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The coseismic surface uplift of the Longmen Shan(LMS) created an instantaneous topographic load over the western margin of the Sichuan Basin, where surface subsidence, decreasing eastward, has been measured using several methods, such as GPS, SAR and levelling. Using an elastic flexural model, we aim to interpret the coseismic surface uplift and subsidence, and constrain the effective lithospheric elastic thickness(T_e) of the Sichuan Basin. Using different effective elastic thickness values for the Sichuan Basin, a series of subsidence curves were computed by the elastic flexure model equation for a broken elastic plate. The curves, produced by models using an effective elastic thickness of 30–40 km, provided the best fit to the general pattern of observed coseismic subsidence of the Sichuan Basin. However, the calculated subsidence(~40–70 cm) at the front of the LMS is evidently lower than the observed values(~100 cm), suggesting that the effective elastic thickness therein should be lower. These results indicate that the lithospheric strength may decrease westward from the Sichuan Basin to the LMS.  相似文献   

龙门山前陆褶皱冲断带构造解析与川西前陆盆地的发育   总被引:57,自引:2,他引:55  
通过详细的野外地质调查和精细的地震剖面构造解析。揭示了龙门山前陆褶皱冲断带的基本构造特征。对比分析了龙门山北段与南段构造变形几何学和运动学的差异。提出龙门山北段主要表现为一系列复杂的逆冲推覆构造,晚三叠纪变形强于新生代;龙门山南段则以基底卷入的叠瓦状冲断为特点,晚白垩纪-早第三纪变形尤为突出。与前陆褶皱冲断带相对应的是,川西晚三叠纪时期的周缘前陆盆地主要表现在整个龙门山褶皱冲断带的前渊地区;而晚白垩纪-早第三纪再生前陆盆地却局限在川西盆地的南部,并且印-藏碰撞的持续挤压作用使得晚新生代构造变形不断向东扩展进入川西盆地南部。  相似文献   

龙门山前陆盆地晚三叠世沉积通量与造山带的隆升和剥蚀   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
颜照坤  李勇  董顺利  韩冰  陈浩 《沉积学报》2010,28(1):91-101
根据钻井资料、地层剖面资料,利用Surfer8.0软件编制出晚三叠世前陆盆地各组段的残留地层等厚图,得出各组段残留地层的沉积总量,并计算出各阶段沉积通量:21.4 t/(m2·Ma)、184.2 t/(m2·Ma)、278.0 t/(m2·Ma)、147.6 t/(m2·Ma)、703.5 t/(m2·Ma)、272.0 t/(m2·Ma)。然后,利用物质平衡法将沉积物回剥至龙门山造山带并进行脱压校正,计算出晚三叠世龙门山造山带剥蚀总厚度为2 514 m,各阶段造山带剥蚀速率分别为:0.009 mm/a、0.114 mm/a、0.133 mm/a、0.094 mm/a、0.423 mm/a和0.133 mm/a。最终,重塑了龙门山造山带晚三叠世的隆升历史:在距今228.0~199.6 Ma的时间内龙门山造山带地壳隆升了约4.3~4.6 km,地表隆升了1.8~2.1 km;并且隆升过程具有明显的阶段性,可划分为初始隆升(228.0~216.5 Ma)、加速隆升(216.5~211.0 Ma)、缓慢隆升(211.0~203.6 Ma)、急剧隆升(203.6~202.7 Ma)和缓慢隆升(202.7~199.6 Ma)五个阶段。  相似文献   

Based on fission track dating of apatite, and measurement of vitrinite reflectance of rock samples from the Longmenshan (Longmen Mountain)area and the West Sichuan foreland basin and computer modelling it is concluded that (l)the Songpan-Garze fold belt has uplifted at least by 3-4 km with an uplift rate of no less than 0.3-0.4 mm/a since 10 Ma B.P.; (2) the Longmenshan thrust nappe belt has uplifted at least by 5-6 km with an uplift rate of more than 0.5- 0.6 mm /a since 10 Ma B.P.; (3) the Longmenshan detachment belt has uplifted by 1 - 2 km at a rate of 0.016-0.032 mm/a since 60 Ma B.P.; (4) the West Sichuan foreland basin has uplifted by 1.7-3 km at a rate of 0.028-0.05 mm/a since 60 Ma B.P.; (5) the uplift rate of the area on the west side of the Beichuan-Yingxiu-Xiaoguanzi fault for the last 10 Ma is 40 times as much as that on its east side; (6) the uplifting of the the Songpan - Garze fold belt and the subsidence of the West Sichuan foreland basin 60 Ma ago exhibit a mirro-image correlation, i.e  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between high positive isostatic gravity anomalies (IGA), steep topography and lower crustal extrusion at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. IGA data has revealed uplift and extrusion of lower crustal flow in the Longmen Shan Mountains (the LMS). Firstly, The high positive IGA zone corresponds to the LMS orogenic belt. It is shown that abrupt changes in IGA correspond to zones of abrupt change of topography, crustal thickness and rock density along the LMS. Secondly, on the basis of the Airy isostasy theory, simulations and inversions of the positive IGA were conducted using three-dimensional bodies. The results indicated that the LMS lacks a mountain root, and that the top surface of the lower crust has been elevated by 11 km, leading to positive IGA, tectonic load and density load. Thirdly, according to Watts’s flexural isostasy model, elastic deflection occurs, suggesting that the limited (i.e. narrow) tectonic and density load driven by lower crustal flow in the LMS have led to asymmetric flexural subsidence in the foreland basin and lifting of the forebulge. Finally, based on the correspondence between zones of extremely high positive IGA and the presence of the Precambrian Pengguan-Baoxing complexes in the LMS, the first appearance of erosion gravels from the complexes in the Dayi Conglomerate layer of the Chengdu Basin suggest that positive IGA and lower crustal flow in the LMS took place at 3.6 Ma or slightly earlier.  相似文献   

综合地球化学、野外剖面和钻测井等资料,运用岩石学和地层对比、盆地模拟等方法,剖析了龙门山造山带和川西前陆盆地的盆山耦合关系,探讨了这种盆山耦合关系对油气成藏的控制作用,最后给出了勘探建议及有利区带预测。结果表明:龙门山造山带和川西前陆盆地在沉积和构造方面表现出良好的盆山耦合关系,具体表现在沉降与隆升的对应、物源与沉积的对应以及构造多幕性和沉积旋回性的对应等特征上;沉积耦合关系控制着烃源岩的沉积厚度及热演化程度,并影响着储层的垂向和横向分布,而构造耦合关系则对造山带和前陆盆地的断层发育以及油气运移和成藏所需圈闭具有决定性作用;盆山耦合呈多期性,具有沉积、沉降中心以及沉积相展布不断迁移和多期叠加的特征;形成了川西前陆盆地深、中、浅层的三维立体幕式演化成藏模式。有利区带预测表明:梓潼坳陷南端是深盆气的有利聚集区;浅层气主要分布在古隆起发育的盆地中、南段;深层气则多分布于盆地北部及中部地层尖灭带。  相似文献   

四川龙门山地区反转构造样式分析及其成因机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
反转构造是当今构造地质学研究的新兴热点领域,本文尝试以反转构造和断层相关褶皱理论来探讨龙门山褶皱冲断带及川西前陆盆地中的反转构造样式及其成因。著者在综合前人研究成果的基础上,通过野外地质调查,室内构造分析与建模系统研究了龙门山地区典型的反转构造样式,讨论了龙门山带的反转性质,主干断裂的成因以及反转动力学机制。研究表明,龙门山的发育机制为一斜向正反转过程,区内发育有反转断层转折褶皱、被动陆缘型反转滑脱褶皱、反转断层传播褶皱以及受古生代裂谷控制的反转构造等反转构造类型;反转时期主要为印支期,本区在印支运动之前同时属被动陆缘和裂谷的构造背景;进入印支期后,受扬子陆块、华北陆块、羌塘陆块之间相互碰撞的影响而造山。该过程在本区不同地段表现存在差异,这种差异受控于前期的构造格局以及后期不同方向挤压应力的叠加。四川前陆盆地的发育和该过程有密切的联系,盆地内部具有裂谷构造反转的证据。  相似文献   


The mechanism for uplift of the eastern Tibetan Plateau is still a matter of debate. There are two main models: extrusion and crustal flow. These models have been tested by surface observations, but questions about the uplift remain. In addition, the devastating 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake along the Longmen Shan fault zone (LMSFZ) reminds us that the tectonic activity within eastern Tibet is complex and poses a major natural hazard. This activity is accompanied by dramatic uplift along the LMSFZ, but only minor convergence (<4 mm year–1) against the Sichuan basin is observed. In order to investigate the mechanism for uplift of Longmen Shan (LMS) area, we explored the lithospheric structure across the Songpan–Ganzi terrane (SGT), LMS, and western Sichuan basin by undertaking an integrated analysis of a variety of data including new, logistically challenging controlled-source seismic profiling (reflection and refraction) results, receiver function estimates of crustal thickness, gravity and magnetic data, GPS data, and geologic constraints. Our analysis of crustal structure indicates that the crust is not thick enough to support its current elevation and that the crust is essentially composed of three layers of similar thickness. Thus, based on our crustal structure model, 2D numerical modelling was conducted to investigate uplift mechanisms. The modelling results indicate that the middle crust beneath the SGT is the most ductile layer, which is the key factor responsible for the crustal-scale faulting, earthquake behaviour, and periods of uplift. In addition, the modelling results indicate that the strong Sichuan block acts as a backstop for the thrusting along the LMS and crustal thickening to the west.  相似文献   

We applied the material balance principle of the denudation volume and sedimentary flux to study the denudation-accumulation system between the Longmen Mountains(Mts.) and the foreland basin. The amount of sediment in each sedimentation stage of the basin was estimated to obtain the denudation volume,erosion thickness and deposit thickness since the Late Triassic Epoch,to enable us to recover the paleoelevation of the provenance and the sedimentary area. The results show the following:(1) Since the Late Triassic Epoch,the elevation of the surface of the Longmen Mts. has uplifted from 0 m to 2751 m,and the crust of the Longmen Mts. has uplifted by 9.8 km. Approximately 72% of the materials introduced have been denuded from the mountains.(2) It is difficult to recover the paleoelevation of each stage of the Longmen Mts. foreland basin quantitatively by the present-day techniques and data.(3) The formation of the Longmen Mts. foreland basin consisted of three stages of thrust belt tectonic load and three stages of thrust belt erosional unload. During tectonic loading stages(Late Triassic Epoch,Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous,Late Cretaceous–Miocene),the average elevation of Longmen Mts. was lower(approximately 700–1700 m). During erosional unloading stages(Early and Middle Jurassic,Middle Cretaceous and Jiaguan,Late Cenozoic),the average elevation of Longmen Mts. was high at approximately 2000–2800m.  相似文献   


基于ASTER GDEM数据,提取了青藏高原东缘龙门山地区12条基岩河道纵剖面,通过河流纵剖面形态的数学函数拟合、坡度-面积双对数函数关系以及基岩水力侵蚀模型的分析,探讨了龙门山北、中、南段不同河流水系地貌对其晚第四纪构造隆升运动的响应过程。研究表明:1)龙门山地区的河流纵剖面拟合形态中段多为对数型、指数型,南段多为指数型、直线型,北段均为对数型,表明了龙门山中段和南段的河流受构造运动的控制作用强烈,隆升较快,而北段隆升相对较慢。2)河流水力侵蚀模型中段多呈直线型和上凸型,南段均为上凸型,北段则呈直线型,表明了龙门山地区的河流水系地貌具有由SW向NE逐渐从前均衡状态向均衡状态转换的特征,指示了其构造隆升速率也由SW向NE逐渐递减。3)河流地貌的参数值表明了龙门山北段的河流地貌处于均衡状态,而龙门山中、南段的河流地貌则受构造隆升运动的影响较强;反映了青藏高原东缘向东扩展的时空格局。


Through field geological survey,the authors found that abundant thrust faults developed in the Longmen (龙门) Mountain thrust belt.These faults can be divided into thrust faults and strike-slip faults according to their formation mechanisms and characteristics.Furthermore,these faults can be graded into primary fault,secondary fault,third-level fault,and fourth-level fault according to their scale and role in the tectonic evolution of Longmen Mountain thrust belt.Each thrust fault is composed of several secondary faults,such as Qingchuan (青川)-Maowen (茂汶) fault zone is composed of Qiaozhuang (乔庄) fault,Qingxi (青溪) fault,Maowen fault,Ganyanggou (赶羊沟) fault,etc..The Longmen Mountain thrust belt experienced early Indosinian movement,Anxian (安县) movement,Yanshan (燕山)movement,and Himalayan movement,and the faults formed gradually from north to south.  相似文献   

基于SRTM DEM数据,以青藏高原东缘龙门山地区为研究区域,本文通过条带状剖面分析、古地形面(残余面)恢复以及弹性挠曲模拟等研究手段,计算了青藏高原东缘龙门山地区晚新生代地壳均衡隆升与地表剥蚀之间的定量关系,探讨了龙门山地区表面剥蚀作用与均衡隆升作用之间的地表响应过程,从而为研究青藏高原东缘龙门山地区晚新生代以来的剥蚀—成山作用的隆升机制提供定量依据。研究表明:(1)晚新生代以来龙门山的地表剥蚀量为(0.74~1.14)×105km3;(2)大量的地表剥蚀作用驱动了青藏高原东缘龙门山的地壳均衡反弹,使龙门山隆升了近2 km;(3)龙门山地区地表剥蚀量和均衡隆升量具有空间匹配性,岷山断块及龙门山中、南段的均衡隆升量高于青藏高原东缘其它区域,反映了晚新生代以来龙门山地区在不同分段内差异化的构造地貌形态及与剥蚀—隆升相关的地表过程。(4)龙门山的隆升是多期、多种隆升机制叠加的产物,其隆升过程具有历史性和复合性。均衡隆升和剥蚀作用在相似的时间尺度上和空间尺度上控制着龙门山地貌的形成,约束了青藏高原东缘龙门山的隆升机制。  相似文献   

On 12 May 2008 and 20 April 2013, respectively, the devastating magnitude 7.9 (Wenchuan) and magnitude 7.0 (Ya’an) earthquakes struck the southwestern Longmen Shan fault zone (LMSFZ), the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. These events were notable because they occurred in a heavily populated area and resulted in severe damage and loss of life. Here we present an integrated analysis of potential field anomalies and a crustal-scale seismic reflection image to investigate the crustal structure and some tectonic relationships associated with these devastating events. Our results show that the western margin of the Yangtze crustal block possesses an irregular margin that extends westward beyond the LMSFZ to the northeast and merges gradually with the LMSFZ to the southwest. We interpret this variation in deep structure to create a lateral heterogeneity in the local stress regime that explains the observed variations in fault geometry and slip distribution, as well as seismicity, of the LMSFZ. This structural complexity results in a differential build-up of stress as the Tibetan Plateau is being extruded eastward. Thus, the results of this research can help identify potential natural hazard zones and focus efforts on hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

姜大伟  张世民  李明 《地质科学》2020,55(2):537-557
本文在综合解译地质图、遥感影像及数字高程模型的基础上,沿着青衣江河谷对龙门山南段多条断裂进行了详细调查。将前第四纪大规模不整合边界作为断裂的分布范围,同时通过构造地貌标志确定最新的活动断裂位置,如断错山脊、断层槽谷、河道形态变化等。解译过程中也参考了前人研究成果,如开挖探槽位置信息,浅层地震剖面资料。调查结果显示,松潘—甘孜褶皱带与龙门山接触地带发育了中岗断裂、永富断裂,晚第四纪活动特征不明显。龙门山后山、中央、前山3条主干断裂在南段依次对应耿达—陇东断裂、岩井—五龙断裂、与双石—大川断裂,与北段具有相似的断块构造。3条断裂都有断错地貌特征但断裂分支较多,其中盐井—五龙断裂有一条分支为宝兴断裂,双石—大川断裂有小关子断裂一条分支。在前陆地区,基底滑脱带延伸至浅部盖层,断坡处发育了始阳断裂、新开店断裂等浅部分支断裂。通过这些断裂分布样式、断错地貌特征、与实测地质剖面发现,龙门山南段具有纯挤压特征,最新构造活动已经开始改造前陆地区,是扩展的边界。而龙门山北段具有和逆冲相当的走滑分量,表明青藏高原在推挤龙门山的过程中,龙门山北缘向西秦岭方向发生走滑逃逸,龙门山南段由于同时受川滇块体向东推挤作用而呈现纯挤压特征。高原推挤作用集中于松潘—甘孜褶皱带东缘的小金弧形构造,控制了龙门山断裂带南北构造差异。  相似文献   

印支期龙门山造山楔推进作用与前陆型礁滩迁移过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马鞍塘期龙门山前陆盆地是印支期造山楔加载于扬子地台西缘而形成的挠曲前陆盆地。根据地表露头、钻孔剖面和地震反射剖面资料,本文通过分析前陆盆地早期前陆缓坡型鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁组合在时间和空间上的迁移规律,标定了卡尼期龙门山造山楔的推进速率。结果表明:卡尼期马鞍塘组是分布于底部不整合面之上的第一套地层单元,在垂向上前陆型鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁组合显示为鲕粒灰岩滩-生物碎屑滩-硅质海绵礁灰岩-泥页岩的向上变细的沉积序列,记录了前缘隆起边缘碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁的构建和淹没过程,反映了在相对海平面的持续上升中鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁被淹没致死的过程。在横向上,盆地结构显示为西厚东薄,并向西倾斜的不对称盆地,由西向东依次分布了深水盆地、碳酸盐缓坡和海绵礁和浅水滨岸带等沉积物类型,显示了从龙门山造山楔向前陆一侧具有泥页岩向鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁的变化特征。其中鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁丘组合发育于15~30m深度的前陆同斜缓坡上,呈面向西的条带状展布,其走向线与龙门山冲断带的走向大致平行。并可将其划分为7个鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁相带,表明卡尼期硅质海绵礁丘和滩沿底部不整合面向南东方向的前陆缓坡超覆,其超覆线和相带的走向与龙门山冲断带的走向平行,显示了7条硅质海绵礁丘和滩是随着相对海平上升过程而向南东方向的前陆缓坡超覆过程中逐次形成的。卡尼期硅质海绵礁迁移速率为18mm·yr-1,其与龙门山造山楔推进速率(15mm·yr-1)基本一致,表明印支期龙门山逆冲楔推进速率与前陆鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁丘迁移速率具有明显的耦合关系。据此,本次提出了龙门山前陆盆地早期前陆型碳酸盐缓坡和硅质海绵礁的迁移模式,其形成的过程为:龙门山造山楔于卡尼期初始构造负载于扬子板块西缘,导致了前陆地区的挠曲沉降,形成了前陆盆地,驱动了相对海平面的持续上升,前陆盆地处于欠补偿状态,当相对海平面上升速率与硅质海绵礁生长速率相同时,在15~30m深度的前陆同斜缓坡上发育了鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁丘组合,随着龙门山造山楔不断地的向前陆地区推进,前陆盆地内相对海平面持续上升,逐次在前陆缓坡上15~30m深度的的位置开启了新的硅质海绵礁群的生长窗,形成了本区卡尼期7条带状展布的鲕粒滩-硅质海绵礁丘组合。因此,硅质海绵礁的淹没过程和迁移过程是龙门山造山楔向扬子克拉通推进过程的沉积响应,显示了在卡尼期-诺利期松潘-甘孜残留洋盆的迅速闭合和逆冲楔构造负载向扬子板块推进的动力学过程。  相似文献   

By analyzing the balanced cross sections and subsidence history of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt, China, we concluded that it had experienced five tectonic stages: (1) the formation stage (T3x) of the miniature of Longmen Mountain, early Indosinian movement, and Anxian tectonic movement created the Longmen Mountain; (2) the stable tectonic stage (J1) where weaker tectonic movement resulted in the Longmen Mountain thrust belt being slightly uplifted and slightly subsiding the foreland basin; (3) the intense tectonic stage (J2-3), namely the early Yanshan movement; (4) continuous tectonic movement (K–E), namely the late Yanshan movement and early Himalayan movement; and (5) the formation of Longmen Mountain (N–Q), namely the late Himalayan movement. During those tectonic deformation stages, the Anxian movement and Himalayan movement played important roles in the Longmen Mountain’s formation. The Himalayan movement affected Longmen Mountain the most; the strata thrust intensively and were eroded severely. There are some klippes in the middle part of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt because a few nappes were pushed southeastward in later tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

By analyzing the balanced cross sections and subsidence history of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt,China,we concluded that it had experienced five tectonic stages:(1)the formation stage (T3x) of the miniature of Longmen Mountain, early Indosinian movement, and Anxian tectonic movement created the Longmen Mountain;(2)the stable tectonic stage(J1)where weaker tectonic movement resulted in the Longmen Mountain thrust belt being slightly uplifted and slightly subsiding the foreland basin;(3)the intense tectonic stage(J2-3),namely the early Yanshan movement;(4) continuous tectonic movement(K-E),namely the late Yaushan movement and early Himalayan movement;and(5)the formation of Longrnen Mountain(N-Q),namely the late Himalayan movement. During those tectonic deformation stages, the Anxian movement and Himalayan movement played important roles in the Longmen Mountain'S formation.The Himalayan movement affected Longmen Mountain the most;the strata thrust intensively and were eroded severely.There are some klippes in the middle part of the Longmen Mountain thrust belt because a few nappes were pushed southeastward in later tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带隆起造山独特性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
龙门山断裂带位于四川盆地西缘;青藏高原东部;为四川盆地与松潘—甘孜地块的接触构造边界。龙门山地区海拔从东侧100 km外四川盆地的500 m突升至3 000 m高度;明显地标注了青藏高原的东部边界;其隆升机制也引起了国内外地质工作者的广泛兴趣;并且提出了多种隆升机制模型。在本次研究中;我们利用SinoProbe-02深反射地震剖面数据对龙门山地区的隆升机制进行研究;从而进一步探讨龙门山地区隆起造山的独特性;并讨论其与传统意义中的造山带的区别;认为龙门山断裂造山带为板块内部构造活动引起岩石圈隆起所形成的。本文的研究结果将使我们更深刻地了解龙门山地区的构造活动特点;并且有助于了解青藏高原东缘对印度—欧亚板块碰撞的构造响应。  相似文献   

依据四川盆地晚三叠世须家河期至白垩纪盆地构造和沉积演化史的综合分析结果,认为该盆地属于发育在大型周缘前陆盆地基础上的陆内压性叠合盆地,具类前陆盆地性质。盆地形成和演化受周边龙门山、米仓山-大巴山和雪峰山3个造山带多期次非同步异方位的逆冲推覆活动控制,可划分为受盆缘造山带逆冲推覆作用控制的川西、川东北和川东南3个盆-山耦合次系统,区域上构成了独具特色的"三坳围一隆"构造-沉积格局。对应各造山带异方位的交替逆冲推覆活动,盆-山耦合过程又可划分为早期周缘前陆盆地(T3m→T3xt)、中期类前陆盆地(T3x→J3)、晚期萎缩衰亡(K)3个演化阶段。各演化阶段盆-山耦合过程的沉积学响应具有特征的异同性:差异性为对应各造山带逆冲推覆应力方位的变化,各亚阶段沉降-沉积中心位置各异,往复迁移于川西、川东北和川东南3个坳陷带;相似性为各次系统地层分布都呈自前缘坳陷带向前陆斜坡带和前陆隆起带上超减薄变细的楔状体,具有相似的沉积组合、相带展布和油气地质特征。  相似文献   

The Longmenshan thrust system consists of two major groups of structural styles according to the depth of their involvement: basement thrusts-compressional fault blocks; fold-thrust system in the cover. In cross-section, the Longmenshan structural belt is divided into 5 zones. The propagation of the Longmenshan thrust system is piggy-back due to pushing at the early stage and overstep due to gravity sliding at the late stage. Balanced cross-sections and palinspastic reconstruction reveal that the total sliding displacement of the thrust system amounts to 120 km. The tectonic evolution of the Tethys domain in western Sichuan has experienced 5 stages: continental break-up; ocean-continent subduction ; continent-arc collision; orogenic thrusting; uplift of western Sichuan.  相似文献   

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