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空间可达性是评价医疗资源分布合理性的重要指标之一,借助GIS强大的空间分析功能,可以对医疗资源可达性进行科学的分析与评价。本文尝试基于白城市的行政区划、交通数据以及医疗资源相关资料,使用GIS技术、空间可达性指标和改进的潜能模型对医疗资源可达性进行综合分析,为医疗资源的规划及分配提供决策参考。  相似文献   

The advent of high spatial resolution, multispectral satellite imagery has allowed analysis of remotely sensed images of urban land cover to become more useful to urban planning and decision making than in the past. The addition of radar imagery at relatively high spatial resolution (6 metres at best), with the advantages that it is not affected by cloud and diurnal light conditions and that it is sensitive to the target's geometric shape, surface roughness and moisture content offers additional capability in this regard. This paper incorporates analysis of Canadian RADARSAT-1 and American Landsat TM satellite imagery and ground-based GIS data to identify known pockets of urban poverty. Poverty is defined, based on a limited number of census variables related to dwelling construction materials and per household overcrowding. The objective is to provide a proof of concept that remote sensing data, especially from synthetic aperture radar, and ground-based GIS data can be successfully integrated for urban planning purposes. The results suggest that the approach used is reasonable and that, with future refinement, it offers planners and decision makers a timely and cost effective means to locate and monitor poverty pockets in urban areas. This is especially important in large, rapidly urbanising areas in the developing world.  相似文献   

王伟凡 《测绘与空间地理信息》2013,36(6):157-159,163,170
根据新农村测绘保障项目的建设要求,本文结合3维GIS的特点,论述了3维GIS对新农村建设的作用,以展现农业特色产业为主线,结合新农村建设规划、农村旅游资源开发等主题,提出基于Skyline平台的新农村3维地理信息系统的建设思路,详细论述了系统的总体架构、数据设计、功能设计与运行环境设计,并介绍了在安溪县的应用情况。  相似文献   

Urban models are evolving to require more and more detailed data that in many cases have to be spatially disaggregated from larger zones. This paper deals with the disaggregation of statistical data in an urban context in which land use data are available at a less detailed level. With the availability of land use data, the traditional approach of areal weighting is improved with an areal and land use weighted approach. This weighted approach is further elaborated to include homogeneous weight zones (HWZ) so as to reflect general geographical variations among the same land use type. A case study in Wuhan, China has demonstrated the effectiveness of the doubly weighted approach within the specified context.  相似文献   

利用空间信息系统所提供的强大空间数据处理和分析能力,并将之与统计分析软件包的统计分析功能进行有效的集成,建立了基于空间统计分析的可持续发展定量分析评价模型(SBSA)。从在缅甸中部Myingyan县的应用实例来看,该模型能够提示影响Myingyan县可持续发展能力的主导因子,通过对这些因子和可持续发展综合指数的定量化、空间化的分析,为政府部门规划区域综合发展方案,制定发展政策提供很好的决策支持。  相似文献   

Informal settlements are a chronic issue in developing countries. Management and formalisation processes require good spatial data and analytical tools. While software such as geographic information systems (GIS) are widely available, access to good data and skilled users may be limited. In this paper we suggest that digital multimedia learning tools, accessible via the World Wide Web (WWW) may be part of the solution. We present the rationale for, and structure of, a suite of prototype learning modules for neighbourhood operations. We illustrate the use of these operations by converting shack locations into population density maps for the Imizamo Yethu settlement near Cape Town, South Africa. This prototype forms a part of a larger web site that also includes background information, data sources and software.  相似文献   

以低山丘陵革命老区四川省梓潼县为研究区,将影响城镇化空间发展因素分为交通、区域动力和地形3大类,分析并基于ASTER GDEM,ETM和基础地理信息数据,提取出国道、省道、县道、蔬菜果园区、生态旅游区、生态工业区、水系、坡度和地形起伏度9个因子;结合层次分析法模型计算这9个因子的权重,在ArcGIS 9.3中利用空间叠置分析法得出梓潼县空间格局适宜性分级和分区图.该方法的实现为科学定量评价低山丘陵革命老区城镇化空间格局模式提供了一种全新的解决思路.  相似文献   

The research community of Geographic Information Systems and Science (GIS) has been growing rapidly during the last two decades. Little attention has been paid to understanding its geography, structure and evolution. Taking a new organizational perspective, this article aims to fill the knowledge gap by analyzing collaboration and citation networks between GIS research organizations, including academic institutions, government agencies, businesses, and others. These two networks are analyzed in geographical and bibliographical spaces, respectively, to discover characteristic distributions and structures. The results show an uneven geographic distribution of GIS research organizations, and clustered spatial interactions between them. Both collaboration and citation networks exhibit typical “scale‐free” structures, which came into being around the year 2000 and have remained to the present. Further, the GIS research community is composed of 11 cohesive sub‐groups, with each having a clear hub‐spoke structure and a few highly connected organizations as leaders. These results shed light on the overall picture of the GIS research community, and offer a reference system that stimulates further exploration.  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实科学发展观,实现社会主义新农村建设应确立九个标志,其中最首要的标志就是实现农民居住集约化。通过居住的集约才能陆续实现包括:生产方式合作化;生产工具机械化;农民医疗教育制度化;城乡服务一体化。在云南省安宁市八街镇新农村规划中,以实例运用地理信息系统(GIS)技术、经济地理学中CHRISTALLER W中心地理论,充分结合云南乡村"多民族、小聚居"等特点,研究集约化聚居对农村经济发展及空间布局模式改进的意义。同时,探索如何运用GIS硬科学技术与中心地理论软文化实施共同为社会主义新农村建设服务的示范。  相似文献   

左伟  陈洪玲  李硕  王桥 《测绘通报》2003,(11):49-50
景观结构指数是区域生态安全评价体系的重要指标因子群组。通过模型技术与GIS技术相结合的方法,在GIS及多种软件平台优化组合的基础上,实现遥感数据的小流域景观结构指数的信息提取,案例应用中效果非常令人满意。  相似文献   

基于GIS和RS的区域陆地植被NPP估算——以中国内蒙古为例   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
在GIS的支持下,利用地面气象数据和MODIS数据,考虑到最大光利用率在不同植被类型中的差异,构建了一个区域陆地植被NPP估算模型,并以2002年的内蒙古植被为例,研究了植被净初级生产力及其时空分布。结果表明:(1)该模型在数据获取了上比较容易,仅利用地面气象数据和遥感数据就可以对陆地植被NPP进行估算,使其实际的可操作性得到加强。(2)通过与NPP的实测资料及其他模型的对比研究表明:该模型对区域陆地值被NPP的模拟效果较好,与Chikugo模型相比,它更能反应森林NPP的实际情况。(3)2002年内蒙古植被净初级生产力为390.8MtC/a,总体分布趋势是由东北向西南递减,其季节变化也非常明显,在6月中旬至9月中旬的3个月时间里,NPP占了全年的72.7%,而1—2月份植物基本停止生长,净初级生产力极低,每月仅为3.59MtC。  相似文献   

Inter-seasonal rainfall variability is evaluated as a potential source of much needed information for agroecological or agroclimatological classifications. For some food crop production areas, inter-seasonal rainfall variability appears to dominate decisions in the crop-production strategy. We constructed 31 years worth of seasonal rainfall surfaces for Zimbabwe using techniques as described by Hutchinson (1995) and his software ANUSPLIN. We evaluated these surfaces in an effort to describe the main rainfall period (October to March) for Zimbabwe in terms of rainfall variability. Our results were then put into the context of an agroecological study which produced a Natural Regions map for Zimbabwe. GIS technology enables the synthesis and integration of many more data than was possible in a pre-computer era and robust rainfall variability surfaces contribute towards improved agroecological and agroclimatological classifications for planning (natural resource management and agricultural) purposes. GIS technology also enables a shift in the design of such agroecological or agroclimatological studies: dynamic characterization can readily produce objective specific classifications, classifications which use the wealth of data readily accessible in a GIS to produce maps and databases reflecting specific boundary conditions.  相似文献   

随着计算机和倾斜摄影技术的迅速发展,三维实景地理信息系统为用户提供了更丰富的地理信息、更友好的用户体验以及低廉的成本,应用前景广阔。鉴于此,本文探讨了以Skyline平台为基础建立晋江市三维实景地理信息系统的数据建模和实现方法。  相似文献   

为了研究景观格局在地理国情综合统计中的应用,本文以三江自然保护区为例,综合考虑景观格局指数的生态意义并对区域景观的总体结构、斑块特征、多样性及脆弱性进行综合统计分析。研究结果表明,通过景观格局分析可以有效了解区域生态环境状态及地表覆盖格局特征,为地理国情普查综合统计分析生态协调性专题定量化计算提供参考。  相似文献   

Urban growth is the result of physical and human impacts. In this study Cellular Automata (CA) has been used to analyze physical suitability and human forces in urban growth modelling of Maraghe. The multi-temporal satellite imagery, physical suitability and human impacts Layers have been applied to the modelling. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the image classification methods, Fuzzy ARTMAP is compared with Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) and Minimum Distance Classification (MDC) methods. The image classification results showed an overall accuracy of 93 %. Therefore, it is employed for classification of multi-temporal satellite imagery. In order to weight physical suitability and human impacts layers or geographical transition rules in the modelling, regression analysis, the correlation coefficient, trial-and-error method and visual comparison used. The statistical methods are presented to validate neighbourhood scales in the urban growth modelling. The calibration of the model is in fact to the estimate value of the physical suitability and human impacts layer (combinatory layer of demand for urban land and the government facilities) in the modelling. The results obtained from the model calibration showed that human impacts have the highest influence in the urban growth among other factors. Also a small neighbourhood scale (25:5?×?5 cells) is more realistic in the modeling. The accuracy of final validation is 83 % and the final scenario is based on this validation. A fuzzy CA has been used in urban growth modeling of Maraghe. The final scenario shows that Maraghe will growth on the east side, where the land demand for built up area and government facilities plays the significant role.  相似文献   

The main source to fulfill the enormous needs of water both for domestic and agricultural purposes in the densely cultivated region of Yamuna Nagar district of Haryana (India) is the water under earth. Since enough quantity of good quality water has been readily available, the water quality concerns are often neglected. In the present study analysis of the geochemical characteristics of groundwater to assess its suitability for domestic and irrigation purposes has been done. Fifty-five samples were collected in the months of June (pre-monsoon) and October (post-monsoon) from the bore wells. These samples were analysed for various parameters and were compared with various national and international standards to determine the suitability of water for domestic and irrigation use. The thematic maps for hydrogen ion concentration (pH), total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), electric conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), percent sodium (Na%) and residual sodium carbonate (RSC) were prepared in GIS environment. These maps were further classified as per given standards to study the spatial variations of quality parameters and their suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. Investigations revealed that groundwater in general was hard for domestic use. However it was within the safe limits for drinking. Furthermore groundwater quality was well within the desirable to permissible limits for irrigation purpose.  相似文献   

快速城市化地区景观生态安全分析——以深圳市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受人类活动和快速城市化的影响,深圳市景观生态安全面临严峻挑战,有必要对深圳市景观生态安全进行研究。本文以景观干扰度和景观脆弱度来构建景观结构指数,以生态系统服务价值和生态弹性度来表征景观功能,以景观结构和景观功能的动态变化来表征景观动态,在景观结构、功能和动态变化的基础上,建立深圳市景观生态安全评价指标体系。得到主要结论:1)深圳市区域内景观生态安全状况有明显差异,总体上看,深圳市景观生态安全分布大致呈现西低东高的分布格局,高生态安全区主要位于深圳市东部大鹏新区、盐田区、罗湖区内,低生态安全区主要位于深圳市西部广泛地区;2)宝安区、福田区、光明新区、龙岗区、龙华新区、南山区景观生态安全状况相对较差,大鹏新区、罗湖区、坪山新区、盐田区生态安全状况相对较好;3)将深圳市景观生态安全空间分异图和基本生态控制线进行叠加,生态控制线内较低和低景观生态安全区域,主要位于于龙岗区、南山区和光明新区内。  相似文献   

苏里格气田为一致密沙岩气田,油气富集区的预测优选为气藏开发奠定基础。常规的油气富集区预测方法存在着多学科成果综合分析困难、预测过程复杂、效率低下等弊端,本文针对苏里格120区块开展了基于GIS的油气富集区多因素综合预测方法的研究。首先借助GIS的空间数据库,实现多学科成果图件的集成管理;然后基于空间定位,从多学科成果图件中提取预测多因子,构建油气多因素综合预测模型;再次,运用GIS强大的叠加分析方法进行多因素综合预测,自动生成油气富集区预测平面图。本文的研究,为油气富集区的预测提供了新的技术方法,有效地提高了预测效率。  相似文献   

ASTER数据的光谱和空间分辨率均具有一定优势,适合于中等比例尺的矿产预普查。为了探讨ASTER数据应用于铝土矿预普查的效果,通过对ASTER图像彩色合成、地质解译及异常信息提取,对豫西渑池地区的铝土矿进行了预普查试验。结果表明,在北方基岩裸露地区,应用ASTER数据圈定"赋矿影像单元"和提取铝土矿遥感找矿信息能获得较好的效果。  相似文献   

In recent years, land use/cover dynamic change has become a key subject that needs to be dealt with in the study of global environmental change. In this paper, remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) are integrated to monitor, map, and quantify the land use/cover change in the southern part of Iraq (Basrah Province was taken as a case) by using a 1:250 000 mapping scale. Remote sensing and GIS software were used to classify Landsat TM in 1990 and Landsat ETM+ in 2003 imagery into five land use and land cover (LULC) classes: vegetation, sand, urban area, unused land, and water bodies. Supervised classification and normalized difference build-up index (NDBI) were used respectively to retrieve its urban boundary. An accuracy assessment was performed on the 2003 LULC map to determine the reliability of the map. Finally, GIS software was used to quantify and illustrate the various LULC conversions that took place over the 13-year span of time. Results showed that the urban area had increased by the rate of 1.2% per year, with area expansion from 3 299.1 km2 in 1990 to 3 794.9 km2 in 2003. Large vegetation area in the north and southeast were converted into urban construction land. The land use/cover changes of Basrah Province were mainly caused by rapid development of the urban economy and population immigration from the countryside. In addition, the former government policy of “returning farmland to transportation and huge expansion in military camps” was the major driving force for vegetation land change. The paper concludes that remote sensing and GIS can be used to create LULC maps. It also notes that the maps generated can be used to delineate the changes that take place over time. Supported by the Al-Basrah University, Iraq, the Geo-information Science and Technology Program (No. IRT 0438)China).  相似文献   

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