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冰晶核化对雷暴云微物理过程和起电影响的数值模拟研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文在已有的二维对流云模式中采用了一种与气溶胶有关的冰晶核化方案替代原有的冰晶核化经验公式, 并选取个例, 分别就两种方案进行了模拟对比试验。模拟结果表明:(1)新方案所得冰晶比含水量主要分布在-0.1~-7.6℃温区之间, 高于原方案所得的-50.1~-24.2℃温区;在整个雷暴云的发展过程中新方案冰晶的分布高度、温度区间以及最大浓度值均大于原方案。(2)在新方案中, 温度相对较高的过冷区产生大量冰晶, 其争食云中水汽抑制了云滴、雨滴的增长。此外, 与原方案相比, 霰增长受雨滴大幅减小的影响进一步得到限制, 导致生成的霰小于原方案, 且空间分布具有较大区别。(3)两方案在雷暴云初期形成的电荷结构不同;在发展旺盛与消散阶段新方案中电荷空间分布区域和电荷量均大于原方案, 此外, 在不同时刻主正电荷区和主负电荷区的中心高度存在差异。本文对云微物理过程及起电的分析为后继探讨气溶胶与雷暴云起放电过程、电荷结构之间的相互关系提供了有利条件。 相似文献
为了研究冰晶繁生在雷暴云发展过程中对非感应起电过程的影响,利用三维雷暴云模式在理想层结环境下,对雷暴云内各种水成物粒子、电荷以及电场分布情况进行数值模拟。模拟结果表明:在雷暴云发展和成熟阶段,有繁生过程参与的雷暴云中下部存在一个冰晶聚集区域,从而使得云内冰晶的数量较无繁生过程增大约1 5%~18%,且聚集的区域范围更大;同时,繁生过程的加入也使得霰粒子数量也比无繁生过程时增大约20%;霰冰非感应电荷转移的正区一般位于霰粒子浓度高值区附近,而负区位于冰晶和霰粒子浓度高值区相重合的区域;冰晶繁生过程通过影响雷暴云中冰晶和霰粒子浓度和分布位置,使得雷暴云非感应起电的强度和位置发生改变,导致云内起电过程提前约5~6 min。 相似文献
利用已有的二维雷暴云起、放电模式模拟了一次雷暴天气,并通过敏感性试验研究了冰核浓度变化对雷暴云动力、微物理及电过程的影响。结果表明:随着大气冰核浓度的增加,雷暴云发展提前,上升气流速度和下沉气流速度均呈现降低的趋势。大气冰核浓度提升有利于异质核化过程增强,冰晶在高温区大量生成,而同质核化过程被抑制,因此冰晶整体含量降低,引起低温区中霰粒含量降低和高温区中霰粒尺度降低。在非感应起电过程中,正极性非感应起电率逐渐减小,负极性非感应起电率逐渐增大。由于液态水含量随大气冰核浓度的增加逐渐降低,高温度冰晶携带电荷的极性由负转变为正的时间有所提前。在感应起电过程中,由于霰粒尺度减小及云滴的快速消耗,感应起电率极值逐渐降低。冰晶优先在高温区生成而带负电,不同大气冰核浓度下的雷暴云空间电荷结构在雷暴云发展初期均呈现负的偶极性电荷结构。在雷暴云旺盛期,随着冰核浓度增加,空间电荷结构由三极性转变为复杂四极性。在雷暴云消散阶段不同个例均呈现偶极性电荷结构,且随着冰核浓度的增加电荷密度值逐渐减小。 相似文献
气溶胶对雷暴云起电以及闪电发生率影响的数值模拟 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
本文利用二维耦合气溶胶模块的雷暴云起电模式,结合一次南京雷暴个例,进行250 m分辨率雷暴云起电模拟实验,探讨了气溶胶浓度对雷暴云空间电荷分布以及闪电发生率的影响。在这个气溶胶模块中,假定一个三模态的气溶胶对数分布,考虑了气溶胶活化过程。结果显示:(1)随着气溶胶浓度增大,雷暴云电荷结构保持为三极型。(2)当气溶胶浓度从50 cm-3增加至1000 cm-3时,水成物粒子浓度上升,雷暴云电荷量和闪电发生率增加明显。(3)气溶胶浓度在1000~3000 cm-3范围时,云水竞争限制了冰晶的增长,导致雷暴云上部主正电荷堆电荷量降低。云滴和霰粒子浓度缓慢上升促进中部主负电荷堆和底部次正电荷堆电荷量继续增大。闪电发生率保持稳定。(4)当气溶胶浓度大于3000 cm-3时,水成物粒子浓度稳定,云内的电荷量以及闪电发生率保持为一定量级。 相似文献
将云滴冻结方案植入已有的二维雷暴云起、放电模式,结合一次山地雷暴个例,探讨了气溶胶浓度对雷暴云微物理过程、起电以及空间电荷结构的影响。结果表明:气溶胶浓度增加,云滴数目增多,尺度降低,雨滴含量减少;云滴冻结导致冰晶在低温区快速生长,冰晶数浓度增加,尺度减小,当气溶胶浓度高于1000 cm-3后小冰晶难以增长成大尺度的霰粒子,因此霰粒子数浓度先增加后急剧减少。此外,气溶胶浓度的大小不会影响雷暴云的电荷结构特征,但会对云内的起电强度产生明显的作用:当气溶胶浓度较低时,增加气溶胶浓度,更多的冰晶和霰粒子发生碰撞使得云内起电过程增强,空间电荷密度增加;当气溶胶浓度高于1000 cm-3后,少量的霰粒子和小冰晶的出现抑制了非感应起电过程,导致电荷密度降低。 相似文献
放电后电荷重置对雷暴云电荷结构及闪电行为的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探究放电后电荷重置对雷暴云电过程的影响,在已有的三维雷暴云起、放电模式中分别加入两种不同的电荷重置方案:一种是植入法即放电后闪电通道上的感应电荷与原空间电荷叠加(简称ZR方案);另一种是中和法即放电后直接按一定比例降低闪电通道处的空间电荷浓度(简称ZH方案)。利用长春一次探空个例进行敏感性试验,发现放电后重置方式的不同会导致闪电特征存在明显差异:1)ZR方案下的云闪发生率比ZH方案下的云闪发生率少。闪电放电后ZR方案在云中植入异极性电荷,对雷暴云中电荷的中和量比ZH方案多,摧毁云中电场的能力更强;2)ZR方案下的正、负地闪发生率均比ZH方案多。相对于ZH方案,ZR方案中主正电荷区的分布范围大于主负电荷区,导致其出现了更多的正地闪;ZR方案中的云顶屏蔽层与主正电荷区的混合程度高,混合时间长,导致ZR方案在主正电荷区与主负电荷区之间触发了更多的负地闪;3)ZR方案下的闪电通道长度比ZH方案下的闪电通道长度短。ZR方案在云中植入异极性电荷,导致云中难以形成大范围同极性电荷堆,闪电通道传播局限在一对较小的异极性电荷堆内,而ZH方案不改变云中电荷分布,存在大范围同极性电荷堆,闪电通道传播范围较大。 相似文献
利用已有的二维对流云模式,讨论了三种不同的冰核谱对雷暴云微物理、起电及电荷结构的影响。模拟结果表明:(1)不同的冰核谱环境对雷暴云中冰相粒子的含量及分布具有明显作用。冰核谱的垂直温区越大,产生的冰相粒子分布越广。在冰核浓度较大的个例中,冰晶和霰粒子的含量高,更多的小冰相粒子出现在海拔更高的区域;(2)高温区冰核的数量会对上升气流速度产生显著影响。高温区的冰核越多,冰相粒子在微物理发展过程中释放的潜热越多,上升气流强,对流发展越旺盛;(3)在低温区冰晶浓度高的谱环境个例中,雷暴云中的非感应起电率和感应起电率高,导致起电量增加。高温区冰核多的谱环境,大量冰晶和霰获得正电荷形成次正电荷区,电荷结构呈现三极性;而高温区冰核少的谱环境,参与起电的水成物粒子少,易形成偶极性电荷结构。 相似文献
采用耦合了Saunders和Takahashi两种非感应起电参数化方案的RAMS(Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)模式,对重庆地区一次雷暴过程进行模拟,对比分析了两种起电参数化方案下,电荷开始分离时和雷暴云发展到成熟阶段时的水成物粒子的分布、所带电荷密度以及雷暴云的电荷结构分布。模拟结果表明,在Saunders起电参数化方案下,雷暴云的电荷结构从起电到放电都呈现偶极性特征,而在Takahashi参数化方案下,雷暴云的电荷结构则由反偶极性发展成正偶极性。为研究CCN(cloud condensation nuclei)对雷暴云的影响,本文进行了两组敏感性试验,随着云滴初始数浓度增加,雷暴云的电荷结构没有发生极性翻转,但雷暴云中电荷量增加,电荷分布区域变大,有利于闪电发生。在Saunders起电参数化方案下,当云滴初始数浓度大于2 000 cm-3时,电荷量变小。通过分析微物理量场和微物理过程发现,随着云滴初始数浓度增加,冰相粒子质量混合比增加,在Saunders起电参数化方案下,当云滴初始数浓度大于2 000 cm-3时,霰粒子质量混合比减小。验证了CCN的变化能影响云的微物理过程,从而影响雷暴云的电荷分布以及闪电的发生,尤其是冰相物质的变化显著影响了雷暴云的起电过程。 相似文献
The effect of ice particle sizes and relative velocity on the sign of charge transfer during graupel/ice crystal interactions in thunderstorms is considered based on the concept of the Relative Growth Rate Hypothesis that the ice surface growing faster by water vapour diffusion charges positively. Diffusional growth rates of ice crystals and riming graupel particles are calculated for various particle sizes and velocities, and the sign of charging during crystal/graupel collisions is determined. The study reveals that larger graupel charges more negatively, while larger ice crystals, or higher relative velocity, lead to increased positive graupel charging. 相似文献
Numerical studies have been made of the importance of cloud saturation to the sign of charge transfer during graupel/ice crystal interactions in thunderstorms. Previous laboratory studies led to the idea that the diffusional growth rates of the interacting ice surfaces may influence the sign of the charge transferred during brief collisional contact. The ice crystals grow by vapour diffusion in a supersaturated environment while the graupel surface grows by diffusion under low accretion rate conditions, but will sublimate when heated sufficiently by riming. The graupel surface is also influenced, even under net sublimation conditions, by the vapour released to it from droplets freezing on its surface. In a cloud, the diffusional growth rates are also affected by ventilation when the supercooled droplets and their local environment flow past the riming surface.The diffusional growth rates of ice crystals and riming graupel particles are calculated for various cloud saturation ratios, then the sign of electric charge transferred during crystal/graupel collisions is determined according to the concept of the relative vapour diffusional growth rates, according to Baker et al., 1987 [Baker, B., Baker, M.B., Jayaratne, E.J., Latham, J., Saunders, C.P.R., 1987. The influence of diffusional growth rates on the charge transfer accompanying rebounding collisions between ice crystals and soft hailstones. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc. 113, 1193–1215]. It is found necessary, in order to account for the observation of positive charging of riming graupel at high accretion rates, to modify the assumptions of Baker et al. in order to increase the flux of vapour to the graupel surface. The variable growth parameters available may be adjusted to represent the environmental saturation conditions in various laboratory experiments, including the mixing of clouds from regions having different growth conditions, and are used to determine charge sign sensitivity to cloud saturation ratio, temperature and accretion as measured by the cloud effective liquid water content. 相似文献
M. Vana E. Tamm U. Hrrak A. Mirme H. Tammet L. Laakso P.P. Aalto M. Kulmala 《Atmospheric Research》2006,82(3-4):536
In this work, the charging state of atmospheric nanoparticles was estimated through simultaneous measurements of aerosol size distribution and air ions mobility distribution with the aim to elucidate the formation mechanisms of atmospheric aerosols. The measurements were performed as a part of the QUEST 2 campaign at a boreal forest station in Finland. The overlapping part of the measurement ranges of the particle size spectrometers and air ion mobility spectrometers in the mass diameter interval of 2.6–40 nm was used to assess the percentage of charged particles (charging probability). This parameter was obtained as the slope of the linear regression line on the scatterplot of the measured concentrations of total (neutral + charged) and charged particles for the same diameter interval. Charging probabilities as a function of particle diameter were calculated for different days and were compared with the steady state charging probabilities of the particles in the bipolar ion atmosphere. For the smallest particles detectable by the particle size spectrometers (2.6–5 nm), the high percentages of negatively charged particles were found during the nanometer particle concentration bursts. These values considerably exceeded the values for the steady charging state and it was concluded that negative cluster ions preferably act as condensation nuclei. This effect was found to be the highest in the case of comparatively weak nucleation bursts of nanoparticles, when the rate of the homogeneous nucleation and the concentration of freshly nucleated particles were low. The nucleation burst days were classified according to the concentration of the generated smallest detectable new particles (weak and strong bursts). Approximately the same classification was obtained based on the charge asymmetry on particles with respect to the charge sign (polarity). The probabilities of negative and positive charge on the particles with the diameter of 5–20 nm were found to be nearly equal and they approximately agree with the values corresponding to the steady state charge distribution for negative particles known from lab experiments. It means that the steady charging state was reached during the growing time of particles up to 5 nm. The natural charging state of particles with a diameter between 2.5 and 4.5 nm was estimated by means of a special DMPS setup. Results were found to be in good correlation with the data by the particle size spectrometers and air ion mobility spectrometers. 相似文献
On the relationship of thunderstorm ice hydrometeor characteristics and total lightning measurements 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wiebke Deierling John Latham Walter A. Petersen Scott M. Ellis Hugh J. Christian Jr. 《Atmospheric Research》2005,76(1-4):114
Satellite-borne and ground-based devices for the detection of lightning offer the opportunity to explore relationships–on all significant scales up to global–between lightning frequency, f, and other thundercloud parameters. Calculations predict that f is proportional to the product of the downflux p of solid precipitation and the upward mass flux, I, of ice crystals. This prediction has received support from limited computational studies. The physical reasons for such a relationship are explained in terms of the paramount role of ice in the electrification of thunderstorms. Herein, this prediction is subjected to further, preliminary examination through analysis of lightning and dual-polarimetric radar data collected during the STERAO experiment conducted in Northern Colorado during the summer of 1996. The analysis has yielded some highly provisional support for this flux hypothesis. Computed trends of radar derived hydrometeor fractions of solid precipitation and small ice show correlation to the total lightning frequency and raise the possibility of determining values of p and/or I from lightning measurements.It is shown that the extent to which the observed correlations between f and both solid precipitation and small ice trends are or are not strong can provide an indication as to whether the lightning activity is limited by the available concentrations of precipitating or non-precipitating ice in the upper regions of the charging zone of the thundercloud, where most of the charge transfer occurs. It is demonstrated that the most accurate determinations of precipitation rate p from measurements of lighting frequency f are likely to be for conditions where the field-growth is limited by the availability of graupel pellets. It is shown that the simultaneous time variations of f and solid precipitation trends of the type obtained in the STERAO experiment could enable us to determine the nature of the dominant glaciation process operative in the thunderclouds studied. 相似文献
Ines Hoog Subir K. Mitra Karoline Diehl Stephan Borrmann 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》2007,57(1):73-84
In laboratory experiments the interactions of ammonia with ice crystals were studied within the temperature range between
0 and −20°C. In a first series of experiments dendritic ice crystals were grown from water vapor in presence of ammonia gas
in various concentrations between 4 and 400 ppbv. In a second series of experiments pure ice crystals were exposed to a humidified
ammonia–air mixture inside a horizontal flow tube. The influence of temperature, ammonia gas concentration (0.6, 1.5, and
10 ppmv), exposure time, and the presence of impurities such as sulfate on the ammonia uptake by the ice surface was investigated
by determining the ammonium content in the melt water of the ice crystals by ion chromatography. During the growth of ice
crystals significant amounts of ammonia (around 200 μg/l) were taken up even at small gas concentrations. In contrast, even
at high gas concentrations the uptake of ammonia by non-growing ice crystals was lower by approximately one order of magnitude.
The presence of sulfate on the ice surface affected an enhanced uptake of ammonia by a factor of 5–10. A model is presented
which describes the uptake of ammonia by ice considering the chemical processes occurring in the ice surface layer and simultaneous
diffusion of ammonia into bulk ice. Even the increased uptake of ammonia by growing ice is rather small compared to the uptake
by water droplets; thus, the major process for scavenging of ammonia from the atmosphere via the ice phase might not be the
direct uptake by ice crystals but the riming involving super-cooled droplets containing ammonia. 相似文献
为了探讨建筑物高度对单个上行闪电触发以及传播的影响,设定了一个固定的背景电场,并结合自行触发的上行闪电随机放电参数化方案,进行了二维高分辨率上行闪电放电的模拟试验。结果表明:(1)上行闪电在初始阶段分支比较少;发展到离地面2 km左右后,闪电开始出现大量的分支,闪电通道开始出现明显的分叉:一部分通道继续向高电荷密度中心垂直传播,另一部分通道绕过高电荷密度中心,向外水平传播;模拟的上行闪电只能垂直传播到4 km处的负电荷中心,不能穿过0电势线向上方的正电荷区传播。(2)建筑物高度对上行闪电的触发起了关键作用,建筑物越高,越容易触发上行闪电。(3)建筑物高度对上行闪电传播具有一定的反作用,随着建筑物高度增高,模拟出的上行闪电的水平和垂直传播距离都有所减小,通道的分形维数变小,通道传播的总长度也逐渐减小。 相似文献
Study of the total lightning activity in a hailstorm 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Joan Montany Serge Soula Nicolau Pineda Oscar van der Velde Pere Clapers Glria Sol Joan Bech D. Romero 《Atmospheric Research》2009,91(2-4):430-437
A thunderstorm that developed over northeastern Spain on 16 June 2006 is analyzed. This severe thunderstorm produced hailstones as large as 40 mm and had a lifetime of 3 h and 30 min. Radar cross-sections show strong vertical development with cloud echo tops reaching an altitude of 13 km. The specific characteristics of the lightning activity of this storm were: (i) a large amount (81%) of negative cloud-to-ground (−CG) flashes with very low peak currents (< 10 kA in absolute value), (ii) a very large proportion of intra-cloud (IC) flashes with an IC/CG ratio reaching about 400, (iii) a large number of “short” IC flashes (with only 1-VHF source according to SAFIR detection), (iv) a large increase of the −CG flash rate and of the CG proportion near the end of the storm. The rate of −CG flashes with a low peak current were observed to evolve similarly to the rates of IC flashes. Most of them have been assumed to be IC flashes misclassified by the Spanish Lightning Detection Network (SLDN). They have been filtered as it is usually done for misclassified +CG flashes. After this filtering, CG flash rates remained very low (< 1 min− 1) with +CG flashes sometimes dominant. All the particular lightning activity characteristics similar to those observed in the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study (STEPS) campaigns support the hypothesis that this thunderstorm could have had an inverted-polarity or complex charge structure. The maximum IC flash rate (67 min− 1) peaked 24 min before the presence of reflectivity higher than 60 dBZ. The IC activity abruptly decreased during the period when reflectivity was dramatically increasing. The time of maximum reflectivity observed by radar was consistent with the times of reported hail at the ground. 相似文献