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Laboratory and field experiments on the dissolution of oil showed that the quantity of the dissolvedoil component in the seawater depends on its solubility, concentration in the pertroleum, and theenvironmental conditions. The vertical oil concentration in calm sea decreases exponentially with depth.The vertical diffusion coefficients and dissolution constants of the N-pareffin from C_(12) to C_(21), totaliso-paraffin, cycle-paraffin and aromatic components in calm sea were calculated, and the oil dissolution in-to seawater was determined to be about 0.52% in 48 h for No. 0 light diesel oil.  相似文献   

Based on up to date literature, this paper details the evolution of wave dependence of wind stress.Some typical models of the dependence of wind stress on waves are described in detail. Although there isno universally accepted theory and model, recent studies indicate that the wind strees strongly dependson the development state of sea waves, i. e., young seas are rougher than mature seas, in other words, thewind stress decreases with increasing wave age.  相似文献   

Observations made on the northern Portugal mid-shelf between May 13 and June 15,2002 were used to characterise the near-surface velocity during one upwelling season. It was found that in the surface mixed layer,the 'tidal current' was diurnal,but the tidal elevation was semi-diurnal. Both the residual current and the major axes of all tidal constituents were nearly perpendicular to the isobaths and the tidal current ellipses rotated clockwise;the major axis of the major tidal ellipse was about 3 cm s-1. The extremely strong diurnal current in the surface layer was probably due to diurnal heating,cooling,and wind mixing that induced diurnal oscillations,including the diurnal oscillation of wind stress. This is a case different from the results measured in the other layers in this area. The near-inertial spectral peaks occurred with periods ranging from 1 047 min to 1 170 min,the longest periods being observed in deeper layers,and the shortest in the surface layer. Weak inertial events appeared during strong upwelling events,while strong inertial events appeared during downwelling or weak subinertial events. The near-inertial currents were out of phase between 5 m and 35 m layers for almost the entire measurement period,but such relationship was very weak during periods of irregular weak wind. Strong persistent southerly wind blew from May 12 to 17 and forced a significant water transport onshore and established a strong barotropic poleward jet with a surface speed exceeding 20 cm s-1. The subinertial current was related to wind variation,especially in the middle layers of 15 m and 35 m,the maximum correlation between alongshore current and alongshore wind was about 0.5 at the 5 m layer and 0.8 at the 35 m layer. The alongshore current reacted more rapidly than the cross-shore current. The strongest correlation was found at a time lag of 20 h in the upper layer and of 30 h in the deeper layer. The wind-driven surface velocity obtained from the PWP model had maximum amplitude of about 7 cm s-1,corresponding to a wind stress at 0.1 Pa,and the horizontal velocity shear due to thermal wind balance had the order of 3 cm s-1. So the local wind and thermal wind would only explain a part of the strong surface velocity variations.  相似文献   

Effect of wave-induced Stokes drift on the dynamics of ocean mixed layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The wave-forcing ’Coriolis-Stokes forcing’ and ’Stokes-vortex force’ induced by Stokes drift affect the upper ocean jointly.To study the effect of the wave-induced Stokes drift on the dynamics of the ocean mixed layer,a new three-dimensional(3D) numerical model is derived using the primitive basic equations and Eulerian wave averaging.The Princeton Ocean Model(POM),a 3D primitive equation ocean model is used with the upper wave-averaged basic equations.The global ocean circulation is simulated using the POM model,and the Stokes drift is evaluated based on the wave data generated by WAVEWATCH III.We compared simulations with and without the Stokes drift.The results show that the magnitude of the Stokes drift is comparable with the Eulerian mean current.Including the Stokes drift in the ocean model affects both the Eulerian current and the Lagranian drift and causes the vertical mixing coefficients to increase.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the relationship between Antarctic krill catch, sea ice concentration, and sea surface tempera- ture (SST). Data on the Antarctic krill catch from 2003 to 2010 in CCAMLR Area 48.2 were combined with sea ice and SST data. Results showed that krill fishing in Area 48.2 took place from February to August each year but the catch was concentrated from March to July, with production during this period accounting for about 99.3% of the annual catch. Regression analysis showed that the catch per unit effort (CPUE) was clearly related to sea ice concentration and SST intervals. CPUE was negatively correlated with the area of sea ice among years (R2=0.64), and the correlation was strongest (R2=0.71) when sea ice concentration was greater than 90%. Over the months the CPUE initially increased, then decreased as the area of sea ice increased. The relationship was strongest (R2=0.88) when the concentration of sea ice was 60%--70%. There was no negative correlation among years between CPUE and the ice-free area when S ST was between -2 ℃ and 3 ℃ (R2=0.21), but there was a significant negative correlation when SST was between 1 ℃ and 2℃ (R2=0.82). Over the months, CPUE initially increased then decreased with increasing sea ice-free area, and the relationship was strongest (R2=0.94) when SST was between 0℃and 1 ℃. This study shows that sea ice concentra- tion and SST have significant effects on the abundance of krill in Area 48.2, and the findings have practical significance for the use and conservation of Antarctic krill resources.  相似文献   

This research on the influence of sediment resuspension on the flux of materials in the margin of the East China Sea showed that the sediment resuspension rates, was 47.40%–79.18% in the surface layers, and 72.75%–96.96% in the bottom layers. The research confirmed that the Changjiang River runoff and the eddy area upwelling flow near 125°E were two important factors affecting the sediment resuspension in summer; the transformation of DOC to POC through the flocculation in the transitional region (123°–124°E) was also confirmed by comparison of the resuspension rate. The sediment resuspension was shown to be influenced by the seasonal factor, especially in the surface layer. Contribution No. 4017 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 49636210 supported by NSFC.  相似文献   

The effects of four ions and eight neuroactive compounds on inducing larval settlement of A. japonicus were assessed in the present study. All bioassays were conducted in 60 × 9 mm Petri dishes, each contained 10 mL of the test solution and 10 doliolaria larvae. There were significant inductive effects of K+(10- mmol L-1), NH+4(0.1 mmol L1), GABA(10-3 mol L-1), acetylcholine(10-5 mol L-1), L-DOPA(10-5 mol L-1), norepinephrine(10-5 mol L-1) and dopamine(10-7 mol L-1 and 10-5 mol L-1) on the settlement of sea cucumber larvae. L-DOPA and dopamine are the most efficient chemical cues to induce A. japonicus larvae to settle. The highest percentage of larval settlement was induced by 10-5 mol L-1 L-DOPA and dopamine(33% and 40%) compared to the control(7%). However, Ca2+, Mg2+, choline, serotonin, and epinephrine were less effective on larval settlement at all tested concentrations. This study evaluated the stability and feasibility of chemical cues for larval settlement in different culture systems, which can be applied to improve the hatchery production of this valuable species.  相似文献   

A statistical distribution of the maxima of a random function in two space variables is suggested to fit with stereo observations of the sea surface. The presented distribution is a complicated mix of Gaussian, Rayleighian and Maxwellian distributions and determined by three parameters of the directional spectrum, According to the changes of the three parameters it may approach the above three distributions respectively in special cases so that it has more probability of fitting stereo data better In addition, the fact that these parameters can be directly estimated from observed data is briefly in the paper.  相似文献   

Natural dams are formed when landslides are triggered by heavy rainfall during extreme weather events in the mountainous areas of Taiwan.During landslide debris movement, two processes occur simultaneously: the movement of landslide debris from a slope onto the riverbed and the erosion of the debris under the action of high-velocity river flow. When the rate of landslide deposition in a river channel is higher than the rate of landslide debris erosion by the river flow, the landslide forms a natural dam by blocking the river channel. In this study, the effects of the rates of river flow erosion and landslide deposition(termed the erosive capacity and depositional capacity, respectively) on the formation of natural dams are quantified using a physics-based approach and are tested using a scaled physical model.We define a dimensionless velocity index vde as the ratio between the depositional capacity of landslide debris(vd) and the erosive capacity of water flow(ve).The experimental test results show that a landslidedam forms when landslide debris moves at high velocity into a river channel where the river-flow velocity is low, that is, the dimensionless velocity index vde 54. Landslide debris will not have sufficient depositional capacity to block stream flow when the dimensionless velocity index vde 47. The depositional capacity of a landslide can be determined from the slope angle and the friction of the sliding surface, while the erosive capacity of a dam can be determined using river flow velocity and rainfall conditions. The methodology described in this paper was applied to seven landslide dams that formed in Taiwan on 8 August 2009 during Typhoon Morakot,the Tangjiashan landslide dam case, and the YingxiuWolong highway K24 landslide case. The dimensionless velocity index presented in this paper can be used before a rainstorm event occurs to determine if the formation of a landslide dam is possible.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the optimum interpolation sea surface temperature (OISST) provided by the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) to replace the temperature in the top three layers in the ISHII data, and make use of the modified ISHII temperature data to calculate the thermosteric sea level (called modified steric sea level (SSL) hereafter). We subtract the modified SSL and the steric sea level (called ordinary SSL hereafter) derived from the ISHII temperature and salinity from the steric sea level (SSL) provided by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), respectively, and find that the rms error of the difference of the former is obviously smaller than that of the latter. Therefore we reach the conclusion that under the assumption that the GRACE SSL is accurate, the modified SSL can reflect the true steric sea level more accurately. Making use of the modified SSL, we can find that the modified SSL in sea areas of different spatial scales shows an obvious rising trend in the upper 0-700 m layer for the period 1982-2006. The global mean SSL rises with a rate of 0.6 mm year-1 .The modified SSLs in sea areas of different spatial scales all show obvious oscillations with period of one year. There are oscillations with periods of 4-8 years in global oceans and with periods of 2-7 years in the Pacific. The Empirical Orthogonal Function method is applied to the sea areas of different spatial scales and we find that the first modes all have obvious 1-year period oscillations, the first mode of the global ocean has 4-8 year period oscillations, and that of the Pacific has 2-6 year period oscillations. The spatial distribution of the linear rising trend of the global modified SSL in the upper 0-700 m layer is inhomogeneous with intense regional characteristics. The modified SSL linear trend indicates a zonal dipole in the tropical Pacific, rising in the west and descending in the east. In the North Atlantic, the modified SSL indicates a meridional dipole, rising in the latitude band of 20°N-40°N and 45°N-65.5°N and descending obviously in the latitude band of 40°N-45°N.  相似文献   

Analysis of COADS data (1958–1987) showed that there is obviously interannual SST oscillation including QBO (Quasi-biennial oscillation) and quasi-3.5 year oscilation, etc., of the SCS (South China Sea), which is the response of the upper mixed layer of the sea to the impact of the East Asian Monsoon anomaly. Most SST anomalies appear in the central basin of the SCS. The phase-locked phenomena linking the SST annual cycle and interannual oscillation is an important characteristic of the SCS climate. There is not only SST response to atmospheric impact, but also feedback to the air. The authors put forward a scheme of regional air-sea interaction in winter time in the SCS. Project 49676276 supported by NSFC and also supported by FSEC.  相似文献   

The complex empirical orthogonal function is employed to analyse the monthly sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the Tropical West Pacific (TWP) for the period from 1951 to 1986. The results show that the SSTA in the area appear in three patterns: a quasi-stationary mode, a latitudinally propagating mode and a longitudinally propagating mode. The three modes contribute almost equally to the total variance of SST. Digital filtering, time-lag correlation, etc., are applied to analyse the quasi-period low frequency oscillations of the modes and their relations to the southern oscillation (SO) and the West Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH). The SSTA in the TWP is different from that in an ocean current area and plays a special role in the large scale air-sea interaction. Aside from being related to the SSTA in the Equatorial East Pacific, the SSTA in the TWP, on the one hand, respond to the oscillation of the global sea level pressure and influence the Subtropical High, and on the other hand receive feedback from the Subtropical High. This paper was published in Chinese inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 21 (2): 97–104, 1990.  相似文献   

The results of drift bottle and drift card experiments in the Bohai Sea and Huanghai Sea obtained by researchers of the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica from 1975–1980 are reported in this article. Of over 50,000 bottles and cards released, around 10,000 were recovered. The results gave some convincing evidences for the existence of the Huanghai Sea Coastal Current, the Huanghai Sea Warm Current, the cyclonic movement around the northern Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass, the anticyclonic eddy in the area near the Shidao-Qingdao coast and the flow of some of the Huanghai Sea water to the Japan Sea and to the North Pacific off Tokyo. The results show that the drift bottles and cards are still useful for getting the flow pattern of enclosed and semi-enclosed seas. Contribution No. 1312, Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, Qingdao.  相似文献   

Sea level observed by altimeter during the 1993–2007 period and the thermosteric sea level from 1945 through 2005 obtained by using the global ocean temperature data sets recently published are used to investigate the interannual and decadal variability of the sea level in the Japan/East Sea (JES) and its response to El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Both the interannual variations of the sea level observed by altimeter and those of the thermosteric sea level obtained from reanalyzed data in the JES are closely related to ENSO. As a result, one important consequence is that the sea level trends are mainly caused by the thermal expansion in the JES. An ‘enigma’ is revealed that the correlation between the thermosteric sea level and ENSO during the PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) warm phase (post mid-1970s) is inconsistent with that during the cold phase (pre mid-1970s) in the JES. The thermosteric sea level trends and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) suggest a strong negative correlation during the period 1977–1998, whereas there appears a relatively weak positive correlation during the period 1945–1976 in the JES. Based on the SODA (Simple Oceanographic Data Assimilation) datasets, possible mechanisms of the interannual and decadal variability of the sea level in the JES are discussed. Comprehensive analysis reveals that the negative anomalies of SOI correspond to the positive anomalies of the southeast wind stress, the net advective heat flux and the sea level in the JES during the PDO warm phase. During the PDO cold phase, the negative anomalies of SOI correspond to the positive anomalies of the southwest wind stress, the negative anomalies of the net advective heat flux and the sea level in the JES.  相似文献   

Analysis on long-term change of sea surface temperature in the China Seas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Long-term change of sea surface temperature (SST) in the China Seas from 1900 to 2006 is examined based on two different observation datasets (HadISST1 and HadSST3). Similar to the Atlantic, SST in the China Seas has been well observed dur-ing the past 107 years. A comparison between the reconstructed (HadISST1) and un-interpolated (HadSST3) datasets shows that the SST warming trends from both datasets are consistent with each other in most of the China Seas. The warming trends are stronger in winter than in summer, with a maximum rate of SST increase exceeding 2.7℃ (100 year)-1 in the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait during winter based on HadISST1. However, the SST from both datasets experienced a sudden decrease after 1999 in the China Seas. The estimated trend from HadISST1 is stronger than that from HadSST3 in the East China Sea and the east of Taiwan Island, where the difference in the linear SST warming trends are as large as about 1℃ (100 year)-1 when using respectively HadISST1 and HadSST3 datasets. When compared to the linear winter warming trend of the land surface air temperature (1.6℃ (100 year)-1), HadSST3 shows a more reasonable trend of less than 2.1℃ (100 year)-1 than HadISST1’s trend of larger than 2.7℃ (100 year)-1 at the mouth of the Yangtze River. The results also indicate large uncertainties in the estimate of SST warming patterns.  相似文献   

The possible global sea level rise and its magnitude in the next century induced by the doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are briefly discussed. The rates of crustal sinking, ground surface aggradation, and sediment compaction which might give rise to the regional characteristics of relative sea level (RSL) changes, are studied in detail. Attention is focused on the following problems that are closely associated to the sea level rise in the next century: 1) the flood susceptibility of the low-lying East China plains in the next century and its historical evidences, 2) the frequency of disastrous floods and storm surges, 3) the aggradational rate and the potential danger to the dikes along the Changjiang River's lower reaches and 4) the salt water intrusion and the water quality in the Changjiang River estuary. The study shows that the adverse impacts would be very great even if only the lower estimate of sea-level rise in the next century is considered. Therefore, comprehensive research must be conducted and decision must be made to cope with the approaching sealevel rise. Han Jiagu, 1984. The impact of geographical changes on the history of Tianjin, paper submitted to the Symposium of Environmental Changes.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTION“Agenda21”recognizestheimportanceoflandbasedsourcepolutantstomarinepolution.Coastalwaterisofgreatsignificance...  相似文献   

The influence of land-based source pollutants to marine ecological environment is principally in coastal or enclosed sea wates. Flux of land-based source pollutants into the sea will be effected due to social and economic development in the Tumen River basin. Pollutant type and primary pollution factor of the Tumen River in Northeast China is described by weighted coefficient method in this paper. The results indicate that the river is organic pollution type and primary pollution factor is COD. Fresh water fraction proves that the estuary is not affected by tide cycle. COD annual flux entering the Sea of Japan calculated by zero-dimension model in 1993 was 90.50 × 103 tons. It is estimated with emission coefficient method that the COD will be 176.4 × 103 and 458.6 × 103 tons for the years of 2000 and 2010 respectively. This work is sponored by the Open Fund of State Key Laboratory on Environmental Aquatic Chemistry.  相似文献   

As a transport means of oil and gas the submarine pipeline has many merits, such as continuous delivery, large conveying capacity, convenient management, etc. A tube was chosen in our study to simulate the submarine pipeline in the experiments. A high accuracy instrument ADV and high precision point-type pressure sensors were used to measure the parameters of the flow field, including the pressure distribution, velocities at seven cross sections near the submarine pipeline with five different clearance ratios, and twelve dynamic pressure values around the pipeline. The pressure distributions and velocity changes around the pipe under different flow velocities and clearance ratios were analyzed. These results might be useful for further study of submarine pipeline erosion and protection.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the effects of CO_2-induced seawater acidification on fertilization, embryogenesis and early larval development in the sea urchin Glyptocidaris crenularis, that inhabits subtidal coastal areas in northern China. The range in seawater p H used in experiments was based on the projections of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC), to the year 2100. A natural seawater treatment(p H_(nbs) =7.98±0.03) and three laboratory-controlled acidified treatments(OA_1, ΔpH_(nbs) =-0.3 units; OA_2, ΔpH_(nbs) =-0.4 units; OA_3, ΔpH_(nbs) =-0.5 units) were used in experiments. Results show that:(1) there was a negative effect of seawater acidification on fertilization and on the percentage of abnormal fertilized eggs;(2) the size of early cleavage stage embryos decreased in a dose-dependent manner with decreasing p H;(3) both the hatching rate of blastulae and the survival rate of four-armed pluteus larvae decreased as pH declined;(4) larval abnormalities including asymmetrical development, changes in the length of skeletal elements, and corroded spicules were observed in all seawater acidified-treatments compared with the control. These data indicate that seawater acidification has a negative impact on the early development of G. crenularis, and supports the hypothesis that the response of echinoderms to ocean acidification(OA) varies among species. Further research is required to clarify the specific cellular mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

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