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Compaction-induced subsidence in the margin of a carbonate platform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The Late Carnian Raibl Formation of the Sella Group (Dolomites, N Italy) forms a sedimentary wedge which thins progressively toward the core of a stratigraphically underlying Middle Carnian carbonate platform (Cassian Dolomite). The platform is composed largely of megabreccia clinoforms displaying progradation above the coeval basinal sequence (San Cassiano Formation). These basinal sediments thin from a maximum in a basinward direction to a pinchout towards the central core of the Sella buildup. The progradational foreslopes thin in an antithetic fashion, from a maximum immediately adjacent to the central core of the Sella to a minimum in a basinward direction. The wedge geometry and onlap of the Raibl Formation atop the Sella platform margin is interpreted as the result of compaction-induced differential subsidence and tilting of the platform top. Basinward increase in subsidence of the platform top resulted from a basinward increase in compaction of basinal San Cassiano sediments. Decompaction calculations and stratigraphic/geometric restoration of Carnian strata support this conclusion.  相似文献   

Interpretation of long‐offset 2D depth‐imaged seismic data suggests that outer continental margins collapse and tilt basinward rapidly as rifting yields to seafloor spreading and thermal subsidence of the margin. This collapse post‐dates rifting and stretching of the crust, but occurs roughly ten times faster than thermal subsidence of young oceanic crust, and thus is tectonic and pre‐dates the ‘drift stage’. We term this middle stage of margin development ‘outer margin collapse’, and it accords with the exhumation stage of other authors. Outer continental margins, already thinned by rifting processes, become hanging walls of crustal‐scale half grabens associated with landward‐dipping shear zones and zones of low‐shear strength magma at the base of the thinned crust. The footwalls of the shear zones comprise serpentinized sub‐continental mantle that commonly becomes exhumed from beneath the embrittled continental margin. At magma‐poor margins, outer continental margins collapse and tilt basinward to depths of about 3 km subsea at the continent–ocean transition, often deeper than the adjacent oceanic crust (accreted later between 2 and 3 km). We use the term ‘collapse’ because of the apparent rapidity of deepening (<3 Myr). Rapid salt deposition, clastic sedimentation (deltaic), or magmatism (magmatic margins) may accompany collapse, with salt thicknesses reaching 5 km and volcanic piles 1525 km. This mechanism of rapid salt deposition allows mega‐salt basins to be deposited on end‐rift unconformities at global sea level, as opposed to deep, air‐filled sub‐sea depressions. Outer marginal collapse is ‘post‐rift’ from the perspective of faulting in the continental crust, but of tectonic, not of thermal, origin. Although this appears to be a global process, the Gulf of Mexico is an excellent example because regional stratigraphic and structural relations indicate that the pre‐salt rift basin was filled to sea level by syn‐rift strata, which helps to calibrate the rate and magnitude of collapse. We examine the role of outer marginal detachments in the formation of East India, southern Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico, and how outer marginal collapse can migrate diachronously along strike, much like the onset of seafloor spreading. We suggest that backstripping estimates of lithospheric thinning (beta factor) at outer continental margins may be excessive because they probably attribute marginal collapse to thermal subsidence.  相似文献   

Remanence directions, measured at 2  cm intervals along a composite 88  m bore-core, enable mean palaeomagnetic poles to be defined at 13.6°S, 25.2°W and 13.6°N, 154.8°E. The directions of remanence vary very smoothly away from each palaeomagnetic pole, extending more than 90° from them. This raises doubts about the physical meaning of polarity definitions based on the distance between virtual and mean palaeomagnetic poles. For practical purposes, intermediate polarity is defined as directions whose virtual poles lie more than 25° from the mean pole, enabling at least five normal subchrons to be specified within the upper predominately reversed quarter of the core and 11 reversed subchrons within the lower predominantly normal three-quarters of the core. The stratigraphic thickness between these subchrons shows a very high linear correlation ( r >0.99) with the stratigraphic thickness of other terrestrial sequences and the distances between marine polarity sequences of comparable age. The analysed sequence contains wavelength spectra which, when transformed to the temporal realm, match periodicities determined for three marine magnetic anomaly profiles of similar age. These also match planetary orbital periodicities for the Cretaceous. These observations suggest that secular variations and polarity transitions are driven by common core processes whose surface expression is influenced by changes in the planetary orbits. Such detailed geomagnetic features enable far greater reliability in establishing magnetostratigraphic correlations and also enable them to be dated astronomically.  相似文献   

The effect of various erosional processes on the relief development of a carbonate platform margin is documented from outcrops of the Southern Alps, northern Italy, by the occurrence of truncation surfaces and redistribution of remobilized sediments. The periplatform depositional history, with periods of intensive submarine erosion along the north-western Trento plateau margin, is recorded by various carbonate deposits ranging in age from the Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous with numerous gaps. The first Early Jurassic period of submarine erosion is marked by truncation and extensive tectonic fracturing of lower Liassic oolitic skeletal periplatform deposits. These are overlain by pelmicritic sediments of late Hettangian to Toarcian age. The second period of submarine erosion during the late Early Jurassic resulted in almost complete truncation of the pelmicritic unit. Crinoidal to oolitic periplatform carbonate sands were subsequently deposited along the carbonate margin until the Aalenian/Bajocian. The third truncation surface was produced by partial current erosion of the crinoidal to oolitic periplatform deposits during the late Bajocian to Callovian. The fourth, and most prominent, truncation surface was produced by erosion during the Early Cretaceous cutting down from Aptian/Albian pelagic units to Toarcian periplatform deposits. The resulting submarine relief was completely buried during the late Maastrichtian by onlapping pelagic sediments. The documentation of the depositional history during the Late Mesozoic of the north-western Trento plateau pinpoints the main mechanisms responsible for the relief of the drowned carbonate platform margin. Extensional tectonic activity during differential subsidence and current-induced erosional truncation, followed by gravitational downslope mass transport and rapid pelagic burial mainly determined the morphology of the drowned carbonate platform margin.  相似文献   

Facies analysis across the carbonate platform developed during the Callovian–Oxfordian in the northern Iberian basin (Jurassic, Northeast Spain) is used to characterize successive stages of sedimentary evolution, including palaeoenvironmental reconstructions showing the distribution of a wide spectrum of facies, from ferruginous oolitic, peloidal, spongiolithic to intraclastic. The studied successions consist of two long‐term transgressive–regressive cycles bounded by a major unconformity with a major gap, comprising at least the upper Lamberti (Callovian) and Mariae (Oxfordian) Zones. Major transgressive peaks of these two cycles occurred at the end of the Early Callovian (late Gracilis Zone) and at the end of the Middle Oxfordian. The Callovian and Oxfordian successions were further divided into three and seven higher frequency cycles, respectively. The modelling of two sections (i.e. Ricla and Tosos) located 40 km apart in the more subsident open platform areas, allows the reconstruction of two curves showing a similar evolution of long‐term sea‐level changes that are in theory eustatic, though subject to uncertainties derived form the assumptions required for their construction. The changes affecting the northern Iberian basin seem to reflect nearly homogeneous subsidence (rates around 2 cm kyr?1) combined with possible eustatic changes including an Early Callovian rise, a fall at the middle Callovian–earliest Oxfordian (i.e. the Anceps–Mariae Zones), with average long‐term rates around 2 cm kyr?1 (total fall of 40–60 m), a period of lowstand at the Early–Middle Oxfordian transition and a long‐term rise at the Middle–Late Oxfordian transition (Transversarium and Bifurcatus Zones). Facies distribution across the Iberian platform indicates a progressive Middle–Late Callovian relative sea‐level fall rather than a rapid relative sea‐level fall at the end of the Callovian. After this falling episode, the progressive onlap over the swell areas during the Early Oxfordian and at the beginning of the Middle Oxfordian indicates a period of accommodation gain, which is explained by the combined effects of continuous subsidence across the platform and reduced sedimentation rates in spite of the possible eustatic lowstand. Eustatic lowstand, combined with other factors (ocean water circulation, volcanism) could help to explain the loss of carbonate production during the latest Callovian–Early Oxfordian, previous to the widespread eustatic rise and warning recorded at the onset of the Transversarium Zone (Middle Oxfordian).  相似文献   

In areas of broadly distributed extensional strain, the back‐tilted edges of a wider than normal horst block may create a synclinal‐horst basin. Three Neogene synclinal‐horst basins are described from the southern Rio Grande rift and southern Transition Zone of southwestern New Mexico, USA. The late Miocene–Quaternary Uvas Valley basin developed between two fault blocks that dip 6–8° toward one another. Containing a maximum of 200 m of sediment, the Uvas Valley basin has a nearly symmetrical distribution of sediment thickness and appears to have been hydrologically closed throughout its history. The Miocene Gila Wilderness synclinal‐horst basin is bordered on three sides by gently tilted (10°, 15°, 20°) fault blocks. Despite evidence of an axial drainage that may have exited the northern edge of the basin, 200–300 m of sediment accumulated in the basin, probably as a result of high sediment yields from the large, high‐relief catchments. The Jornada del Muerto synclinal‐horst basin is positioned between the east‐tilted Caballo and west‐tilted San Andres fault blocks. Despite uplift and probable tilting of the adjacent fault blocks in the latest Oligocene and Miocene time, sediment was transported off the horst and deposited in an adjacent basin to the south. Sediment only began to accumulate in the Jornada del Muerto basin in Pliocene and Quaternary time, when an east‐dipping normal fault along the axis of the syncline created a small half graben. Overall, synclinal‐horst basins are rare, because horsts wide enough to develop broad synclines are uncommon in extensional terrains. Synclinal‐horst basins may be most common along the margins of extensional terrains, where thicker, colder crust results in wider fault spacing.  相似文献   

The understanding of how clinoforms develop is approached based on shape and dimensions, correlation between geometric parameters, and internal characteristics of clinothems bounded by clinoform surfaces in high‐resolution 2D seismic data from the Giant Foresets Formation, Taranaki Basin, offshore New Zealand. The study subdivides the observed clinothems to identify nine types: 1. Oblique 2. Tangential oblique 3. Tangential oblique chaotic 4. Sigmoidal symmetrical 5. Sigmoidal divergent 6. Sigmoidal chaotic 7. Asymmetrical top‐heavy 8. Asymmetrical bottom‐heavy 9. Complex. Accommodation is a dominant control on the type of clinothem that develops, whereby limited accommodation promotes clinothems with significant shelf‐edge advance and low trajectory angles, while increasing accommodation promotes higher trajectory angles and increased deposition on the shelf. Further variations in shape, slope and deposition are influenced by many factors of which sediment influx appears be a fundamental driver. Sigmoidal clinothems tend to show a strong relationship between their maximum thickness and average thickness, their overall slope and maximum foreset angle, along with a high correlation between average thickness and toe advance. This suggests that they distribute sediment in a manner that may be possible to predict and quantify. The increasing steepness of the foreset slope from bottom‐heavy to symmetrical to top‐heavy clinothems, respectively, is dominantly the result of decreasing sediment influx. The clinothems with the steepest slopes, along with chaotic clinothems, are associated with comparatively large toe advance suggesting a strong link between over‐steepened slopes and/or collapse, and processes promoting sediment deposition along the basin floor. Apart from toe advance, the two types of chaotic clinothems develop differently from each other, and from their assumed parent‐clinothem. Tangential oblique chaotic forms steepen, and shelf‐edge advance is limited, suggesting upper slope collapse. Sigmoidal chaotic clinothems have comparatively higher shelf‐edge advance, lower shelf‐edge trajectories and gentler slopes and profiles, suggesting different processes are responsible for their development and resulting shape.  相似文献   

The late Messinian mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic platforms of the Sorbas Basin, known as the Terminal Carbonate Complex, record significant changes in carbonate production and geometry. Their facies and stratigraphic architecture result from complex interactions between base‐level fluctuations, evaporite deformation/dissolution and detrital inputs. A 3D quantitative approach (with DIONISOS software) is used to explore the basin‐scale platform architecture and to quantify the carbonate production of the Terminal Carbonate Complex. The modelling strategy consists in integrating detailed 2D field‐based transects and modern carbonate system parameters (e.g. carbonate production rates, bathymetric and hydrodynamic ranges of production). This approach limits user impact and so provides more objective output results. Tests are carried out on carbonate production rates, subsidence and evaporite deformation/dissolution. Numerical modelling provides accurate predictions of geometries, facies distributions and depositional sequence thicknesses, validated by field data. Comparative statistical testing of the field transects and of the various model outputs are used to discern the relative contribution of the parameters tested to the evolution of basin filling. The 3D visualization and quantification of the main carbonate producers (ooids and microbialites) are discussed in terms of changes in base‐level and detrital supply. This study demonstrates that base‐level fluctuations have the greatest impact on the carbonate budget. Evaporite deformation/dissolution affects the type and amount of carbonate production, inducing a transition from an ooid‐ to microbialite‐dominated system and also has a major effect on stratigraphic architecture by inducing the migration of depocentres. The numerical modelling results obtained using modern carbonate system parameters could also be applied to subsurface ooid‐microbialite reservoirs, and the Terminal Carbonate Complex is a good analogue for such systems.  相似文献   

Frasnian reef complexes along the northern margin of the Canning Basin in northwestern Australia evolved during rifting of the Fitzroy Trough. Geological investigations of the Frasnian Hull platform, which developed on an active tilted fault‐block, reveal significant lateral and vertical facies variations superimposed on prominent metre‐scale cyclicity. This study uses numerical analyses of facies and magnetic susceptibility data from three measured sections along the Hull platform to test whether a tectonic signal can be distinguished from eustatic and other signals. Geostatistical analysis of facies variations reveals an exponential distribution of thin (<3 m) facies, characteristic of stochastic depositional processes. Thick subtidal facies predominate in the Guppy Hills (GH) and southeastern Hull Range (SHR) sections near the hangingwall margin, and thick shallow‐subtidal to intertidal facies dominate the Horse Springs drillcore (HD 14) section near the footwall margin. Power and wavelet spectral analyses indicate a strong periodic component; Average Spectral Misfit and spectral optimisation methods confirm the presence of Milankovitch eccentricity signals and suggest the presence of obliquity and precession signals. However, the results also expose strong temporal and spatial variation providing evidence for tectonic control. Spectral analyses show strongest periodicity is recorded in short intervals that are not correlated across the platform and provide evidence of variations in sedimentation rate and hiatuses. Time series for the neighbouring GH and SHR sections show no overall statistical correlation, and Markov analysis indicates weakly ordered vertical facies transitions that do not correlate across the platform. Subtidal to intertidal facies data from HD 14 core suggest that at least 35% of the section is absent, almost obscuring the Milankovitch signal. The results indicate a complex set of controls on deposition on the Hull platform with local tectonic effects having produced spatio‐temporal moderation of the underlying eustatic signals and autogenic processes adding a localised stochastic response.  相似文献   

Summary. The Jurassic Scisti Silicei Formation forms part of the Lagonegro superimposed tectonic units I and II that are thought to represent the axial and internal margins of the Mesozoic Lagonegro Basin, prior to nappe formation. Sampling was carried out in the lower (Lagonegro) and upper (Pignola) nappes in two differently oriented anticlines. Single and multi-component magnetizations are present. Isothermal remanence acquisition rates show that magnetite and haematite are present which, in most Lagonegro specimens, show the same direction of magnetization. Comparison of the palaeomagnetic directions with those from Jurassic rocks on the stable African craton indicates a 147° anticlockwise rotation of the lower nappe which is similar to 139° previously reported for the upper nappe at Vietri di Potenza. The same comparisons show a 44° clockwise rotation of the upper nappe at Pignola. These results suggest that the doubled nappe structures, sampled some 50 km apart, resulted from their emplacement by translation with little rotation prior to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea and that it was the opening of this Sea that caused the predominantly anticlockwise rotation. This work therefore indicates the way in which palaeomagnetic analyses can be used, even within complex allochthonous areas, as an aid to deciphering their tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

An 18.5 m thick shale sequence of Norian-Rhaetian age is described from the Bohemanfiya-Syltoppen area (north of Isfjorden, central Spitsbergen). Lithological, petrographical and palynological analyses show that the sequence represents a marginal development of the lower part of the Wilhelmeya Formation. The depositional history at the Triassic-Jurassic transition is discussed in the light of this new evidence. The Wilhelmøya Formation was probably deposited during a weak marine transgression over an area of low relief. Low sediment supply and current and wave reworking of the sediments characterized the depositional conditions.  相似文献   

Ants do not occur in the rocky desert of the Nazca Plain, Peru, except in the vicinity of shrubs in outwash gulleys, where there are two species that have similar activity periods and microhabitats and exhibit interference competition. Only one species of ant was found on the Chott El Djerid, Tunisia, a large, dry salt lake, devoid of vegetation.  相似文献   

A finite difference two-dimensional model with Hooke–Mohr–Coulomb properties and topography derived from the DEM are used to reproduce the La Clapière landslide. The principal factor defining the gravity-driven destabilization of the model is a gradual reduction in the cohesion. This reduction simulates a degradation of the material properties with time because of weathering/alteration processes. The inelastic deformation, fracturing, and faulting first occur at mountain scale and results in normal fault formation causing crest sagging. Later, the failure process is concentrated in the lower part of the slope and leads to the formation of a localized fault subparallel to the slope surface at a depth of ca. 100 m. This corresponds to the initiation of the La Clapière landslide and its propagation upslope. A slow crest sagging continues during the whole model evolution.  相似文献   

Mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate deep‐marine systems (mixed systems) are less documented in the geological record than pure siliciclastic systems. The similarities and differences between these systems are, therefore, poorly understood. A well‐exposed Late Cretaceous mixed system on the northern side of the Eastern Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan, provides an opportunity to study the interaction between contemporaneous siliciclastic and carbonate deep‐marine deposition. Facies analysis reveals a Cenomanian–early Turonian siliciclastic submarine channel complex that abruptly transitions into a Mid Turonian–Maastrichtian mixed lobe‐dominated succession. The channels are entrenched in lows on the palaeo‐seafloor but are absent 10 km towards the west where an Early Cretaceous submarine landslide complex acted as a topographic barrier to deposition. By the Campanian, this topography was largely healed allowing extensive deposition of the mixed lobe‐dominated succession. Evidence for irregular bathymetry is recorded by opposing palaeoflow indicators and frequent submarine landslides. The overall sequence is interpreted to represent the abrupt transition from Cenomanian–early Turonian siliciclastic progradation to c. Mid Turonian retrogradation, followed by a gradual return to progradation in the Santonian–Maastrichtian. The siliciclastic systems periodically punctuate a more widely extensive calcareous system from the Mid Turonian onwards, resulting in a mixed deep‐marine system. Mixed lobes differ from their siliciclastic counterparts in that they contain both siliciclastic and calcareous depositional elements making determining distal and proximal environments challenging using conventional terminology and complicate palaeogeographic interpretations. Modulation and remobilisation also occur between the two contemporaneous systems making stacking patterns difficult to decipher. The results provide insight into the behaviour of multiple contemporaneous deep‐marine fans, an aspect that is challenging to decipher in non‐mixed systems. The study area is comparable in terms of facies, architectures and the presence of widespread instability to offshore The Gambia, NW Africa, and could form a suitable analogue for mixed deep‐marine systems observed elsewhere.  相似文献   

钟巍  王立国  李偲 《地理研究》2005,24(1):98-104
本文研究表明,塔里木盆地南缘湖沼相沉积物质量磁化率与碳酸盐δ13C呈正相关关系,与粒度参数中056~3557μm各组分呈显著负相关,其中同1783~3170μm部分负相关性最为显著;与5637~2244μm之间各组分显著正相关,其中与7096~200μm各组分正相关性最为显著。其气候环境背景与意义表现为:在寒冷期中,δ13C偏轻,相对湿度和植被盖度增加,地表侵蚀减弱,只有较细物质才能向湖泊沼泽搬运加积,地表氧化环境减弱,磁化率减小;而在温暖期中,则相反。在区域对比基础上,根据上述指标将近40ka以来此地区气候环境变化划分了8个阶段。本文的各种指标(特别是粒度指标)与GreenlandGISP2冰芯δ18O记录之间有很好的吻合,表明研究区近40ka以来的气候与环境变化可能具有全球背景。  相似文献   

The contingent relation between water governance and nature neoliberalization has defined most interventions in the water sector around the world in recent years. In the case of the Peruvian capital Lima, the provision of water and sanitation services in the last two decades has been the object of investments and institutional reforms strongly influenced by economic neoliberalism. This essay examines the evolution of these neoliberalizing tendencies, noting the internal disputes, necessary adjustments and underlying problems of water sufficiency in the metropolitan region. The empirical results suggest that, rather than a straightforward process, the neoliberalization of water in Lima has advanced according to political opportunities and technico‐operational constraints. The water reforms implemented in the 1990s – when the goal of privatization met political opposition – can be contrasted with the more recent phase in the 2000s, when more flexible mechanisms, such as public‐private partnerships, have facilitated public acceptance. Despite the renovation of the infrastructure, the modernization of the water sector has failed to address persistent water management problems, namely the discriminatory treatment of low income residents, the chaotic expansion of the metropolitan area and the risk of future water shortages.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):401-423
The Lobo Formation of southwestern New Mexico consists of spatially variable continental successions attributed to the Laramide orogeny (80–40 Myr), although its age and provenance are virtually undocumented. This study combines sedimentological, magnetostratigraphical and geochronological data to infer the timing and origin of the Lobo Formation. Measured sections of Lobo strata at two locations, Capitol Dome in the Florida Mountains and in the Victorio Mountains, indicate significant differences in depositional environments and sediment provenance. At Capitol Dome, where Lobo strata were deposited above a syncline developed in Palaeozoic strata, deposition took place in fluvial, palustrine and marginal lacustrine settings, with alluvial‐fan deposits only at the top of the formation. Combined magnetostratigraphy and a young U–Pb detrital zircon age suggest deposition of the section at Capitol Dome from ~60 to 52 Ma. The Lobo Formation in the Victorio Mountains was deposited in alluvial‐fan and fluvial settings; the age of deposition is poorly bracketed between 66 ± 2 Ma, the weighted‐mean age of two young zircons, and middle Eocene (~40 Ma), the approximate age of overlying volcanic rocks. U–Pb zircon ages from sandstones at the Victorio and Capitol Dome localities indicate that different source rocks provided sediment to the Lobo Formation. Local Proterozoic basement (~1.47–1.45 Ga) dominated the source of the Lobo Formation in the Victorio Mountains, consistent with abundant granitic clasts that are present in the proximal facies there; a diverse range of grain ages suggest that recycled Lower Cretaceous strata provided the dominant source for Lobo Formation sediment at the Capitol Dome locality. The U–Pb data suggest that the depositional systems at the two sites were not connected. Contrasts in depositional setting and detrital zircon provenance indicate that the Palaeogene Lobo Formation in southwest New Mexico was deposited in an assemblage of local depositional settings, possibly in separate structural basins, as a consequence of Laramide tectonics in the region.  相似文献   

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