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朱丽  苗峻峰  高阳华 《大气科学》2020,44(3):657-678
利用中尺度模式WRF(V3.9)对2016年8月17~18日重庆一次城市热岛环流个例进行了数值模拟,探讨了山地城市热岛环流的三维结构和演变特征,分析了热岛环流期间湍流动能和各项湍流通量的特征。结果表明:15:00(北京时,下同)乡村风开始出现,随着热岛强度增强乡村风增大,18:00热岛环流结构最显著,次日02:00热岛环流结构被破坏,仅低层存在微弱的乡村风。其中,重庆市城市热岛环流最强时,水平尺度约城市尺度的1.5~2倍,垂直厚度约1.3 km,水平风速约2~4 m s?1,最大上升速度约0.5 m s?1。受地形、河流以及背景风的影响,环流呈现非对称的结构,且强度较弱。湍流特征分析结果表明,城市区域的湍流动能明显大于其它区域。此外,城市热岛环流通过湍流运动将郊区的水汽输向城市;高层湍流动量补充边界层中因热岛环流发展而造成的动量耗散。  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the results of an urban measurement campaign are presented. The experiment took place from July 1995 to February 1996 in Basel, Switzerland. A total of more than 2000 undisturbed 30-minute runs of simultaneous measurements of the fluctuations of the wind vector u′, v′, w′ and the sonic temperature θ s ′ at three different heights (z=36, 50 and 76 m a.g.l.) are analysed with respect to the integral statistics and their spectral behaviour. Estimates of the zero plane displacement height d calculated by the temperature variance method yield a value of 22 m for the two lower levels, which corresponds to 0.92 h (the mean height of the roughness elements). At all three measurement heights the dimensionless standard deviation σ w /u * is systematically smaller than the Monin-Obukhov similarity function for the inertial sublayer, however, deviations are smaller compared to other urban turbulence studies. The σθ* values follow the inertial sublayer prediction very close for the two lowest levels, while at the uppermost level significant deviations are observed. Profiles of normalized velocity and temperature variances show a clear dependence on stability. The profile of friction velocity u * is similar to the profiles reported in other urban studies with a maximum around z/h=2.1. Spectral characteristics of the wind components in general show a clear dependence on stability and dimensionless measurement height z/h with a shift of the spectral peak to lower frequencies as thermal stability changes from stable to unstable conditions and as z/h decreases. Velocity spectra follow the −2/3 slope in the inertial subrange region and the ratios of spectral energy densities S w (f)/S u (f) approach the value of 4/3 required for local isotropy in the inertial subrange. Velocity spectra and spectral peaks fit best to the well established surface layer spectra from Kaimal et al. (1972) at the uppermost level at z/h=3.2. Received September 26, 1997 Revised February 15, 1998  相似文献   

Correlation Coefficients in Urban Turbulence   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Based on fluctuational observations of three-component wind velocity (u′, v′, w′) and temperature, T′, from a meteorological tower of 325 m located in Beijing, China, a number of turbulent linear correlation coefficients are calculated using a local scaling approach for turbulence statistics. The further applicability of this scaling is investigated by the formulation of similarity relationships for correlation coefficients of momentum transfer e.g., |r uw |, |r vw | and |r uv |, heat transfer e.g., |r uT |, |r vT | and |r wT |, and the ratios |r wT /r uw | and |r vT /r vw |. Under various stratifications, empirical similarity relationships for most of these correlation coefficients are derived to be function of a single local stability parameter and found to be in good agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

城市冠层中湍流运动的统计特征   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
对1997 年夏天和冬天北京湍流运动的各种统计特征量进行了初步的统计分析。结果表明,城市冠层中湍流运动的各种统计特征量与平坦下垫面条件下边界层湍流运动的相比, 有不同的地方也有相似的地方; 无论白天还是夜晚, 垂直方向的湍流强度和湍流脉动风速标准差均小于水平方向的, 水平方向的相应湍流特征量则总是接近相等; 城市冠层中湍流脉动强度和标准差几乎均大于平坦下垫面边界层的; 平均风速u≥1 m /s 时的湍流统计特征量与u< 1 m /s 时的有所不同; 城市冠层的阻力系数较大, 可达00625,Panofsky 等提出的公式σw /u* = 13 (1- 3z/L)1/3在城市冠层中并不适用。  相似文献   

南京夏季城郊湍流统计特性及湍流通量对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2010年南京夏季城市热岛三维结构试验中的湍流观测资料,对南京市委党校和南京信息工程大学观测场2个观测点的湍流统计量和湍流通量进行了对比分析。结果表明:城市平均风速大于郊区;城郊2地的湍流强度都呈现出Ix〉Iy〉Iz的趋势,水平方向上的湍强城郊相差不大,而垂直方向上,郊区的Iz要明显低于城市;城、郊的风速归一化标准差σu/u*、σv/u*、σw/u*都符合MoninObukhov相似理论的"1/3"定律,城市的垂直风速归一化标准差大于郊区,而水平方向上的风速归一化标准差则明显小于其他下垫面;郊区风速归一化标准差与常熟农田的拟合结果较为相似,而城市风速归一化标准差与长白山森林的拟合结果更为接近;夏季城市以感热通量为主,而郊区湍流能量的输送以潜热通量为主,且城市的湍流热通量受太阳辐射的影响更大。  相似文献   

In this study, a detailed model of an urban landscape has been re-constructed inthe wind tunnel and the flow structure inside and above the urban canopy has beeninvestigated. Vertical profiles of all three velocity components have been measuredwith a Laser-Doppler velocimeter, and an extensive analysis of the measured meanflow and turbulence profiles carried out. With respect to the flow structure inside thecanopy, two types of velocity profiles can be distinguished. Within street canyons,the mean wind velocities are almost zero or negative below roof level, while closeto intersections or open squares, significantly higher mean velocities are observed.In the latter case, the turbulent velocities inside the canopy also tend to be higherthan at street-canyon locations. For both types, turbulence kinetic energy and shearstress profiles show pronounced maxima in the flow region immediately above rooflevel.Based on the experimental data, a shear-stress parameterization is proposed, inwhich the velocity scale, us, and length scale, zs, are based on the level and magnitude of the shear stress peak value. In order to account for a flow region inside the canopy with negligible momentum transport, a shear stress displacement height, ds, is introduced. The proposed scaling and parameterization perform well for the measured profiles and shear-stress data published in the literature.The length scales derived from the shear-stress parameterization also allowdetermination of appropriate scales for the mean wind profile. The roughnesslength, z0, and displacement height, d0, can both be described as fractions of the distance, zs - ds, between the level of the shear-stress peak and the shear-stress displacement height. This result can be interpreted in such a way that the flow only feels the zone of depth zs - ds as the roughness layer. With respect to the lower part of the canopy (z < ds) the flow behaves as a skimming flow. Correlations between the length scales zs and ds and morphometric parameters are discussed.The mean wind profiles above the urban structure follow a logarithmic windlaw. A combination of morphometric estimation methods for d0 and z0 with wind velocity measurements at a reference height, which allow calculation of the shear-stress velocity, u*, appears to be the most reliable and easiest procedure to determine mean wind profile parameters. Inside the roughnesssublayer, a local scaling approach results in good agreement between measuredand predicted mean wind profiles.  相似文献   

用连续子波变换提取城市冠层大气湍流的相干结构   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陈炯  郑永光  胡非 《大气科学》2003,27(2):182-190
切变湍流的相干结构是湍流研究中的重大发现,它表明湍流在表面上看来不规则运动中具有可检测的有序运动,这种相干结构在切变湍流的脉动生成和发展中起着主宰作用.因此识别和提取相干结构对于认识和研究湍流是非常重要的.用数字滤波法将包含相干结构的大尺度信号提取出来以后,再用子波分析,根据子波能量极大值的判别方法,分别确定出大气湍流三个方向上的速度脉动信号相干结构的频率或时间尺度,然后由确定尺度上的连续子波反演公式,提取出大气湍流三个方向上的速度脉动信号相干结构所对应的波形.  相似文献   

Canopy Architecture and Turbulence Structure in a Coniferous Forest   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Synchronous sonic anemometric measurements at five heightswithin a mixed coniferous forest were used to test two different parameterisations ofcanopy architecture in the application of a second-order turbulence closure model. Inthe computation of the leaf drag area, the aerodynamic sheltering was replaced with anarchitectural sheltering, assumed to be analogous to the clumping index defined in radiativetransfer theory. Consequently, the ratio of leaf area density and sheltering factor was approximatedby the effective leaf area or the mean contact number, both obtained from the inversion of non-destructive optical measurements. The first parameter represents the equivalentrandomly dispersed leaf area in terms of shading, the second is the average number of leavesthat a straight line intercepts penetrating the canopy with a certain zenith angle. Theselection of this direction was determined by the analysis of the mean angle of the wind vectorduring sweep events. The drag coefficient values obtained from the inversion of themomentum flux equation, using the two proposed parameterisations, are in good agreement withvalues found in the literature. The predicted profiles of turbulence statistics reasonablymatch actual measurements, especially in the case of the mean contact numberparameterisation. The vertical profile of leaf drag area, obtained by forcing the turbulence modelto match the observed standard deviation of vertical velocity (w), is intermediatebetween the two empirical ones. Finally, the proposed canopy parameterisations were appliedto a Lagrangian transport model to predict vertical profiles of air temperature, H2O andCO2 concentration.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in Helsinki (Finland). Particle mass size distributions were obtained with a cascade impactor (12 stages) with glass fibre filters as substrates. Simultaneously with the impactor measurements, particulate and gaseous PAHs were collected on a quartz filter and XAD-2 adsorbent, respectively, for evaluation of gas-partition coefficients. Samples were analysed for PAHs by on-line coupled supercritical fluid extraction — liquid chromatography — gas chromatography — mass spectrometry. The impactor results showed that most of the PAHs in Helsinki urban area were concentrated in fine particles (<2.5 μm diameter) with unimode peak at about 1 μm. The results were comparable with the number distribution measured with a differential mobility particle sizer. Total amounts of PAHs (gas + particle) varied from 15 (acenaphthylene) to 1990 (fluorene) pg/m3. The PAHs lighter than 202 amu (pyrene and fluoranthene) were exclusively in gas phase, whereas those heavier than 202 amu were mostly associated with particles. A plot of the partition coefficients (logKp) versus the temperature dependent sub-cooled vapour pressures (logp L 0 ) showed a gradient of −0.66, which deviated from equilibrium state (gradient = −1).  相似文献   

The scale properties of anisotropic and isotropic turbulence in the urban surface layer are investigated. A dimensionless anisotropic tensor is introduced and the turbulent tensor anisotropic coefficient, defined as C, where \(C = 3d_{3}\,+\,1 (d_{3}\) is the minimum eigenvalue of the tensor) is used to characterize the turbulence anisotropy or isotropy. Turbulence is isotropic when \(C \approx 1\), and anisotropic when \(C \ll 1\). Three-dimensional velocity data collected using a sonic anemometer are analyzed to obtain the anisotropic characteristics of atmospheric turbulence in the urban surface layer, and the tensor anisotropic coefficient of turbulent eddies at different spatial scales calculated. The analysis shows that C is strongly dependent on atmospheric stability \(\xi = (z-z_{\mathrm{d}})/L_{{\textit{MO}}}\), where z is the measurement height, \(z_{\mathrm{d}}\) is the displacement height, and \(L_{{\textit{MO}}}\) is the Obukhov length. The turbulence at a specific scale in unstable conditions (i.e., \(\xi < 0\)) is closer to isotropic than that at the same scale under stable conditions. The maximum isotropic scale of turbulence is determined based on the characteristics of the power spectrum in three directions. Turbulence does not behave isotropically when the eddy scale is greater than the maximum isotropic scale, whereas it is horizontally isotropic at relatively large scales. The maximum isotropic scale of turbulence is compared to the outer scale of temperature, which is obtained by fitting the temperature fluctuation spectrum using the von Karman turbulent model. The results show that the outer scale of temperature is greater than the maximum isotropic scale of turbulence.  相似文献   

The multifractality of energy and thermal dissipation of fully developed intermittent turbulence is investigated in the urban canopy layer under unstable conditions by the singularity spectrum for the fractal dimensions of sets of singularities characterizing multifractals. In order to obtain high-order moment properties of smallscale turbulent dissipation in the inertial range, an ultrasonic anemometer with a high sampling frequency of 100 Hz was used. The authors found that the turbulent signal could be singular everywhere. Moreover, the singular exponents of energy and thermal dissipation rates are most frequently encountered at around 0.2, which is significantly smaller than the singular exponents for a wind tunnel at a moderate Reynolds number. The evidence indicates a higher intermittency of turbulence in the urban canopy layer at a high Reynolds number, which is demonstrated by the data with high temporal resolution. Furthermore, the temperature field is more intermittent than the velocity field. In addition, a large amount of samples could be used for verification of the results.  相似文献   

Sonic anemometer measurements are analyzed from two primary field programs and 12 supplementary sites to examine the behaviour of the turbulent heat flux near the surface with high wind speeds in the nocturnal boundary layer. On average, large downward heat flux is found for high wind speeds for most of the sites where some stratification is maintained in spite of relatively intense vertical mixing. The stratification for high wind speeds is found to be dependent on wind direction, suggesting the importance of warm-air advection, even for locally homogenous sites. Warm-air advection is also inferred from a large imbalance of the heat budget of the air for strong winds. Shortcomings of our study are noted.  相似文献   

采用2000年8月在美国加州棉花地两个高度上应用超声三分量仪、快速响应温度和湿度仪进行的EBEX-2000 (International Energy Balance Experiment, 2000, 简称EBEX-2000) 风速三分量、温度和湿度湍流实验观测数据, 计算分析了在不同稳定度下的湍流能量和热量耗散率和湍流结构参数特征.并与Kansas和长白山原始森林湍流实验得到的结果进行了比较, 得到了一些湍流特征量在不同下垫面情况下的一些有意义的特征.  相似文献   

Two situations observed during the second Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-2) are analysed from aircraft measurements in the broken stratocumulus (Sc)-topped marine boundary layer. The first one (26 June 1997), characterized by a non-polluted, oceanic air mass, presents a decoupling between the Sc layer (1400–1520 m) and the turbulent mixed layer, this latter extending from the surface up to 580 m. In contrast, the second case (9 July 1997), during which continental air had been advected over the experimental area, presents a well-coupled layer extending from the surface up to the top of the Sc layer(910 m). This coupling, uncommon in this area in the middle of the day, isrelated to the relative shallowness of the boundary layer. For both situations,it is shown that the turbulent fluxes can be computed with reasonably goodaccuracy (better than 10 %), taking into account both the random and thesystematic errors involved in the eddy-correlation technique. Estimationof random error is based on the computation of the integral scale of thecovariance, and systematic error is estimated from the parameterizationof Mann and Lenschow. The fluxes show that the buoyancy, as a sourceof turbulence, is due to latent heat flux rather than sensible heat flux,with values comparable to previous experiments in the Azores-Canariesbasin. In addition, we propose a method to analyse, for coupled situations,the relationship between the fractional cloudiness and the organization ofthe turbulent field below the clouds. This method is based on a conditionalsampling technique. It is shown that this organization cannot be deducedfrom the analysis of the velocity signal, which is dominated by turbulence.However, when the signals are conditionally sampled according to thepresence or absence of clouds, a weak cloud-related organization can beshown, and the cloud-related transports quantified; the values found areof the order of 10 % of the total transfers, i.e. the same order of magnitude asthe errors on the total flux computation. The method developed is thereforepromising, provided that the uncertainties can be reduced by analyzing a highamount of data.  相似文献   

Comprehensive, ground-based observations from the US Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurements program Southern Great Plains site are used to study the variability of turbulence forcings and cloud-scale turbulence structures in a continental stratocumulus cloud. The turbulence observations are made from an upward facing cloud (35 GHz) Doppler radar. Cloud base and liquid water path are characterized using a lidar at the surface and a microwave radiometer. The turbulence characterizations are compared and contrasted with those observed in marine stratocumulus clouds. During the 16-h observation period used in this study the cloud-base and cloud-top heights evolve with time and changes in liquid water path observed by the radiometer are consistent with variations in cloud depth. Unlike marine stratocumulus clouds, a diurnal cycle of cloud thickness and liquid water path is not observed. The observed surface latent, sensible, and virtual sensible heat fluxes and the radiative fluxes exhibit a diurnal cycle with values increasing from sunrise to afternoon and decreasing afterwards. During the night, the sensible heat, virtual sensible heat and the net radiative fluxes at the surface are slightly negative. Solar radiative heating prevails in the cloud layer during the day and strong radiative cooling exists at cloud top even during the day. Unlike marine stratocumulus, surface heating described by the convective velocity scale \(W_\mathrm{s}^{*}\) and cloud-top cooling described by \(W_\mathrm{r}^{*}\) are both important in driving the in-cloud turbulence during the day, whereas cloud-top cooling is the exclusive contributor during the night. The combined \(W_\mathrm{s}^{*}\) and \(W_\mathrm{r}^{*}\) (the total velocity scale \(W_\mathrm{t}^{*})\) provides a useful way to track the evolution of the turbulence structure in the cloud. The variance of the radar-measured radial velocity, which is related to resolved turbulence, follows the diurnal cycle and is consistent with the total velocity scale \(W_\mathrm{t}^{*}\) variations. It is higher during the day and lower during the night, which is contrary to that in marine stratocumulus. The \(W_\mathrm{t}^{*}\) values are lowest around sunset when the radiative cooling is also small due to upper-level clouds observed above the low-level stratus. The vertical distribution of the variance results from the surface heating during the day and cloud-top cooling during the night. The squared spectrum width, which is related to turbulence structures within the radar sampling volume (unresolved turbulence) also follows the diurnal cycle. Its vertical distribution indicates that the unresolved turbulence more closely relates to the processes near cloud top. Turbulence in the cloud requires about an hour to respond to the external forcings of surface heating and cloud-top radiative cooling. Positive skewness prevails during the day and negative skewness prevails at night with a sharp transition around sunset. Resolved turbulence dominates near cloud base whereas unresolved turbulence dominates near cloud top. The turbulence characteristics and variability defined in this study can be used to evaluate the time evolution of turbulence structures in large eddy simulation forced by surface and cloud-top radiative forcings.  相似文献   

Measurements of turbulence structure in a wind-tunnel model canopy of bluff elements show many of the features associated with vegetation canopies and roughness sublayers but also display features more characteristic of the inertial sublayer (ISL). Points of similarity include the existence of an inflexion point in the space-time averaged streamwise velocity at the canopy top, the variation with height of turbulent second moments and the departure of the turbulent kinetic energy budget from local equilibrium in and just above the canopy. Quadrant analysis shows characteristic dominance of sweep over ejection events within the canopy although sweeps are more frequent than usually seen in vegetation canopies. Points of difference are a u′, w′ correlation coefficient that is closer to the ISL value than to most canopy data, and a turbulent Prandtl number midway between canopy and ISL values. Within the canopy there is distinct spatial partitioning into two flow regimes, the wake and non-wake regions. Both time-mean and conditional statistics take different values in these different regions of the canopy flow. We explain many of these features by appealing to a modified version of the mixing-layer hypothesis that links the dominant turbulent eddies to the instability of the inflexion point at canopy top. However, it is evident that these eddies are perturbed by the quasi-coherent wakes of the bluff canopy elements. Based upon an equation for the instantaneous velocity perturbation, we propose a criterion for deciding when the eddies linked to the inflexion point will dominate flow structure and when that structure will be replaced by an array of superimposed element wakes. In particular, we show that the resemblance of some features of the flow to the ISL does not mean that ISL dynamics operate within bluff-body canopies in any sense.  相似文献   

Turbulence Structure in the Wake Region of a Meteorological Tower   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A meteorological tower significantly modifies the air flow, the mean windspeed and wind direction as well as the turbulencestructure of the air. Suchchanges can be noticed in particular in the wake region of the tower.Measurementson the 200 m tower ofForschungszentrum Karlsruhewere carried outusing Solent sonic anemometers in the lee of the towerand cup anemometers on both sides.In the wake region, spectral energydensity is increased in the high-frequency range. Superposition of this disturbance spectrum on the undisturbedspectrum yields a `knee' in the resulting spectrum. In the case of low turbulence intensity with stable stratification,a plateau with a constant energy content is observed in front of the knee.This effect is caused by the new production of turbulence energy from the mean flow as well as by an energy transfer fromlarger to smaller vortices. Power spectra in strongly stable conditionsshow a more rapid decrease of intensity in the region where the inertialsubrange is expected.The relevant scales of wake turbulence are derived from the maximum of the disturbance spectrum.Locations of the high-frequency peak do not depend on atmospheric stability,but are controlled mainly by mean wind speed.Apart from the reduction of the mean wind speed, the spectra and cospectra exhibit a strong anisotropy for such cases.The results demonstrate the significant influence of a tower on turbulence spectra in the wake region.  相似文献   

高风速相干结构对通量输送影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
切变湍流的相干结构是湍流研究中的重大发现,它表明湍流运动并非完全随机,其中具有可检测的有序结构.本文通过处理南京浦口地区大气边界层观测数据,来分析不稳定层结中高风速相干结构特征.本次观测项目包括对场地中央的气象铁塔上2m和40m高度上超声风速仪的脉动速度、温度测量以及风廓线雷达对边界层风速廓线的测量.对超声水平风速时间序列数据进行小波变换(时间尺度400s),通过阈值来识别这种高风速相干结构.与多普勒风廓线雷达测量结果对比后发现,这种方法确定的相干结构符合常规的认识,具有较长的时间尺度和较大的垂直尺度(接近边界层厚度).分析三天相干结构特性得到无量纲空间间隔约为6,即每隔6个边界层厚度的水平位  相似文献   

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