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Thermal springs of the Boundary Creek hydrothermal system in the southwestern part of Yellowstone Park outside the caldera boundary vary in chemical and isotopic composition, and temperature. The diversity may be accounted for by a combination of processes including boiling of a deep thermal water, mixing of the deep thermal water with cool meteoric water and/or with condensed steam or steam-heated meteoric water, and chemical reactions with surrounding rocks. Dissolved-silica, Na+, K+ and Ca2+ contents of the thermal springs could result from a thermal fluid with a temperature of 200 ± 20°C. Chloride-enthalpy and silica-enthalpy mixing models suggest mixing of 230°C, 220 mg/l Cl thermal water with cool, low-Cl components. A 350 to 390°C component with Cl ≥ 300 mg/l is possibly present in thermal springs inside the caldera but is not required to fit observed spring chemical and isotopic compositions. Irreversible mass transfer models in which a low-temperature water reacts with volcanic glass as it percolates downward and warms, can account for observed pH and dissolved-silica, K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations, but produces insufficient Cl or F for measured concentrations in the warm springs. The ratio of aNa/aH, and Cl are best accounted for in mixing models. The water-rock interaction model fits compositions of acid-sulfate waters observed at Summit Lake and of low-Cl waters involved in mixing.The cold waters collected from southwestern Yellowstone Park have δD values ranging from −118 to −145 per mil and δ18O values of −15.9 to −19.4 per mil. Two samples from nearby Island Park have δD values of −112 and −114 per mil and δ18O values of −15.1 and −15.3 per mil. All samples of thermal water plot significantly to the right of the meteoric water line. The low Cl and variable δD values of the thermal waters indicate isotopic compositions are derived by extensive dilution with cold meteoric water and by steam separation on ascent to the surface. Many of the hot springs with higher δD values may contain in addition a significant amount of high-D, low-Cl, acid-sulfate or steam-heated meteoric water. Mixing models, Cl content and isotopic compositions of thermal springs suggest that 30% or less of a deep thermal component is present. For example, the highest-temperature springs from Three Rivers, Silver Scarf and Upper Boundary Creek thermal areas contain up to 70% cool meteoric water and 30% hot water components, springs at Summit Lake and Middle Boundary Creek spring 57 are acid-sulfate or steam-heated meteoric water; springs 27 and 48 from Middle Boundary Creek and 49 from Mountain Ash contain in excess of 50% acid-sulfate water; and Three Rivers spring 46 and Phillips could result from mixing hot water with 55% cool meteoric water followed by mixing of acid-sulfate water. Extensive dilution by cool meteoric water increases the uncertainties in quantity and nature of the deep meteoric, thermal component.  相似文献   

Four of Rhodesia's hottest spring complexes (54–100°C) were studied. Tritium contents were very low, compared to adjacent rivers, indicating that the samples studied were indigenous, deep-seated water which had undergone negligible intermixing with surface water.The noble-gas measurements revealed: (1) the waters are meteoric; (2) the noble gases were kept in closed-system conditions in the ground; (3) paleotemperatures are 26–31°C; (4) the boiling Binga springs lost part of their noble gases.Independently, measurements of stable isotopes indicate the meteoric origin of the springs. The chemical composition of the waters clearly reflects their origin from two groups of rocks — one from Karroo sediments and one from crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

Chemical interaction of thermal fluids with reservoir rock in the Roosevelt Hot Springs thermal area, Utah, has resulted in the development of characteristic trace-element dispersion patterns. Multielement analyses of surface rock samples, soil samples and drill cuttings from deep exploration wells provide a three-dimensional perspective of chemical redistribution within this structurally-controlled hot-water geothermal system.Five distinctive elemental suites of chemical enrichment are recognized, each characteristic of a particular combination of physical and chemical conditions within the geothermal system. These are: (1) concentrations of As, Sb, Be, and Hg associated with siliceous material at locations of liquid discharge, fluid mixing or boiling; (2) concentrations of Mn, Ba, W, Be, Cu, Co, As, Sb and Hg in manganese and iron oxide deposits; (3) high concentrations of Hg in argillized rock near fumaroles and lower concentrations in a broad diffuse halo surrounding the thermal center; (4) concentrations of As in sulfides and Li in silicate alteration minerals immediately surrounding high-temperature fluid flow-controlling fractures; (5) deposits of CaCO3 at depth where flashing of brine to steam has occurred due to pressure release. The geochemical enrichments are not, in general, widespread, pervasively developed zones of regular form and dimension as are typical in many ore-forming hydrothermal systems.As the geothermal system develops, changes and eventually declines through time, the chemical deposits are developed, remobilized or superimposed upon each other, thus preserving within the rocks a record of the history of the geothermal system. Recognition of trace-element distribution patterns during the exploration of a geothermal system may aid definition of the present geometry and interpretation of the history of the system.  相似文献   

During a 4-month period starting from 21 January, 1997, an earthquake swarm of seven major events (Ms≥6.0) struck the Jiashi region at the northwestern corner of the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang,, China. Previous relocation studies suggested that these strong earthquakes had occurred along at least two parallel rupture zones. According to the relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms of the events, we have constructed fault models for these seven earthquakes to calculate the Coulomb stress changes produced by each of these events. Furthermore, we extended our model calculations to include an ad- jacent 1996 Ms=6.9 Artushi earthquake, which occurred one year before the Jiashi earthquake swarm. Our calculations show that the Coulomb stress change caused by the preceding events was around 0.05 MPa at the hypocenter of the 4th event, and higher than 0.08 MPa at the hypocenters of the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th events. Our results reveal a Coulomb stress interactive cycle of earthquake triggering between two adjacent normal and strike-slip faults.  相似文献   


The distribution of environmental tritium, deuterium and oxygen-18 in the unsaturated zone and the underlying sandy phreatic aquifer was studied throughout 1981 in an area of high pine forests in the Rhine valley near Heidelberg. The observed vertical distribution of isotopes in the unsaturated zone can be satisfactorily explained by the combined use of a multi-cell model for moisture transport and an evapotranspiration model. The distribution in the underlying aquifer of the tracer input at the water table obtained using this method is found by replacing the total vertical diffusion coefficient in the diffusion equation with the dispersion coefficient. In this way observed tritium profiles are satisfactorily simulated for the period 1966–1981. The stable isotope profile in the unsaturated zone however remains largely unexplained due to inadequate data on the stable isotope content of precipitation over the investigated area.  相似文献   

A newly developed technique for high-precision isotopic analyses of titanium was applied to terrestrial rocks and course- and fine-grained Allende inclusions. Repeated analyses of three terrestrial rocks gave excellent agreement (usually less than 2 × 10?4 deviations) with a Ti metal standard. All seven Allende inclusions studied here were previously determined to contain isotopically normal Nd and/or Sm, indicating that none belongs to a small group of peculiar inclusions, dubbed as FUN inclusions. Yet, every inclusion showed a clearly resolvable excess at50Ti, with ε(50/46) [deviation from the Ti standard in parts in 104] ranging from +7 to +10 for five of the inclusions, while two pink fine-grained inclusions gave larger excesses of +15 and +28. Six inclusions also exhibited greater than 2σ deficits at47Ti/46Ti, with an average value greater than ?2 ε-units. Analyses of pyroxene and melilite separates and bulk samples from one inclusion furnished no evidence for Ti isotopic disequilibrium within a single inclusion. However, the possibility that pyroxene contributed the bulk of the Ti in all samples renders this a rather insensitive test. A graphical presentation of Ti isotopic abundances for these normal Allende inclusions, two previously analyzed FUN inclusions, and terrestrial samples demonstrates that at least three distinct components are required.The discovery of widespread isotopic anomalies in Ti fromnormal Allende inclusions establishes Ti as the first non-noble-gas element studied since oxygen to show such isotopic heterogeneity. A survey of published nucleosynthetic origins of Ti isotopes suggests that the dominant50Ti excesses in these inclusions are due to the relative enrichment of isotopes synthesized during hydrostatic burning in or near the core of a massive star. Such a source is seemingly consistent with the absence of isotopic anomalies in previously analyzed elements, and can be tested via its prediction of similar excesses for the neutron-rich isotopes of Cr, Fe and Ni and their respective radioactive decay products.  相似文献   

Normal faults within the Ptolemais coal field and large seismogenic faults in the northwestern Aegean remain fractal for displacement values larger than about 1m. The kinematic parameters on reverse drag profiles such as length of rollover, footwall uplift and wavelength of footwall uplift show that all three parameters have a power law relationship, expressed by a c exponent of about 1, with the maximum displacement which take place across the fault. Footwall uplift/hanging wall subsidence ratio is about 1/2.The displacement analysis help us to propose a growth model for larger seismogenic faults in the NW Aegean, as is the ‘Hepiros fault set’ and the ‘Aliakmon fault zone’. Faults within the ‘Aliakmon fault zone’ were independently developed, at the first stages of deformation, by tip line deformation and out-of plane bifurcation, whereas later, deformation continued by segment linkage. One of these faults the ‘Sarakina fault’ was reactivated during the 1995 earthquake to produce a 25 km long surface rupture. A long term slip rate of about 0.3 mm a−1 has been estimated by taking into consideration that over the past 6 Ma a maximum displacement of 1700 m across this fault has taken place.  相似文献   

采用流动采样、定点观测分析方法,对滇西北地区部分典型活动断裂带上天然出露的温泉,进行水汞背景值(本底值)调查和观测研究,得出各点位温泉中水汞的正常变化范围、空间分布特征,以及与活动构造的关系,用于滇西北地区地震短临跟踪加密观测,以及强震现场周围的前兆异常监视工作。  相似文献   

Results from hydrometric and isotopic investigations of unsaturated flow during snowmelt are presented for a hillslope underlain by well-sorted sands. Passage of melt and rainwater through the vadose zone was detected from temporal changes in soil water 2H concentrations obtained from sequential soil cores. Bypassing flow was indicated during the initial snowmelt phase, but was confined to the near-surface zone. Recharge below this zone was via translatory flow, as meltwater inputs displaced premelt soil water. Estimates of premelt water fluxes indicate that up to 19 per cent of the premelt soil water may have been immobile. Average water particle velocities during snowmelt ranged from 6.2 × 10?7 to 1.1 × 10?6 ms?1, suggesting that direct groundwater recharge by meltwater during snowmelt was confined to areas where the premelt water table was within 1 m of the ground surface. Soil water 2H signatures showed a rapid response to isotopically-heavy rain-on-snow inputs late in the melt. In addition, spatial variations in soil moisture content at a given depth induced a pronounced lateral component to the predominantly vertical transport of water. Both factors may complicate isotopic profiles in the vadose zone, and should be considered when employing environmental isotopes to infer recharge processes during snowmelt.  相似文献   

We report chemical, mineralogic and Rb-Sr data on deep-sea spherules and on particles from an Antarctic Ocean core in which an excess Ir content has been identified.87Sr/86Sr compositions in the deep-sea spherules are determined to 1–2‰ and are in the range 0.730–0.757. The87Sr/86Sr compositions and the Sr concentrations are in the range observed for the majority of chondritic meteorites.84Sr/88Sr ratios are normal to within 1%. Extreme depletion of Rb relative to the chondritic abundance is found in the deep-sea spherules. These data support the inference based on chemical composition and mineralogy that the deep-sea spherules are produced by the ablation or heating of meteoroids in the Earth's atmosphere with substantial loss of Rb by volatilization. Most terrestrial sources for the deep-sea spherules can be excluded, based on the chemical composition and on the Sr isotopic composition. The results on vesicular, Ir-rich particles from the Antarctic Ocean core give87Sr/86Sr in the range 0.703–0.705 and within the range observed for ocean island basalts but significantly above mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). A crystalline basaltic particle from this core shows non-radiogenic87Sr/86Sr= 0.701 ± 0.001, in the range observed for MORB and basaltic achondrites. The Sr data on the vesicular particles do not provide positive support for an extraterrestrial provenance for these materials. The basaltic particles cannot reasonably be the primary source of the high Ir concentration and some other lithic component remains to be identified.  相似文献   

Chung-Ho  Wang  Chi-Yuen  Wang  Ching-Huei  Kuo  Wen-Fu  Chen 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):37-54
Abstract   The changes in the isotopic composition of, and the groundwater level in, the Choshui River alluvial fan near the ruptured Chelungpu Fault during and following the 1999 ( M w = 7.5) Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan are reported. Three aspects of the hydrological changes are noticed. First, following the Chi-Chi earthquake, the lower aquifers beneath the Choshui River fan showed a significant shift in isotopic composition towards that of the surface water in the Choshui River, suggesting enhanced exchanges of water between the river and the groundwater. Second, in some wells, water levels and isotopic compositions in different aquifers converged to the same respective values during the Chi-Chi earthquake, suggesting coseismic exchanges of water between the different aquifers, which implies enhanced permeability due perhaps to the fracturing and breaching of aquitards between the aquifers. Third, the pattern of the coseismic water-level response is distinctly different from that of the shift in the isotopic composition, suggesting that they were produced by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

A geochemical study of thermal and cold springs, stream waters and gas emissions has been carried out in the Mt. Amiata geothermal region.The cold springs and stream waters do not seem to have received significant contribution from hot deep fluids. On the contrary, the thermal springs present complex and not clearly quantifiable interactions with the hot fluids of the main geothermal reservoir.The liquid-dominated systems in the Mt. Amiata area, like most of the high-enthalpy geothermal fields in the world, are characterized by saline, NaCl fluids. The nature of the reservoir rock (carbonatic and anhydritic), and its widespread occurrence in central Italy, favor a regional circulation of “Ca-sulfate” thermal waters, which discharge from its outcrop areas. Waters of this kind, which have been considered recharge waters of the known geothermal fields, dilute, disperse and react with the deep geothermal fluids in the Mt. Amiata area, preventing the use of the main chemical geothermometers for prospecting purposes. The temperatures obtained from the chemical geothermometers vary widely and are generally cooler than temperatures measured in producing wells.Other thermal anomalies in central Italy, apart from those already known, might be masked by the above-mentioned circulation. A better knowledge of deep-fluid chemistry could contribute to the calibration of specific geothermometers for waters from reservoirs in carbonatic rocks.  相似文献   

The Bishop Tuff represents a single eruption of chemically zoned rhyolitic magma. Six whole rock samples spanning the compositional and temperature range yield initial87Sr/86Sr of 0.7060–0.7092 andδ18O of 5.9–10.3‰. Six constituent sanidines yield smaller ranges of initial87Sr/86Sr of 0.7061–0.7069 andδ18O of 6.7–7.9. In contrast143Nd/144Nd ratios for the six whole rocks and two constituent magnetites exhibit negligible variation with a mean of0.51258 ± 1. These data are used to show that the phenocrysts were precipitated from an already chemically zoned liquid, that the zoning process involved negligible assimilation of, or exchange with, country rocks and that the extreme Sr and O isotopic disequilibria are probably the result of post-eruptive interaction with meteoric water. The parent magma had?Nd = ?0.9, ?Sr = +23 andδ18O = 7‰ and was formed from mantle-derived magmas and/or melts of lower crustal rocks isotopically similar to parts of the Sierra Nevada Batholith.  相似文献   

The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and the Airborne Visible/IR Image Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data were used to characterize hot spring deposits in the Lower, Midway, and Upper Geyser Basins of Yellowstone National Park from the visible/near infrared (VNIR) to thermal infrared (TIR) wavelengths. Field observations of these basins provided the critical ground-truth for comparison with the remote sensing results. Fourteen study sites were selected based on diversity in size, deposit type, and thermal activity. Field work included detailed site surveys such as land cover analysis, photography, Global Positioning System (GPS) data collection, radiometric analysis, and VNIR spectroscopy. Samples of hot spring deposits, geyser deposits, and soil were also collected. Analysis of ASTER data provided broad scale characteristics of the hot springs and their deposits, including the identification of thermal anomalies. AVIRIS high spectral resolution short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectroscopy provided the ability to detect hydrothermally altered minerals as well as a calibration for the multispectral SWIR ASTER data. From the image analysis, differences in these basins were identified including the extent of thermal alteration, the location and abundance of alteration minerals, and a comparison of active, near-extinct, and extinct geysers. We determined the activity level of each region using a combination of the VNIR-SWIR-TIR spectral differences as well as the presence of elevated temperatures, detected by the TIR subsystem of ASTER. The results of this study are applicable to the exploration of extinct mineralized hydrothermal deposits on both Earth and Mars.  相似文献   

We conducted a laser-equipped analog experiment aimed at quasi-continuously monitoring the growth of a dense population of normal faults in homogeneous conditions. To further understand the way geological faults progressively gain in slip and length as they accumulate more strain, we measured with great precision the incremental slip and length changes that the analog faults sustain as they grow. These measurements show that the analog faults share common features with the natural ones. In particular, during their growth, the faults develop and maintain cumulative slip profiles that are generally triangular and asymmetric. The growth takes place through two distinct phases: an initial, short period of rapid lateral lengthening, followed by a longer phase of slip accumulation with little or no lengthening. The incremental slip is found to be highly variable in both space (along the faults) and time, resulting in variable slip rates. In particular, ‘short- and long-term’ slip rates are markedly different. We also find that slip measurements at local points on fault traces do not contain clear information on the slip increment repeat mode. Finally, while the fault growth process is highly heterogeneous when considered at the scale of a few slip events, it appears homogeneous and self-similar at longer time scales which integrate many slip increments. This is likely to be the result of a feedback between stress heterogeneities and slip development. The long-term scale homogeneity also implies that the long-term faulting process is primarily insensitive to the short-term heterogeneities that are rapidly smoothed or redistributed. We propose a new conceptual scenario of fault growth that integrates the above observations and we suggest that faults grow in a bimodal way as a result of a self-driven and self-sustaining process.  相似文献   

Fluid infiltration into fault zones and their deeper-level counterparts, brittle-ductile shear zones, is examined in diverse tectonic environments. In the 2.7 Ga Abitibi greenstone belt, major tectonic discontinuities, with lateral extents of hundreds of kilometres initiated as listric normal faults accommodating rift extension and acted as sites for komatiite extrusion and locally intense metasomatism. During reverse motion on the structures, accommodating shortening of the belt, these transcrustal faults were utilised as a conduit for the ascent of trondhjemitic magmas from the base of the crust and of alkaline magmas from the asthenosphere and for the discharge of thousands of cubic kilometres of hydrothermal fluids. Such fluids were characterised by 18O=+6±2, D=–50±20, 13C=–4±4, and temperatures of 270 to 450°C, probably derived from devolatilisation of crustal rocks undergoing prograde metamorphism. Hydrothermal fluids were more radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr=0.7010 to 0.7040) and possessed higher than did contemporaneous mantle, komatiites or tholeiites, and thus carried a contribution from older sialic basement. A provinciality of87Sr/86Sr and 13C is evident, signifying that fault plumbing sampled lower crust which was heterogeneous at the scale of tens of kilometres. Mineralised faults possess enrichments of large ion lithophile (LIL), LIL elements, including K, Rb, Ba, Cs, B, and CO2, and rare elements, such as Au, Ag, As, Sb, Se, Te, Bi, and W. Fluids were characterised by XCO 20.1, neutral to slightly acidic pH, low salinity 3 wt-%, K/Na=0.1, they carried minor CH4, CO, and N2, and they underwent transient effervescence of CO2 during decompression. Clastic sediments occupy graben developed at fault flexures. The40Ar/39Ar release spectra indicate that fault rocks experienced episodic disturbance on time scales of hundreds of millions of years.At the Grenville front, translation was accommodated along two mylonite zones and an intervening boundary fault. The high-temperature (580°C) and low-temperature (430 to 490°C) mylonite zones, formed in the presence of deep-level crust-equilibrated fluids of metamorphic origin. Late brittle faults contain quartz veins precipitated from fluids with extemely negative 18O (–14 per mil) at 200 to 300°C. The water may have been derived from downward penetration into fault zones of precipitation of low18O on a mountain range induced by continental collision, with uplift accommodated at deep levels by the mylonite zones coupled with rebound on the boundary faults.Archean gneisses overlie Proterozoic sediments along thrust surfaces at Lagoa Real, Brazil; the gneisses are transected by brittle-ductile shear zones locally occupied by uranium deposits. Following deformation at 500 to 540°C, in the presence of metamorphic fluids and under conditions of low water-to-rock ratio, shear zones underwent local intense oxidation and desilication. All minerals undergo a shift of –10 per mil, indicating discharge of meteoric-water-recharged formation brines in the underlying Proterozoic sediments up through the Archean gneisses, during overthrusting; 1000 km3 of solutions passed through these structures. The shear zones and Proterozoic sediments are less radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr=0.720) than contemporaneous Archean gneisses (0.900), corroborating the transport of fluids and solutes through the structure from a large external reservoir.Major crustal detachment faults of Tertiary age in the Picacho Cordilleran metamorphic core complex of Arizona show an upward transition from undeformed granitic basement through mylonitic to brecciated and hydrothermally altered counterparts. The highest tectonic levels are allochthonous, oxidatively altered Miocene volcanics. This transition is accompanied by an increase of 12 per mil in 18O, from +7 to +19, and a 400°C decrease in temperature. Lower tectonic levels acted as aquifers for the expulsion of large volumes of higher-temperature reduced metamorphic fluids and/or evolved formation brines. The Miocene allochthon was influenced by a lower-temperature reservoir inducing oxidative potassic alteration; mixing occurred between cool downward-penetrating thermal waters and the hot, deeper aqueous reservoir.In general, flow regimes in these fault and shear zones follow a sequence, from conditions of high temperature and pressure with locally derived fluids at low water-to-rock ratios, during initiation of the structures, to high fluxes of reduced formation or metamorphic fluids along conduits as the structures propagate and intersect hydrothermal reservoirs. Later in the tectonic evolution and at shallower crustal levels there was incursion of oxidising fluids from near-surface reservoirs into the faults. In general, magmatism, tectonics, and fluid motion are intimately related.  相似文献   

New Pb, Sr and O isotopic analyses of rocks from the Skaergard intrusion indicate the following: (1) initial87Sr/86Sr of the gabbroic magma was less than or equal to 0.7041; (2) limited contamination of magma with crustal Sr and Pb may have occurred in a deep reservoir below the presently exposed parts of the intrusion; (3) marked crustal contamination occurred at high level in marginal border group rocks, but these rocks effectively shielded the main magma body from further interaction with country rock gneisses; (4) subsolidus interaction between Skaergard gabbros and hydrothermal fluids modified δ18O values but had little effect on Sr and perhaps Pb isotopic ratios; (5) late-stage melanogranophyres may be comagmatic with the Skaergard magma, but silicic granophyres are not; (6) silicic granophyres contain large and varied proportions of crustal Sr and Pb; some may be largely anatectic melts derived from the deep crust whereas others may represent mixing of such anatectic melts with late-stage differentiated liquids of the Skaergard intrusion (e.g. Sydtoppen sill).  相似文献   

Temperatures of aquifers feeding thermal springs and wells in Long Valley, California, estimated using silica and Na-K-Ca geothermometers and warm spring mixing models, range from 160/dg to about 220°C. This information was used to construct a diagram showing enthalpy-chloride relations for the various thermal waters in the Long Valley region. The enthalpy-chloride information suggests that a 282 ± 10°C aquifer with water containing about 375 mg chloride per kilogram of water is present somewhere deep in the system. That deep water would be related to 220°C Casa Diablo water by mixing with cold water, and to Hot Creek water by first boiling with steam loss and then mixing with cold water. Oxygen and deuterium isotopic data are consistent with that interpretation. An aquifer at 282°C with 375 mg/kg chloride implies a convective heat flow in Long Valley of 6.6 × 107 cal/s.  相似文献   

Huilong Xu  Yasue Oki 《Island Arc》2004,13(2):333-345
Abstract   The Shinanogawa Seismic Belt in the Northern Fossa Magna, Honshu Island, Japan, extends along the Shinano River, bounding the Eurasian Plate and the Okhotsk Plate. The geopressured hydrothermal system occurs widely in the Northern Fossa Magna region. Many destructive earthquakes are related to the activity of this system in the Shinanogawa Seismic Belt. Expulsion of a geopressured hydrothermal system and rising from depth along an active fault triggers the occurrence of an earthquake and opens the fault as a pathway. Anomalous areas in temperature, electrical conductivity and Cl concentration of groundwater trend north–east in a linear distribution, and convincingly demonstrate the presence of a buried active fault at the epicentral area of the destructive earthquake in the Shinanogawa Seismic Belt. The distribution of the major axis of the anomalous area in groundwater temperature shows a strong positive relationship with earthquake magnitude, which means that the distribution of this area may indicate the scale of earthquake fault. The linearly anomalous areas in groundwater temperature, resulting from the percolation of a geopressured hydrothermal system, that have no record of previous destructive earthquake are predicted to be areas where destructive earthquakes could occur in the future. Four potential earthquake areas are proposed and discussed in this paper, based on re-examination of active faults and seismicity in the Shinanogawa Seismic Belt.  相似文献   

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