化,导致降水发生时间、强度均发生显著改变;对于水汽主要来源于远程输送的系统性降水,陆气通量所引起的大气层结稳定度变化只对动力结构场产生一定影响,对中高层水汽含量影响微弱,对降
水过程和降水量也影响较小。  相似文献   

Summary Since uncorrected precipitation measurements are used for calculating the evaporation measured by a class A pan, precipitation measurement errors are introduced into the evaporation results. In defining the total error of the evaporation measurement it is necessary to consider the fact that the class A pan orifice and the rain gauge orifice are at different elevations. This paper presents a model to estimate the average value for the total error of evaporation. It is also shown that the evaporation measured by a class A pan is smaller than the actual evaporation by between 5 and 20%.  相似文献   

利用1960—2009年昌吉市观测站的降水量和20 cm口径小型蒸发皿资料,采用累积距平曲线和线性倾向估计方法,对昌吉市降水量、蒸发量的变化进行了分析.结果表明:昌吉市年、季降水量和蒸发量的年际变化明显;近50 a昌吉市年、季降水量都有显著的线性变化趋势,其中年、春、夏、冬季的降水量有明显的增加趋势,秋季呈略下降趋势,蒸发量均有显著的线性减少趋势,受此影响,近50 a昌吉市气候总体趋于干向湿发展的趋势.  相似文献   

利用公路交通气象监测网资料、国家级公路融合降水实况分析产品及公路阻断信息,分析了2022年“龙舟水”期间华南地区的公路交通降水特点及影响特征,并对此次过程的公路交通气象服务情况进行复盘。结果表明:1)“龙舟水”期间,降水对广东、广西主要高速公路运行均产生一定影响,其中广西受严重影响的公路里程在全省路网占比高于广东。2)降水引发的公路阻断事件总体呈现出广西多于广东,北部多于南部,国省干线公路多于高速公路的特征。其中,降水对广东道路交通的影响以降雨(积水)为主,对广西的影响则以崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等次生地质灾害为主。3)华南地区公路交通降水预报落区与实况较为一致,公路气象预报预警起到了较好的预报服务效果。同时,公路交通暴雨灾害风险预估产品对于公路阻断灾情的预判体现出较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

The impact of orbital parameters on the climate of China in the Holocene is simulated from 11kaBP to 0kaBP with an interval of 1ka using National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Atmosphere Model version 2 (CAM2). The geographic distributions of summer precipitation around both 9kaBP and 4kaBP were realistically captured by CAM2, compared to the proxy data collected from 80 stations. Among all orbital parameters, the precession plays a major role in computing solar radiation, which dominates the variations of summer precipitation over China during the Holocene. The summers around 9kaBP were the wettest in China. Later on, the precipitation gradually reduced to the minimum around 0kaBP by about 10%. This tremendous change occurred from the Northeast China and the eastern Inner Mongolia extending southwestwards to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, especially over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

气溶胶影响云和降水的机理和观测研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李军霞  银燕  李培仁  徐芬 《气象科学》2014,34(5):581-590
气溶胶对云和降水的影响,对于气候系统、大气环境以及水循环至关重要。气溶胶粒子作为云凝结核和大气冰核影响云的微物理过程,进而影响雨、雪、雹和其他形式的降水。近年来,在理解气溶胶的化学成分,气溶胶微物理特性以及气溶胶作为云凝结核和大气冰核影响云降水等方面已取得重大进展。本文对于气溶胶的概念、来源以及气溶胶的直接和间接效应进行了简要概述,重点总结了国内外在气溶胶影响云和降水的机理研究方面的成果,回顾了近年来利用卫星、地面观测设备、机载探测设备等对气溶胶和云进行遥感观测和直接观测所获得的观测事实并讨论了其可能的物理机制,在总结前人研究成果的基础上对未来的研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Summary ?By analyzing normalized variables, it was found that the latitudinal secular variations of the rainwater deuterium fractionation ratio δ2H, oxygen fractionation ratio δ18O, vapor pressure, and surface temperature were almost non-linear, occurred in parallel, and decreased with latitude. The rate of depletion around the equator is asymmetric and smaller to the south of 45° S than to the north of 45° N. In the east Mediterranean, the rate of change of δ18O with height was found to be −.2‰ per 100 m and that of δ2H is comparable with the dry lapse rate in the atmosphere. Analysis of the annual time series of δ2H at Alexandria has indicated that variations show sinusoidal waveform with a major cycle of two years that accounts for 68% of the total variance. Although the quasi-biannual cycle in the atmosphere has small amplitude in the lower layers of the atmosphere at East Mediterranean latitudes, the major cycle in annual series of δ2H or δ18O may be linked to the quasi-biannual oscillation in the atmosphere. It was also found that the first three Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) account for 72% of the seasonal variation of δ2H and share 68% of the seasonal variation of δ18O. Share of variances of monthly EOF in the months of the year indicate that the main underlying factors that cause fractionation processes for δ2H and δ18O are similar across the east Mediterranean especially in late winter and early spring. Received May 13, 2002; revised July 8, 2002; accepted August 6, 2002  相似文献   

正压地形扰动的数值试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文用正压模式对一种水平差分格式在有复杂地形下的计算稳定性及动力性能作了多种检验,模拟了在不同结构的基流上扰动的传播,得到了较为理想的结果.  相似文献   

利用1979—2012年Hadley中心海表温度、中国2 474个台站逐日降水和NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料,分析了不同类型ENSO事件秋冬季和次年春季中国南方地区10~30 d降水低频变率的变化特征。结果表明,中国南方地区10~30 d降水低频变率对不同类型ENSO事件的响应存在显著的季节差异。EP型El Ni1o的冬季和次年春季,低频降水变率显著增强; CP型El Ni1o秋冬季低频降水强度呈现相反的异常,秋季低频降水偏弱,而冬季则偏强; La Ni1a事件期间中国南方低频降水变率的变化较小且不稳定。进一步分析发现,ENSO对南方地区10~30 d低频降水变率的影响与西北太平洋地区季节平均大气环流背景场对ENSO的响应密切相关。相比正常年份,EP型El Ni1o冬春季菲律宾反气旋性异常环流的强度较强且范围较大,其西侧的异常西南风向中国南方地区输送了大量水汽,从而有利于低频降水的增强; CP型El Ni1o年秋季西北太平洋表现为气旋性环流异常,抑制了热带水汽向东亚大陆的输送,而冬季却产生了与EP型El Ni1o年类似的异常反气旋环流,只是强度有所减弱,因此中国南方地区低频降水强度在秋冬季呈相反异常。La Ni1a年菲律宾附近虽然存在气旋性环流异常,但强度较弱,因而我国南方地区低频降水变率的响应也较弱。  相似文献   

An expression is derived relating the critical flux Richardson number with the critical (gradient) Richardson number. In contrast to an earlier analysis by Townsend (1958), which is restricted to the atmosphere well outside the earth's boundary layer, the present treatment is intended specifically for turbulent flow in the lower atmosphere and it takes account of the effect of evaporation on the stability. The effect of radiation on the rate of destruction of the mean square of the temperature fluctuations is obtained by considering the radiative flux divergence in a stratified atmosphere and by using a simple functional relationship to represent empirical emissivity data.It was found that evaporation and radiation increase the critical Richardson number by a sensible amount depending on the atmospheric conditions, mainly temperature, humidity and the gradients. There is no definite critical Richardson number but rather a range between 0.25, below which turbulence is very likely, and somewhat higher than 0.5, above which turbulence is improbable. The value of the critical Richardson number can be expressed in terms of evaporation, radiation and the ratio ( w /u *) which also appears not to have a definite critical value. Evaporation and radiation cause the ratio ( w /u *) to be larger than unity under neutral conditions. These results, based on the assumption of Reynolds' analogy,K H =K M , are consistent with the available experimental evidence.  相似文献   

The Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP) is an international initiative aimed at producing global data sets of soil wetness and energy and water fluxes by driving land surface models with state-of-the-art 1° by 1° atmospheric forcing and land surface parameters. It also provides a unique opportunity to develop and test land surface parameterizations at the global scale, using multi-year off-line simulations that are not affected by the systematic errors found in atmospheric models. Nevertheless, the accuracy and reliability of the 10?year GSWP-2 atmospheric forcing remain questionable. A first comparison using the high-resolution Rhône-AGGregation (Rhône-AGG) database reveals that the baseline GSWP-2 precipitation forcing is drastically overestimated over the Rhône river basin. Hydrological simulations driven with each dataset and using the ISBA land surface model and the MODCOU river routing model are also compared. The simulated river discharges are validated against a dense network of river gauges and are generally less realistic when using the GSWP-2 instead of the Rhône-AGG precipitation forcing. Secondly, the GSWP-2 precipitation forcing is compared with three alternative data sets (GPCP-2, CRU-2, CMAP) at the global scale. Moreover, the results of a global sensitivity study to the precipitation forcing conducted with six land surface models are shown. The TRIP river routing model is used to convert daily runoff from all models into river discharges, which are compared at 80 gauging stations distributed over the globe. In agreement with the regional evaluation, the results reveal that the baseline GSWP-2 precipitation forcing is generally overestimated over the mid and high latitudes, which implies systematic errors in the simulated discharges. This study reveals that the empirical wind corrections applied to the GSWP-2 precipitation forcing are exaggerated, whereas the GPCP satellite adjustments seem to be useful for simulating realistic annual mean river discharges over the East Siberian river basins.  相似文献   

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