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Mountain regions are subject to a variety of hazardous processes. Earthquakes, landslides, snow avalanches, floods, debris flows, epidemics and fires, among other processes, have caused injury, death, damage and destruction. They also face challenges from increased populations, and expansion and intensification of␣activities, land uses and infrastructure. The combination of a dynamic bio- geophysical environment and intensified human use has increased the vulnerability of mountain social–ecological systems to risk from hazards. The ability of social–ecological systems to build resilience in the context of hazards is an important factor in their long-term sustainability. The role of resilience building in understanding the impact of hazards in mountain areas is examined and illustrated, in part, through examples from Canada and India. Resilient social–ecological systems have the ability to learn and adjust, use all forms of knowledge, to self-organize and to develop positive institutional linkages with other social–ecological systems in the face of hazards. The analysis suggests that traditional social–ecological systems built resilience through avoidance, which was effective for localized hazards. The more recent development and implementation of cross-scale institutional linkages is shown to be a particularly effective means of resilience building in mountain social–ecological systems in the face of all hazards.  相似文献   

国际上有关冻土地区输电工程建设的成功经验, 对我国类似工程建设及相关问题的研究具有积极的借鉴意义. 重点以加拿大育空地区和美国阿拉斯加地区输电工程为例, 对国外冻土地区输电工程建设相关经验进行系统总结, 涵盖工程建设全过程, 即从工程前期准备到工程设计和建设直至工程建成后的运行维护. 基于此, 从完善工程评估机制、 建立和执行相关工程建设规范与技术标准、 工程建设环境风险控制以及确保工程运营安全等方面, 探讨了国外经验的可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

The concept of resilience has emerged out of a complex literature that has sought to make sense of an increasingly interconnected world that appears ever more beset by crises. Resilience’s appeal is reflected by the burgeoning mass of literature that has appeared on the subject in the past five years. However, there is ongoing debate surrounding its usage, with some commentators claiming that the term is inherently too conservative a one to be usefully applied to situations of vulnerability in which more radical social change is required. This article extends existing efforts to formulate more transformative notions of resilience by reframing it as a double-edged outcome of the pre-reflective and critical ways in which actors draw upon their internal structures following the occurrence of a negative event, thus reproducing or changing the external structural context that gave rise to the event in the first place. By employing a structuration-inspired analysis to the study of small-scale farmer responses to a flood-induced resettlement programme in central Mozambique, the article presents a systematic approach to the examination of resilience in light of this reframing. The case study findings suggest that more attention should be paid to the facilitative, as well as constraining, nature of structures if vulnerable populations are to be assisted in their efforts to exert transformative capacity over the wider conditions that give rise to their difficulties.  相似文献   

A brief introduction to the Fifth Session of Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, which was held in Cancun, Mexico, organized by United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) and hosted by the Government of Mexico from 22 May to 26 May 2017, was firstly provided. Combined with “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030”, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, and related work on natural disaster risk reduction at global, regional, country and local scales, some hot-topics and prospects of global platform for disaster risk reduction were put forward. Some findings were concluded, consisting of understanding disaster risk, disaster risk governance, building and enhancing resilience to disasters, coherence between the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). Implementing the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) through cross-sectoral collaboration, removing barriers and promoting public-private cooperation in DRR and other types of partnership among multi-stakeholders will become the main force pattern of DRR in the near future. Large-scale disaster risk governance caused by multi-hazards (disaster cluster), disaster chain and disaster compound will be the main trend in scientific research of DRR. Building regional disaster risk reduction platform (e.g. the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road) and sharing the technologies and information of disaster risk reduction will be the main contents of DRR practices. Building and optimization of institutional mechanisms on DRR will be the trend of DRR idea. Improving and enhancing the support to communities, vulnerable groups and locals on DRR will be the main trend in DRR achievements’ application and demonstration in China.  相似文献   

Timothy W. Collins   《Geoforum》2009,40(4):589-1806
This paper advances understanding of how unequal risks to environmental hazards are generated. Marginalization is the best known explanation for the production of risk. The concept of marginalization was elaborated through studies of hazards in the global South and connotes how social inequalities constrain livelihood options of less powerful social groups. Thus, marginal groups are pressured to degrade landscapes and occupy hazardous environments while they experience decreased capacities to cope with environmental change. This paper directs analytical attention beyond the material to include the discursive realm and demonstrates that the production of unequal risk is contingent upon how hazards are differentially perceived, represented, and contested in social spaces. Findings from a flood disaster case study in the El Paso (US)–Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) border metropolis highlight how hegemonic discourses reinforce material processes of marginalization in flood-prone social spaces. Findings also reveal how socially-powerful geographical groups of people have harnessed institutional resources in their efforts to externalize risks and capitalize on environmental opportunities in some flood-prone areas. The concept of facilitation is used to explain the material-discursive production of socially-elite, flood-prone spaces. Facilitation clarifies how powerful groups are provided privileged access to institutional resources in their pursuit of environmental rewards, contributing to unjust socioenvironmental outcomes. In conclusion, I outline key aspects of how unequal risks are materially and discursively (re)produced within hazardscapes through relational processes of marginalization/facilitation.  相似文献   

Recent chemical accidents precipitated by natural disasters have prompted governments in the United States, Japan, and Europe, among other countries, to re-evaluate current practices in the design and risk management of industrial facilities. This paper presents an overview of natural hazard design considerations and external events risk management requirements in the industrial sector, with particular emphasis on industrial practices in the United States, Japan, and Europe. The analysis shows that although regulations exist to ensure industrial plant structures are built to resist natural hazards (up to the design level), there are few laws to address the performance of non-structural elements and safety and emergency response measures during a natural disaster. Laws usually also refer to natural hazards only indirectly, and provisions to prevent or respond to simultaneous disasters from single or multiple sources concurrent with the natural disaster are usually not present.
Ana Maria CruzEmail:

This article synthesizes the literature on poverty and disasters in the United States and presents the results from a wide range of studies conducted over the past twenty years. The findings are organized into eight categories based on the stages of a disaster event. The review illustrates how people of different socioeconomic statuses perceive, prepare for, and respond to natural hazard risks, how low-income populations may be differentially impacted, both physically and psychologically, and how disaster effects vary by social class during the periods of emergency response, recovery, and reconstruction. The literature illustrates that the poor in the United States are more vulnerable to natural disasters due to such factors as place and type of residence, building construction, and social exclusion. The results have important implications for social equity and recommendations for future research and policy implementation are offered.  相似文献   

The management of fire within landscapes is a topic of increasing contestation. This is particularly the case in relation to the practice of ‘prescribed burning’, which aims to exercise a form of control of wild fires through the application of science-based techniques that putatively reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with the protection of human life and property in particular places. The belief in possibilities to solve environmental problems by scientific approaches and in outcomes that do not involve harm or vulnerabilities is an element of a trend called “Ecological Modernisation” (EM). Various studies have shown how discourses of EM have come to dominate the ways in which many contemporary environmental problems are approached. We argue that highlighting the presentation of such discourses as neutral and non-politicised precludes a critical examination of the ways in which the knowledge claims upon which they rest can be seen to reinforce only particular sets of constructions of the relationship between humans and the natural world. Through an analysis of knowledge claims made in relation to recurring topics such as the use of fire by Indigenous Australians and the adaptation of species to fire, we illustrate that behind the discourse of ecological modernisation sit deeply engrained variations in terms of where people locate vulnerability in relation to the pressing problem of wildfire and fire management. We argue that the depoliticisation of the topic sustains specific types of relationships between people and nature while delegitimising others and obscures the fundamentally different notions about relationships between humans and non-human nature upon which the debate ultimately pivots.  相似文献   

Brad Coombes 《Geoforum》2007,38(1):60-72
Conservation practitioners have scrutinized the credibility and effectiveness of community-based natural resource management, noting its romantic misconceptions about communities and their capacities. Early approaches failed to acknowledge the heterogeneity of collective agents, the synergy between decentralization and neoliberalism, or the need to affirm rural peoples’ entitlements to resources. A Maori community’s attempt to restore Lake Whakaki on New Zealand’s east coast confirms many of these critiques. The restoration confronts institutional ambivalence, obstructive forces from beyond the zone of Maori influence and non-correspondence between community and catchment dynamics. Fulfilment of the project requires exogenous resources and authority, but state conservation agencies are ambivalent towards local demands for self-determined development. Nonetheless, an uncommon degree of agency which is grounded within community aspirations for sovereignty suggests that the motivational characteristics of community retain their importance in debates about integrated conservation and development.  相似文献   

 Arsenic toxicity in groundwater in the Ganges delta and some low-lying areas in the Bengal basin is confined to middle Holocene sediments. Dissected terraces and highlands of Pleistocene and early Holocene deposits are free of such problems. Arsenic-rich pyrite or other arsenic minerals are rare or absent in the affected sediments. Arsenic appears to occur adsorbed on iron hydroxide-coated sand grains and clay minerals and is transported in soluble form and co-precipitated with, or is scavenged by, Fe(III) and Mn(IV) in the sediments. It became preferentially entrapped in fine-grained and organic-rich sediments during mid-Holocene sea-level rises in deltaic and some low-lying areas of the Bengal basin. It was liberated subsequently under reducing conditions and mediated further by microbial action. Intensive extraction of groundwater for irrigation and application of phosphate fertilizer possibly triggered the recent release of arsenic to groundwater. This practice has induced groundwater flow, mobilizing phosphate derived from fertilizer, as well as from decayed organic matter, which has promoted the growth of sediment biota and aided the further release of arsenic. However, the environment is not sufficiently reducing to mobilize iron and arsenic in groundwater in the Ganges floodplains upstream of Rajmahal. Thus, arsenic toxicity in the groundwater of the Bengal basin is caused by its natural setting, but also appears to be triggered by recent anthropogenic activities. Received: 23 August 1999 · Accepted: 16 November 1999  相似文献   

Samantha Jones 《Geoforum》2007,38(3):558-575
In the buffer zone of the Royal Chitwan National Park (RCNP), community forests represent a key land use to meet the objectives of the buffer zone concept. This article examines three diverse community forests surrounding the national park and explores how national policy has been mediated by emerging community forestry institutions to create different levels of resource access and benefit distribution both within and between local user groups. Mindful of recent critiques of community-based conservation, the analysis gives considerable attention to the dynamics of power relations and inequality. The extent to which property rights have been transferred to the local level is evaluated and to whom power has been devolved in the process is assessed. The distribution of benefits arising from community forestry is critically examined. It seems that the current system for community forestry creates sufficient incentives for local cooperation due to the potential for increased access to important resources and a high perception of ownership of community forests among the communities. However, emerging institutions vary in the extent to which they reproduce favourable resource access conditions for elites and benefit distribution does seem to be skewed in favour of the wealthy and higher castes, even where management practices on the surface appear fair. National policy creates sufficient but not necessary conditions for achieving downward accountability, transparency and fairness. Greater attention to these issues is needed for buffer zone community forestry to better serve the poor and marginalised populations within user groups.  相似文献   

Brian H. King 《Geoforum》2007,38(1):207-219
The idealization of natural landscapes and peoples during colonialism, coupled with the popularity of sustainable development in the postcolonial era, has contributed to the expansion of conservation planning throughout the African continent. Concerns surrounding the promotion of national and international conservation agendas at the expense of local livelihood needs have generated interest in community conservation projects that attempt to include local participation and knowledge in natural resource management. The early excitement associated with community conservation has waned in light of recent assessments that it has been unsuccessful in meeting its ecological and social goals. This parallels other research that suggests communities are understood in generic or homogenous ways that influence how these initiatives are understood. Using a case study of the Mahushe Shongwe Game Reserve, this paper evaluates how rural households access environmental and economic resources to produce livelihoods, and how these access patterns impact their views of the project. It is argued that there are significant livelihood variations within the community that shape the ways households engage with, and benefit from, conservation planning. Rather than strictly viewing Mahushe Shongwe as a constraint to environmental resource access or site for limited employment, community members identify a number of benefits from its existence including education and development opportunities. Additionally, transformations in governance systems in the region impact community views of the project since younger residents are less likely to engage with the Matsamo Tribal Authority, which participates in managing the reserve. The consequence is that conservation has various impacts and meanings within a specific community that remain tied to the livelihood and governance systems being renegotiated in the post-apartheid era.  相似文献   

Christopher A. Thoms   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1452-1465
Community forestry in Nepal vests rights of access, use, exclusion, and management of national forestland to local user groups. There is strong potential for community forests to serve as the basis for improving the quality of life and the status of livelihoods in rural Nepal while conserving forest resources. Frequently, community forest user groups are dominated by local elites who choose to close access to community forestland for several years. As a result, forest conditions are improving, but the poorest households bear the cost of strict protection. In this paper I argue that community forestry is thus having rather limited success at improving rural livelihoods. Although community forestry is fairly successful at conservation, there remain huge wealth disparities between community forest member households, limited access to vital forest products, and significant power disparities within community forest user groups. Such conditions of inequity, reinforced by current community forestry policy and practice, severely challenge the development potential of community-controlled natural resources. In Nepal, overcoming these challenges may require a change in policy that mandates more inclusive local decision-making.  相似文献   

Sam Scott 《Geoforum》2007,38(4):655-676
Research into skilled migrant communities tends to emphasize the grounding of identities through transnationalism and mobility. Less research has been conducted into how skilled migrants actually ground their identities within the city through everyday social networks. The paper addresses this imbalance by examining the changing significance of British voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) in Paris, France. Combining qualitative and quantitative data, findings show local migrant networks to be important focal points for the British even though migrants’ lives may increasingly be transnational in orientation. The research also shows that in situ social networks are evolving. Specifically, traditional forms of elite expatriate communality are not as omnipotent as they once were, with the popularity of some high-profile British VCOs in Paris declining over recent decades. The paper argues that the link between social dynamism and communal morphology helps explain this shift: as British middle-class lifestyles have fragmented, and as the British migrant population in Paris has grown in scale and scope, so the range of VCOs and associated informal networks has grown. Whilst some skilled migrants still embed within traditional expatriate organisations, Britishness is increasingly grounded elsewhere; both within the city through alternative social networks, and located beyond the city through transnational ties.  相似文献   

陈惠雄  徐菲菲  王晓鹏 《冰川冻土》2017,39(5):1089-1097
运用超模博弈理论,以流域水资源管理制度形成的角度来解释流域各区段水资源管理政策执行面临的外部环境约束与激励,并通过模型描述了水资源管理域与外部关联域之间的博弈关系。分析发现:超模结构在当前钱塘江与黑河流域的水资源博弈中发挥着重要影响。钱塘江流域水资源管理制度收益函数对水功能区治理变量和经济域治理变量有递增差异。黑河流域水资源管理制度收益函数对分水治理变量和社会域治理变量有递增差异。由于这种关联作用对各区段主体策略集的限制,流域间水资源管理制度逐渐异质化,各流域管理结构呈现出一定的区域特色。钱塘江流域水资源管理偏重于扁平化、职能化管理,黑河流域为科层结构下水资源的层级分配。并依据以上研究结论提出了制度建议。  相似文献   

Data integration is challenging where there are different levels of support between primary and secondary data that need to be correlated in various ways. A geostatistical method is described, which integrates the hydraulic conductivity (K) measurements and electrical resistivity data to better estimate the K distribution in the Upper Chicot Aquifer of southwestern Louisiana, USA. The K measurements were obtained from pumping tests and represent the primary (hard) data. Borehole electrical resistivity data from electrical logs were regarded as the secondary (soft) data, and were used to infer K values through Archie’s law and the Kozeny-Carman equation. A pseudo cross-semivariogram was developed to cope with the resistivity data non-collocation. Uncertainties in the auto-semivariograms and pseudo cross-semivariogram were quantified. The groundwater flow model responses by the regionalized and coregionalized models of K were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicate that non-collocated secondary data may improve estimates of K and affect groundwater flow responses of practical interest, including specific capacity and drawdown.
Résumé  L’intégration de données entre en jeu lorsque plusieurs niveaux intermédiaires d’assistance sont nécessaires pour corréler données primaires et secondaires de diverses manières. Le présent article décrit une méthode géostatistique qui intègre les mesures de conductivité hydraulique (K) et les données de résistivité électrique, afin d’estimer plus efficacement la distribution de K dans l’Aquifère Supérieur de Chicot, au sud-ouest de la Louisiane (Etats-Unis). Les mesures de K sont issues des pompages d’essai et représentent les données primaires (“dures”). Les données des diagraphies de résistivité électrique ont été considérées comme des données secondaires (“molles”), à partir desquelles les valeurs de K ont été déduites, par la loi d’Archie et l’équation de Kozeny-Carman. Un pseudo semi-variogramme croisé a été développé afin de pallier à l’absence de colocalisation des données de résistivité. Les incertitudes sur les semi-variogrammes automatiques et sur les pseudo semi-variogrammes croisés ont été quantifiées. Les réponses du modèle d’écoulement des eaux souterraines aux modèles régionalisés et co-régionalisés de K ont été comparés, par les analyses de variance (ANOVA). Les résultats montrent que les données secondaires non-colocalisées peuvent améliorer les estimations de K, et affecter efficacement les réponses des écoulements souterrains, y compris les débits spécifiques et les rabattements.

Resumen  La integración de datos es un gran desafío cuando existen diferentes niveles de apoyo entre datos primarios y secundarios que es necesario correlacionar de varias maneras. Se describe un método geoestadístico el cual integra mediciones de conductividad hidráulica (K) y datos de resistividad eléctrica para tener una mejor estimación de la distribución de K en el Acuífero Chicot Superior del suroeste de Luisiana, Estados Unidos de América. Las mediciones de K se obtuvieron de pruebas de bombeo y representan los datos primarios (duros). Los datos de sondeos de resistividad eléctrica se consideraron como datos secundarios (suaves) y se usaron para inferir valores de K a través de la ley de Archie y la ecuación de Carman-Kozeny. Se desarrolló un pseudo semivariograma cruzado para enfrentar la falta de colocación de datos de resistividad. Se cuantificaron las incertidumbres en los auto-semivariogramas y en los semivariogramas cruzados. Las respuestas del modelo de flujo de agua subterránea por los modelos coregionalizados y regionalizados de K se compararon usando el análisis de varianza (ANOVA). Los resultados indican que los datos secundarios no colocados pueden mejorar los estimados de K y afectar las respuestas de flujo de agua subterránea de interés práctico, incluyendo capacidad específica y descenso.

This paper presents an account of the progress of the integration between the Danish and Swedish parts of the Öresund Region within the world of science, with emphasis on biotech. The paper is based on data from the database Science Citation Index Expanded. The amount of co-authorships produced by agents from each side of the region is analysed for a 12-year period (1994–2005) and used as an indicator to show how the integration is proceeding. Each of the co-authorships is examined to shed light on the nature of the interactions, thereby identifying the agents most involved in collaboration. Furthermore, the development in co-authorships within the region is compared to the development in co-authorships between the Öresund Region and four selected reference areas. Our findings indicate that there has been a substantial increase in both the number of co-authorships overall and within biotech solely. The rise in co-authorships between the two parts is proceeding at a faster pace than the rise in co-authorships between the Öresund Region and the reference areas. The overall results of this paper indicate a growing integration of the biotech sector in the Öresund Region.  相似文献   

Haque  C. Emdad 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(3):465-483
The regions of East and South Asia, and the Pacific Islands are among the most-hazardprone areas in the world. Because of this, during the last century, most of the humancasualties of `natural-triggered' disasters have taken place in this region. This circumstance therefore has become a major global humanitarian concern. Another major concern, specifically for the donor agencies, is the damage sustained by infrastructure resulting from environmental disasters. These recurrent loses take away a significant proportion of the cumulative economic gains accrued from development investments over many years.Stepwise multiple regression results substantiated the fact that many of the socio-economic and demographic variables significantly influence disaster-related deaths and injuries in this part of the world. A comparative temporal analysis has shown that, over the past two decades, demographic variables have become prominent predictors of disaster-loss in South, Southeast and East Asian and the Pacific states.Many countries of the region are lagging behind in understanding and recognizing thebroader scope of disaster mitigation and management. Emerging needs and awarenessamong the decision-makers and the general public, however, have prompted institutionsin many countries to initiate a critical review of the prevailing approaches. Thecountry-specific disaster-management capacities and needs in the region vary widely.There are many differences in historical courses, institutional and administrative settings, sociocultural characteristics, as well as political and economic systems. Development of a common institutional framework for the region, therefore, seems unfeasible. Based upon a regional review, it has become clear that the research calls for improving the understanding of the significance of disaster mitigation and management in light of sustainable development and the emerging global issues. In addition, aspects of human resource development to enhance institutional mitigation and response capacities are emphasized.  相似文献   

于涛  王宗起  马昌前  王东升  王涛  黄凡 《地质学报》2021,95(11):3266-3281
浙西北地区寒武系沉积环境及物源分析是重建扬子板块东南缘古地理格局的关键,进而可以为华南大地构造演化提供证据.本文根据沉积相时空展布、斜层理与同沉积褶皱恢复的物源方向以及碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MSU-Pb测年,综合探讨寒武系的陆源碎屑物源方向以及物源区.浙西北地区寒武纪地层主要由碳硅质岩、硅质页岩、砾屑灰岩、砂屑灰岩、泥灰岩、泥岩等组成.沉积序列、沉积相标志研究表明,寒武系沉积构造以泄水构造、滑塌褶曲、流动构造、层间滑动、同沉积褶皱和断层等为特征,发育大量滑塌沉积及碳酸盐岩浊积岩,整体为深水盆地及斜坡环境.沉积相时空展布及古流向研究表明,水体向北西方向加深,寒武系陆源碎屑物质主要来源于南东方向,非前人通过古生物地层判断的盆地基底北西高南东低.碎屑锆石年代学研究表明,物源集中于574 Ma、747 Ma、1768 Ma以及2131 Ma,与邻区碎屑锆石年龄图谱对比分析表明,江山-绍兴断裂带及浙江中部地区为主要物源区,陆缘碎屑物质主要来自于陈蔡群、双溪坞群、河上镇群及八都群.寒武纪时期,斜坡盆地沉积基底向北西倾斜,位于盆地西北部的章里地区为沉积中心,华夏地块露出水面为剥蚀区.  相似文献   

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