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为了揭示不同发展模式下土地利用变化对碳储量的影响,以桂林市阳朔县兴坪镇西塘村的岩溶峰丛洼地为对象,采用InVEST模型对岩溶峰丛洼地的碳储量进行评估,并模拟2种情境(生态保护模式、经济发展模式)下植被类型对碳储量的影响。结果表明:研究区碳储量总量是16 641.68 t,碳密度是221.30 t·hm−2,经济总价值是1 997.00 万元,单位面积价值是26.56 万元·hm−2;人工林、自然林、经济林生态系统碳储量分别是339.38 t·hm−2、261.79 t·hm−2、150.34 t·hm−2,经济价值分别是40.72 万元·hm−2、31.42万元·hm−2、18.04万元·hm−2,且土壤碳储量是生态系统中最大碳库;自然林和经济林中土壤是最大的碳汇,而人工林中土壤和地上植被的碳汇较大;生态保护模式下研究区碳储量经济价值是2 252.14 万元,相比于现状增加了254.89 万元;经济发展模式下研究区碳储量经济价值是1 595.30 万元,相比于现状损失了401.95 万元。该研究成果为桂林漓江风景名胜区核心景区和桂林喀斯特世界自然遗产地确定未来发展模式和石漠化治理提供参考。  相似文献   

峰丛洼地表层岩溶动力系统季节变化规律   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
峰丛洼地表层岩溶动力系统与土壤CO2密切相关.土壤CO2体积分数变化受气温和降雨影响, 其季节变化特征表现为: 冬季的波谷、夏季的波峰交替出现, 秋季出现次波谷和次波峰.受降雨影响, 表层岩溶动力系统运行强度春、夏季较强, 秋、冬季较弱.从冬至夏, 在土壤CO2逐渐增多时, 系统溶解、转移碳的能力也逐渐增强.在土壤CO2和温度双重支配下, 系统由冬季的沉积趋势转为春、夏季的溶解趋势.   相似文献   

论中国岩溶峰丛洼地的形成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒋忠诚 《中国岩溶》1996,15(1):83-90
中国的岩溶峰丛洼地,作为世界岩溶的典型模式,主要分布于秦岭以南的湿热岩溶区,这种岩溶峰丛洼地以高度有序的民深洼地配置呈多边形为主要的地貌结构特征,古老坚硬的水平地层,质纯层厚的块状灰岩,相对隆升的地块和弱的外源水作用是峰洼地发育的基本条件。高温多雨,湿热同期的季风气候使峰丛洼地系统远离平衡态,并在系统自身地形结构的影响下产生了不同地貌部位的差异溶蚀作用,因此,我国特殊的气候是其奇特的峰丛洼地形成的  相似文献   

以桂林市郊区某变电站工程为例,在地面调查、钻探及高密度电法测试的基础上,分析了峰丛洼地的岩溶发育特征。强调了地面调查在岩溶勘察中的重要性。  相似文献   

通过网格(5 m×5 m)取样,用地统计学方法研究了喀斯特峰丛洼地4个典型植被类型表层土壤(0~10 cm)水分的空间异质特征,探讨了其生态学过程和机制。结果表明,随着干扰强度的降低,植被产生了由农作物(Ⅰ)?人工林(Ⅱ)?次生林(Ⅲ)?原生林(Ⅳ)的变化,土壤水分显著提高,空间变异特征明显不同,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ分别符合指数模型、高斯模型、指数模型和球状模型,块金值与基台值之比(C0/(C0+C))在0.269~0.500之间,具有中等的空间相关性,Ⅰ和Ⅳ土壤水分的空间结构相似,(C0/(C0+C))值较大,随机因素和自相关异质性各占50%,分维数D值较大,空间依赖性较小,Ⅱ和Ⅳ相反;农业耕作区土壤水分的空间延续范围较大,变程达252.9 m,其他3个植被类型的变程均较小(141.2~163.2 m);Kriging等值线图从不同位置和方向上清楚地表明Ⅰ和Ⅳ土壤水分的空间分布均呈凸型分布,Ⅱ呈单峰分布,Ⅲ呈凹型分布;影响土壤水分空间分布的因子很多,其中干扰通过对植被的调控发挥了关键作用,降低干扰是喀斯特峰丛洼地脆弱生态系统水资源改善、合理利用及生态恢复重建的重要举措。   相似文献   

岩溶峰丛洼地的农业生态效应研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
赵翠薇 《中国岩溶》1998,17(2):133-140
峰丛洼地区是一个缺水少土、旱涝灾害严重、农业生态环境十分严酷的区域。本文在对三个样区进行研究的基础上,探讨了峰丛洼地独特的水文地貌结构对农业生产的制约以及对自然村落分布格局的影响,并进一步讨论了该区域经济发展、生态实现良性循环的途径。  相似文献   

岩溶峰丛洼地水土漏失及防治研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所岩溶生态研究团队在国家科技支撑计划和广西科技攻关项目联合资助下,自21世纪以来一直从事西南岩溶山区水土漏失创新性研究。2013年取得了一系列进展,阐明了水土漏失的概念、过程和数学模型;运用野外监测和先进的同位素技术,首次系统揭示了岩溶峰丛洼地不同地貌部位和不同生态环境的水土漏失定量差异和原因,建立了适宜岩溶区特点的水土流失强度分级标准和土壤侵蚀回归模型,创建了生物措施与工程措施有机结合的岩溶峰丛洼地水土保持模式和技术规程,开辟了岩溶石漠化环境生态效益与经济效益俱佳的火龙果生态产业,为西南岩溶地区石漠化综合治理和水土保持提供了技术支撑和示范样板。  相似文献   

峰丛洼地的基岩物质组成与土地退化差异分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
根据可溶岩层组中非可溶夹层的出露情况对我国西南岩溶山区峰丛洼地进行了划分,并对不同基岩物质组成的峰丛洼地的土壤、土地类型及植被、坡面形态和地表径流特征及其差异进行了论述。在此基础上对不同基岩物质组成的峰丛洼地土地退化的过程及其差异进行了分析,进而论证了各地貌部位合理的土地利用布局。   相似文献   

桂林峰丛洼地岩溶动力系统CO2特征及变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桂林岩溶水文地质试验场属于典型的峰丛洼地地区.峰丛洼地表层岩溶动力系统与土壤CO2密切相关,土壤CO2体积分数以及表层岩溶带土壤CO2溶蚀量的变化受气温和降雨影响.对不同部位不同深度的土壤CO2体积分数进行了野外监测,并利用多参数自动记录仪监测了泉水的水化学,揭示了CO2体积分数的变化规律.其变化特征表现为:①土壤CO2体积分数的季节变化在泉水水化学上和土壤CO2溶蚀量上均能反映出来;②土壤CO2体积分数的变化具有季节性;③50 cm处的CO2体积分数较20 cm处大;④土壤层对泉水水化学起到重要调蓄作用.  相似文献   

Through utilizing water flow monitoring, rock scratching, soil wood piles and radionuclide 137Cs tracing in the Longhe karst ecological experimental site (hereinafter referred to“Longhe site”), Pingguo County, Guangxi Province, the features and values of soil erosion and soil leakage in different geomorphologic locations and land uses in the karst peak-cluster depressions are showed clearly. There are four kinds of geomorphologic locations in the karst peak-cluster depression, namely peaks, strip, slopes and depression. The soil leakage modulus in the peaks and strips respectively occupy 92.43% and 96.24% of the total mean soil erosion modulus at experimental sites. On the slope, soil leakage accounted for about 75%. At the bottom of depression, surface water was the main factor of soil erosion, and at last most soil leaked into underground rivers from sinkholes. The total soil erosion modulus and the contribution rates of relative surface soil erosion in regard of peaks, slopes and depressions gradually increased. There are also five major types of land use in the karst peak-cluster depressions, farmland, Kudingcha tea plantations, young Lignum Sappan fields, shrub-grassland and pastures. The soil erosion modulus of slope farmland has the highest value with an increasing trend year by year. But soil erosion modulus of other four land use types decreased by year, which shows the “grain for green” will result in better soil protection. By handling with rocky desertification and ecological rehabilitation in Longhe site, the mean soil erosion modulus of the karst peak-cluster depression has decreased about 80% from 2003 to 2015.  相似文献   

黔中典型喀斯特地区土壤水分时空特性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
土壤水分是岩溶山区植被恢复和生态环境建设的关键性限制因素.利用黔中喀斯特普定石漠化研究基地的采样分析数据,用回归模型分析了不同利用类型(坡面、洼地)0~50cm土壤水分的动态变化规律;探讨了土壤水分空间变化的影响因子.结果表明,坡面和洼地土壤水分呈现弱变异特征,其中坡面土壤水分变异程度相对较大,变程分别是30.4~24.5和30.4~26.2.在剖面上,两者的垂直变异趋势大致相反,坡面土壤水分变异系数随土层的加深而增大;而洼地由于受外界自然条件的干扰相对较小,变异系数随着土层深度的增加而减小,而且其中的不同土地利用类型都是在40~50cm处达到最小.研究显示,植被覆盖度提高后土壤总体上朝着有利于水分保蓄和植被恢复的方向转变.  相似文献   

Permafrost degradation has the potential to significantly change soil moisture. The objective of this study was to assess the variability of soil moisture in a permafrost region using geostatistical techniques. The experiment was conducted in August 2008 in alpine steppe and meadow located in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region. Four soil depths (0–10, 10–20, 20–30 and 30–40 cm) were analyzed using frequency domain reflectometry, and sampling made of 80 points in a 10 m × 10 m grid were sampled. Soil moisture was analyzed using classical statistics to appropriately describe central tendency and dispersion, and then using geostatistics to describe spatial variability. Classical statistical method indicated that soil moisture in the permafrost region had a normal distribution pattern. Mean surface soil moisture in alpine meadow was higher than that in alpine steppe. The semivariograms showed that soil moisture variability in alpine cold steppe was larger than that in alpine meadow, which decreased with depths. Nugget values in alpine steppe were low (0.1–4.5), in contrast to alpine cold meadow. Soil moisture in alpine steppe had highly structured spatial variability with more than 93.4% spatial heterogeneity, and the range decreased with depth. Soil moisture content in alpine cold meadow had a moderate spatial dependence with a range of 51.3–169.2 m, increasing with depth.  相似文献   

Based on the experimental data collected from 2002 to 2010 in Jilin province, we performed multifractal analysis to investigate the spatial variability of soil moisture during 9 years from 2002 to 2010 and about 60 days from April 21 to June 21 in 2010, and analyzed the relationship between soil moisture and precipitation. The results showed that the soil moisture was multifractal. It was intermediate variability in the soil sample. From 2002 to 2010, the spatial variation of soil moisture was charactered by long distance in 2004, 2006, and 2009 and short distance in 2002, 2003, and 2008. The spatial variation of soil moisture was charactered by long distance from April 21 to May 11 and late June. It was charactered by short distance from May 11 to June 21. From April 11 to July 1, 2010, the spatial variation of soil moisture was mainly affected by the spatial variation of precipitation. From 2002 to 2010, the spatial variation of soil moisture was mainly affected by precipitation in 2006, 2009, and 2010. The spatial variation of precipitation had little effect on soil moisture during 2002 to 2005 and 2007 to 2008. This study analyzed the multifractal characteristic of soil moisture from the perspective of water resources divisions, which can provide references for soil water resources evaluation and water resources allocation.  相似文献   

文章以喀斯特峰丛洼地的核桃(Juglans regia)人工林为研究对象,采用野外与室内相结合的方法,分析了不同林龄核桃生物量与土壤养分的变化规律,比较了土壤养分与环境因子(坡度、坡向、坡位和裸岩率)的相关性,探讨了土壤养分对生物量的影响作用。结果表明:(1) 核桃林生物量随林龄的增大而增大;不同林龄均以树干和根系比重为主,占整个生物量的60%以上;(2) 除速效钾外,土壤养分表现为盛产期(33年)>幼苗期(2年)>初果期(10年),不同林龄之间的土壤养分差异显著;(3)相关分析表明,土壤养分与坡位、裸岩率无相关性,与坡度、植被覆盖率呈负相关;(4)主要影响核桃幼苗期生物量的是全磷,初果期的是速效磷,盛果期的是速效氮。因而土壤肥力状况是喀斯特地区核桃人工林培育需要考虑的重要因素之一。   相似文献   

贵州喀斯特区域土壤水分时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于贵州喀斯特区域2011-2015年53个自动土壤水分观测站0~100 cm的逐日土壤水分、降水、气温资料,分析了不同农业气候区土壤水分时空分布特征、变异系数以及土层之间的相关关系。得出以下主要结论:(1)各区土壤水分的范围总体相差较小,据 0~100 cm层土壤水分相对小值区的分布形态,可分为持续性土壤干旱区、季节性土壤干旱区、土壤湿润区。(2)依据各区土壤水分的变异系数相对大值区的时空分布形态类似可分为变异一致区、季节变异区及持续变异区。(3)通过10~50 cm对其下层土壤水分的关系研究发现,温暖湿润区、温和湿润区、高寒区研究土层(10~50 cm)与其下层(20~90 cm)土壤水分相关系数均>0.60,其余各区土层只与其下20~40 cm土层相关系数较大,而对其下更深土层相关系数较小;从滑动日数来看,各区10~50 cm土层与其下10~20 cm、30~50 cm、60~100 cm层最大相关系数的滑动日数随深度的增加而增加,分别为3~10日、10~20日、20~30日。(4)通过对比各区土壤水分与其变异系数分布特征发现,土壤水分的低值区发生的层次及时间与变异系数大值区基本相对应,土壤水分的变化除与降水、气温直接关系外,还可能与土质及环境等其他要素有关。   相似文献   

Temporal and spatial dynamics of soil moisture are little known on karst hillslope with shallow soil in subtropical region. The objectives of this paper were (1) to investigate the temporal dynamics of soil moisture at depth of 0–10 cm under different land uses; and (2) to understand the relationship between mean and coefficient of variation (CV) of moisture contents on karst hillslope in northwest Guangxi, China. Soil moisture contents had a moderate variation (CV 17.5–30.3%) over an 8-month period and they had a significant difference among different land uses at the 0.01 level with a decreasing order: native scrubland > abandoned cropland and sloping cropland > economic forestland. There were higher mean and lower CV of moisture contents in rainy season than those in drought season. Mean and CV of moisture contents had a significant negative linear relationship except in abandoned cropland with higher soil and vegetation heterogeneity. This suggested that spatial variability of soil moisture within sampling sites would decrease when soils were wet and increase when soils were arid. Compared with rainy season, more soil samples may be needed and the interval for sampling should be shortened in drought season. Such information provided some insights to better understand the dynamics and variability of soil moisture at a larger scale in karst region of southwest China.  相似文献   

大气降水入渗系数α、地下水径流模数M是最基础的水文地质参数,文章以封闭型寨底岩溶地下河流域结合2013年3月至2014年2月一个完整水文年的水位、流量、雨量高频率监测数据,采用水量均衡法得到了岩溶区枯平丰水期大气降水入渗系数,分别为0.352、0.528、0.726,平均入渗系数为0.635。地下水径流模数分别为8.32、19.80、61.15 L·s-1·km-2,年平均径流模数为33.36 L·s·-1·km-2。其计算方法和计算结果对同类型岩溶区水资源评价等有一定的借鉴意义。   相似文献   

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