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A series of wave‐flume experiments was conducted to closely look at characteristics of geometry and migration of wave‐generated ripples, with particular reference to the effect of velocity ‘hiatuses’ during which the near‐bed flow velocity becomes much smaller than the threshold of sediment movement. Three types of wave patterns were generated: two types for simulating waves with intervening velocity hiatuses; and regular waves for comparison purposes. In the former two types, two different wavelengths of water waves were generated alternately in the course of a wave test: the wave with a longer wavelength was set large enough to mobilize the bottom sediment, whereas the wave with a shorter wavelength was set too small to mobilize the sediment. The former two types were designed to be different in sequence of convexity and concavity of wave patterns. The sequence with the convex–concave longer wave and successive convex–concave shorter wave was described as a ‘zero‐up‐crossing’ wave pattern, and the inverse sequence was described as a ‘zero‐down‐crossing’ wave pattern. The ripples developed under oscillatory flow with intervening hiatuses manifested the following characteristics in geometry and migration. (i) The morphological characteristics of ripples, namely wavelength, height and the ripple steepness, are unaffected by the intervening hiatuses of velocity. (ii) The directions of ripple migration under the zero‐up‐crossing and zero‐down‐crossing wave patterns corresponded well with the directions of the flow immediately before onset of the hiatuses. (iii) The observation of sand particle movement on the ripple surface indicated that, under the zero‐up‐crossing waves, the velocity hiatus prevents the entrained sediment cloud from being thrown onshore, and thus the sediment grains thrown onshore are fewer than those thrown offshore. As a result of the sediment movement over one wave‐cycle, the net sediment transport is directed offshore under the zero‐up‐crossing wave pattern. (iv) The velocity of ripple migration was highly correlated with acceleration skewness. Under most of the zero‐up‐crossing (zero‐down‐crossing) wave patterns, flow acceleration skewed negative (positive) and ripples migrated offshore (onshore).  相似文献   

Scour holes often form in shallow flows over sand on the beach and in morphodynamic scale experiments of river reaches, deltas and estuarine landscapes. The scour holes are on average 2 cm deep and 5 cm long, regardless of the flow depth and appear to occur under similar conditions as current ripples: at low boundary Reynolds numbers, in fine sand and under relatively low sediment mobility. In landscape experiments, where the flow is only about 1 cm deep, such scours may be unrealistically large and have unnatural effects on channel formation, bar pattern and stratigraphy. This study tests the hypotheses that both scours and ripples occur in the same conditions and that the roughness added by sediment saltation explains the difference between the ripple–dune transition and the clear‐water hydraulic smooth to rough transition. About 500 experiments are presented with a range of sediment types, sediment mobility and obstructions to provoke scour holes, or removal thereof to assess scour hole persistence. Most experiments confirm that ripples and scour holes both form in the ripple stability field in two different bedform stability diagrams. The experiments also show that scours can be provoked by perturbations even below generalized sediment motion. Moreover, the hydraulic smooth to rough transition modified with saltation roughness depending on sediment mobility was similar in magnitude and in slope to ripple–dune transitions. Given uncertainties in saltation relations, the smooth to rough transitions modified for movable beds are empirically equivalent to the ripple–dune transitions. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that scours form by turbulence caused by localized flow separation under low boundary Reynolds numbers, and do not form under generalized flow separation over coarser particles and intense sediment saltation. Furthermore, this suggests that ripples are a superposition of two independent forms: periodic bedforms occurring in smooth and rough conditions plus aperiodic scours occurring only in hydraulic smooth conditions.  相似文献   

Jaco H. Baas 《Sedimentology》1999,46(1):123-138
A flume study on the development and equilibrium morphology of current ripples in fine sand (D50 = 0·238 mm) was performed to extend an empirical model for current ripple stability in 0·095 mm sand to larger grain sizes. The results of the flume experiments agree with the very fine sand model that current ripple development from a flat bed is largely independent of flow velocity. At all flow velocities, ripples evolve from incipient, through straight, sinuous and non-equilibrium linguoid, to equilibrium linguoid plan morphology. The time needed to achieve an equilibrium linguoid plan form is related to an inverse power of flow velocity and ranges from several minutes to more than hundreds of hours. Average equilibrium height and length are 17·0 mm and 141·1 mm respectively. These values are about 20% larger than in very fine sand. Equilibrium ripple height and length are proportional to flow velocity near the stability field of dunes. In the same velocity range, a characteristic grouping of ripples with smaller ripples migrating on the upstream face of larger ripples was observed. Bed-form development shows a conspicuous two-phase behaviour at flow velocities < 0·49 m s?1. In the first phase of development, ripple height and length increase along an exponential path, similar to that at higher flow velocities, thus reaching intermediate equilibrium values of 14·8 mm and 124·5 mm respectively. After some time, however, a second phase commences, that involves a rapid increase in bed-form size to the typical equilibrium values for 0·238 mm sand. A comparison with literature data shows that the results obtained for 0·238 mm sand agree reasonably well with other flume studies at similar grain size. Yet considerable variability in the relationships between ripple dimensions and flow strength ensues from, among others, underestimation of equilibrium time, shallow flow depths and differences in sediment texture.  相似文献   

振荡流底层悬沙运动的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
建立了平底振荡流底层立面二维水沙数值模型,利用Smagrionsky(SGS)格子涡模型封闭二维Navier Storkes方程水流运动方程组,控制方程采用SMAC法求解。该模型能较精确地模拟振荡流底层水流流动特性,以及含沙量沿垂线分布和随相位变化的情况,且与水槽实验的实测资料基本吻合。  相似文献   

The threshold of motion of non-fragmented mollusc shells was studied for the first time under oscillatory flow. In this regard, flume experiments were used to investigate the threshold of motion of three bivalve and three gastropod species, two typical mollusc classes of coastal coquina deposits. The sieve diameters ranged from 2·0 to 15·9 mm. These experiments were performed on a flat-bottom setup under regular non-breaking waves (swell) produced by a flap-type wave generator. The critical Shields values for each species of mollusc were plotted against the sieve and nominal diameter. Moreover, the dimensionless Corey shape factor of the shells was evaluated in order to investigate the effect of mollusc shell shapes on the threshold of motion. According to their critical Shields parameter, the mollusc threshold data under oscillatory flow present smaller values than the siliciclastic sediments when considering their sieve diameter. In addition, the mollusc datasets are below the empirical curves built from siliciclastic grain data under current and waves. When considering the nominal diameter, the critical Shields parameter increases and the mollusc data are closer to siliciclastic sediments. Bivalves, which have a flat-concave shape (form factor: 0·27 to 0·37), have a higher critical Shields parameter for smaller particles and more uniform datasets than the gastropod scattered data, which have a rounded shape (form factor: 0·58 to 0·62) and have varied morphologies (ellipsoidal, conical and cubic). The comparison between previous current-driven threshold data of bioclastic sediment motion and the data of mollusc whole shells under oscillatory flow shows a fair correlation on the Shields diagram, in which all datasets are below the mean empirical curves for siliciclastic sediments. These findings indicate that the shape effect on the transport initiation is predominant for smaller shells. The use of the nominal diameter is satisfactory to improve the bioclastic and siliciclastic data correlation.  相似文献   

The threshold of movement of sediment obtained from sandbanks within the Bristol Channel (UK) is investigated under unidirectional, oscillatory and combined flows. The experiments were undertaken in a recirculating, unidirectional laboratory flume containing an oscillating plate to simulate wave action, with movement along the same axis as the unidirectional flows. The sand samples consisted of cohesionless quartz grains with median grain sizes between 0·315 and 0·513 mm. The experiments were performed under flow velocities (measured at 2 cm above the bed) ranging between 0 and 24 cm s–1 and oscillatory currents (wave periods of 5, 12 and 15 s) ranging from 0 to 28 cm s–1. The critical conditions for the initiation of sediment movement were assessed, by visual observation, using the Yalin criterion. The results show that, under unidirectional flow, there is a slight overestimation of the threshold of naturally graded sediments derived on the basis of empirically derived threshold curves for artificially prepared sediments under similar flow conditions. In the case of oscillatory flows, the threshold for the natural sands is found to be higher than that predicted by previously derived empirical curves. Under combined flows, wave period is shown to control threshold conditions, with the unidirectional and oscillatory flow components combining in a linear fashion for long-period (12 s and 15 s) waves. In contrast, in the presence of short-period (5 s) waves, the unidirectional and oscillatory components of the flow appear to 'decouple'. For high orbital velocities, in both cases, the effect of the wave period on threshold diminishes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the transport of calcareous sand in unidirectional flow and its prediction through existing sediment transport models. A flume experiment of four sand samples collected on Oahu, Hawaii, provides 29 sets of sediment transport data in the bed-form and suspended transport stages. The measured transport data are compared with direct predictions from four energy-based transport models developed for siliceous particles. Corrections for the grain-size, fall velocity, and critical velocity of calcareous sand based on recent research are applied to the models and the results are compared with the direct calculations and measured data. The comparison illustrates the important role particle shape plays in the transport of calcareous sand. All four sediment transport models give consistent predictions and good agreement with the majority of the measured data. Two of the models respond positively to the corrections in both the bed-form and suspended transport stages indicating that such an approach may provide an interim solution for the transport of calcareous sand.  相似文献   

The links between large‐scale turbulence and the suspension of sediment over alluvial bedforms have generated considerable interest in the last few decades, with past studies illustrating the origin of such turbulence and its influence on flow resistance, sediment transport and bedform morphology. In this study of turbulence and sediment suspension over large sand dunes in the Río Paraná, Argentina, time series of three‐dimensional velocity, and at‐a‐point suspended sediment concentration and particle‐size, were measured with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and laser in situ scattering transmissometer, respectively. These time series were decomposed using wavelet analysis to investigate the scales of covariation of flow velocity and suspended sediment. The analysis reveals an inverse relationship between streamwise and vertical velocities over the dune crest, where streamwise flow deceleration is linked to the vertical flux of fluid towards the water surface in the form of large turbulent fluid ejections. Regions of high suspended sediment concentration are found to correlate well with such events. The frequencies of these turbulent events have been assessed from wavelet analysis and found to concentrate in two zones that closely match predictions from empirical equations. Such a finding suggests that a combination and interaction of vortex shedding and wake flapping/changing length of the lee‐side separation zone are the principal contributors to the turbulent flow field associated with such large alluvial sand dunes. Wavelet analysis provides insight upon the temporal and spatial evolution of these coherent flow structures, including information on the topology of dune‐related turbulent flow structures. At the flow stage investigated, the turbulent flow events, and their associated high suspended sediment concentrations, are seen to grow with height above the bed until a threshold height (ca 0·45 flow depth) is reached, above which they begin to decay and dissipate.  相似文献   

河网非恒定水沙数学模型研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
建立了能够适用于多种情况的河网非恒定流水沙数学模型。推导提出了河网泥沙方程组的分级解法,提出了适用于河网计算的汊点分沙模式,分析和对比了多种分沙模式的适用性,对河网区域中可蓄水汊点也提出了相应的处理办法。采用汉江杜家台分蓄洪区的资料作了模型的验证和应用。  相似文献   


Compaction driven fluid flow is inherently unstable such that an obstruction to upward fluid flow (i.e. a shock) may induce fluid-filled waves of porosity, propagated by dilational deformation due to an effective pressure gradient within the wave. Viscous porosity waves have attracted attention as a mechanism for melt transport, but are also a mechanism for both the transport and trapping of fluids released by diagenetic and metamorphic reactions. We introduce a mathematical formulation applicable to compaction driven flow for the entire range of rheological behaviors realized in the lithosphere. We then examine three first-order factors that influence the character of fluid flow: (1) thermally activated creep, (2) dependence of bulk viscosity on porosity, and (3) fluid flow in the limit of zero initial connected porosity. For normal geothermal gradients, thermally activated creep stabilizes horizontal waves, a geometry that was thought to be unstable on the basis of constant viscosity models. Implications of this stabilization are that: (1) the vertical length scale for compaction driven flow is generally constrained by the activation energy for viscous deformation rather than the viscous compaction length, and (2) lateral fluid flow in viscous regimes may occur on greater length scales than anticipated from earlier estimates of compaction length scales. In viscous rock, inverted geothermal gradients stabilize vertically elongated waves or vertical channels. Decreasing temperature toward the earth’s surface can induce an abrupt transition from viscous to elastic deformation-propagated fluid flow. Below the transition, fluid flow is accomplished by short wavelength, large amplitude waves; above the transition flow is by high velocity, low amplitude surges. The resulting transient flow patterns vary strongly in space and time. Solitary porosity waves may nucleate in viscous, viscoplastic, and viscoelastic rheologies. The amplitude of these waves is effectively unlimited for physically realistic models with dependence of bulk viscosity on porosity. In the limit of zero initial connected porosity, arguably the only model relevant for melt extraction, travelling waves are only possible in a viscoelastic matrix. Such waves are truly self-propagating in that the fluid and the wave phase velocities are identical; thus, if no chemical processes occur during propagation, the waves have the capacity to transmit geochemical signatures indefinitely. In addition to solitary waves, we find that periodic solutions to the compaction equations are common though previously unrecognized. The transition between the solutions depends on the pore volume carried by the wave and the Darcyian velocity of the background fluid flux. Periodic solutions are possible for all velocities, whereas solitary solutions require large volumes and low velocities. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

利用建立的平面二维非恒定水流泥沙数学模型,在上游来流为10000年一遇的特大洪水过程情况下,就初步拟定的南水北调中线穿黄方案之一的孤柏嘴线路3 0km隧洞工程方案,穿黄隧洞束窄河道对河段水流流态、泥沙运动及河床变形的影响进行了计算和分析比较。计算结果表明,在该洪水过程情况下,穿黄隧洞束窄河道对河段水沙运动特性有一定影响,但影响不大。  相似文献   

陈界仁  曹淼 《水科学进展》2003,14(6):696-699
在坡面土壤侵蚀输沙计算中,可选用的输沙能力模式较多,但这些模式多运用于恒定输沙,在非恒定输沙中运用不多。建立了坡面土壤侵蚀非恒定输沙数学模型,模型中的输沙能力运用水流切应力、水流功率、单位水流功率3种模式,对模型过程采用有限差分格式离散求解。根据实测水沙资料进行模型参数率定,运用3种输沙能力模式于不同降雨强度、不同坡度的非恒定坡面输沙过程中。结果表明:在坡面非恒定输沙计算中,不同输沙能力模式对计算结果有明显影响,在降雨强度较小时,单位水流功率模式结果较其他两个模式为好,而在雨强较大时,切应力模式计算结果较好。  相似文献   

冲积河流泥沙输移幂律函数关系与不平衡输沙理论是对河道不平衡输沙同一物理现象的不同描述,两者既有区别也有联系。比较研究发现:对于恒定均匀流不平衡输沙过程,当输沙位于近平衡态时两者含沙量导函数表达式具有一阶近似等价性,当输沙远离平衡态时前者含沙量导函数中隐含考虑有泥沙恢复饱和系数的变化。基于两者等价性,推导建立了幂律函数指数计算表达式,表明指数随泥沙沉速、单宽流量和沿程距离而变化,且随着输移距离的增大呈指数衰减。基于前者含沙量导函数表达式结构特点,分析建立了相应泥沙恢复饱和系数变化的计算表达式。综合以上成果,改进提出了一种变幂指数的泥沙输移幂律函数计算模型。对库里·阿雷克沉沙池沿程断面输沙指数及含沙量计算结果表明,不同距离过水断面输沙指数的变化规律是合理的,含沙量计算值与实测值变化趋势基本符合。  相似文献   

Abstract A study of the seafloor of the Gulf of Cadiz west of the Strait of Gibraltar, using an integrated geophysical and sedimentological data set, gives new insights into sediment deposition from downslope thermohaline bottom currents. In this area, the Mediterranean Outflow (MO) begins to mix with North Atlantic waters and separates into alongslope geostrophic and downslope ageostrophic components. Changes in bedform morphology across the study area indicate a decrease in the peak velocity of the MO from >1 m s?1 to <0·5 m s?1. The associated sediment waves form a continuum from sand waves to muddy sand waves to mud waves. A series of downslope‐oriented channels, formed by the MO, are found where the MO starts to descend the continental slope at a water depth of ≈700 m. These channels are up to 40 km long, have gradients of <0·5°, a fairly constant width of ≈2 km and a depth of ≈75 m. Sand waves move down the channels that have mud wave‐covered levees similar to those seen in turbidite channel–levee systems, although the channel size and levee thickness do not decrease downslope as in typical turbidite channel systems. The channels terminate abruptly where the MO lifts off the seafloor. Gravity flow channels with lobes on the basin floor exist downslope from several of the bottom current channels. Each gravity flow system has a narrow, slightly sinuous channel, up to 20 m deep, feeding a depositional lobe up to 7 km long. Cores from the lobes recovered up to 8·5 m of massive, well‐sorted, fine sand, with occasional mud clasts. This work provides an insight into the complex facies patterns associated with strong bottom currents and highlights key differences between bottom current and gravity flow channel–levee systems. The distribution of sand within these systems is of particular interest, with applications in understanding the architecture of hydrocarbon reservoirs formed in continental slope settings.  相似文献   

 Laboratory experiments on heterogeneous porous media (otherwise known as intermediate scale experiments, or ISEs) have been increasingly relied upon by hydrogeologists for the study of saturated and unsaturated groundwater systems. Among the many ongoing applications of ISEs is the study of fluid flow and the transport of conservative solutes in correlated permeability fields. Recent advances in ISE design have provided the capability of creating correlated permeability fields in the laboratory. This capability is important in the application of ISEs for the assessment of recent stochastic theories. In addition, pressure-transducer technology and visualization methods have provided the potential for ISEs to be used in characterizing the spatial distributions of both hydraulic head and local water velocity within correlated permeability fields. Finally, various methods are available for characterizing temporal variations in the spatial distribution (and, thereby, the spatial moments) of solute concentrations within ISEs. It is concluded, therefore, that recent developments in experimental techniques have provided an opportunity to use ISEs as important tools in the continuing study of fluid flow and the transport of conservative solutes in heterogeneous, saturated porous media. Received, December 1996 · Revised, July 1997 · Accepted, August 1997  相似文献   

The delivery, flux and fate of terrigenous sediment entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon has been a focus of recent studies and represents an ongoing environmental concern. Wave‐induced bed stress is the most significant mechanism of sediment resuspension in the Great Barrier Reef, and field data and mathematical modelling indicates that the combined effects of short‐period wind waves, longer period swell waves, and tidal and wind‐driven currents can often exceed the critical bed stress for resuspension. Suspended‐sediment concentrations at 20 m water depth indicate resuspension seldom occurs on the middle shelf under normal wave conditions. Non‐cyclonic turbidity events are generally confined to the inner shelf. The wave climate in the southern sector of the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon is the most erosive, and resuspension of outer shelf sediments was hindcast for recorded cyclones. Wind‐driven, longshore currents are fundamental to the northward movement of sediment, and the annual northward mass flux from embayments undergoing resuspension in the Burdekin region is estimated to be one order of magnitude larger than the mass of sediment introduced by a moderate flood plume. Strong onshore winds are estimated to generate significant three‐dimensional bottom return currents on approximately 30–70 days per year, forming a potentially significant offshore‐directed sediment flux during high suspended‐sediment concentration events on the inner shelf.  相似文献   

湖北梁子湖沉积物正构烷烃与多环芳烃对环境变迁的记录   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
对梁子湖沉积柱91~345 cm段中正构烷烃和17种多环芳烃含量进行了分析,发现在整个沉积柱中,长碳链正构烷烃的比例和17种多环芳烃含量的变化具有良好的一致性,二者都是从181~194 em(14C定年显示其对应的沉积年代为我国历史上的春秋战国时期)开始突然增高,指示了陆源有机质输入的剧增.认为这种变化正是春秋战同时期我国自然环境条件的改变以及由此引起的人类活动的增加在湖泊沉积记录中的反映.  相似文献   

In settings where the transport of sand is partially or fully supply limited, changes in the upstream supply of sand are coupled to changes in the grain size of sand on the bed. In this manner, the transport of sand under the supply-limited case is ‘grain-size regulated’. Since the closure of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963, the downstream reach of the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons has exhibited evidence of sand-supply limitation. Sand transport in the river is now approximately equally regulated by changes in the discharge of water and changes in the grain sizes of sand on the channel bed and eddy sandbars. Previous work has shown that changes in the grain size of sand on the bed of the channel (driven by changes in the upstream supply of sand owing to both tributary floods and high dam releases) are important in regulating sand transport over timescales of days to months. In this study, suspended-sand data are analysed in conjunction with bed grain-size data to determine whether changes in the grain size of sand on the bed of the channel or changes in the grain size of sand on the surface of eddy sandbars have been more important in regulating sand transport in the post-dam Colorado River over longer, multi-year timescales. The results of this study show that this combined theory- and field-based approach can be used to deduce which environments in a complicated setting are the most important environments for regulating sediment transport. In the case of the regulated Colorado River in Marble and Upper Grand Canyons, suspended-sand transport has been regulated mostly by changes in the surface grain size of eddy sandbars.  相似文献   

三门峡库区一维非恒定非均匀泥沙输移数学模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄河是高含沙河流,含沙量季节差异显著。因此研究黄河干流的非恒定水沙输移规律以及库区泥沙的淤积问题极为重要。应用圣维南方程组以及非恒定泥沙连续方程建立了非恒定非均匀泥沙含沙量计算公式,并根据沙量平衡方程推求出三门峡库区河底高程的变化规律。使用已有的资料对模型进行的验证表明:模型计算与实测资料符合良好,该模型具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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