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本文分析了近40年的中国近海验潮站资料海表面高度的线性变化趋势,并与卫星高度计资料进行了对比。通过对验潮站资料的分析发现,中国海域无论是近40年(1970~2013年)、还是近20年(1993~2013年)海平面均显著上升。各海区近20年的海平面上升有加速的趋势,且各时段上升速率大于全球平均海平面上升率。但是,受到海平面的年际和年代际变化的影响,近10年海平面上升趋势放缓。同时,本文也分析了不同季节海平面变化的趋势,北部海域秋季最大,冬季最小;南海海域春季最大,秋季最小。通过AVISO资料和验潮站资料的对比可以发现,AVISO资料在描述近20年海平面变化的线性趋势上与验潮站资料接近,较大的差异主要是由验潮站地表发生升降引起的。同时,通过对比也发现了用验潮站资料估算海域平均的海平面高度变化会有一定的误差,在黄海、渤海、东海海域验潮站估计的数值偏高,而在南海海域则偏低。 相似文献
IPCC《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈特别报告》评估了气候变化对全球、区域海平面变化和极端海面(极值水位)升高的贡献,以及海平面上升对低海拔(小鱼10 m)岛屿、沿海地区和社会的影响及相关的风险。评估表明,全球变暖背景下,全球平均海平面上升的证据是确凿的,且明显加速(高信度),极端海面高度升高,主要是由陆地冰川和冰盖融化以及海洋热膨胀引起,且前者的贡献已大于后者(很高信度);与此同时,海洋变暖速率倍增,强热带气旋、风暴潮增多,极值水位重现期缩短;至21世纪末,全球海平面还将上升约0.43 m(温室气体低排放情景,RCP2.6)和0.84 m(高排放情景,RCP8.5)(中等信度),很多沿海地区当前较少发生的百年一遇的极值水位将变为一年一遇或更频繁,而对于许多沿海低洼地而言,类似事件甚至在21世纪中叶就可能发生(高信度)。评估还表明,持续上升的海平面、趋于频发的极值水位,以及人为地面沉降等因素,增加了沿海社会-生态系统的暴露度和脆弱性;并且,与海平面上升有关的危害(险)性事件,如海岸侵蚀、洪灾、盐碱化和生境退化等将显著增加(高信度)。报告指出,如未采取充分的适应海平面上升的措施,在RCP8.5情景下,沿海大城市、城市环礁群岛、热带农业三角洲地区和北极沿岸社区将处于高或很高的灾害风险中(高信度)。 相似文献
海平面上升对长江三角洲海堤、航运和水资源的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
分析了2050 年长江三角洲地区相对海平面上升50~70 cm 时,将对该地区沿海海堤、航运及海岸带水资源的影响,并就相应的适应对策提出了建议。 相似文献
利用庐山气象站逐月观测资料,对1956—2005年庐山气温和降水的变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明,近50 a庐山年平均气温上升了0.8℃,其中冬季上升最明显,为1.5℃;夏季呈下降趋势,为0.2℃。20世纪60年代庐山年平均气温、夏季最高气温下降最为明显,1996年以后上升最为明显。年降水量自1996年起明显下降。庐山的年最高气温、年最低气温、秋季平均气温、秋季最高气温、春季最高气温、春季最低气温在1998年发生了均值突变,冬季最低气温则在1992年前后出现了均值突变;夏季降水在1995年出现均值突变。 相似文献
对长江口海平面上升动态及其对沿海潮汐特性的影响进行了简析。结合长江口崇明三岛地区除涝安全面临海平面上升的影响和威胁,分别建立了基于海平面上升的上海市崇明三岛水系一维平原感潮河网水动力模型,深入开展了海平面上升对三岛地区除涝安全影响的模拟研究。结果显示,至2030年,长江口海平面上升10~16 cm,崇明三岛片区的面平均除涝最高水位、局部除涝最高水位均呈上升趋势,其中,崇明岛片受影响最大,对应水位将分别上升3~5 cm、4~6 cm;长兴岛片受影响次之,对应水位将分别上升3~4 cm、3~5 cm;横沙岛片受影响相对最小,对应水位均将上升1~2 cm;长江口海平面上升对崇明三岛的除涝安全影响在可控范围内。 相似文献
将灰色系统模型与阶层线性模型的思想和方法结合起来,拓展了模型的适用范围,给出了累加阶层线性AMM(1,1)模型,并在结合长三角年降雨量的具体实例时进行了模型改进.对原模型与改进后的AMM(1,1)进行比较,验证了模型的实用性,为降雨量的预测提供了一种新途径. 相似文献
上海地区盛夏高温分布和热岛效应的初步研究 总被引:64,自引:2,他引:64
根据1997~1998年的7~8月高温加密观测资料和卫星遥感资料,应用自然正交函数分解技术(EOF),对上海地区盛夏高温分布的气候平均场和第一特征场进行了分析.上海地区盛夏平均高温场分布具有显著的城市热岛效应特征.作者详细讨论了市区建成面积、土地利用类别、人口密度和人为热等都市化因素对热岛效应范围和强度的影响,并做出定量的估计,提出了缓解城市热岛效应的若干对策.第一特征场分析表明,风向是影响上海地区热岛效应范围和强度变化的最主要的气象因子. 相似文献
分析和甄别上海市需水系统和长江口水源地供水系统风险因子,建立基于水资源供需平衡的上海市水源地供水安全风险评估模型,并采用系统动力学预测模型和高分辨率非正交曲线网格移动潮滩边界的长江河口盐水入侵三维数值模型,分别计算分析2030年人口增长、径流减少和海平面上升等3种风险因子叠加作用下的上海市需水量与长江口陈行、东风西沙和青草沙3个水源地的可供原水量,并进行供需比较分析和供水安全风险评估。结果表明:在海平面分别上升10和25 cm、枯季平均径流和没有新增水源条件下,2020年的缺水量分别为39万和74万m3/d,特枯水文年供水能力降低19万m3/d;若新增没冒沙水源300万m3/d,可缓解上海市2020年的缺水状况。 相似文献
长江口海平面上升预测及其对滨海湿地影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选择吴淞站和吕四站2个验潮站数据,通过统计学方法进行长江口海平面上升预测,从而构建了一套长江口地区较完备的海平面上升情景库:以2013年为基准年份,其最佳预测值的范围在2030年、2050年、2100年分别为50~217 mm,118~430 mm,256~1215 mm。以此情景库为基础,探究海平面上升变化对长江口滨海湿地的影响,结果表明:随着海平面上升值的增加,长江口滨海湿地的面积不断减少;在基于验潮站数据作趋势外推得到的情景下,湿地面积减少较平缓,而在考虑全球变暖背景的情景下,湿地面积减少迅速;且不论在何种情景下,时间尺度越大,湿地减少的面积越大。 相似文献
AbstractTrends in regional mean sea levels can be substantially different from the global mean trend. Here, we first use tide-gauge data and satellite altimetry measurements to examine trends in mean relative sea level (MRSL) for the coasts of Canada over approximately the past 50–100 years. We then combine model output and satellite observations to provide sea level projections for the twenty-first century. The MRSL trend based on historical tide-gauge data shows large regional variations, from 3?mm?y?1 (higher than the global mean MRSL rise rate of 1.7?mm?y?1 for 1900–2009) along the southeast Atlantic coast, close to or below the global mean along the Pacific and Arctic coasts, to –9?mm?y?1 in Hudson Bay, as indicated by the vertical land motion. The combination of altimeter-measured sea level change with Global Positioning System (GPS) data approximately accounts for tide-gauge measurements at most stations for the 1993–2011 period. The projected MRSL change between 1980 and 1999 and between 2090 and 2099 under a medium-high climate change emission scenario (A2) ranges from ?50?cm in northeastern Canada to 75?cm in southeastern Canada. Along the coast of the Beaufort Sea, the MRSL rise is as high as 70?cm. The MRSL change along the Pacific coast varies from ?15 to 50?cm. The ocean steric and dynamical effects contribute to the rise in MRSL along Canadian coasts and are dominant on the southeast coast. Land-ice (glaciers and ice sheets) melt contributes 10–20?cm to the rise in MRSL, except in northeastern Canada. The effect of the vertical land uplift is large and centred near Hudson Bay, significantly reducing the rise in MRSL. The land-ice melt also causes a decrease in MRSL in northeastern Canada. The projected MRSL change under a high emission scenario (Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5) has a spatial pattern similar to that under A2, with a slightly greater rise in MRSL of 7?cm, on average, and some notable differences at specific sites. 相似文献
Sea level rise has become an important issue in global climate change studies. This study investigates trends in sea level records, particularly extreme records, in the Pearl River Estuary, using measurements from two tide gauge stations in Macau and Hong Kong. Extremes in the original sea level records(daily higher high water heights) and in tidal residuals with and without the 18.6-year nodal modulation are investigated separately. Thresholds for defining extreme sea levels are calibrated based on extreme value theory. Extreme events are then modeled by peaks-over-threshold models. The model applied to extremes in original sea level records does not include modeling of their durations, while a geometric distribution is added to model the duration of extremes in tidal residuals. Realistic modeling results are recommended in all stationary models. Parametric trends of extreme sea level records are then introduced to nonstationary models through a generalized linear model framework. The result shows that, in recent decades, since the 1960 s, no significant trends can be found in any type of extreme at any station, which may be related to a reduction in the influence of tropical cyclones in the region. For the longer-term record since the 1920 s at Macau, a regime shift of tidal amplitudes around the 1970 s may partially explain the diverse trend of extremes in original sea level records and tidal residuals. 相似文献
Future sea-level rise (SLR) in and around the Seto Inland Sea (SIS), Japan, is estimated in 2050 and 2100 using ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and long-term sea-level records. Ensemble empirical mode decomposition, an adaptive data analysis method, can separate sea-level records into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) from high to low frequencies and a residual. The residual is considered a non-linear trend in the sea-level records. The mean SLR trend at Tokuyama in the SIS from EEMD is 3.00?mm?y?1 from 1993 to 2010, which is slightly lower than the recent altimetry-based global rate of 3.3?±?0.4?mm?y?1 during the same period. Uncertainty in SLR is estimated by considering interdecadal variations in the sea levels. The resulting SLR in 2050 and 2100 for Tokuyama is 0.19?±?0.06?m and 0.56?±?0.18?m, respectively. The stations along the coast of the Pacific Ocean display a greater and more rapid SLR in 2100 compared with other stations in the SIS. The SLR is caused not only by mass and volume changes in the sea water but also by other factors, such as local subsidence, tectonic motion, and river discharge. The non-linear trend of SLR, which is the residual from EEMD, is interpreted as the sum of the local factors that contribute to the sea-level budget. 相似文献
冬季北极海冰运动主模态的构成及其与海平面气压变化的关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用国际北极浮冰运动观测资料(IABP)(1979-1998)以及NCEP/NCAR月平均海平面气压再分析资料(1960-2002),通过求解海冰运动异常的复斜方差矩阵,研究了冬季北极海冰运动主模态构成及其与海平面气压变化的关系。冬季海冰运动主模态是由两个海冰运动优势模态的一个线性组合构成,与这两个运动优势模态有直接关系的海平面气压变化主要发生在北极海盆及其边缘海区。尽管北极涛动(北大西洋涛动)通过影响海平面气压进而影响北极海冰运动,但是,北极涛动(北大西洋涛动)并不是决定海冰运动主模态的关键性因素。 相似文献
In the northern Bay of Bengal, mechanisms of seasonal sea-level variation have not previously been examined, and the understanding of longer-term inter-annual sea-level variation is also not concrete. These parameters are addressed in this study utilizing available tide gauge and satellite altimetry data. The contribution of steric sea level to seasonal and longer-term inter-annual sea-level variations is quantified, and statistical analysis is performed to determine the correlations of various atmospheric and oceanic factors with sea level. This study suggests that the trend of sea-level rise in this bay (4 ± 1.33 mm/year) is higher than the global average (3.32 ± 0.46 mm/year) for the studied period 1993 to 2018. The rate of sea-level rise is higher along the coast than in the offshore area and the highest in the central part of the coast. Sea level shows a strong seasonal variation: sea level is the lowest in the winter but the highest in autumn. The contribution from the thermosteric sea level is higher to the observed sea level from winter to early summer, whereas contributions from the halosteric sea level and wind stress curl are higher during autumn. Long-term variations in sea level show strong positive correlations with thermosteric sea level, indicating that temperature is a major local controlling factor for sea-level change. In addition to local factors, long-term sea level also varies by remote forcing (equatorial zonal wind stress), which explains approximately 36 % of the sea-level variation in this bay. Sea level is low during the combined events of positive Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) and El Niño, whereas the sea level is high during the combined events of negative IOD and La Niña. This study provides an improved understanding of seasonal and longer-term inter-annual variations of sea level and the necessary groundworks for a dedicated model study to further quantify all the components of the sea-level budget in the study areas. 相似文献