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本文分析了近些年由声雷达观测到的海(陆)风、大风、下坡风和雾的回波图象和相应气象参数变化的特征。  相似文献   

结合气象观测和大气边界层探测资料,分析了1990年1月2日重庆雾的声雷达回波征,并与1989年12月30日雾的回波作了比较。结果表明,雾顶回波高度与逆温和相对湿度的转折高度一致;雾顶回波在雾的成熟期呈现波动,在消散期一下降过程。  相似文献   

叶鑫欣  张宏升  霍庆  康凌 《气象科学》2011,31(4):534-541
本文利用2010年夏季福建省三明市开展的大气扩散实验资料,研究了大气边界层风廓线雷达在福建丘陵地区的适用性,并探讨了风廓线雷达探测的误差特征和修正方法。结果表明:大气边界层风廓线雷达水平风场的探测结果在300~2 000 m高度范围的偏差与高度和风速具有一定统计关系;通过与100 m气象铁塔水平风场资料对比,说明风廓线雷达对丘陵地区低层大气风场的探测具有一定局限性。经过修正的风廓线雷达探测结果可以较好地反映实验区域大气边界层水平风场的垂直结构。  相似文献   

基于L波段雷达探测的高空气象资料具有垂直分层密,并可获取不同高度层资料的特点,应用2005~2009年L波段雷达探测资料对西宁市区大气边界层气候变化特征、茫崖70m、100m高度层气象要素的变化规律等进行研究,结果表明:L波段雷达探测资料,可用于大气边界层特征分析,进行大气污染潜势等分析预报;可为应急气象服务提供技术支持;可将其用于风能资源评价工作中。  相似文献   

胡景琳 《气象》1989,15(9):3-7
本文介绍了我国自行设计的SWT-1型声雷达探测系统软、硬件设计的基本思路。 本文详细介绍了SWT-1型声雷达用户软件,只需主机提传一个启动脉冲就可以实现对探测数据的连续自动采集,实时处理,屏幕三分量风廓线的直方图显示,并打印出全风速与风向廓线,湿度梯度值,层间风速风向切变值以及相应的统计参量。  相似文献   

苏州城区大气边界层低空急流特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程佳  张宁  朱焱  刘培宁  陈燕 《气象科学》2016,36(6):843-848
利用2012年苏州城区风廓线雷达的观测资料,从低空急流个例分析入手,选取1、4、7、10月四个典型月份,分析该地区边界层低空急流的时空分布及强度变化特征。结果表明:冬春两季低空急流发生频率最高,夏季出现频率最低。在4个典型月份里低空急流均表现出日落后出现频率升高,夜间保持稳定,日出后出现频率降低的特征。全年有80%的低空急流分布在900 m以下高度上,冬、夏季平均高度最低。全年低空急流风速70%以上集中在4~12 m·s~(-1),小于4 m·s~(-1)和大于20 m·s~(-1)的低空急流出现频率较低。  相似文献   

利用乌鲁木齐市2011~2012年08时、20时L波段(1型)雷达探测的高空资料建立了乌鲁木齐大气边界层气象要素数据库,分析了乌鲁木齐边界层内气温、风向、风速和相对湿度的垂直分布及其时间变化特征。结果表明:边界层内温度廓线的日变化和季节变化比较显著,各月均有逆温出现,且08时较20时更易出现逆温,冬季08时逆温层厚度较厚且强度最大。边界层内夏、冬两季风速随高度变化波动较大,春、秋两季变化较小。近地层春、夏、秋三季08时盛行西南偏南风,冬季盛行偏东风和西南风;20时春季盛行东北风,夏秋盛行偏北风和西北风,冬季则盛行东风和东北偏东风。08时、20时风向均随高度的增加呈明显的向右偏转趋势,且日风向的变化具有明显的“山谷风”特点。08、20时的相对湿度冬季最大,夏季最小,且随高度增加,春、夏两季08、20时相对湿度的变化较大。  相似文献   

基于L波段探空GFE(L)1型二次测风雷达的垂直分层资料密,并从地面开始就可以获取资料的特点,分析了济南地区边界层特征,总结了逆温与空气污染的关系。  相似文献   

大气边界层的高度是污染物扩散模式、气候模式、大气模式的一个重要输入参数,边界层高度的变化对数值预报中的物理过程,天气预报的诊断分析,城市污染物的监控也有相当重要的作用。然而,边界层高度的连续监测缺乏有力的手段,风廓线雷达凭借其高时间分辨率和空间分辨率,加上其能够连续探测等优点,可以成为连续监测边界层高度的有效工具。利用协方差小波变换对风廓线雷达距离订正后信噪比数据进行分析,来确定边界层的高度,并与无线探空仪确定的边界层高度进行比较,通过分析得到:(1) 协方差小波变换应用于边界层高度的确定时,尺度因子a和平移因子b的选取很关键,不同的a和b值得到的结果可能差异很大,在计算过程中要仔细选择合适的值;(2) 质量控制对正确判断边界层高度至关重要,好的质量控制方法可以起到剔除突变点的作用,使确定的边界层高度更符合实际情况;(3) 在晴空条件下,如果边界层湍流不均匀及杂波影响较大时,梯度法将不适用,它容易受到大气湍流不稳定以及其他因素引起的信噪比突变而产生较大误差,而协方差小波变换法作为梯度法的改进,能够较好地确定边界层的高度;(4) 通过质量控制,小波变换法和探空仪确定的高度很一致,两者的相关系数达到0.87。   相似文献   

论大气边界层的局地相似性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
胡隐樵  张强 《大气科学》1993,17(1):10-20
本文利用日本气象厅研究所在筑波市213m气象塔1983年观测的湍流资料验证了大气边界层的局地相似性,求出了相似性函数的经验常数.进一步建立了局地湍流统计量同近地面层和边界层顶湍流通量之间的关系.  相似文献   

大气边界层高度确定及应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大气边界层高度是表征边界层特征的重要参量,影响边界层内水热、物质、能量的垂直分布,也是数值模拟、环境评估中的重要参数。从湍流运动、热力作用、动力作用以及物质分布等多视角总结了大气边界层高度的定义及确定方法,回顾了采用直接观测手段和遥感手段确定大气边界层高度的不同方法,对比了大气边界层高度不同获取手段的优缺点,梳理了大气边界层高度参数化方案,探讨了大气边界层高度确定中存在的问题,并提出未来相关研究和应用可能突破方向。  相似文献   

成都地区大气边界层逆温特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对污染气象条件对大气环境影响的问题,利用2010—2012年成都地区探空资料的温度数据,系统研究了成都地区逆温的结构及分布特征。结果表明:2010—2012年成都地区整体以贴地逆温出现频率最高、厚度最大及强度最强,其次为低悬逆温和高悬逆温。不同类型逆温出现的频率、厚度及强度也存在一定的季节差异,贴地逆温春季出现频率最高,厚度最大,其他各季差异不显著;冬季逆温最强,夏季最弱。3类逆温的日变化明显,08时逆温出现的频率和厚度普遍大于20时,且08时逆温强度大于20时。分析成都地区大气边界层逆温层特征,对了解成都地区污染物扩散规律具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

2018年3月27—28日,内蒙古中东部、中国东北地区、华北等地出现一次大范围沙尘天气.28日凌晨,沙尘进入北京,受此影响北京出现了严重的污染天气.本文利用中国气象局地面常规观测资料、气溶胶激光雷达、风廓线雷达资料、生态环境部大气成分等资料分析了北京沙尘天气前后边界层特征、沙尘来源以及沙尘天气前后大气污染特征.结果表明...  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt is made to assess the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) depth over an urban area, as derived from different ABL schemes employed by the mesoscale model MM5. Furthermore, the relationship of the mixing height, as depicted by the measurements, to the calculated ABL depth or other features of the ABL structure, is also examined. In particular, the diurnal evolution of ABL depth is examined over the greater Athens area, employing four different ABL schemes plus a modified version, whereby urban features are considered. Measurements for two selected days, when convective conditions prevailed and a strong sea-breeze cell developed, were used for comparison. It was found that the calculated eddy viscosity profile seems to better indicate the mixing height in both cases, where either a deep convective boundary layer develops, or a more confined internal boundary layer is formed. For the urban scheme, the incorporation of both anthropogenic and storage heat release provides promising results for urban applications.  相似文献   

The vertical velocity field and the convective plumes in the atmospheric boundary layer have been observed during morning hours with the acoustic Doppler sounder of the C.R.P.E. A method for plume determination using acoustic soundings in the well-mixed layer is presented. Using Telford's 1970 and Manton's 1975 models, a comparison is made between the predictions of the models and the plume properties as observed by the Doppler sodar. The mean plume velocity is found to be parabolic. It is shown, restricting Monin and Obukhov similarity to conditions inside plumes and using only vertical velocity within plumes, that the observed convective plumes carry nearly sixty percent of the sensible heat flux at the top of the surface layer.  相似文献   

WRF模式对青藏高原那曲地区大气边界层模拟适用性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式4种边界层参数化方案对青藏高原那曲地区边界层特征进行了数值模拟,并利用"第三次青藏高原大气科学试验"在青藏高原那曲地区5个站点的观测资料对模拟结果进行验证,分析不同参数化方案在那曲地区的适用性。研究表明,YSU、MYJ、ACM2和BouLac方案对2 m气温和地表温度的模拟偏低。BouLac方案模拟的地表温度偏差较小。通过对能量平衡各分量的对比分析发现,温度模拟偏低可能是向下长波辐射模拟偏低以及感热通量和潜热通量交换过强导致的。对于边界层风、位温和相对湿度垂直结构的模拟,局地方案的模拟效果均优于非局地方案。BouLac方案对那曲地区近地层温度、边界层内位温和相对湿度的垂直分布模拟效果较好。   相似文献   

In large-eddy simulations (LES) of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), near-surface models are often used to supplement subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulent stresses when a major fraction of the energetic scales within the surface layer cannot be resolved with the temporal and spatial resolution at hand. In this study, we investigate the performance of both dynamic and non-dynamic eddy viscosity models coupled with near-surface models in simulations of a neutrally stratified ABL. Two near-surface models that are commonly used in LES of the atmospheric boundary layer are considered. Additionally, a hybrid Reynolds- averaged/LES eddy viscosity model is presented, which uses Prandtl’s mixing length model in the vicinity of the surface, and blends in with the dynamic Smagorinsky model away from the surface. Present simulations show that significant portions of the modelled turbulent stresses are generated by the near-surface models, and they play a dominant role in capturing the expected logarithmic wind profile. Visualizations of the instantaneous vorticity field reveal that flow structures in the vicinity of the surface depend on the choice of the near-surface model. Among the three near-surface models studied, the hybrid eddy viscosity model gives the closest agreement with the logarithmic wind profile in the surface layer. It is also observed that high levels of resolved turbulence stresses can be maintained with the so-called canopy stress model while producing good agreement with the logarithmic wind profile.  相似文献   

A numerical modelling study is presented focusing on the effects of mesoscale sea-surface temperature (SST) variability on surface fluxes and the marine atmospheric boundary-layer structure. A basic scenario is examined having two regions of SST anomaly with alternating warm/cold or cold/warm water regions. Conditions upstream from the anomaly region have SST values equal to the ambient atmosphere temperature, creating an upstream neutrally stratified boundary layer. Downstream from the anomaly region the SST is also set to the ambient atmosphere value. When the warm anomaly is upstream from the cold anomaly, the downstream boundary layer exhibits a more complex structure because of convective forcing and mixed layer deepening upstream from the cold anomaly. An internal boundary layer forms over the cold anomaly in this case, generating two distinct layers over the downstream region. When the cold anomaly is upstream from the warm anomaly, mixing over the warm anomaly quickly destroys the shallow cold layer, yielding a more uniform downstream boundary-layer vertical structure compared with the warm-to- cold case. Analysis of the momentum budget indicates that turbulent momentum flux divergence dominates the velocity field tendency, with pressure forcing accounting for only about 20% of the changes in momentum. Parameterization of surface fluxes and boundary-layer structure at these scales would be very difficult because of their dependence on subgrid-scale SST spatial order. Simulations of similar flow over smaller scale fronts (<5 km) suggest that small-scale SST variability might be parameterized in mesoscale models by relating the effective heat flux to the strength of the SST variance.  相似文献   

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