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海洋仪器分类及型号命名会于1983年6月1日至6月3日,在天津海洋仪器研究所召开。有来自领导机关、科研、生产、使用、标准计量和高等院校等,19个单位26人参加了会议。与会代表一致认为《海洋仪器分类及型号命名办法》标准是海洋仪器行业的一项重要基  相似文献   

海洋局科技司和装备司主持的海洋站仪器质量座谈会于1983年6月7日~9日在海洋仪器研究所召开。与会代表有海洋局科技司、装备司、政研室、海洋学报、各分局、海洋局和海洋学院等共25人。座谈会首先由仪器所李付所长讲话;听取了李长连同志代表海洋站仪器检查组作了“关于对我局部分海洋站仪器质量及计量工作抽查情况”的报告。报告中指出:自1982年上海召开的海洋站仪器计量检定工作座谈会以来,我局的海洋站仪器计量检定工作有所改进,仪器超检现象明显减少。但也发现一些问题,现用仪器中仍有16%超检,备用仪器中有18%超检,12%的仪器无备用,备用  相似文献   

按机械工业部仪器仪表总局[82]国仪标字072号《关于发送1982年标准工作通知》的精神,气象、水文、海洋仪器学会海洋仪器专业组将于本年四月二日至七日在青岛市召开“海洋仪器术语专业标准词目”审定会。海洋仪器术语标准编审委员会成员及特邀代表28人均将出席会议。届时由海洋仪器术语编  相似文献   

本文较详细地介绍了该仪器的原理、结构及使用方法,特别是对于其中引压及消波原理作了更为详细的描述。最后,还就目前世界上使用的压力式验潮仪与该仪器作了简明的比较,提出了该仪器广泛的应用发展前景。  相似文献   

近年来国内某些单位引进挪威安德拉仪器公司生产的海洋、气象观测仪器,就引进的品种和数量海洋局均占首位。随之人们对安德拉仪器公司的产品及公司本身产生了兴趣。安德拉仪器公司(实际上是工厂)座落在卑尔根市市郊。这个城市背山面海,风景秀丽,位于挪威南部的西海岸。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种新型的声学遥控释放器,并就该仪器的特点、技术性能、主要参数设计及仪器操作使用方法等方面进行综合介绍。  相似文献   

全站仪是由电子经纬仪与光电测距仪组合的仪器,是集自动测距、测角、计算、数据存储及数据传输于一体的自动化、数字化及智能化的三维坐标测量与定位系统,是一种当今广泛应用于大地测量、工程测量、数字化测图的电子测量仪器,是现代测绘行业最主要、最普通的测绘仪器,仪器的维护和供电系统的保养,已经成为测绘生产单位的一项工作。  相似文献   

LCL-1型强潮流流速测录仪,是专为海洋能源开发利用收集近海强潮流资料而设计的一种新仪器,在设计时,根据本课题测流任务的要求,参考了目前国内外在江河和海洋中一些先进的测流仪器。本仪器分为感应部分、支承系统、轴承密封装置,发信机构、悬挂及尾舵等部分。本文着重介绍该仪器的传感部分,并对其中有些技术问题作了较详细地论述。  相似文献   

每一位海洋地质工作者都非常重视外业调查及第一手资料的获取,而这些往往得益于海洋地质调查仪器的帮助.以前我们常用的表层沉积物取样仪器,有普通蚌式抓斗、小箱式取样器、多管取样器等.这里介绍一种深海新型取样仪器--电视抓斗.目前,它在深海及大洋洋中脊资源调查,特别是在深海底块状硫化物、多金属结核、锰结壳调查等勘测中扮演着重要...  相似文献   

本文比较详细地对国内外各种波浪仪器的性能进行评价,并对研制及生产仪器的单位分别作了介绍。  相似文献   

多普勒雷达资料同化在台风“桑美”预报中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文以2006年超强台风"桑美"为个例,考察了同化雷达径向风观测资料对台风初始场和预报场的改进作用。首先对沿海新一代多普勒天气雷达的径向风观测资料进行了去噪音、退模糊等一系列的质量控制,进一步利用美国国家大气研究中心开发的中尺度数值模式WRFV3.5及其三维变分同化系统WRF-3DVAR,每30min循环同化雷达径向风观测资料。结果表明:同化多普勒雷达径向风观测资料后,对台风在模式中的初始位置进行了很好的修正,同时对台风区的动力和热力结构均有较好的调整。两组同化试验对于台风的路径、强度、降水等预报要优于控制试验,并且对背景误差协方差尺度化因子优化调整可以更有效地吸收雷达观测资料并提供更多的中小尺度信息。  相似文献   

作者利用在渤海进行的不同时距的平均风速观测值,经统计分析求得1秒、2分和10分钟平均风速间的线性关系。同时根据风速梯度观测值给出风速指数廓线的指数值,并且给定风速对数廓线的特征值:海面摩擦速度和海面粗糙度。此外,作者还提出了海面风应力的经验公式。  相似文献   

基于福建省冬半年沿海和港湾岛屿自动站的逐时极大风观测资料和WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)、EC(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)细网格以及T639(TL639L60)三种模式预报的10 m 风场资料, 将模式预报的风向风速与观测资料进行对比检验, 结果表明: 福建省沿海冬半年大风的盛行风向以东北风为主, 大风的时空分布极为不均, 沿海风力的脉动性、跳跃性、局地性突出。从三种模式对风速风向的模拟效果来看, WRF 和EC 细网格的预报效果较好, 有可参考性, T639可参考性不高。对于风速, 模式预报结果相比实况极大风速偏小, 港湾岛屿代表站风速的平均绝对误差均小于沿海代表站, 预报平均误差由沿海向内陆逐渐减小, 由中部向南北逐渐减小。风向相比风速的预报效果要差, WRF 和EC 细网格的风向预报误差在45°~50°, 有一定的参考意义; 港湾岛屿代表站风向的平均绝对误差大于沿海代表站, 以浮标站的误差最大。当观测风速出现7 级及以上风速时, 若对大风进行分级检验, 则较低风速的预报平均绝对误差小于较高风速; 风向预报的平均绝对误差也大大降低, 且误差都在45°以内, 具有良好的参考性。  相似文献   

本文根据南麂海洋站1983~1989年实测风和浪的资料,分析了大风和大浪的关系。结果表明:大浪日、大风日各月出现次数不匀。风浪大浪日及涌浪大浪日出现比率分别占56%和44%。各向大浪波高均值变化幅度不大。各向大浪波高极值却有较大差异。风浪H1/10波高为1.5~2.0m、当风速为11~13m/s时,大浪出现频率最高。本文还给出了波龄较大的风浪大浪波高与大风风速的经验关系。基于不同类型的台风路径,得到了本区从H1/10波高为1.5m以上时台风中心的位置。利用此结果可以预报本区大浪出现的时间。  相似文献   

This paper describes the first reported high-resolution remote measurements of sea-ice velocities during the summer Arctic pack-ice breakup, made with a high-frequency (HF) radar system (CODAR, for Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar) located on Cross Island, Alaska. Each 36-min observation also gives the positions of the ice edge, the moving ice, and the open water, with an azimuthal and distance resolution of5degand 1.2 km, respectively, to a range of 15 km. The statistical uncertainties in speed are typically 2-4 cm/s. The ice breakup was observed over a two-day period starting with low ice velocity and no open water and ending with ice and current velocities of approximately 40 cm/s. The position of the ice edge is verified by a simultaneous synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image. To compare the ice, current, and wind velocities, a uniform velocity model was fitted to the measurements of radial velocity. The speed of both ice and current under free drift conditions was found to lie between 2 and 5 percent of the wind speed and the direction within20degof the wind direction.  相似文献   

Sea ice drift is mainly controlled by ocean currents, local wind, and internal ice stress. Information on sea ice motion, especially in situ synchronous observation of an ice velocity, a current velocity, and a wind speed, is of great significance to identify ice drift characteristics. A sea ice substitute, the so-called "modelled ice", which is made by polypropylene material with a density similar to Bohai Sea ice, is used to complete a free drift experiment in the open sea. The trajectories of isolated modelled ice, currents and wind in the Bohai Sea during non-frozen and frozen periods are obtained. The results show that the currents play a major role while the wind plays a minor role in the free drift of isolated modelled ice when the wind is mild in the Bohai Sea. The modelled ice drift is significantly affected by the ocean current and wind based on the ice–current–wind relationship established by a multiple linear regression. The modelled ice velocity calculated by the multiple linear regression is close to that of the in situ observation, the magnitude of the error between the calculated and observed ice velocities is less than12.05%, and the velocity direction error is less than 6.21°. Thus, the ice velocity can be estimated based on the observed current velocity and wind speed when the in situ observed ice velocity is missing. And the modelled ice of same thickness with a smaller density is more sensitive to the current velocity and the wind speed changes. In addition, the modelled ice drift characteristics are shown to be close to those of the real sea ice, which indicates that the modelled ice can be used as a good substitute of real ice for in situ observation of the free ice drift in the open sea, which helps solve time availability, safety and logistics problems related to in situ observation on real ice.  相似文献   

The parameter that describes the kinetics of the air-sea exchange of a poorly soluble gas is the gas transfer velocity which is often parameterized as a function of wind speed. Both theoretical and experimental studies suggest that wind waves and their breaking can significantly enhance the gas exchange at the air-sea interface. A relationship between gas transfer velocity and a turbulent Reynolds number related to wind waves and their breaking is proposed based on field observations and drag coefficient formulation. The proposed relationship can be further simplified as a function of the product of wind speed and significant wave height. It is shown that this bi-parameter formula agrees quantitatively with the wind speed based parameterizations under certain wave age conditions. The new gas transfer velocity attains its maximum under fully developed wave fields, in which it is roughly dependent on the square of wind speed. This study provides a practical approach to quantitatively determine the effect of waves on the estimation of air-sea gas fluxes with routine observational data.  相似文献   

地球物理模型函数是一种常被用于同极化合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)的风场反演方法.在使用该方法提取SAR数据的风速时,需要将风向作为输入信息,这导致反演风速的精度受风向精度的影响,且使SAR风场反演无法独立完成.为了解决这些问题,通过数值模拟获取仿真的组网SAR卫星数据,3颗S...  相似文献   

海?气界面CO2通量的估算采用块体公式,其等于气体交换速率、CO2溶解度以及海水与大气的CO2分压差的乘积,其中的气体交换速率通常与风速相联系,不同作者提出了气体交换速率为风速不同幂次多项式的参数化方案。本文对比了气体交换速率为风速函数的主要研究结果,发现与风速多项式的依赖关系相比,观测数据所基于的观测方法对于气体交换速率的影响更大。在此基础上,本文用多种不同的气体交换速率参数化公式计算了1982?2018年全球的CO2通量,海洋整体上是大气CO2的汇,赤道海区是源,南北半球40°附近的海域构成沿纬向的强吸收带。37 a间,海洋CO2通量的年平均值(以碳计)为(?1.53±0.15) Pg/a, 1999年前,海洋吸收量逐年减小,1999年达到最小值,之后海洋吸收量开始增大,海洋吸收量的增大主要发生在南大洋。  相似文献   

The ocean drift current consists of a (local) pure drift current generated by the interaction of wind and waves at the sea surface, to which the surface geostrophic current is added vectorially. We present (a) a similarity solution for the wave boundary layer (which has been validated through the prediction of the 10-m drag law), from which the component of pure drift current along the direction of the wind (and hence the speed factor) can be evaluated from the 10-m wind speed and the peak wave period, and (b) a similarity solution for the Ekman layers of the two fluids, which shows that under steady-state neutral conditions the pure drift current lies along the direction of the geostrophic wind, and has a magnitude 0.034 that of the geostrophic wind speed. The co-existence of these two similarity solutions indicates that the frictional properties of the coupled air-sea system are easily evaluated functions of the 10-m wind speed and the peak wave period, and also leads to a simple expression for the angle of deflection of the pure drift current to the 10 m wind. The analysis provides a dynamical model for global ocean drift on monthly and annual time scales for which the steady-state neutral model is a good approximation. In particular, the theoretical results appear to be able to successfully predict the mean surface drift measured by HF Radar, which at present is the best technique for studying the near surface velocity profile.  相似文献   

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